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射阳县盘湾中学2018届高三英语周练10.28总分120分,时间100分钟班级:_ 姓名: _ 总分:_第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Research found that when people share their efforts and knowledge, the_ is greater than the total of their efforts as individuals.A. procedureB. outcome C. ownershipD. revenue22. A lake project, which will be a landmark construction of the city, _ on land that only one year ago was mostly farmland. A. is builtB. was built C. has been builtD. is being built23. Lack of communication causes relationships to fail. My failure is a case in point, _ I should learn a lesson.A. in whichB. to which C. from whichD. by which24. Teachers would like students to think and discuss problems in groups but they dont tolerate _ in class.A. they talk B. them to talkC. them talkedD. their talking25. -What if I cancel my files by accident?- Our standard advice: before you do anything, _ your data.A. backupB. polish upC. hold upD. step up26. -How was your trip to the mountains?-Turned out to be_relaxing. Though we made it to the top, we caught a sudden storm and got wet to the skin.A. more thanB. nothing butC. all tooD. anythingbut27. When it comes to _ prevents some students from reading novels, it seems that too much homework is to blame.A. what it is that B. why it is that C. what is it D. why is it28. Many believe that whoever makes a great advancement in art or science_ the same in any other if chance had thrown it in his way.A. would do B. could doC. wouldhavedoneD. would be doing29. I have kept the school club poster _ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my first year of high school.A. becauseB. when C. where D. whether30. Big as they are, Antarctic ice sheets are melting at increasing rates,as_the worlds glaciers in other places. A. do B. are C. have D. have been31. To improve tour services, the Tourist Board _ all recommended hotels at least once a year.A. inspects B. instructs C. conducts D. constructs 32. Being a young writer of the post 90s, Zhang Haochen created an _ account of the life of young people in his collection of stories.A. automaticB. authenticC. enthusiasticD. energetic33. Like other astronauts, Liu Yang succeeded _ her courage, determination, and perseverance.A. in regard to B. in response toC. by way of D. by virtue of34. Many times the generation gap arises when parents and children dont _ on important issues.A. hit the roadB. make ends meet C. see eye to eye D. cry over spilt milk35. -_! Im going to Europe this summer.-Really? Congratulations!A. Guess what B. Come onC. My goodnessD. Just my luck第二节: 完形填空(共20 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分20 分)Final class of the day. Ive managed to avoid him for the 36 of the day, somehow 37 his attempts at conversation. Rushing into the crowded hall, I push through the swarm of noisy students, longing to 38 my locker. Finally Ive made ithes 39 in sight.I open my locker and lean into it, sighing with 40 , when I see him. I straighten up, 41 throwing everything into that tiny metal box, but my hands arent cooperating. My nerves are making me shake, disconnecting my 42 from the rest of my body. He grabs my arm and says, “Now can I 43 to you?”My stomach starts to stir up and I know things will be 44 now. Somehow I always knew it would come down to this moment. He stares at me, 45 . I look at my feet, not wanting to see him 46 his love. Ive known him since first grade. Weve been friends for what seems like 47 , but never ventured anywhere 48 that. To be honest, it never occurred to me that he could someday be more than a friend.“I said I like you. I like you a lot. Didnt you know?”Of course I knew. Im not 49 . I guess I was hoping it was just Puppy love. I know what you want me to say. I cant and I wont. I look at you and I see a 50 , not a boyfriend. I dont think anything could 51 change that in my mind.Everyone knew wed 52 here. Now its senior year and youve finally found the 53 to tell me how you feel. Id love to blame you for this awkwardness, but truthfully, its my 54 that weve reached this 55 , and now I have to make things right.36. A. troubleB. eventsC. majorityD. rest37. A. escapingB. consideringC. rememberingD. opposing38. A. openB. reachC. close D. fix39. A. anyhowB. anywhereC. somewhereD. nowhere40. A. emotionB. sorrowC. reliefD. despair41. A. angrilyB. hurriedlyC. casuallyD. violently42. A. mindB. heartC. eyesD. feet43. A. returnB. adaptC. relateD. talk44. A. toughB. easyC. clearD. different45. A. disappointedlyB. expectantlyC. fearfullyD. attentively46. A. declareB. withdrawC. shareD. seek47. A. daysB. weeksC. monthsD. always48. A. nearB. beyondC. withD. without49. A. awareB. sureC. stupidD. alone50. A. brotherB. strangerC. soul-mateD. schoolmate51. A. stillB. everC. thereforeD. consequently52. A. sign outB. stick outC. end upD. show up53. A. evidenceB. reasonC. moodD. courage54. A. faultB. ideaC. wishD. decision55. A. agreementB. goalC. pointD. conclusion第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ANotice: Medical AlertDear Reader,Medical related emergencies are on the rise. More seniors are seeking an independent lifestyle and better quality of life. Over 1 in 3 people over the age of 64 will fall this year. Nearly half will not be able to get up without support.Medical expenses can escalate when a person is not given timely support. You can prevent a medical catastrophe with our 24-hour emergency response system. Our solution is highly recommended by doctors, healthcare professionals, and hospitals. We are offering a FREE Medical Alert System to seniors or their loved ones who call now. For a limited time, there will be no set-up fees and the medical monitoring starts at less than a dollar a day. The system is Top-Ranked and easy-to-use. The pendant is 100% waterproof and it can travel with you. Our new system can detect falls automatically.Call Toll-Free 1-800-360-0405 and gain peace of mind. There is no long-term contract. Our medical alert professionals can walk you through everything over the phone.The first 100 callers to order will recive Free Medical Alert System ($300 value) 24 Hours a Day / 7 Days a Week LIVE Monitoring and Support Free Waterproof Necklace Pendant or Wristband No Long-Term Contract Free Shipping (mention “Readers Digest”)Dont wait until after a fall to give us a call. Take advantage of this special offer now to protect yourself or a loved one.Call Now Toll-Free: 1-800-360-0405 and mention “Readers Digest”Sincerely, Geoff GrossPresident56. The Medical Alert System is intended for _.A. the elderlyB. doctorsC. readersD. professionals57. One of the advantages of the system is that _.A. there is only a short-term contractB. its cheap and there is no set-up feeC.it can detect falls round the clockD. delivery is free for whoever callsBInstead of extending your arm or using a selfie stick to snap shots of you and your crew, you could use a new pocket-size droneAirSelfieto help you remotely capture aerial photos and videos.The AirSelfie is the brainchild of Italian entrepreneur Edoardo Stroppiana, who came up with the idea in 2014. AirSelfie is specifically designed and produced for people who used to think drone cameras are extremely complicated to use too expensive and bulky, Stroppiana said.The AirSelfie is equipped with a 5-megapixel camera that can shoot full high-definition (HD) 1080p video, as well as a 4GB microSD card. Using the AirSelfie, people, groups and companies can take pictures of themselves, their backgrounds and their projects from distances, heights and angles that they never could using their arms or a stick, Stroppiana said. The drones four rotors help it fly up to 65 feet (20 meters) in the air. The flying camera measures only about 3.72 by 2.65 by 0.42 inches (9.45 by 6.73 by 1.07 centimeters) smaller than a smartphone, Stroppiana said and weighs 1.83 ounces (52 grams).The drone uses sonar to measure its altitude and keeps itself stable with the help of a tiny extra camera to monitor its surroundings for signs of jitter. It is also equipped with gyroscopes, barometers and geomagnetic sensors that help it navigate as it flies, said AirSelfie Holdings Ltd. in London, the company that Stroppiana co-founded in 2016 to manufacture the drone.The AirSelfie is controlled via a free iOS or Android app. The app can make the drone take off; adjust its height and direction; let it hover autonomously; and help users take an HD aerial shot or video with just a push of a button. Users can also activate a 10-second timer, giving people enough time to hide their phones so they dont appear in the picture or video. The drone can take up to eight consecutive shots, the company said.The AirSelfie uses Wi-Fi to send photos and videos wirelessly to smartphones. The app also allows users to post photos and videos taken with the drone immediately on social media.After snapping photos, the drone can return to its departure point automatically with the touch of a button. Users can also guide the AirSelfie back manually, and its manufacturers said it is safe for the drone to land on a persons open hand, or even for people to grab the drone while it is still hovering in midair.A rechargeable lithium polymer battery gives the AirSelfie a flight time of 3 minutes, according to the company. An accessory known as the Power Bank slips over the AirSelfie like a smartphone case, and can recharge the drone in 30 minutes. The Power Bank can hold 20 such charges before it needs to be recharged, the company said. Users can also recharge the AirSelfie directly with a micro-USB cable.The company said it developed a fully functioning prototype in August. On Nov. 17, the company launched a Kickstarter campaign to make the AirSelfie available via preorder, and it met its $47,714 goal in less than three days. The campaign, which is scheduled to end Dec. 24, has raised more than $500,000 from more than 2,300 backers. In addition, the company has received $3 million from private angel investors in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and China, Stroppiana said.The first preordered drones are scheduled for delivery in March. The drone is expected to hit the market in 2017 for a retail price of $300.58. Choose an item from A, B, C or D to complete the following process:use the app to makethe drone take off_to shoot pictures send pictures to smart phonespost photos on social media A. let it hoverB. adjust its heightC. press a buttonD. activate the timer59. What is a benefit of the AirSelfie compared to a selfie stick?A. It is smaller and lighter.B. It can be controlled at a distance.C. It takes high-definition picture of videos.D. People and companies can take pictures of themselves.60. The author of this passage seems to believe the AirSelfie drone is _. A. expensiveB. energy-savingC. environmentally friendly D. promisingCA common sight in malls, in pizza parlors, in Starbucks, and wherever else American teens hang out: three or four kids, hooded, gathered around a table, leaning over like monks or druids, their eyes fastened to the smartphones held in front of them. Looking at them, you can envy their happiness. You can also find yourself wishing them immersed in a different kind of happinessin a superb book or a series of books, in the reading obsession itself! You should probably keep on wishing.Its very likely that teen-agers, attached to screens of one sort or another, read more words than they ever have in the past. But they often read scraps, excerpts, articles, parts of articles, messages, pieces of information from everywhere and from nowhere. Its likely that they are reading fewer books. Yes, millions of kids have read Harry Potter, “The Lord of the Rings,” “The Hunger Games,” and other fantasy and dystopian fictions; also vampire romance, graphic novels (some very good), and young-adult novels. Yet what happens as they move toward adolescence? When they become twelve or thirteen, kids often stop reading seriously. The boys veer off into sports or computer games, the girls into friendship in all its wrenching mysteries and satisfactions of favor and exclusion. Much of their social life, for boys as well as girls, is now conducted on smartphones, where teen-agers dont have to confront one another. The terror of eye contact! If kids are avoiding eye contact, they are avoiding books even more. Work by the Pew Research Center and other outfits have confirmed that few late teen-agers are reading many books. A recent summary of studies cited by Common Sense Media indicates that American teen-agers are less likely to read “for fun” at seventeen than at thirteen. The category of reading “for fun” is itself a little depressing, since it divides reading into duty (for school) and gratification (sitting on a beach towel), as if the two were necessarily opposed. My own observation, after spending a lot of time talking to teen-agers in recent years: reading anything serious has become a chore, like doing the laundry or prepping a meal for a kid brother. Or, if its not a chore, its just an activity, like swimming or shopping, an activity like any other. Its not something that runs through the rest of their lives. In sum, reading has lost its privileged status. Often, they look at you blankly when you ask them what they are reading on their own.Of course, these kids are very busy. School, homework, sports, jobs, clothes, parents, brothers, sisters, half brothers, half sisters, friendships, love affairs, hanging out, music, and, most of all, screenscompared with all of that, reading a book is a weak, petulant claimant on their time. Reading frustrates their smartphone sense of being everywhere at once. Being unconnected makes them anxious and even angry. “Books smell like old people,” I heard a student say in New Haven.I know that reading literature, history, science, and the rest of the liberal-arts canon helps produce three-dimensional human beings. But how is a taste for such reading created in the first place? Infants held in their parents arms, told stories, and read to will not remember the images or the words, but they will likely remember the warmth and comfort associated with books and conversation, especially when the experience is repeated hundreds of times. The luckiest of the children fall out of parents arms into preschool. In the good ones, books are read aloud, valued, expounded, held up for kids to enjoy. The rest of American children arrive at school in kindergarten and are then, for thirteen years, either nurtured or betrayed by teachers.61. Why does the author mention Harry Potter in the second paragraph?A. To show that teenagers dont read seriously.B. To show smart phones are more attractive to teenagers.C. To prove that Harry Potter series are popular among teenagers.D. To prove that sports, computer games and friendship are more valuable.62. In what way does serious reading resemble a chore to teenagers?A. Swimming and shopping are similar activities.B. Reading books will teach teenagers to be polite.C. Reading can be divided into duty and gratification.D. Serious reading is no longer teenagers life-long hobby.63. According to the author, teachers should encourage students to read seriously by _.A. assigning students less homeworkB. developing their love for readingC. taking reading as a privileged status.D. associating books with warmth and comfort64. The best title for this passage is _.A. Books smell like old peopleB. smart phones VS serious readingC. Do teens read seriously any more?D. Educating 3 dimensional human beings DThe eyeliner makes the dark circles less visible. The lip gloss hides the trembling. The ponytail hides missing patches of hair. The Abercrombie sweater covers bruises. I might look at bit thinner, but everyone will ask about my new diet. My hair might not shine the way it used to, but the pink ribbon will distract curious eyes. One hour of preparation and I look like myself. One hour of preparation and no one will know. One hour out of 24. Sometimes I wonder if its worth it wasting a twenty-fourth of my day on a lie. But then I see my wispy hair and baggy eyes, and I have to do it.Checking my makeup one last time, I push my sleeves up, though not past my elbows. I slip on a cute pair of flat shoes heels are too dangerous with shaky legs and grab my Hollister bag. Padding downstairs, I breathe in the scent of waffles and syrup. “Morning, Mom,” I call.“Morning, baby,” she chirps. “Did you sleep well?”“Better than I have been.”She sighs, and her eyes look a hundred years old for a minute. “Any improvement is good,” she says half-heartedly.“Of course.”“I made waffles.” Her offering.“Thanks, Mom. Smells delicious.” My offering.I sit at the table and she hands me a plate. The thought of all that food turns my stomach, but I force a smile and thank my mother again. She busies herself at the sink and fills the silence with chatter. When she turns around, she takes in the waffles still on my plate, only missing a few bites. I smile apologetically.“Im not very hungry this morning.”“Youll need your strength for this afternoon.” She bites her lip. She doesnt like to bring it up over breakfast. I eat another bite.“I packed your lunch.”“Im 18, Mom. I can pack my own lunch. You have more important things to do.”She reaches for the paper sack. “But now I know youll have something to eat. And you need to eat, okay? You have to keep your strength up.”Sighing, I take the bag. I know this peanut butter and jelly sandwich wont be eaten, not any more than the one yesterday or the day before. Anything consumed after 11 ends up in a plastic basin at 4:07. Its just the way it works. “Hon, have you thought about what I said the other day?” she asks.I shrug noncommittally. “Sweetheart, you cant hide this forever. Eventually youre going to miss school and people will start asking questions.”“Mom, I have two months left of high school. I can make it till then. Im class president and probably will make a graduation speech. I was voted Most popular, Most fun to be around, Best smile, and Most likely to succeed. Im the girl whos got it all together. People dont want to know that the girl whos got it all together, doesnt have it all together. People dont want to know that girl is dying!”“Honey, dont say that. Youre not dying.”“Yes, I am. You heard Dr. Morrison. I have maybe a year left. Mom, listen to me. I dont want to be the girl everyone looks at and whispers, Look at her. Poor thing! I cant handle that. I want to be normal. Just for these last two months.”“Okay,” she whispers. “Okay. Just remember, its okay if you dont have it all together. Sometimes things just fall apart and theres nothing we can do.”“Thanks, Mom.” I grab my bag and lunch and kiss her on the cheek. “I love you.” “I love you too,” my mom replies. This exchange, once taken for granted, is now a vital part of every morning, every afternoon, every night. Three little words, followed by four more, have come to mean more than an entire conversation. They bridge all gaps and disagreements, becau

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