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Unit 11 中国和欧洲是两大战略力量,肩负推动全球经济发展、促进人类文明进步、维护世界和平的崇高使命,双方正在形成不断放大的战略交集。中国是最大的新兴市场国家,欧盟是最大的发达经济体,最大与最大交融,一切都有可能,新兴与发达携手,优势就会倍增,中欧在新兴和发达经济体合作中可以 成为典范。China and Europe are two major strategic forces. We both undertake the lofty mission of promoting global economy, advancing human civilization and progress and safeguarding world peace. The two sides are expanding their converging strategic interests. China is the largest emerging market and the EU the largest developed economy. Nothing is impossible when the two largests converge. And strength will be multiplied if the emerging meets the developed. China-EU cooperation may serve as a fine example of that between the emerging and developed economies.2近40年的中欧关系,已由一棵小苗长成枝繁叶茂的大树,这棵树上挂满了累累果实。无论是政治互信、经贸合作还是人文交流,都达到了前所未有的高度。中欧建交以来,双方贸易增长了230多倍,现在 平均每天就有15亿美元的贸易往来。也就是说,在我演讲的这20分钟里,中欧之间达成了几千万美元的合作。共同利益的纽带使双边关系充满吸引力和扩展力,这让我们对中欧未来充满信心。Over the past four decades, the China-Europe relationship has grown from a seedling into a luxuriant tree that has borne rich fruits. Our political trust, economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges have all scaled unprecedented heights. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, trade between China and Europe has increased by over 230 folds. Every day, some US$1.5 billion worth of trade is being conducted between the two sides, which means that during the twenty minutes of my speech today, the two sides have already concluded trade deals worth tens of millions of US dollars. The bond of common interests between us makes China-Europe relations even more appealing and expansible, which gives us every reason to be confident in the future of China and Europe.Unit 2加大环境治理力度,推动绿色发展取得新突破。治理污染、保护环境,事关人民群众健康和可持续发展,必须强力推进,下决心走出一条经济发展与环境改善双赢之路。We will step up environmental governance efforts and work to see breakthroughs in green development. Pollution control and environmental protection are important to both the health of our people and sustainable development, so we must work hard moving forward and resolve to take a path that leads to both economic development and environmental improvement.重拳治理大气雾霾和水污染。今年化学需氧量、氨氮排放量要分别下降2%,二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放量分别下降3%,重点地区细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度继续下降。着力抓好减少燃煤排放和机动车排放。加强煤炭清洁高效利用,减少散煤使用,推进以电代煤、以气代煤。全面实施燃煤电厂超低排放和节能改造。加快淘汰不符合强制性标准的燃煤锅炉。增加天然气供应,完善风能、太阳能、生物质能等发展扶持政策,提高清洁能源比重。鼓励秸秆资源化综合利用,限制直接焚烧。全面推广车用燃油国五标准,淘汰黄标车和老旧车380万辆。在重点区域实行大气污染联防联控。全面推进城镇污水处理设施建设与改造,加强农业面源污染和流域水环境综合治理。加大工业污染源治理力度,对排污企业全面实行在线监测。强化环境保护督察,做到奖惩分明。新修订的环境保护法必须严格执行,对超排偷排者必须依法严厉打击,对姑息纵容者必须依法严肃追究。We will take strong measures against air and water pollution. This year, we will ensure that chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions are both reduced by 2%, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions are cut by 3%, and the density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in key areas continues to fall. We will focus on promoting the reduction of emissions from the burning of coal and motor vehicles. We will work to promote cleaner and more efficient use of coal, ensure there is less use of untreated coal, and do more to see coal substituted with electricity and natural gas. We will upgrade coal-burning power plants nationwide to achieve ultra-low emissions and energy efficiency, and we will move faster to shut down coal-fired boilers that do not meet compulsory standards. We will increase natural gas supply, improve policy support for the development of wind, solar, and biomass energy, and increase the proportion of clean energy in total energy consumption. We will encourage a whole range of forms of straw utilization and restrict open burning. We will push for the use of automobile gasoline and diesel fuel that meet National-V standards nationwide and see that 3.8 million old or high-emission vehicles are taken off the roads. We will coordinate efforts to prevent and control air pollution in regions where it presents a problem. We will press ahead with the nationwide development and upgrading of urban sewage treatment facilities, and strengthen comprehensive efforts aimed at controlling agricultural pollution from non-point sources and at improving the water environment in river basin areas. We will step up efforts to deal with industrial pollution at the source and conduct online monitoring of all polluting enterprises. We will strengthen environmental inspection and reward and punish as appropriate. We must ensure that the newly revised Environmental Protection Law is strictly enforced, that those who emit pollutants beyond the limit allowed by their permit or without a permit are severely punished as stipulated by law, and that those who knowingly allow such violations are held to account in accordance with the law.大力发展节能环保产业。扩大绿色环保标准覆盖面。完善扶持政策,支持推广节能环保先进技术装备,广泛开展合同能源管理和环境污染第三方治理,加大建筑节能改造力度,加快传统制造业绿色改造。开展全民节能、节水行动,推进垃圾分类处理,健全再生资源回收利用网络,把节能环保产业培育成我国发展的一大支柱产业。We will work to develop the energy conservation and environmental protection industries. We will ensure that environmental standards are applied in more areas. We will improve policy support to encourage the use of energy-saving and environmentally friendly advanced technologies and equipment, promote on a large scale contracted energy management and third-party treatment of environmental pollution, and work to see that energy-saving renovations in buildings are strengthened and efforts are accelerated to make traditional manufacturing more eco-friendly. We will encourage everyone to conserve energy and water, make progress in using sorted treatment of waste, improve the networks for recycling renewable resources, and turn the energy conservation and environmental protection industries into pillar industries underpinning Chinas development.加强生态安全屏障建设。健全生态保护补偿机制。停止天然林商业性采伐,实行新一轮草原生态保护补助奖励政策。推进地下水超采区综合治理试点,实施湿地等生态保护与恢复工程,继续治理荒漠化、石漠化和水土流失。保护环境,人人有责。每一个社会成员都要自觉行动起来,为建设美丽中国贡献力量。We will continue to develop ecological security barriers. We will improve mechanisms for compensating for ecological conservation efforts. Commercial logging in natural forests will be banned, and a new round of subsidy and award policies for grassland ecological conservation efforts will be implemented. Trials to comprehensively deal with the over-abstraction of groundwater will be moved ahead, more will be done to protect and restore wetlands and other ecosystems, and continued efforts will be made to curb desertification, rock desertification, and soil erosion. Every one of us has an obligation to protect the environment - we call on every member of society to act and contribute to the building of a Beautiful China.Unit3经济发展不是短跑,而是没有终点的长 跑,要有一定的速度,但更重要的是耐 力和后劲。中国经济增长的质量效益在提升,这是我们希望看到的。服务业比重继续上升,电子商务、物流快递等新兴业态 快速发展,高技术产业和装备制造业增长 快于整个工业,产业结构调整优化跨了 栏。节能减排也交出一份好的成绩单,上半年单位GDP能耗同比下降4.2%、碳排放 强度下降5%左右,是多年来最大的降幅。 我们的居民收入持续增加,消费需求平稳增长,特别是大众消费快速上升,人民群众得到了实实在在的好处。Economic growth is not a sprint but rather a long-distance running that will never end. It demands certain speed. More importantly, it demands perseverance and staying power. The quality and efficiency of Chinas economic growth is improving, something that we hope to see. With the continued rise of the proportion of the service industry, the rapid development of emerging industries such as e-commerce, logistics and express delivery, and the growth of high-tech industries and equipment manufacturing faster than the entire secondary industry, the adjustment and improvement of industrial structure has progressed by leaps and bounds. We have also seen encouraging results in energy conservation and emissions reduction. Energy consumption per unit of GDP was down by 4.2%, and carbon intensity down by about 5% in the first half of this year, the biggest cuts in years. With growing household income, consumer demand is also rising steadily. In particular, consumption by the general public is increasing rapidly. People have enjoyed tangible benefits in the course of economic development.为促进经济平稳运行,我们将在保持政策总体稳定的基础上,更加积极地作为。下一步,我们还会加大改革创新力度,不仅对体制性障碍拆藩篱,还对结构性矛盾动手术,弥补发展中的短板,做强实体经济的筋骨。比如,在财政资金、金融信贷上,盘活存量、用好增量,支持三农、小微企业、新兴业态等实体经济发展,继续推进中西部铁路、城镇棚户区改造、水利、污染防治等重大民生和发展工程,增加公共产品供给。有改革创新形成的强劲动能,我们对实现今年经济社会发展主要预期目标充满信心。To ensure stable economic performance, we will be more proactive on the basis of maintaining overall policy stability. As a next step, we will further enhance reform and innovation. In addition to removing systematic obstacles, we will also address structural problems by strengthening weak links in development and in the real economy. For example, on finance and credit, we will make good use of both existing and additional resources to support the development of agriculture, rural areas, farmers, small and micro-enterprises, emerging industries and other forms of the real economy. We will continue to advance major livelihood and development projects such as railways in Central and Western China, renovation of urban run-down areas, water conservancy and pollution prevention and treatment, and make efforts to increase the supply of public goods. With the strong driving force of reform and innovation, we have every confidence that we could achieve the main targets for this years economic and social development.Unit4 So long and so much have I been looking forward to it. Now the east wind blows again and I finally hear the footsteps of approaching spring.All living beings seem to have woken up from a sound sleep and opened their eyes cheerfully. Mountains are greening, waters are welling, and the sun is glowing more brightly. Little blades of grass, so delicate and greenish, are poking their little heads out of the ground. They are spreading out everywhere within your sightin gardens and in fields. And you may feel inclined to sit, or lie, or just roll yourself on the soft grass;you may alsowant to play football, do several rounds of running, or play hide-and-seek there, in the gentle breeze. The breeze is light. The grass is soft. Peach trees, apricot trees, and pear trees are jostling to bloom. Flowers of all typesred as flame, pink as clouds, and white as snoware giving off sweet aroma. Close your eyes and in your vision the trees are already full of peaches, apricots and pears. Among the flowers you could see swarms of honeybees humming and buzzing, and butterflies, large or small, flapping wings to and fro. And there are miscellaneous wild flowers too, their names known or unknown, dotting the grasslike blinking eyes or twinkling stars. Its true that “you wont feel chill in a breeze that sways willows.” It just feels like mums fondling hand! It also carries the smell of the newly-ploughed soil, which is mixed with the scent of grass and fragrance of flowers, all brewing in the moist air. Birds are nesting amongst blooms and foliage. In their delight, they would flaunt their distinguished chirping to their friends and sing melodious songs accompanied by breezing wind and running streams. At this same time, flute music loud and clear from riding cowboys also fills the air. Rains are common in this season, and always last a couple of days. But please dont fret. They are drizzles, falling like cows hair, sewing needles and fine threads to weave sideways into a mist, enveloping the houses. The tree leaves are dazzlingly green, and so is the grass. When the dusk sets in and lights are on, the rainy evening seems more quiet and serene in the dim yellow. In the countryside, there are people strolling leisurely, holding an umbrella, along the trails or beside the stone bridges. In the fields, farmers, wearing a straw-cloak and a bamboo-hat, are working, their cottages, sparsely located, standing still in the rain. Rains are common in this season, and always last a couple of days. But please dont be annoyed. They are drizzles, falling like ox hair, threads or silk to weave into a mist, enveloping the country cottages sparsely scattered around. Leaves and grass appears more bright green. In the dusk when lights are lit, the rainy evenings seem more peaceful with the warm yellow halos. On the country roads and by the stone bridges there are travelers with their oilpaper umbrellas, and in the fields there are still working farmers with their palm cloaks and bamboo hats on. Kites in the sky are increasing, and so are children on the ground. People, young and old, from households of cities or villages, come out hurriedly to stretch a little and do their own things. Yes, “a years plan starts in spring”. This is a new start; there are things to do and hopes to fulfill. Spring is like a newborn infant; everything from head to toe is new and growing. Spring is like a stunningly dressed maiden; she is walking and smiling. Spring is like a robust youth with steel-like physique; he is leading us forward. Unit52012年北京大学校长周其凤为 人文与社会科学论文写作指南一书所写的序(节选一)改革开放以来,中国各大学都越来越注重学术研究和学术论文的发表,一些学校还立志要在学术水准上赶超世界一流大学。这方面的进步是明显的。以本人所在的北京大学为例,从2001年到2010年的十年间,被SCI(Science Citation Index) 收录的论文(以理、工、医论文为主),数量从2001年的1700余篇增加到2010年的4700余篇,质量若以影响指数( Impact Factor)计算,则从不足1.0提升到了2.97 。与此相对应,学科质量也有了明显提高。如果按照国际上22个学科的划分标准和评价指标(Essential Science Indicators),十年前北大只有4个学科能够进入全球最好的1%,而如今已经达到了17个,排名顺序也在快速前移。但是,研究北大我们也发现,在北大具有传统优势的人文社科的论文发表,特别是在国际学术界的影响力,其进步好像不如理、工、医学科明显。这是为什么呢?迈克尔E查普曼的这本 人文与社会科学论文写作指南或许已经给出了答案。Since Chinas 1978 opening and reform, Chinese universities have placed increasing value on scholastic research and publication; some institutions even aspire to surpass the global best universities in the realm of academic standards. Progress has been obvious.Taking my own institution Peking University as an example, in the decade from 2001 to 2010, the annual number of local publications recorded in the Science Citation Index (SCI) (which centers on science, technology, and medical works) has increased from 1700 in 2001 to 4700 in 2010; furthermore, the impact factor of these works has also increased from less than 1.0 to 2.97. Correspondingly, the quality of our academic departments has also clearly risen. If we limit our argument to twenty-two Essential Science Indicators, internationally recognized indices for standardizing and critiquing academic endeavors, ten years ago only four of Peking Universitys departments could have been considered among the top one percent in the world, while today this number has risen to seventeen, with rapid progress in ranking order. Nevertheless, upon investigating Peking Universitys case, we also discover that even our traditionally excellent humanities and social science departments have made less than ideal progress toward increasing the influence of their publications on global academia; their growth seems to be less clear than that of the science, engineering, and medical departments. Why is this? Perhaps Michael E. Chapmans Thesis Writers Guide - Making an Argument in the Humanities and Social Sciences has provided an answer. 2012年北京大学校长周其凤为 人文与社会科学论文写作指南一书所写的序(节选二)学术论文是学术研究物质化、社会化的载体,它使知识得以跨越时空广泛传播,穿越古今而源远流长,是科研的重要组成部分,集创造、传播、传承、应用于一体。作为严肃的研究性写作,学术论文因学科领域不同而拥有各自独特的写作规范和评定标准。学术论文的写作标准与国际接轨,不仅可以通过比照,自省学业训练的得失,反思国际人才培养经验的优势与不足,而且有利于将自身的学术研究成果推向国际,使更多成果得以在国际期刊上发表,让更多学术精英能够在世界舞台之上一展风采。Academic papers are the materialized and socialized vehicles of scholastic inquiry; as such, they allow knowledge to broadcast widely across time and link the ancient with the current. They are a most important component of academia, bringing together the processes of creating, transmitting, and preserving knowledge into one material object. As the formal products of research, academic of review. The alignment of these standards with international practices not only enables the introspective training of professional academic writers and honest review of the strengths and weaknesses of their cultivation as international scholars, but it also benefits the submission of academic results to the world, making more of our countrys scholarship worth publishing and enabling more of our academic elites to stand atop the global stage.2012年北京大学校长周其凤为 人文与社会科学论文写作指南一书所写的序(节选三)由他执笔的该书可以作为人文学科和社会科学领域论文写作的入门教材。该书的实用性和可读性都很强。全书涉及了从提出问题、寻找线索、搜集资料、明确论点、正式写作到文本编辑等学术论文从构思成文到出版或发表的各个环节;逻辑清晰,简明扼要,深入浅出,并附有大量生动的词汇和作者自身的研究案例。我相信,对本书的精确理解和系统应用将大大提高人文学科和社会科学领域的研究者向国际一流期刊投稿的命中几率,也是有意出版研究专著,尤其是英语研究专著的研究者的必备工具读物。在此特向大家郑重推荐。His Book Thesis Writers Guide is a fundamental source of study for the students in the humanities and social sciences. It offers highly applicable and readable advice on every step of preparing and producing an academic paper, from developing a research question, searching for evidentiary leads, and collecting data, to clarifying a thesis, formally composing an argument, and finally editing your work. Its logic is clear and its style concise, with heady concepts explained in simple terms, using rich vocabulary and an abundance of personal anecdotes throughout. I believe that the precise understanding and systematic implementation of this system will greatly enhance the international standing of researchers in the humanities and social sciences, as well as increase the viability of their works before international publications. The book is a must-read for anyone who wishes to publish his or her research in English, and I earnestly recommend it to everyone.


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