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建筑工程质量事故影响因素的分析探讨一、简介随着中国经济的不断发展,建筑业呈现蓬勃发展的局面,但是建筑工程质量事故也在不断发生,给国家和人民造成人身财产危害。建筑工程质量事故的发生,往往是由多种因素构成的,其中最基本的因素有四种:人、物、自然环境和社会条件。本文对这四大因素以及它们之间的关系进行具体的分析和探讨,为下一步相应措施的采取奠定基础。二、建筑工程质量事故概念建筑工程质量事故是指在建筑工程勘察、设计、施工、监理和使用过程中,由于当事人的过错,使得建筑物在安全、适用、经济、美观等特性方面存在较大的缺陷,给建设单位造成人员伤亡和较大财产损失的事件。建筑工程质量事故的发生,往往是由多种因素构成的,其中最基本的因素有四种:人、物、自然环境和社会条件。人的因素指的是人与人之间存在的差异,这是工程质量优劣最基本的因素;物的因素对工程质量的影响更加复杂、繁多;质量事故的发生也总与某种自然环境、施工条件、各级管理结构状况以及各种社会因素紧密相关。由于工程建设往往涉及到施工、建设、使用、监督、监理、管理等许多单位或部门,因此在分析建筑工程质量事故时,必须对以上四大因素以及它们之间的关系进行具体的分析和探讨,以便采取相应的措施进行处理。3、 建筑工程质量事故影响因素(一)建筑材料方面的因素建筑材料是构成建筑结构的物质基础,建筑材料的质量好坏,决定着建筑物的质量。但在实践中由于使用不合格的建筑材料造成质量事故的比比皆是。使用质量不合格的建筑材料,会给建筑工程质量事故的发生埋下隐患。在实践中建筑材料及制品的质量问题主要体现以下方面: 1.使用不合格的钢材一些施工企业看重效益,不看重质量,低价购买一些不合格的钢材如地下小炼铁厂、黑工厂生产的螺纹钢或圆钢,或者是从废品回收站买来生锈钢材,致使钢结构强度和韧度达不到要求,为建筑安全埋下隐患。 2.使用的砂子杂质含量大一些施工企业为省工钱赶进度,一是以次充好,该用石砂时不用石砂,而用价格稍低的石粉代替或掺杂部分石粉。二是砂子不上铁筛,连大带小,一齐拌入混凝土中。三是砂子中泥土含量太高,不经水洗,直接用于施工。这些做法导致的问题是混凝土强度不够,取样打压后,不符合要求,容易诱发桩基偏位、基础下坠、顶部开裂渗漏等问题。(2) 建筑材料方面的因素工程质量与施工安全密不可分,相辅相成,质量隐患往往导致安全事故,而不安全因素又可能为质量事故埋下隐患。虽然相关的法律法规对施工企业对工程的施工质量责任问题做出相应规定,但在实践中由于施工单位在施工过程不按程序操作,导致工程质量事故频发。施工方面的问题主要表现为以下几个方面:1. 建设前期的工作问题建设前期的某些工作是极其重要的工作,如果不认真按有关规定去做,很可能就决定了建筑工程质量的先天性不足,如项目可行性研究、建设地点的选择等。如果这些前期工作做得不好,很容易造成工程质量事故,有时损失是十分严重的。2. 违反设计程序从事建设工程勘察设计活动应当坚持先勘察、后设计、再施工原则。但大量的质量事故调查证明,不少工程图纸有的无设计人,无审核人,无批准人,这类图纸交付施工后,因设计考虑不周造成的质量事故屡见不鲜。3. 违反施工要求不同混凝土强度等级决定了它和钢筋组合时的坚固程度,添加的砂、石、水泥还有外加剂都必须有一定的比例才能达到设计确定的等级。但在工地上搅拌站砂、石严重混堆问题时有发生,在配混凝土时,水泥、砂、石、水和外加剂根本不过秤。有的工地甚至根本没有秤,现场的混凝土配比例牌只是摆设。这样就大大降低混凝土的强度,带来重大安全隐患。(3) 工程技术人员方面的因素建筑产品的优劣,除了建筑材料全部合格外,最根本是人员的素质问题。提高施工一线技能工人的职业技能和基本素质是提高施工企业整体素质、保证施工质量、增强企业竞争力的关键。但在中国建筑施工领域,农民工已经名副其实地成为工程建设的“主力军”,而这支主力军的素质却令人担忧。农民工的文化程度较低,且大部分没有经过任何培训。因此,由于缺乏质量意识和基本的操作技能造成质量安全事故的也比较多。另外施工技术人员数量不足也是我国建筑施工企业普遍存在的问题,这些都可能造成技术工作出现漏洞。 建筑管理人才缺乏也是不可忽略的因素。人才相对不足,尤其是高级管理人才和重要行业管理人才严重匾乏;人才结构失调;人才布局不合理;优秀管理人才流失势头不减;管理人才制度、体制和运行机制上存在严重缺陷等问题在一定程度上制约了建筑业的深层次发展。(4) 监理方面的因素建设工程监理直接负责工程质量的检查验收,因此监理工作对建筑工程质量来说是很重要的一个环节。但目前我国监理工作存在许多问题,在一定程度上影响了建筑工程质量,为建筑工程质量事故埋下了隐患。监理方面问题突出表现在以下几个方面:1. 建设监理制度不完善中国现已出台了建筑法、工程建设监理规定等一系列法律、规章,基本形成了上下结合配套的建设监理制度体系,对建设监理的开展起到了极其重要的指导和规范作用。但随着建设监理的深入发展,有些法规显示出不合理的成分,影响监理事业的发展。2. 建设监理水平不高现有的工程监理项目多数为施工阶段的监理,尚需向其他阶段发展。监理服务档次不高,绝大多数情况下停留在工程现场的质量控制上,在投资控制和进度控制方面往往发挥不了应有的作用,这就造成有些施工单位在没有监督的情况下为了赶进度不按施工规范施工,材料上偷工减料,导致发生建筑工程质量事故。3. 监理工作不到位、责任不落实在工程监理工作中,部分监理人员责任心不强,检查把关不严,造成监理人员对工程施工的监控不力。通过调研发现有的总监理师兼任许多项目的总监;大多数监理人员,特别是总监理工程师根据自己对建设监理的认识和工程经验开展工作,随意性很大。这些都会在一定程度上影响建筑工程质量的监督。4. 监理单位技术装备和检查手段落后落后的技术装备和检查手段,使得一些质量隐患不易被发现而发展成为质量问题。比如,施工中使用的很多建筑材料,在用于工程施工以前,除了必须同步提供质保材料和准用材料以外,有的还要进行实验室试验,有的必须用一定的仪器设备进行复查,由于装备和手段原因导致被忽视的材料质量问题引发的工程质量事故问题在住宅建设中是屡见不鲜。(5) 法律法规方面的因素工程建设的法律法规体系分三个层次,即基本法律、行政法规、规范标准。相关的法律法规不健全、执行不力,是产生建筑工程质量事故问题的社会原因。具体来说,包括以下几个方面:1. 法律法规可操作性不强建筑法构筑了中国建设法律体系的基本框架,且对建筑工程质量问题有专章阐述。但该法律也逐渐显露出缺乏适应性,过于原则性,可操作性不强等问题。如对相应的处罚措施没有规定具体数额和幅度,完全根据执法人员的自由裁量确定,不利于操作,客观上增加了执法的随意性,要么处罚过重,要么处罚过轻,就同一行为可能出现异罚现象。2. 条例细则不完善建设工程质量管理条例比建筑法在质量管理方面更加具体化,可操作性强,明确提出了“谁设计、谁施工、谁负责”的原则。这一原则分解了质量责任,加大了质量管理的处罚力度,但也存在备案制度细则不完善的问题。3. 验评标准、设计规范、施工规范、强制性标准等规范标准,不断更新,但官方色彩浓,执行起来不到位,不具体,可操作性差。除此之外,在整个法律法规及标准中没有明确建筑产品质量保证体系中检测机构、监督机构及认证机构不同的权力和义务。另外,在建筑法律实施过程中,没有机构针对法律的执行情况进行跟踪,修订完善工作滞后。4、 结束语 建筑质量事故的发生给人民安全、国家财产安全带来严重的威胁,我们要从事故源头上预防事故发生,减小损害,保障人身财产安全,这就必然要通过提高建筑材料质量、严格遵守施工程序、提高工程技术人员素质、提高监理工作质量、建立健全的法律制度来预防和减少建筑工程质量事故的发生。也希望建筑施工企业、监理企业、国家政府能积极配合改善现有质量管理现状,预防和减少质量事故发生。Analyze the Influential Factors of Construction Engineering Quality Accident1 IntroductionWith the continuous development of Chinas economy, construction industry showed vigorous development of the situation, but the construction engineering quality accidents also keeps happening, the personal property damage to the country and people. Construction engineering quality accidents, often is composed of a number of factors, one of the most basic factor has four kinds: people, things, natural environment and social conditions. In this paper, the relationship between the four major factors, as well as their specific analysis and discussion, corresponding measures for the next step to lay the foundation. 2 Construction Project Quality Accident Construction engineering quality accident is to point to in building engineering survey, design, construction, supervision and use process, due to the fault of the parties, makes the building in a safe, applicable, economic, beautiful features such as there is a larger defects, casualties and property loss to construction unit. Construction engineering quality accidents, often is composed of a number of factors, one of the most basic factor has four kinds: people, things, natural environment and social conditions. Human factor refers to the differences between people, this is the most basic factors of engineering quality; Of more complex and various factors influencing the engineering quality; Quality accidents are always with some kind of natural environment and construction conditions, the condition of all levels of management structure as well as a variety of social factors are closely related. Because often involves the construction of engineering construction, the construction, use, supervision, supervision, management and many other units or departments, and so on the analysis of construction engineering quality accidents, must to the above four factors and the relationship between them are detailed analysis and discussion, in order to take appropriate measures for processing.3 Factors Affecting Construction Quality Accident 3.1 In Building Materials Building materials is constitute the material basis for the building structure, the building materials quality, determines the quality of the building. But in practice due to the use of substandard building materials caused quality accidents everywhere. The use of substandard building materials, to construction engineering quality accidents. In practice, the quality problem of the construction materials and products mainly embodies the following aspects: 3.1.1 Use Unqualified Steel Some construction enterprise value benefit, dont care about the quality, low price to buy some unqualified steel such as underground small steel mills, the rebar or round steel, black factory or were purchased from recyclers rust steel, the strength and toughness steel structure can not meet the requirements, for the construction safety. 3.1.2 Use the Sand Content of Impurities Some construction enterprises to save money to catch progress, one is shoddy, the used sand without sand, with prices lower powder instead of a part or mixed stone powder. 2 it is to move not iron screen, big and small, all mixed into the concrete. Three is in the sand clay content is too high, without water, directly used in the construction. These approaches lead to the problem is that the concrete strength is not enough, after sampling down, do not conform to the requirements, easy to induce deviation, basic drop, at the top of the pile foundation cracking leakage problems. 3.2 In Building Materials Engineering quality and construction safety are inseparable, supplement each other, the quality hidden trouble often leads to safety accidents, and unsafe factors for quality accidents. Although the relevant laws and regulations of construction enterprises in engineering construction quality responsibility accordingly, but in practice due to the construction units in construction process is not in accordance with the program operation, frequent accidents in engineering quality. Construction problems mainly for the following several aspects: 3.2.1 The Early Stage of the Construction Work Some of the early stage of the construction work is extremely important, if not follow relevant regulations seriously, probably determines the construction quality of congenital deficiencies, such as the choice of project feasibility study, construction site, etc. If these early isnt doing a good job, it is easy to cause project quality accident, sometimes loss is very serious. 3.2.2 In Violation of the Design Process Engaged in construction engineering survey and design activities shall adhere to the principle of first after the survey, design, and construction. But a lot of quality accident investigation shows that many engineering drawings have no creator, no reviewer, without approval, such drawings delivery after construction, caused by thoughtless design quality accident. 3.2.3 In Violation of the Construction Requirements Determines its different concrete strength grade and stronger than when reinforced composite, add the sand, stone, cement and admixture must have a certain proportion to reach the level of design. But mixing station on site problem serious mixed pile of sand, stone, when mix concrete, cement, sand, stone, water, and admixtures weighing. Some sites even no scales, the scene of the concrete match ratio just decoration. Thus greatly reduce the strength of concrete, a major security risk. 3.3 In Engineering and Technical Personnel The pros and cons of building products, in addition to all qualified building materials, the quality of personnel is the most fundamental problems. A line construction skills of the workers vocational skills and basic quality is to improve the construction enterprise overall quality, ensure the quality of construction, the key to increase the competitiveness of enterprises. But in China the construction field, migrant workers have literally become the main force of the construction of the project, and the main forces quality is worrying. Most migrant workers, lower cultural degree and without any training. Therefore, due to the lack of quality consciousness and the basic operation skills is quality safety accident. In addition the construction technical personnel shortage is common problems existing in the construction enterprises in our country, a hole might be caused by technical work. Construction management personnel lack of factors that cannot be ignored. Relatively insufficient talents, especially senior management personnel and important industry management personnel serious short; Talent structure disorder; Layout of talents is not reasonable; Outstanding management talent loss of momentum is not reduced; Management personnel system, system and operational mechanism on the problems such as serious flaws in a certain extent, restricted the construction of deep development. 3.4 Supervision of Factors Examination and acceptance of construction project supervision is directly responsible for the engineering quality, therefore the supervision for construction engineering quality is very important one link. There are many problems, but at present our country supervision work to a certain extent, affected the construction quality, planted hidden danger for the construction project quality accident. Supervision issues outstanding performance in the following aspects: 3.4.1 Construction Supervision System Is Not Perfect China has introduced a building law, engineering construction supervision regulations and a series of laws and regulations, basic formed in combination with the construction supervision system of form a complete set, up and down about the development of construction supervision plays a very important role in guidance and specifications. But with the further development of construction supervision, some regulations show the unreasonable composition, influence the development of supervision enterprise. 3.4.2 Construction Supervision Level Is Not High Most existing engineering supervision project supervision for construction stage, still needs to other stages of development. Supervision service level is not high, the vast majority of cases, stop at the scene of the engineering quality control, investment control and schedule control often play the proper role, this can make some construction units in the absence of supervision in order to catch up is not in accordance with the construction specification, material to cut corners on, led to the construction quality accident. 3.4.3 Not In Place, Responsibility Implementation Supervision Work In engineering supervision work, part of the supervision of personnel is not strong sense of responsibility, check the lax, cause lack of monitoring of engineering construction supervision personnel. Through the survey found some total engineering consultant of many project director; Most supervisors, especially general supervision engineer according to their own understanding of construction supervision and engineering experience to carry out the work, conceptions. These are to some extent, affect construction quality supervision. 3.4.4 The Backward Technology and Equipment Supervisor of Supervisor Management Unit And Inspection The backward technology and equipment and the inspection method, makes some potential quality is not easy to be found and developed into quality problems. A lot of building materials used in construction, for example, before used in engineering construction, in addition to providing quality assurance must be synchronous material and apply mutatis mutandis to material, some even for laboratory test, there must be some equipment in the process of reviewing neglected due to equipment and instrument reason material quality problems caused by engineering quality accidents are common in residential construction. 3.5 Aspects of Laws and Regulations Construction of laws and regulations system of three levels, namely the basic laws, administrative regulations and standards. Relevant laws and regulations is not sound, weak enforcement, is the architectural engineering quality accident social cause of the problem. In particular, including the following aspects: 3.5.1 Operability Is Not Strong Laws and Regulations Building law construct the basic framework of the construction of Chinese legal system, and there are discussed in this paper, the problems of construction engineering quality. But the law also gradually show a lack of adaptability, too principle, operability is not strong. As punishment for the corresponding measures not provided specific amount and amplitude, completely according to the law enforcement discretion to determine, is not conducive to the operation, objectively increases the arbitrariness of law enforcement, or punishment is overweight, or punishment too light, the same behavior that may appear different punishment phenomenon. 3.5.2 Imperfect Regulations Rules The construction project quality management regulations more specific than in the aspect of quality management principles, the maneuverability is strong, clearly put forward the who design, construction, who is responsible for principle. This principle to decompose the quality responsibility, we intensified the efforts on quality management of punishment, but there is also the record of the imperfection of the system. 3.5.3 Test Evaluation Standards, Design Specifications, Construction Specifications, Such As Mandatory Standard Specification Standards, Constantly Updated, But the Official Color Thick, Execution Does Not Reach the Designated Position, Not Specific, Operability Is Poor. In addition, no clear in the laws and regulations and standard construction products in the quality assurance system testing institutions, supervision institutions and authentication institutions of different power and obligation. In addition, in the process of building law enforcement, no agencies on the implementation of the legal track, revising perfect work lag. 4 The Conclusion Construction quality accident happened to the peoples safety, bring serious threat state property security, we want to prevent the accident from the accident source, reduce the damage, to ensure the safety of personal property, it must by improve the quality of construction materials, strictly abide by the construction procedures, improve the quality of the engineering and technical personnel, improve the quality of supervision, establishing and perfecting the legal system to prevent and reduce construction engineering quality accidents. Also hope that the construction enterprises, supervision enterprises, governments can actively cooperate with to improve the existing quality management status, so as to prevent or reduce quality accident. Source:http:/www.doc88.com/p-1728770674520.html Source:http:/www.doc88.com/p-1728770674520.html

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