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冲压件外观检验规范(康柏标准)SPECIFICATION, COSMETIC, PRESS PRODUCTS.(COMPAQ STANDARD)1. 范围: SCOPE本规范对所有冲压件及小五金件(如螺丝,卯钉等)都适用.This specification defines the COSMETIC requirements for all press products and little metal products (such as Screw, rivet, etc).2. 参考文件: REFERENCE DOCUMENTS2.1 本规范参考下列文件制成:This specification is made by taking following reference documents.1.SPECIFICATION. COSMETIC. CPU/OPTION PRODUCTSDRAWING NO. 1061442.鸿海 SGC 106144 CPU外观规范FOXCONN SGC 106144 specification, cosmetic, CPU/OPTION products2.2 优先级: ORDER OF PRECEDENCE本规范若与零件图/规格相抵触, 则以零件图/规格为优先.本规范若与参考文件相抵触, 则以本规范为优先In the event of a conflict between this specification and piece part drawings, the piece part drawings will take precedence.In the event of a conflict between this specification and reference documents, this specification will take precedence.3. 检视方法: INSPECTION METHOD3.1 目视检测: 依下列规定检测.Visual inspection: Inspection shall be conducted as follows:3.1.1照明: 目视检测应依工厂常态照明(10020呎烛光之冷白萤光照明)为 宜.Lighting: Visual inspection shall be conducted under normal shop lighting (10020 foot candles cool white fluorescent illumination).3.1.2 位置: Position3.1.2.1. 将待检测之对象置于检测者面前18至24吋(约手臂长)Place the product 18 to 24 inches (about an arm length) in front of the person performing the inspection. 应以正对检测者及垂直于表面(即45度角)两方向进行对象目视检测.The product shall be viewed in two positions, normal to the inspector and perpendicular to the surface (45 degrees)3.2. 退货标准:Reject Criteria.3.2.1 直径小于0.01英寸之任何暇疵视为不可见.Imperfections less than 0.01 inch in diameter are considered invisible.3.2.2 如于目视检测发现外观上之可疑瑕疵,应参考适当等级之退货标准不应即冒然视为退货拒收.If suspected imperfections found while viewing the product, you need to refer to the appropriate surface class for the rejection criteria, not take it for granted that it is unacceptable.3.2.3 如可能,将缺陷加以分组归类以使对象成为合格. 例如:多而短小刮痕可能归类为一处磨损 成为可接受之对象. If possible, classify or group imperfections in order to make the product acceptable. For example: Multiple scratches could be classified as an abrasion and then the defect could be acceptable. 3.3 表面等级之定义: Definition of Classes3.3.1 第一级面: 操作人员随时可看见之区域. 是外观要求最严格的区域. 如DESKTOP型计算机之顶面及正面.Class I Areas: class I areas shall be defined as areas in continuous view ofthe operator. Class I areas are the most critical for cosmetic requirements. For example: Desktop: Top and front of computer.3.3.2第二级面: 操作人员偶尔可看见之区域. 如DESKTOP型计算机之侧面及背面 Class II Areas: class II areas shall be defined as areas occasionally in view of the operator. For example: Desktop: sides and back of computer.3.3.3第三级面: 操作人员极少看见之区域. 如DESKTOP型计算机之底面及背面弯角及下凹部分. Class III Areas: class III areas shall be defined as areas seldom seen by the operator. For example: Desktop: Bottom and recessed areas on back of computer. 3.3.2 第四级面: 操作人员看不见之区域, 是外观要求最不严格的区域.如计算机之内面. Class IV Areas: class IV areas shall be defined as areas never seen by the operator. Class IV areas are the least critical for cosmetic requirements. For example: the inside of computer.4. 金属板片: SHEET METAL4.1 一般规定: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS4.1.1 电镀表面: Plated SurfacesA. 电镀附着力: 气泡不接受; 附着不良以致裸露出金属者,不接受.Plating Adhesion: Blisters are not acceptable. Improper adhesion which exposes bare metal is not acceptable.B. 氧化: 只有预镀材料之剪切边容许氧化(生红色或白色锈).Oxidation: Oxidation (rust), red or white, is acceptable on sheared edges of pre-plated materials only.C. 弯痕: 每一料件容许一直径小于0.08英寸之折弯痕迹, 表面或边缘脱色不接受.Arching Marks: one mark per part less than 0.08 inch in diameter is acceptable. Discoloration of surface or edge is not acceptable.D. 冲压痕: 正常之冲压痕可接受.Stamping Marks: normal stamping marks are acceptable.E. 表面状况: 电镀或转化涂装程序正常产生之轻微条痕或水渍可接受Surface Phenomena: light streaking or water spotting occurring as a normal part of the plating or conversion coating process is acceptable.4.1.2 清洁度: 零件应无灰尘, 污垢, 润滑油, 机油, 残胶或任何其它表面沾染物. 如果是在搬运材料时, 可吹掉或擦拭的灰尘则可接受. 零件应无任何可能陷在硬件, 裂缝或弯折处或其它凹陷处的沾染物.Cleanliness: product shall be free of dirt, grime, oil, residue tape and other contaminant. Dust caused by shipping material is acceptable if it can be blown off with air. Cosmetic surface shall be free of adhesive contaminants.4.1.3 烤漆面: Painted SurfacesA. 烤漆附着力: 起气泡不接受; 附着不良以致裸露出金属者, 不接受.Paint adhesion: Blisters and other signs of improper adhesion which exposes bare metal are not acceptable.B. 颜色均一性: 烤漆面之颜色及花纹各处均应一致, 不同面可容许稍有差异, 但同一面上则不能有任何颜色差异.Color uniformity: The color and texture of a painted surface shall be uniform. The color and texture may vary slightly from surface to surface, but it may not vary within the same surface.4.2 第一级面: CLASS I SURFACE4.2.1 电镀表面: 不适用.Plated surfaces: Not applicable.4.2.2 烤漆面: Painted SurfacesA. 刮痕或磨损: 刮痕或磨损以致裸露出金属者, 不接受. 若直径6英寸之范围内, 只有一个未裸露出金属之刮痕或磨损,未改变表面颜色, 且直径小于0.12英寸者, 则可接受. 任何肉眼可见破坏花纹之条纹或撕痕, 均不接受.Scratches or AbrasionsScratches or abrasions are not acceptable if they expose bare metal. If the scratch or abrasion does not change the surface color, and is less than 0.12 inch in diameter, it is acceptable provided there is only one (1) scratch or abrasion in a 6.00 inches diameter circle. Any visible marks that ripple or tear the textured surface are not acceptable.B. 脏污: 脏污改变表面颜色且直径大于0.025英寸者, 不予接受. 如直径小于0.01英寸之脏污, 视为看不见. 任两个脏污之最小距离为2.0英寸.Contamination: contamination that changes the surface color and exceeds 0.025 inch in diameter is not acceptable. Contamination less than 0.01 inch in diameter shall be considered not visible. The minimum distance between any two (2) particles of contamination shall be 2.00 inches.C:杂质: 直径大于0.04英寸者,(高度大于0.005英寸者,) 皆不予接受. 在任何直径12英寸之范围内不得有四个以上或任两个距离小于2英寸之杂质.Inclusions: inclusion greater than 0.04 inch (or higher than 0.005 inch) is not acceptable. There shall be no more than four (4) single inclusions within any 12 inch diameter circle, and no two (2) closer than 2 inches.B. 凹痕及压痕:直径大于0.09英寸者,(深度大于0.005英寸者, )皆不予接受. 任何直径24英寸之范围内不得超过一个凹痕或压痕.Dents or slug marks: Dents or slug marks greater than 0.09 inch in diameter ( or deeper than 0.005 inch ) is not acceptable. There shall be no more than one (1) dent or slug mark within any 24 inches diameter circle.4.3 第二级面: CLASS II SURFACE4.3.1 电镀表面: Plated surfaces .A: 刮痕或磨损: 刮痕大于2.0英寸长x 0.02英寸宽不接受.由装配工具造成的螺旋形刮伤若产品装配后明显可见不接受. 磨损直径大于0.38英寸不接受. 任何直径6英寸之范围内不得超过三个刮痕或一个磨损.Scratches or AbrasionsScratches greater than 2 inches long by 0.02 inch wide are not acceptable. Spiral scratches caused by assembly tools are not acceptable where evident after assembly. Abrasions greater than .38 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than three(3) scratches or one(1) abrasion within any 6 inch diameter circle. B. 凹痕及压痕: 直径大于0.50英寸之凹痕及压痕不予接受.任何6.00英寸直径之圆范围内不得有超过一个凹痕或压痕.Dents and Slug MarksDents and Slug Marks greater than 0.50 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than one(1) dent or Slug Mark in any 6.00 inch diameter circle.C.颜色均一性: 轻微晕状条纹可接受.直径6.00英寸的任何圆形内的2个(包括白色氧化所造成)斑点,如果不超过长1.00英寸宽0.08英寸或直径0.25英寸可接受.Color Uniformity (Post Plated Parts only) : Surface color may vary from silver to blue. Light iridescent streaking is acceptable. Two (2) discolorations, including those caused by white oxidation, are acceptable within any 6.00 inch diameter circle, provided they are not greater than 1.00 inches long by 0.08 inch wide or 0.25 inch in diameter.D.水渍: 水渍大于1/4 总表面积者不予接受.直径大于0.75英寸水渍点不予接受.Water spotsWater spots are not acceptable if the total area they occupy is greater than 1/4 the total surface area. Continuous water spots greater than 0.75 inch in diameter are not acceptable.E 多个件: 组装中的多个件(例如: I/O插条)不考虑色差.Multiple PartsMultiple parts used in an assembly (example: slot covers), will be inspected as individual items only for slug marks, scratches/abrasions and water spots.4.3.2 Painted Surfaces 烤漆面. .A: 刮痕或磨损: 刮痕或磨损以致裸露出金属者, 不接受. 若直径6英寸之范围内, 只有两个未裸露出金属之刮痕或磨损,未改变表面颜色, 且直径小于0.5英寸者, 则可接受. 任何肉眼可见破坏花纹之条纹或撕痕, 均不接受.注: CPU上盖的后边缘刮痕或磨损可接受A. Scratches and AbrasionsScratches and abrasions are not acceptable if they expose bare metal. If the scratch or abrasion does not expose bare metal, does not change the surface color or is less than .50 inch in diameter, it is acceptable provided there are no more than two scratches or abrasions in a 6 inches diameter circle. Any visible marks that ripple or tear the textured surface are not acceptable.Exception: scratches or abrasions are acceptable on the rear edge of the CPU hood. B. 脏污: 脏污改变表面颜色且直径大于0.025英寸者, 不予接受. 如直径小于0.01英寸之脏污, 视为看不见. 任两个脏污之最小距离为2.0英寸.Contamination: contamination that changes the surface color and exceeds 0.025 inch in diameter is not acceptable. Contamination less than 0.01 inch in diameter shall be considered not visible. The minimum distance between any two (2) particles of contamination shall be 2.00 inches.C:杂质: 直径大于0.04英寸者,(高度大于0.005英寸者, )皆不予接受. 在任何直径12英寸之范围内不得有四个以上或任两个距离小于2英寸之杂质.Inclusions: inclusion greater than 0.04 inch (or higher than 0.005 inch ) is not acceptable. There shall be no more than four (4) single inclusions within any 12 inch diameter circle, and no two (2) closer than 2 inches.D.凹痕及压痕:直径大于0.12英寸之凹痕及压痕不予接受.任何24.00英寸 直径之圆内不得有超过一个凹痕或压痕.Dents and Slug MarksDents and Slug Marks greater than 0.12 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than one(1) dent or Slug Mark in any 24.00 inch diameter circle.4.4 第III级面: CLASS III SURFACES4.4.1 电镀表面:Plated SurfacesA: 刮痕或磨损:刮痕如超过6.00英寸长或宽0.04英寸不接受. 组装工具造 成的明显螺旋状刮痕,且直径大于0.62英寸者不予接受. 磨损直径大于0.5英寸 不接受.在直径12.00英寸的圆形内,不得超过四个刮伤或三个磨损. ScratchesScratches greater than 6.00 inches long or 0.04 inch wide are not acceptable. Spiral scratches greater than 0.62 inch in diameter caused by assembly tools are not acceptable. Abrasions greater than 0.50 inches in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than four(4) scratches or three(3) abrasions in any 12.00 inch diameter circle.B. 凹痕及压痕: 直径大于0.50英寸之凹痕及压痕不予接受.任何6.00英寸直径之圆内不得有超过三个凹痕或压痕.Dents and Slug MarksDents and Slug Marks greater than 0.50 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than three(3) dents or Slug Marks in any 6.00 inch diameter circle.C.颜色均一性: 轻微晕状条纹可接受.直径3.00英寸的任何圆形内的6个包括白色氧化所造成斑点,如果不超过长2.00英寸宽0.08英寸或直径0.25英寸可接受.Color Uniformity (Post Plated Parts only) Surface color may vary from blue to gold to silver with iridescent streaking being acceptable. Six(6) discoloration, including those caused by white oxidation, are acceptable within any 3.00 inch diameter circle, provided they are not greater than 2.00 inches long by 0.08 inch wide or 0.25 inch in diameter.D.水渍: 水渍大于1/2 总表面积者不予接受.Water spotsWater spots are not acceptable if the total area they occupy is greater than 1/2 of the surface area. 4.4.2 烤漆面: Painted SurfacesA.刮痕或磨损: 刮痕或磨损以致裸露出金属者不接受.Scratches and Abrasions Scratches and Abrasions are not acceptable if they expose bare metal.B.脏污: 脏污直径大于0.05英寸者不予接受.ContaminationContamination greater than 0.05 inch in diameter is not acceptable.C. 杂质:直径大于0.06英寸之杂质不予接受.在任何12.00英寸之圆圈内不得有6个以上或任二个距离小于2.00英寸之杂质.InclusionsInclusions greater than 0.06 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than six (6) inclusions within any 12.00 inch diameter circle and no closer than 2.00 inches.D. 凹痕及压痕: 直径大于0.50英寸之凹痕及压痕不予接受.任何12.00英寸直径之圆内不得有超过三个凹痕或条纹.Dents and Slug MarksDents and Slug Marks greater than 0.50 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than three(3) dents or Slug Marks in any 12.00 inches diameter circle.4.5 第IV级面: CLASSI V SURFACES4.5.1 电镀表面:Plated SurfacesA. 刮痕:刮痕如超过8.00英寸 X 宽0.05英寸不接受.磨损直径大于1英寸者不予接受.在直径6.00英寸的圆形内,不得超过6个刮伤或4个磨损.ScratchesScratches greater than 8.00 inches long by 0.05 inches wide are not acceptable. Abrasions greater than 1.00 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than six(6) scratches or four(4) abrasions on any 6.00 inch diameter circle.B. 凹痕及压痕: 直径大于0.80英寸之凹痕及压痕不予接受.任何12.00英寸直径之圆内不得有超过三个凹痕或压痕.Dents and Slug MarksDents and Slug Marks greater than 0.80 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than three (3) dents or Slug Marks in any 12.00 inch diameter circle.C.颜色均一性: 轻微晕状条纹可接受.包括白色氧化所造成斑点可接受.Color Uniformity Areas of discoloration, including iridescent streaking and those caused by white oxidation are acceptable.D.水渍: 水渍大于3/4 总表面积者不予接受.Water spotsWater spots are not acceptable if the total area they occupy is greater than 3/4 of the surface area. 4.5.2 Painted Surfaces 烤漆面Not Applicable. 不适用5. PLASTICS. 塑料件NOT APPLICABLE 不适用6.邻接件:衔接缝或叠接缘若超过下列标准不予接受。衔接缝为两邻接件衔接之空隙,原应为0.0英寸但因设计或铆合容许公差而产生空隙。PARTL ALIGNMENTGaps or Overlaps that exceed the following guidelines are not acceptable .Gaps are defined as spaces between mating parts which should be 0.0inch but, because of design or tolerance stack-ups, spaces may exist.6.1定I级要求:CLASS I REQUIREMENTS 6.1.1所有衔接缝隙应平行,不超过0.03英寸者。All gaps are to be parallel within 0.03 inch.6.1.2 所有断差应平行,不超过0.03英寸者。ALL overlaps between drives are to be parallel within 0.03inch.6.1.3 上盖及上盖面板间隙应不超过0.01英寸者。Gap between hood and hood bezel is 0.03 inch maximum.6.1.4 上盖及后面板间隙应不超过0.03英寸者。Gap between hood and rear bezel is 0.03inch maximum.6.1.5 磁盘驱动器面及上盖面板衔接缝隙应为0.0英寸者。Gap between drive bezel and hood bezel is 0.0inch (vertically as seen in the front view).6.1.6 顶磁盘驱动器面板及上盖面板衔接缝隙应0.12英寸为最大者。(正面图所见之水平缝隙)Gap between top drive bezel and hood bezel is 0.12inch maximum (horizontally as seen in front view).6.1.7 磁盘驱动器面板及上盖面板插入接缝最大应为0.08英寸者。Inset gap between drive bezel and hood bezel is 0.08 inch maximum.6.1.8 磁盘驱动器面板间之断差最大应为0.05英寸。Overlap between drive bezel is 0.05 inch maximum.6.2 第II级要求: CLASS II REQUIREMENTS 6.2.1 所有衔接缝隙应平行,不超过0.03英寸者。All gaps are to be parallel within 0.03 inch.6.2. 2上盖及上盖面板衔接缝隙应以0.03英寸为最大。Gap between hood and hood bezel is 0.03 inch maximum.6.2.3 上盖及面板衔接缝隙应以0.03英寸为最大。Gap between hood and rear bezel is 0.03 inch maximum.6.2.4 任两邻接件衔接之空隙(原应为0.0英寸),应以0.03英寸为最大。Gap between mating parts (which should be 0.0 inch ) is 0.03 inch maximum.6.3 第III级要求: CLASS III REQUIREMENTS6.3.1 所有槽缝盖板及后面板衔接缝隙应以0.04英寸为最大。Gap between option slot cover and rear panel is 0.04 inch maximum.6.3.2 任两邻接件衔接之空隙(原应为0.0英寸),应以0.03英寸最大。Gap between mating parts (which should be 0.0 inch) is 0.03 inch maximum.6.3.3 面板开(bezel blank )固定到底座之结合线应以0.02英寸为最大。Knit line gap for bezel blanks fastened to chassis 0.02 maximum.6.4 第IV级要求:LASS6.4.1 任两邻接件衔接之空隙(原应为0.0英寸),应以0.03英寸为最大。Gap between mating parts (which should be 0.00 inch ) is 0.03inch maximum .6.4.2 面板开孔(bezel blank)固定到底座之结合线应以0.02英寸为最大。Knit line gap for bezel blanks fastened to chassis 0.02 inch maximum.7. 硬件及连接器: HARDWARE AND CONNECTORS7.1 第I级要求:CLASS I REQUIREMENTW7.1.1 螺丝:螺丝如未笔直固锁于金属或塑料座孔上者不接受。Screws Screws that are not seated flush against the base metal or plastic are not acceptable.7.1.2连接器:不规定Connectors Not applicable7.2 第II级要求:CLASS II REQUIREMENTS7.2.1 螺丝:螺丝如未笔直固锁于金属或塑料座孔上者不接受。ScrewsScrews that are not seated flush against the base metal or plastic are not acceptable.7.2.2连接器:不规定Connectors Not applicable7.3 第III级要求:CLASS III REQUIREMENTS 7.3.1 螺丝: 螺帽应有60%以上紧密贴合于座孔上,衔接缝隙不得超过0.01英寸接合组件间不得松动。Screws Screws must be seated to the extent that 60% of the head will be flush to the surface, the gap may not exceed 0.01and mating parts cannot be loose.7.3.2 连接器:不规定Connectors Not applicable7.4 第IV级要求: CLASS IV REQUIREMENTS7.4.1 7.4.1 螺丝: 螺帽应有60%以上紧密贴上合座孔上, 衔接缝隙不得超过0.01英寸接合组件间不得松动。Screws Screws must be seated to the extent that 60% of the head will be flush to the surface, the gap may not exceed 0.01and mating parts cannot be loose.7.4.2 连接器: 连接器与接合组件间应紧密接合,其最大容许衔接缝隙为0.06英寸。连接器应平行,不超过0.03英寸者。Connectors Connectors shall be seated to a maximum allowable gap of 0.06 between mating connectors. connectors should be parallel within 0.03 inch.列外:手提式CPU 的连接器,除非有其它工程上之规定,否则套入后应平整一样高。Exception: connectors in portable CPUs should be flush unless otherwise specified by engineering.8. 贴纸与商标: LABELS AND LOGOS8.1一般要求: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS8.1.1 零件应无灰尘.污垢.润滑油.机油.铬酸或任何其它表面沾染物。如果是在搬运材料时,可吹掉或擦拭的灰尘则可接受。外观表面应无粘贴残渣物。Parts shall be free of dirt, grime, grease and other attached contaminates. Dust caused by shipping material is acceptable if it can be blown off with air. Cosmetic surface shall be free of adhesive contaminants.8.1.2贴纸应无明显撕痕。Labels shall have no apparent peeling.8.1.3 假如粘贴位置有高低不平,贴纸与商标应可于平行低处之边缘看到并不得在凹处有卷曲现象。If there is a depression, the labels and logos shall be visibly parallel to the edges of the depression and shall not curl up the sides of the depression.8.1.4 不得有任何不合规定之文字或符号。There shall be no illegible words or markings.8.2 第I级要求: CLASS I REQUIREMENTS8.2.1 针孔/漏漆/污点直经大于0.015英寸予接受,每一背景.文字或条形码不得有两处以上。Pinholes/hickeys/stains greater than 0.015 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than two (2) per backgroundletter or color bar.8.2.2 刮痕超过0.010英寸x0.050英寸者不接受,每件不应有两道以上刮痕。Scratches greater than 0.01 inch x 0.050 inch are not acceptable .There shall be no more than two (2) scratches per part.8.2.3 因修剪造成撕剪不齐者不接受。Uneven trim or tears due to trimming are not acceptable.8.2.4 书写出线外超过0.015英寸者,不接受。Off registration greater than 0.015 inch is not acceptable.8.3 第II级要求: CLASS II REQUIREMENTS8.3.1针孔/漏漆/污点直经大于0.03英寸不予接受.Pinholes/hickeys/stains greater than 0.03 inch in diameter are not acceptable.8.3.2 刮痕超过宽0.01英寸x长0.25英寸者不接受。Scratches greater than 0.01 inch x 0.25inch are not acceptable.8.3.3 因修剪造成撕剪不齐者不予接受。Uneven trim or tears due to trimming are not acceptable.8.3.4 书写出线外超过长0.03应寸,不接受。Off registration greater than 0.03 inch is not acceptable.8.4 第III级要求:CLASS III REQUIREMENTS8.4.1 针孔/漏漆/污点直径大于0.03英寸不予接受。Pinholes/hickeys/stains greater than 0.03 inch in diameter are not acceptable.8.4.2 刮痕超过长0.01英寸x宽0.25英寸者不接受。Scratches greater than 0.01 inch x 0.25 inch are not acceptable.8.4.3 因修剪造成撕剪不齐者不予接受。Uneven trim or tears due to trimming are not acceptable.8.4.4书写出线外超过长0.03英寸者,不接受 。Off registration greater than 0.03 inch is not acceptable.8.5 第IV级要求: CLALL IV REQUIREMENTS 8.5.1 针孔/ 漏漆/ 污点直径大于0.125英寸不予接受,每一背景.文字或条形码不得有四处以上。Pinholes/ hickeys/ stains greater than 0.125 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than four (4) per backgroundletter or color bar.8.5.2 刮痕超过0.01英寸x 0.50英寸者不接受。Scratches greater than 0.01 inch X 0.50 inch are not acceptable.8.5.3 因修剪造成撕剪不齐者不予接受。Uneven trim or tears due to trimming are not acceptable.8.6 立体字型(DIAMOND CUT LOGOS):8.6.1 立体字型(Diamond Cut Lettering):A刮痕超过宽0.010英寸不予接受,每字不得有一处以上刮痕。Scratches greater than 0.010 inch in width are not acceptable there shall be no more than one (1) scratch per word.B针孔/ 漏漆/ 污点直径大于0.015英寸不予接受,每字不得有二处以上。Pinholes/hickeys/ stains greater than 0.015 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than two (2) per word.8.6.2 背景: BackgroundA. 刮痕超过0.010 x 0.05英寸者不接受。 在直径0.5英寸的圆形内,不得有一处以上刮痕。 每件不应有两道以上刮痕直径英寸。Scratches greater than 0.010 inch x 0.050 inch are not acceptable. There shall be no more than one (1) scratch within a 0.5 inch circle and no more than two (2) scratches per part.B. 针孔/ 漏漆/ 污点直径大于0.015英寸不予接受。每件不应有四道以上。Pinholes/hickeys /stains greater than 0.015 inch in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than four (4) per part.8.7 组合贴纸: COMPOSITE LABELS组合贴纸应依以上述外观要求,只有下列例外.即:单个贴纸除非是代理卷标或组装卷标需要料号外,其它不需要料号(P/N)。Composite labels are subject to the above cosmetic requirements. The following exceptions apply to composite labels only: The P/N of the individual labels are not required except for agency labels and configuration labels.9. 瓦楞纸箱: CORRUGATED CONTAINERS9.1 型式定义: DEFINITION OF TYPES9.1.1 A型纸箱: 箱上包括预印及卷标有四种以上颜色为A型纸箱,是外观要求最严格者。Type A Boxes Type A boxes have four (4) or more colors printed on the box. Included in this category are preprinted and labele


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