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Unit 3 A day out 全套教案 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit教案一 教学目标:1 识别国外著名城市及景点。2 通过简单对话和同桌/同伴交流自己的假期旅游计划。二 教学内容:牛津八年级英语下册Unit 3 单元Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 部分。其核心内容是“认知世界各地的名胜景点及谈论出游”。本部分始终围绕着这一主题安排了听、说、读、写的活动任务,让学生在这些环节中记住景点名称及所在地,谈论自己的出游计划。“Where/ When/Why /How do you want to go?”四会内容词汇: ourselves greeting greetings presidentforeign city词组:come on coffee shop句型:What are you going to do? Im going to exercise.You need to exercise and keep fit.Come on. Lets enjoy ourselves.其他内容词汇:block词组:keep fit take a boat trip go past have a great time place of interest the Eiffel Tower the White House the River Seine the Opera House he Pyramids by the River Seine take care三 教学准备1录音机2多媒体四、 学情分析及教学策略本课话题来自学生的生活经历,在以前的学习中,学生已经学习了许多动词短语及形容词,为表达提供了语言基础。此外,学生已掌握了特殊疑问词Where/When/What/Why/How进行提问, 为本课的学习做了铺垫。具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然的与本单元的话题衔接。本部分内容贴近生活,学生比较容易进入角色。因而,教师在课堂中应通过场景图片来促使学生积极地参与,在任务型教学活动中,使学生有话想说,有话可说,在完成各项任务的过程中自主学习语言,提高他们综合运用语言的能力,学会更好地与他人沟通。使各层次的学生都有所收获。五 教学步骤:Step1 呈现1 向学生提问:If you are free,what are you going to do? 帮助学生练习Im going to待学生回答后问:What do you think Eddie is going to do if he is free? 鼓励学生大胆猜测。然后教师为学生播放Comic strip 部分的录音,要求学生带着问题听录音并回答:He is going to exercise.2. 学生看图并阅读Eddie 和Hobo 的对话。然后教师针对对话内容提问:Is Eddie really going to climb the hill? What is he really want to do?Step 2 表演1 学生两人一组互相交换角色表演对话,鼓励学生根据自己的想象添加内容。2. 请几对学生上台表演,并给予鼓励和表扬。Step3.呈现1 呈现中国长城、美国白宫、法国艾菲尔铁塔、悉尼歌剧院、悉尼港湾大桥、意大利比萨斜塔等世界名胜古迹,和学生一起了解它们You have seen many places of interest in the world. Do you know the names of these famous buildings? 引导学生回答问题,同时将这些名胜的答案写在黑板上并带领学生朗读,确保他们能掌握其发音。2 呈现一些名胜及其所属的城市及国家名称,要求学生对应连接,使学生对此有更深的了解。3 呈现课本第39页A部分明信片中提到的一些名胜,并对应给出几个问题,要求学生阅读课文,给出问题答案。Step4 呈现1 教师通过语言为学生创设情境:After reading the postcards, Simon is discussing with Amy about which foreign country he wants to visit. Which country does he want to go to?教师播放课本第39页B部分的录音,学生听完一遍后回答:He wants to go to the USA.2 教师接着与学生进行交流,并让学生带着问题听录音:Which city does he want to visit? Why does Simon want to go there?3 分角色朗读。Step5 练习1 让学生两人一组按要求做对话替换练习。2 做针对课文重点的翻译练习。3 口头作文,介绍自己的出行计划。Step6. 家庭作业:1 熟读课文内容。2 将课堂口头作文写下来。3 完成补充习题相关练习。Reading教案一教学目标1读懂文章,了解此次游玩的基本情况2复习和拓展有关世界名胜的知识。3学会用正确的形容词描述旅游的感受。二教学内容四会内容 词汇:mom beginning coach traffic skymodel metal inside whole interestreal song Internet main stomach词组:inviteto at the beginningget on a coach a lot of trafficfeel sick be made of metalplaces of interest join in句型:The trip from kittys school took about two hours by coach. Kitty and I did not feel sick any more. The model pyramids looked just like the real ones in Egypt. When I saw them, I couldnt believe my eyes. Kittys classmate Daniel taught himself how to make a home page. He put his photos on it for everyone to look at.其他内容词汇:highway pyramid parade movement词组:on the highway not any more enjoy oneself the whole world from all over the world on the Internet home page三背景知识此部分向学生介绍私人信件的书写方式,信中用非正式的语言描述了Linda 去北京世界公园旅游的一次经历,并表达了旅游之后的感受。四教学准备1 教学图片。 2 多媒体或投影仪。3 录音机。五教学步骤Step1 呈现 1 教师就出游计划向学生提问:(1) Where are you going during the holiday?(2) Which city are you going to?(3) Why do you want to go there?(4) How do you plan to get there?鼓励学生发表自己的观点,同时复习前一课所学内容。2 呈现几幅世界名胜古迹图片,询问学生:(1) Have you ever been to foreign countries?(2) Do you know these places of interest in the world? What are they?(3) Can you travel around the world to see a hundred places of interest from all over the world in a day?接着教师向学生介绍自己的计划:Id like to go to the World Park in Beijing. There are models of over a hundred places of interest from all over the world. We can see the Eiffel Tower, the pyramids and the Golden Gate Bridge in the park. They look just like the real ones. So I can travel around the world in a day. What an amazing day it will be! 教师将重点词汇呈现在黑板上,并带领学生朗读,确保学生掌握发音和含义。Step2 阅读1 向学生介绍:Linda went to the World Park in Beijing with the Class 1, Grade 8 students. She wrote a letter to her mother. Do you want to know what she did and what she saw there? 通过提问激发学生的好奇心和求知欲。 2 呈现六个问题,让学生带着这些问题听课文录音,然后给出答案。(1) Where did Linda go? (She went to the World Park.)(2) Who did she go with? (Kitty, Mr. Wu and other students.)(3) How did she go there? (By coach.)(4) What did she see? (Many places of interest from all over the world.)(5) How did she feel at the beginning? And what about at last?(Its boring; feel sick for most of the trip. Feel happy and excited finally.)3 教师解释课文中的重点、难点内容。coach n. a bus (usually with a single desk) for carrying passengers over long distances(长途汽车) by coachhighway n.(especially US) a main road between cities(城镇间的公路)on the highwaytrip n. (travel from one place to another) take a (school) trip to sw / go on a trip to / travel to sw / go travellingtraffic n. vehicles moving along a road or a street(不可数) 交通,运输,交通量 traffic jam 交通堵塞 interest n.令人感兴趣的事或人; 兴趣爱好; 利息 a place of interestparade n. a public procession(庆祝)游行 song and dance parade.begin v beginning n at the beginning of 在的开始4 教师给出一些单词、短语及其释义,让学生根据理解对应连接。coach not interestingboring a bus for taking people on long tripsa lot of traffic not feel wellhighway in the end feel sick a main road between citiesat the beginning (反) lots of cars, buses, and trucks on roads5 让学生再次朗读课文,然后判断对错。(1) It took half an hour to get to the World Park from school. F(2) We went to the World Park by coach from Sunshine Town. F(3) We cook see the model pyramids from the coach. F (4) There are models of many places of interest there. T (5) The model pyramids looked just like the real ones in the USA. F (6) The model Eiffel Tower is a tall stone building. F (7) Daniel made a special home page for the trip. F 6 教师把学生分成五大组,呈现表格,给每组的各个学生安排一个部分,让他们寻找描述Linda当天在不同地点所见到的人或物及不同阶段感受的形容词。 (1) over 100 places of interest, the pyramids, the Golden Gate Bridge, the song and dance parade in the parkblue sky, the Eiffel Towerat the gate of the World Parka lot of trafficon the city roadsKitty, Mr Wu, the students , a coachat the school gateLinda saw Place (2) Lindas feeling:At the beginning: Bored; sickAt the gate of the world park: excited In the end: amazedStep3 练习1 教师呈现Linda行程中的三个主要地点及其感受,让学生根据对课文的理解对应连线。,(1) At the beginning of the trip, A. she couldnt believe her eyes, she thought the park is wonderful. (2) When she arrived at the park, B. Linda didnt enjoy it and she felt sick.(3) When she was inside the park, C. she became excited, she didnt feel sick any more, she wanted to enjoy herself.2 教师呈现六个打乱顺序的课文中不同场景的图片和文字说明,让学生排序,进一步加深他们对课文的印象。A. We saw models of many places of interest from all over the world.B. The trip was boring. Kitty and Linda felt sick for most of the trip.C. We all got off the coach quickly.D. We met Kittys cousin Linda.E. We saw the model Eiffel Tower from our coach.F. There was a song and dance parade.(答案:DBECAF)3 教师呈现与课文相关的缺词填空练习,让学生补出所缺的词,检查学生对细节的理解程度。I was very happy that day because my teacher Mr Wu _ my cousin Linda to _ in our school trip. At the _ we didnt _ it because there was heavy _ in the road. Linda and I felt _ for most of the trip. Finally we_ at the World Park. When we saw the Eiffel Tower, Linda and I became_. In the World Park, there were over a hundred places of _ from all over the world. The best part was the song and dance_. I really enjoyed _ on that _day. After our trip, Daniel taught _ how to make a home page. He put his photos on it.(答案:Invited /join /beginning /enjoy /traffic/ sick /arrived /excited /interest /parade /myself /amazing /himself)4 教师带领学生回顾路线,并给出提示语,鼓励学生复述课文。At the school gate, invitedto, a great day butat the beginning. Met/got on/took 2 hours/boringOn the city roads, heavy traffic/feltOn the highway, the traffic gotAt the gate of the World Park, sky/we saw / became / got off/not sick any more/ wanted/enjoyInside the park, the whole world/ overplaces of interest/pyramids /bridge/not believe my eye/best4 教师让学生仿照课文谈谈自己难忘的一次旅行经历。Step4 家庭作业1 背诵本课单词及重要的词组和句子。2 熟读课文。3 完成补充习题及伴你学上的相关练习。4 预习Vocabulary.Grammar A&B教案一教学目标1 正确使用不定式。2 掌握反身代词的用法。二教学内容四会内容词汇:sunset possible themselves itself rock wonder climber luckily lucky词组:go horse riding plan to take Linda outagree to go with them decide to stay at home pull themselves up the rocks 句型:Thank you for agreeing to let me go on the tripI hope to watch the sunset其他内容词汇:hide-and-seek词组:the busy traffic the Yellow Mountain at Christmas三教学准备多媒体四背景知识本部分继续讲述旅游参观以及决定去拿些景点的主题,鼓励学生表达自己的观点,并对不同景点的特别之处做出评价。语法练习的三个部分密切相连,按故事发展顺序分别呈现不同内容,因而要让学生在做语法练习前将故事作为一个整体来理解,这一点很重要。A部分在关于去South Hill 郊游的对话中,介绍了带to的不定式的用法。B部分是一个漫画故事,讲述了去South Hill游览的过程中发生的一件事,在此语境中让学生注意反身代词的用法。五 教学步骤Step1 呈现1 教师通过以下练习,检查学生对课文的记忆及掌握情况。(1) The sky _ (be) blue and everything _ (be) beautiful.(2) It _ (be) a great day but we _ (not enjoy) it at the beginning.(3) Lindas mother can _ (look) at Lindas photos on Daniels home page or Linda can show her mother her photos when she _ (go) home. 2教师呈现与前课文相关的、使用and, but和or 的几个句子,在比较与讲解中,使学生了解这几个连词的用法。The sky is blue. Everything is beautiful.The sky is blue and everything is beautiful The Golden Gate Bridge is interesting. The Golden Gate Bridge is wonderful.The Golden Gate Bridge is interesting and wonderful The pyramids are small. We are looking forward to visiting it.The pyramids are small but we are looking forward to visiting it.The pyramids are small. The pyramids look just like the real ones.The pyramids are small but look just like the real ones.I will visit Paris by myself. My mother will show me around Paris.I will visit Paris by myself or my mother will show me around Paris.I will go to France by plane. I will go to France by train.I will go to France by plane or by train.3 教师让学生根据以上各句的内在关系,讨论并猜测这三个连词的用法。教师最后总结。(1) and: to join ideas that are similar (3) or : to join possibilities or options(4) When the two subjects are the same, we usually omit the second one.Step2 练习1 教师准备更多的“and/but/or”练习来加深理解。2 让学生看课本第46页和47页的练习,先带领学生完成两个小题。然后分别请五位同学口头完成其他五个小题。集体朗读。Step3 呈现1 教师结合前面所学过的名胜古迹,询问学生是否想外出旅行,引导学生讨论在准备外出旅行时可能会考虑的一些问题。例如:(1) Where do you want to visit?(2) Who do you plan to take out?(3) What do you want to take?(4) How do you decide to go out?(5) What do you hope to do there?由此引出不定式的用法。2教师指导学生归纳不定式用法:1) We can use verbs and to-infinitives together.2) We use to-infinitives _(before, after) verbs such as want and plan.3. 呈现更多的不定式,指导学生学习掌握。want to do sth. hope to do sth. plan to do sth agree to do sth.decide to do sth. learn to do sth. choose to do sth. prepare to do sth.Step4 练习1教师指导学生看完课本第47页B部分的例句,并就例句向学生提问。例如:(1) What is Kitty preparing to do next Sunday?(She is preparing to go out next Sunday.)(2) Who does she plan to take out?(She plans to take Linda out.)(3) Did Linda want to visit the park?(Yes, she did.)(4) Who didnt want to visit the park?(Millie didnt want to visit the park.)(5) What did she decide to do?(She decided to stay at home.)2指导学生做课本48页对话练习,并校对答案。Step5 呈现补充讲解不定式用法。Step6 家庭作业1. 归纳背诵不定式结构。2.理解不定式用法。Integrated skills教学目标:1 学会阅读海报,并从中获取有用信息2 听取细节,提炼信息。3 学会向他人提出建议,并能做出相应的答复。教学内容:词汇:final cheer ticket medal per winner receive词组:cheer for cost of the trip over an hour句型:Where shall we go with Linda? Im afraid thats not a good idea. Id like to go to the Temple of Heaven. What a great idea! Lets go to the Temple of Heaven.教学准备1 各种比赛的图片或照片2 多媒体3 录音机教学步骤:Step 1: Presentation1. Show different pictures to Ss. The students can learn the new words about the match.2. Talk about the interesting things with Ss.3. Ss can talk about the matches with each other.Step 2: Reading1. Ss open their books to read the poster. And teacher can ask some questions to help Ss.Q: 1. When and where is the basketball match? 2.ats the price of the ticket?2. Divide Ss into two groups. They can talk about it.3. Get Ss to finish the exercise on page 50 A14. When Ss cant find all the answers, teacher tells Ss: It doesnt matter. We can find the other information from the tape recording. Now lets listen to the tape and finish the table.Step 3: Listening1. Play the tape. Ss try to fill in the other blankets.2. Check the answers together.3. Play the tape again. Ss finish the exercise A34. Check the answers.Step 4: Presentation1. Show some pictures to Ss. Get them to make sentences.2. Show another two pictures. Let Ss know how to call them.3. Play the tape. Ask Ss to listen carefully, and try to answer some questions.Step 5: Practice1. Ss read the dialogue in pairs.2. Ss make the similar dialogues in pairs.3. Get Ss to find out how to make suggestions.4. Ss use these structures to make dialogues.5. Get some pairs to act out.Step 6: Homework1. Read the dialogue.2. Finish the exercisesTask一、教学目标 1.知识目标 1)进一步学习有关旅行计划的相关词汇和句型。 2)学生能理解并正确运用相关词汇和句型写一封信,邀请同学们参加旅行。 2.能力目标 1)学生能明了写邀请信的格式,并将其正确运用到自己的作文中。 2)学生能根据实际情况合理安排旅行线路和游玩项目。 3.情感目标 通过安排旅行内容,学生进一步了解北京或本地名胜,培养爱国主义情感。二、教学内容词组:the centre of Beijing at each place return home plan a day out句型:It will take about thirty minutes. We hope you can join us.三、教学准备1 多媒体2 白纸四、教学步骤Step 1 Presentation1. Show a picture of Linda, and let Ss guess where they will go. 2. Show some pictures ,and teach them how to call them. Ss can make dialogues with them. 3. Tell Ss there is a trip plan, and ask them to find out what are places and activities.4. Open their books. Turn to Page 53. Read their plan and check your answer. 5. Read the plan again and fill in the form. Check the answers.6. Ss make their plans in groups of four.Step 2 Presentation1. Open their books on page 54. Ss go through it. And fill in the blankets.2. Check their answers.3. Get Ss to know how to write a letter. Step 3 Practice 1. Ask Ss to prepare their writing.2. Ss talk about in some groups, and then they make their own plans.3. Ss write a scrip in groups and also they should correct it.4. Get some writings to have a show.Step 4 HomeworkFinish your writing after class.资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,597161994资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,597161994

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