牛津译林英语八年级上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters单元测试(一)(I)卷.doc

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牛津译林英语八年级上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters单元测试(一)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选择题。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)There _ a football match between Class Eight and Class Nine this afternoon. A . is going to haveB . is going to beC . will haveD . are going to be2. (2分) Sandy, Im going to have ballet lessons. What do you think of it? You? Its no use trying to learn ballet _ you have a gift for music.A . untilB . unlessC . beforeD . since3. (2分)She plans some coffee in the supermarket this afternoon. A . buyB . buysC . to buyD . buying4. (2分)Xiao Li was supposed _ her homework before nine oclock. But she couldnt. A . to finishB . to finishingC . finishD . finishing5. (2分) When is the next English test? Its _ February 8th.A . inB . onC . atD . of6. (2分)We must keep our classroom .A . cleansB . cleanC . cleaningD . to clean7. (2分)There will be _ factories in 100 years.Really? Where will people work then?A . not any moreB . no moreC . not moreD . less than8. (2分)Its nice _ the doctor to devote all the time he has _ for the patients. A . of; to careB . for; to careC . for; to caringD . of; to caring9. (2分)_do you like to read history books? Because I want to _peoples lives in the past. That is very interesting for me.A . What; look upB . How; think aboutC . Why; learn about10. (2分) Did you listen to Li Yundi _ the piano yesterday evening? Yes. He played _ and all the audience clapped loudly at the end.A . play; perfectlyB . play; perfectC . to playing; perfectlyD . to playing; perfect11. (2分)_ they believe enjoying a sports team is a good way _ new friends, I would like to attend community activities to widen my social circle.A . As; to makeB . Although; of makingC . As if; makingD . As; making12. (2分)The young woman watched her daughter _ a yo-yo yesterday afternoon. A . to playB . to play withC . playing withD . played13. (2分)The students arent _ be crazy about popular stars.I agree with you. They should consider their interests and responsibilities.A . supposed to, balancing,B . have to, balanceC . need to, to balance14. (2分)Can you tell me ?By doing more reading and speaking.A . how can I improve my EnglishB . how I can improve my EnglishC . what I can improve15. (2分)Kate knew nothing _ her mother told her.A . becauseB . untilC . sinceD . if16. (2分)Mrs Lin advised the students _ with friends online and said it was a waste of time.A . to stop to chatB . to stop chattingC . stop to chatD . stopping to chat17. (2分)Autumn is coming. The weather is getting _.A . cool and coolB . the cooler and the coolerC . cooler and coolerD . the coolest and the coolest18. (2分) Ill go to the museum this afternoon, so I cant go swimming with you. _.A . Its my pleasureB . Youre welcomeC . Thats a pityD . Dont mention it19. (2分)She regretted saying the bad words to her mother. Now she feels ashamed.A . was sorry forB . was happy withC . was interested in20. (2分)- Tom, you look tired this morning. Whats wrong?- I was busy and I didnt go to bed _ 12 oclock last nightA . untilB . whenC . thoughD . unless二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共20分)21. (20分)完形填空When I was a child, my father had to do three jobs for a family of seven. Every time I saw him come back late, looking 1I promised myself that someday I would show my 2to my father for what he had done.Over the next twenty years, my father worked hard to 3our big family and suffered a lot from a heart problem. One morning, my fathers old car broke down and he asked me to 4him up after his medical examination. He had 5refused when I offered to replace (取代) his old car. He said that he did not want something that he couldnt pay6.7he stepped out of the doctors office, he looked serious. We drove in silence and he made me promise to keep the medical report as a8. I did this with a heavy heart.At that time, I was 9a new car. I asked my father to go with me to pick10out. When I started talking with the salesman, I noticed my father11a brown car. I12chose a white car. My father took one final look at the brown car and seemed kind of 13before leaving. I heard him muttering (嘀咕) to himself, “14like that car. Wish I could 15it.”Several days later, I asked my father if he could go with me to pick up16new car. As we arrived, the salesman17him a key to a new car - the brown one - and18that it was for him, from me. My father looked at me in great19I told him it was my childhood20and smiled at this man, who had given up everything for his family.(1)A . excited B . tired C . angry D . sad (2)A . thanks B . jobs C . talents D . regrets (3)A . build B . save C . protect D . support (4)A . send B . give C . pick D . look (5)A . strongly B . hardly C . exactly D . happily (6)A . myself B . itself C . himself D . ourselves (7)A . Before B . Since C . As D . Until (8)A . fact B . secret C . decision D . suggestion (9)A . imagining B . making C . producing D . expecting (10)A . it B . one C . that D . him (11)A . attacking B . admiring C . buying D . stealing (12)A . finally B . suddenly C . simply D . easily (13)A . worried B . pleased C . sorry D . proud (14)A . Really B . Actually C . Recently D . Clearly (15)A . borrow B . afford C . collect D . receive (16)A . my B . your C . his D . her (17)A . returned B . lent C . handed D . posted (18)A . created B . explained C . warned D . doubted (19)A . fun B . pain C . trouble D . surprise (20)A . dream B . promise C . experience D . interest 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共34分)22. (8分)阅读理解If music makes you smarter and exercise helps you to think, surely exercising to music can turn you into an intelligent(聪明的) person.A team of scientists from Ohio State University did tests on 33 volunteers who were getting better from heart problems following operation(手术). They found that people who exercised while listening to The Four Seasons did much better on language ability tests than without music.Facts suggest that exercise improve the learning ability of people with heart problems, said the scientist Charles Emery, who led the study. And listening to music is thought to enhance understanding. We just wanted to put the two results together. he added.The volunteers said they felt better after exercising with or without the music. But their improvement on the test doubled after listening to music during exercise. Scientists have shown it is true that music can be good for health. It helps cut down stress, sadness and nervousness. And it also wakes up the body and improves memory and thoughts.In medical fields, music is used widely for patients who have had headaches before and after operation. The Four Seasons was used because of its soft tempo(节拍) and better results in earlier research.Exercise seems to cause better changes in the nervous system and these changes may have a direct result on learning ability. Emery said. Scientists have been studying the result of music on understanding since the early 1950s. By 1990, scientists were using Mozarts music to help children with speech disorders. Mozart was chosen because his music is not overexciting. A study showed students who listened to Mozart scored higher marks in an intelligence test. With important exams coming, your parents will not probably allow you to listen to music. But perhaps now you have good reasons to argue with them.(1)The underlined word enhance in the third paragraph probably means _. A . explainB . improveC . provideD . produce(2)Which of the following statements is true according to the article? A . Exercise seems to cause worse changes without music.B . Scientists often use Mozarts music for it is not too exciting.C . The Four Seasons is often used to help children with speech disorders.D . The purpose of the test was to make clear if music is helpful to learning ability.(3)We can infer(推断) from the last paragraph that _. A . we are supposed to follow our parents wordsB . students should not listen to music before examsC . we have some good reasons to exercise to musicD . music can probably help us to get higher grades in tests(4)The article mainly talks about that _. A . music and exercise lead to relaxation or sleepB . thirty-three volunteers work on music in medical fieldC . exercising to music makes people healthy and cleverD . scientists give suggestions on choosing music while exercising23. (10分)阅读理解With the development of science and technology, our daily life is becoming more colorful and more convenient .An Underwater Hotel It looks like a spaceship but it is actually a picture of an underwater hotel. A company plans to build in the sea which is about 18 metres below the surface. The whole building is underwater and you can get to it by swimming and diving.Google Glass Google Glass is a pair of glasses with a battery hidden inside the frame(边框). It can perform many of the same tasks as smart phones. The glass has a hidden camera and a tiny screen. It is designed to take hands-free photos or videos of anything people are doing.A New Kind of Shirt Hate washing clothes? Youre going to love this kind of shirt made by an American clothing company, Wool & Prince. This shirt can be worn for 100 straight days without washing! The Wool & Prince shirt never needs ironing(熨烫).The Digital Library Can you imagine walking into a library and finding all books have turned into computers? The first bookless public library is planned to open in San Antonio, Texas. Computers will take the place of books soon.(1)How do you get to the Underwater Hotel? A . By taking boatsB . By taking a subwayC . By swimming and divingD . By taking a plane(2)You neednt use _ when you take photos or video with Google Glass. A . a cameraB . a screenC . a batteryD . your hand(3)The digital Library tells us something about a library without _. A . booksB . computersC . bookshelvesD . reader(4)Which one of the following can reduce our housework in our daily life? A . The underwater hotelB . Google GlassC . The Wool & Prince shirtD . The digital library(5)Our daily life is improving because of _. A . more robots making our life convenientB . hard work of people around the worldC . more and more latest hotels and restaurantsD . the development of science and technology24. (8分) I am a professor of sports and exercise so I often deal with nervousness in my research with sports people. Actually, most people experience nervousness at some time or another.If you are feeling anxious, my advice is to first find the cause or causes. Make s list of those things that are making you nervous and work out which ones you can do something about. Focus all of your efforts on managing the causes that you can control.Most people cannot tell the difference between controllable(可控制的) and uncontrollable causes, so things they cant control become a big reason for nervousness. Dealing with this is very important if people want to keep a healthy mind.Simply try to accept the uncontrollable causes of nervousness. You might be worried about the weather on a big day, an accident or an attack on the train, or perhaps just things that other people are doing at work. The results may be very important but there is still no use worrying because you cant control any of these things. Accept that you cant control everything. Once you understand this, it becomes easier not to worry.If a situation, such as swimming, is causing you to be anxious, try to face it as often as possible so that you can get used to it.It can often help to think about yourself doing the thing that make s you nervousthen close your eyes and imagine it going well. Imagine how the flight or job interview is going to happen so that you can get used to it. This will help you understand that the thing you fear most is probably not going to happen.(1)The writer thinks there is no use worrying about some causes of nervousness because_.A . most are not very importantB . they are not the real causes of the problemC . they cannot be controlled by peopleD . its better to deal with one cause at a time(2)If swimming makes you nervous, what should you do according to the writer?A . Go swimming often to get used to itB . Avoid going to the swimming pool.C . Find a swimming teacherD . Imagine watching others swim.(3)What is true about nervousness according to the passage?A . It usually has only one causeB . It is usually caused by people.C . People can easily manage it.D . Most people suffer from it.(4)What is the main purpose of this passage?A . To introduce the writers sports experienceB . To advise on how to deal with nervousnessC . To help people remember their fearsD . To explain the dangers of nervousness.25. (8分)根据短文理解选择正确答案。CIf music makes you smarter and exercise helps you to think, surely exercising to music can turn you into a clever person.A team of scientists from Ohio State University did experiments on 33 volunteers who were getting better from heart disease after operations. They found those volunteers who exercised while listening to Italian musician Antonio Vivaldis The Four Seasons did much better on language ability tests than without music. It is also used in medical fields for patients who have had head hurts because of its moderate tempo (舒缓的节拍).“Exercise seems to cause positive changes in the nerve (神经) system and these changes may improve the learning ability of people with heart disease,” said the psychologist Charles Emery, who led the study. “And listening to music is thought to enhance understanding. We just wanted to put the two results together,” he added.The volunteers said they felt better emotionally and physically after exercising with or without music. But their improvement on the test doubled after listening to music during exercise. Scientists have proved that music can be good for health and education. It helps reduce stress and sadness, encourage relaxation or sleep, wake up the body and improve memory and thoughts.Scientists have been studying the results of exercise to music on learning and understanding since the early 1950s. A study showed that students who listened to Mozarts violin pieces and exercised went on to get higher marks in an IQ test. With important exams drawing near, your parents will not probably allow you to listen to music or play sports. But perhaps now you have good reasons to argue with them.(1)What does the underlined word enhance mean?A . produceB . provideC . improveD . impress(2)From the last paragraph we can learn that .A . you should follow your parents wordsB . you have some good reasons to join in an IQ testC . good marks depend on listening to music and excisingD . exercise to music might help you get higher grades in tests(3)Which of the following statements is true?A . Music helps volunteers get better from heart disease.B . Exercise is used for people with head hurts.C . Exercise causes no changes in health without music.D . Music can help you relax and feel energetic.(4)What might be the best title of the passage?A . Exercise to MusicB . Music and studyC . Importance of MusicD . Studies on Exercise四、 词汇运用。 (共1题;共1分)26. (1分)It took Mary_(至少)half an hour to walk to school 五、 根据句意, 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共15题;共69分)27. (1分)You should use the computer to help you get more _ (organize).28. (10分)用所给词的适当形式填空We play a game_(call) trick or treat at Halloween.There _ (be) an English book and three pens on the desk.My brother often_(fly) a kite with me in the park on Sundays.Millie is looking forward to_(get) a birthday present.Some old people just dont know how_(make)pumpkin lanterns.Please write down those_ names. (Child)Every student _a schoolbag. (Have)These runners have fun_ (run) along the street._ (not) play in the street. Its dangerous.How _(happy)they are in the playground !29. (1分)When we talk to others, we should care about their _(feel).30. (1分)The station is about 15_ (kilometer) away from here.31. (5分)根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)I didnt want to be treated _(different)from anyone else.(2)When she was in her_(twenty), she began to study Japanese.(3)Compared with his twin brother, he does _(well) in English.(4)Williams hopes to become a friend of_(he) because they share the same interest.(5)Many people have their own cars. As a result, the streets are much more _(crowd).32. (1分)The workers _ (build) a new bridge near my house last year and I guess they will finish it next month.33. (5分)根据句子意思,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。The plane hasnt arrived yet. Do you know the time of its_ (arrive)?Mr. Sun felt cold and _( frighten)._(luck), I got full marks in the last exam.You neednt take a notebook with you if you find it _ (necessary).Many people dont know the_(important) of the wetlands.34. (10分)根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,注意时态和语态。(1)Could you please _me with my English? (help)(2)Our Party had her _birthday a few days ago. (nine)(3)Which do you like _(good),carrots or tomatoes?(4)I want_ (buy) a book.(5)The old woman is walking _ (slow).(6)She said that she_(see) the film.(7)Wow ,the soup _ (taste) so nice(8)The boy should stop _ (wear) that silly earring.(9)Dont worry about the _ (child) heath. They can look after themselves.(10)Your sister is too young _ (go) to school.35. (4分)根据句意,在答卷标有题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。(1)How strange he is! Maybe he is the _(mad) man I have ever seen.(2)The manager asked if the message on the desk was for one of the_(salesman).(3)After school all the students went out of the classroom _(noise).(4)The man in his _(forty) is the person who saved that boy.36. (4分)根据句意,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。She looks much _ (health)than she used to be because she takes exercise every day.Our English teacher has offered us some useful_(suggest). I think they will help us a lot in our English study.Please tell me the_(lady) telephone numbers, I want to interview them.You can see the _( happy) on her face because she cant find her lovely dog.37. (10分)用所给词的适当形式填空_Every day Li Ming_(go)home at five oclock_What about _(go) _ (swim) tomorrow?_I like to eat _ (tomato) very much._I _ (be) 13 years old next year._Lets go _ (shop) tomorrow._Its easy _ (answer )this questions._Would you like_

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