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战略评估框架,1,一个企业的战略终极目标可以用战略意图等级金字塔来反映,规 划,Objectives,目 标,使命,远景,一体化程度,数量少,具体化程度,数量多,2,战略框架,财务表现 EVA 利润率,竞争优势 差异化 低成本,组织能力 领导力 学习,企业协同效应 核心竞争力 市场能力 共享基础设施 平稳现金流 跨国优势,程序执行 产品开发 需求管理 定单执行,行业位置 竞争状况 新进入者 替代者,消费者 供应商,成长性 财务风险,快速反应,杠杆,3,战略规划的通用模型,明确使命,引出目标,备选战略方案,方案评估,最优方案,总体规划方案,中期规划方案,短期战略规划,评估结果,反馈链,确定总体预算,确定中期运营预算,确定短期战术预算,战略形成,战略执行,4,战略分析框架,市场 吸引力,竞争优势 或者劣势,获利能力,对手的直接竞争 进入威胁 替代者的竞争 供应商谈判力 买方谈判力 规则压力,服务市场的成本 地位 服务市场的利益 地位,市场经济和机会,公司的创造 价值战略,公司的资源 和能力,市场,公司创造价值 能力配合公司 资源和市场机会,公司和其 在市场中的地位,根本原因,可衡量的指标 或原因,盈利能力 的解释,5,公司的远景/使命/价值观,公司的战略,业务战略,职能战略,发展战略,维持战略,收缩战略,退出战略,非关联多元化,关联多元化,集中专门化,房地产业务,人力战略 品牌战略 财务战略,战略评估内容步骤,6,战略诊断结果,1、公司总体战略体系不完整:公司的使命、远景、价值观缺位 2、公司战略不明晰:三大六强,缺乏具体的标准和衡量措施 3、业务组合战略不科学:一业为主,多业经营。过分依赖一业,多业缺乏科学论证 4、职能战略不配套:缺乏配套的人才战略 缺乏科学的财务投资战略 缺乏完整的品牌战略 缺乏完整的市场战略 缺乏系统的研发战略,7,一个企业的战略终极目标可以用战略意图等级金字塔来反映, 华融的战略体系缺乏了企业的远景、使命,规 划,Objectives,目 标,使命,远景,一体化程度,具体化程度,?,?,三年做大 六年做强,8,9,华融的公司战略停留在1999年重组时提出的口号和目的,缺乏具体的可衡量标准,用什么标准衡量华融的大? 用什么标准衡量华融的强? 我们还有哪些差距? 我们采取了哪些有针对性的措施保证实现? 现阶段的进展如何? 还有哪些可以改进的地方?,1999,2002,2005,10,企业总体战略体系不完整,11,企业战略分析,-价值链分析 PORTOR MCKINSEY -资源的利用与管制 成本效益分析 有效性分析,12,三个重点,1、为产业创造了什么价值 2、产业价值链有没有变化 3、对现状满意否?需要移位否? 1、找到主要的价值活动 2、对内部价值活动作出改革、改良 创造价值/降低成本/提高顾客满意度 3、基本上是工业工程,13,华融项目的假设前提,1、华融公司目前是一业为主,多业经营,2、华融的发展战略是三年做大,六年做强,3、华融目前处在做大和做强的关键时期,4、华融目前的资源和优势都集中在房地产领域,5、房地产行业是一个资金和人才密集型产业,14,组织结构必备的5个功能体系,执行 协调 控制 发展 政策,15,组织结构,先有战略,后有组织 组织结构跟随战略变化 组织结构必须为战略服务 组织结构必须能反映战略意图 组织结构必须有效执行战略 组织结构随时根据战略需要而调整,16,S1执行功能系统:生产力,内容:生产、销售、客户服务、采购、运输等一线作业 目的:执行战略,完成任务 结果:注重成绩,效益 条件:应拥有相对自主权,以便快速反应,调整步伐和 资源 课题:占用大部分资源和人力,远离权利核心,不理解战略要义,照顾局部利益 方向:要加强沟通,协调和控制。 要求:外界的信息最丰富,应及时反馈到政策系统。,17,S2协调功能体系:润滑,内容:总办、公关、工会、人事、计划、委员会 目的:协调,确保工作顺畅,提升整体生产力 结果:注重跨部门效益,协调S1和S3之间的运作 课题:公正有效落实跨部门效益及减少摩擦,可以以非正式组织出现,18,S3控制系统:稳定,目的:监控,后线作业 范围:人事、行政、财务、信息、法律、质量 目的:传达指令、追踪绩效、收集资料分析归纳 结果:确保系统运作不出轨,追踪目标进程,提出报告并作出建议 课题:接近核心,对前线不敏感,拿鸡毛当令箭,降低系统的反应速度 成本中心 S1最对抗的系统。注意S1/S3的适当比例,只控制不干预,领导要注意亲近S1,19,S4发展系统:应变,目的:后线作业,未来作业 范围:研发、战略、攻关、市场、幕僚、战略委员会 目的:寻找未来的成长点,第二曲线制定未来收益模式,未来投资重点,编制未来的梦想 结果:提出因应未来变化,构想和计划 课题:回报慢,过程长,面对不确定性,20,S5政策系统:方向,描述:司令部作业,决策作业 范围:董事会成员,指导委员会 目的:对现行作业和未来发展作业关键性的决策,取舍中之取舍,拿捏好轻重、主次、缓急 结果:形成方向和政策,决策和启动时机的掌握 课题:成员的素质,决策的精确,资源的配置,战略的选择,21,INDUSTRY COMPETITORS Intensity of Rivalry,NEW ENTRANTS,BUYERS,SUBSTITUTES,SUPPLIERS,Threat of New Entrants,Bargaining Power of Buyers,Threat of Substitutes,Bargaining Power of Suppliers,Entry Barriers Economics of scale Proprietary product differences Brand identity Switching costs Capital requirements Access to distribution Absolute cost advantages Proprietary learning curve Access to necessary inputs Proprietary low-cost Government policy Expected retaliation,Rivalry Determinants Industry growth Fixed(or storage) costs value added Intermittent overcapacity Product differences Brand identity Switching costs Concentration and balance Informational complexity Diversity of competitors Corporate stakes Exit barriers,Determinants of Supplier Power Differentiation of inputs Switching costs of suppliers and firms in the industry Presence of substitute inputs Supplier concentration Importance. Of volume to supplier Cost relative to total purchases in the industry Impac6t of inputs on cost or differentiation Threat of forward integration relative to threat of backward integration by firms in the industry,Determinants of Substitution Threat Relative price performance of substitutes Switching costs Buyer propensity to substitute,Determinants of Buyer Power Bargaining Leverage Price Sensitivity Buyer concentration Price total purchases versus firm concentration Product differences Buyer volume Brand identity Buyer switching costs Impact on quality relative to firm performance switching costs Buyer profits Buyer information Decision-makers Ability to backward incentives integrate Substitute products Pull-through,5 Competitive Forces,By Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage,22,The Value Chain: Primary and Support Activities,Source: Adapted with the permission of The Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., from Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael E. Porter. Copyright 1998 by Michael E. Porter.,Exhibit 3.1,TRANSPARENCY-21,23,The Value Chain: Some Factors to Consider in Assessing a Firms Primary Activities,Source: Adapted with permission of The Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, from Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael E. Porter. Copyright 1985, 1998 by Michael E. Porter.,PROFIT MARGIN,Exhibit 3.2,TRANSPARENCY-22,24,The Value Chain: Primary and Support Activities,Source: Adapted with the permission of The Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., from Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael E. Porter. Copyright 1998 by Michael E. Porter.,Exhibit 3.1,TRANSPARENCY-21,25,Value Chain Activities: Examples of Overall Cost Leadership,Source: Adapted from Porter, M.E. 1985. Competitive Advantage, New York: Free Press.,Exhibit 5.3,Source: Adapted from Porter, M.E. 1985. Competitive Advantage, New York: Free Press.,TRANSPARENCY-44,26,Comparing Experience Curve Effects,Cost per Unit,0 units,1 million units,2 million units,4 million units,Cumulative Volume,$1,90,80,70,60,81,64,49,36,72.9,51.2,34.3,21.6,90% original cost,80% original cost,70% original cost,64% original cost,Exhibit 5.4,TRANSPARENCY-45,27,The Erosion of Product and Service Differentiation,What are the raw commodities?,Source: Adapted from Colvin, G. 2000. You could be selling soybeans. Fortune: November 13:80.,Exhibit 5.6,TRANSPARENCY-47,28,Stages of the Industry Life Cycle,Exhibit 5.8,TRANSPARENCY-49,29,The Value Chain: Some Factors to Consider in Assessing a Firms Primary Activities,Source: Adapted with permission of The Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, from Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael E. Porter. Copyright 1985, 1998 by Michael E. Porter.,PROFIT MARGIN,Exhibit 3.2,TRANSPARENCY-22,30,The Value Chain: Some Factors to Consider in Assessing Firms Support Activities,Source: Adapted with permission of The Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., from Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael E. Porter. Copyright 1985, 1998 by Michael E. Porter.,Exhibit 3.3,TRANSPARENCY-23,31,Figure 3.1: The Components of a Companys Macro-Environment,MACROENVIRONMENT,Legislation and Regulation,Societal Values and Lifestyles,Population Demographics,Technology,The Economy at Large,COMPANY,Suppliers,Substitutes,Buyers,New Entrants,Rival Firms, IMMEDIATE INDUSTRY AND COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT,32,Figure 3.2: Strategic Thinking and Analysis Leads to Good Strategic Choices,Identify Strategic Options for the Company,Select the Best Strategy for the Company,33,Figure 3-3: Cost Advantages of Different Experience Curve Effects,$1,$1,.90,.80,.70,.81,.64,.49,.729,.512,.343,10% Cost Reduction,20% Cost Reduction,30% Cost Reduction,1 Million Units,2 Million Units,4 Million Units,8 Million Units,Cost per Unit,34,Figure 2.2: Corporate Strategy for a Diversified Company,Corporate Strategy,Approach to capital allocation,Narrow or broad-based diversification,Scope of geographic operations,Moves to add new new businesses,Moves to build positions in new industries,Efforts to capture cross-business strategic fits,Moves to divest weak business units,Is diversification related, unrelated or a mix?,35,Figure 2.2: Corporate Strategy for a Diversified Company,Corporate Strategy,Approach to capital allocation,Narrow or broad-based diversification,Scope of geographic operations,Moves to add new new businesses,Moves to build positions in new industries,Efforts to capture cross-business strategic fits,Moves to divest weak business units,Is diversification related, unrelated or a mix?,36,Corporate Strategy,Business Strategies,Functional Strategies,Operating Strategies,Corporate-Level Managers,Business-Level Managers,Operating Managers,Functional Managers,Figure 2.1: Levels of Strategy-Making in a Diversified Company,37,Figure 2.2: Corporate Strategy for a Diversified Company,Corporate Strategy,Approach to capital allocation,Narrow or broad-based diversification,Scope of geographic operations,Moves to add new new businesses,Moves to build positions in new industries,Efforts to capture cross-business strategic fits,Moves to divest weak business units,Is diversification related, unrelated or a mix?,38,Figure 2.4: Networking of Missions, Objectives, and Strategies,Corporate Level Objectives,Corporate-wide Strategic Vision,Corporate Level Strategy,Business Level Objectives,Business Level Strategic Vision,Business Level Strategies,Functional Objectives,Functional Missions,Functional Strategies,Operating Objectives,Operating Missions,Operating Strategies,39,Corporate Strategy,Business Strategies,Functional Strategies,Operating Strategies,Corporate-Level Managers,Business-Level Managers,Operating Managers,Functional Managers,Figure 2.1: Levels of Strategy-Making in a Diversified Company,40,Figure 2.2: Corporate Strategy for a Diversified Company,Corporate Strategy,Approach to capital allocation,Narrow or broad-based diversification,Scope of geographic operations,Moves to add new new businesses,Moves to build positions in new industries,Efforts to capture cross-business strategic fits,Moves to divest weak business units,Is diversification related, unrelated or a mix?,41,Figure 2.4: Networking of Missions, Objectives, and Strategies,Corporate Level Objectives,Corporate-wide Strategic Vision,Corporate Level Strategy,Business Level Objectives,Business Level Strategic Vision,Business Level Strategies,Functional Objectives,Functional Missions,Functional Strategies,Operating Objectives,Operating Missions,Operating Strategies,42,Figure 2.5: Factors Shaping the Choice of Company Strategy,Companys Strategic Situation,Craft the strategy, External Factors, Internal Factors,Social, political, regulatory and community factors,Competitive conditions and industry attractiveness,Company opportunities and threats to companys well-being,Resource strengths, capabilities, and weaknesses,Influences of key executives,Shared values and company culture,Identify and evaluate alternatives,Determine relevance of internal and external factors,43,Figure 4.1: Mobilizing Company Resources to Produce Competitive Advantage,44,Figure 4.2: Typical Company Value Chain,45,Figure 4.1: Mobilizing Company Resources to Produce Competitive Advantage,46,Figure 4.2: Typical Company Value Chain,47,Figure 5.1: The Five Generic Competitive Strategies,Market Target,Type of Advantage Sought,Overall Low-Cost Provider Strategy,Broad Differentiation Strategy,Focused Low-Cost Strategy,Focused Differentiation Strategy,Best-Cost Provider Strategy,Lower Cost,Differentiation,Broad Range of Buyers,Narrow Buyer Segment or Niche,48,Figure 5.1: The Five Generic Competitive Strategies,Market Target,Type of Advantage Sought,Overall Low-Cost Provider Strategy,Broad Differentiation Strategy,Focused Low-Cost Strategy,Focused Differentiation Strategy,Best-Cost Provider Strategy,Lower Cost,Differentiation,Broad Range of Buyers,Narrow Buyer Segment or Niche,49,Figure 5.2: Reconfiguring Value Chain Systems to Lower Costs - Software Industry,A. Value Chain System of Software Developers Using Traditional Wholesale-Retail Channels - Highest Cost,50,Figure 5.1: The Five Generic Competitive Strategies,Market Target,Type of Advantage Sought,Overall Low-Cost Provider Strategy,Broad Differentiation Strategy,Focused Low-Cost Strategy,Focused Differentiation Strategy,Best-Cost Provider Strategy,Lower Cost,Differentiation,Broad Range of Buyers,Narrow Buyer Segment or Niche,51,Figure 5.2: Reconfiguring Value Chain Systems to Lower Costs - Software Industry,A. Value Chain System of Software Developers Using Traditional Wholesale-Retail Channels - Highest Cost,52,Figure 5.2: Reconfiguring Value Chain Systems to Lower Costs - Software Industry,B. Value Chain System of Software Developers Using Direct Sales and Physical Delivery of CDs,C. Value Chain System of Software Developers Using Online Sales and Internet Delivery - Lowest Cost,53,Figure 5.1: The Five Generic Competitive Strategies,Market Target,Type of Advantage Sought,Overall Low-Cost Provider Strategy,Broad Differentiation Strategy,Focused Low-Cost Strategy,Focused Differentiation Strategy,Best-Cost Provider Strategy,Lower Cost,Differentiation,Broad Range of Buyers,Narrow Buyer Segment or Niche,54,Figure 5.2: Reconfiguring Value Chain Systems to Lower Costs - Software Industry,A. Value Chain System of Software Developers Using Traditional Wholesale-Retail Channels - Highest Cost,55,Figure 5.2: Reconfiguring Value Chain Systems to Lower Costs - Software Industry,B. Value Chain System of Software Developers Using Direct Sales and Physical Delivery of CDs,C. Value Chain System of Software Developers Using Online Sales and Internet Delivery - Lowest Cost,56,Figure 5.3: The Building and Eroding of Competitive Advantage,57,


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