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南方医科大学2018级医学英语考试试卷1. _ medicine deals with the illnesses found primarily in children.Veterinary兽医的 Alternative Pediatric(小儿科的) Psychiatric(精神病学)2. _ is chronic inability to sleep.Hypotension(血压低) Insomnia Anemia贫血 Constipation便秘3. _ are drugs used to destroy microorganisms that cause infection and disease.Antibodies Antigens Antibiotics Androgens雄激素4. Individuals who are very seriously overweight,or_ ,can be more likely than others to suffer various health problems.Thin obese robust(精力充沛的) slim5. Incurable(无法治愈的) illnesses sometimes end in _ -assisted,painless death.Euthanasia(安乐死) suicide homicide extinction6. _, or memory loss,can occur after a head injury.Anxiety anemia acne痤疮 amnesia(记忆缺失,遗忘症)7. doctors are accused of_when it is believed that theyve harmed a patient,usually due to neglect or carelessness.Homicide malfunction故障 malpractice治疗失当 maltreatment虐待8. Menarche(月经初潮) refers to which of followings?Development of female characteristics end of childhood end of pregnancy beginning of menstruation月经9. liver tumor is termed _.Liver oma hepato tumor hepatosis肝病 hepatoma肝癌10. Rhinoplasty(鼻整形术) refers to_.Plastic surgery of the nose plastic surgery of the breastSurgical incision into the nose surgical removal of the nose11. Combine the word parts dia-,meaning ”through”,and -rhea meaning “flow”, to form a word meaning “passage of fluid stool”_diarrhea腹泻_12. A tetralogy is composed of _four_ elements of factors.13. The study of the human inner secretion from glands in called_endocrinology_内分泌学_14. The study of tissues is called_histology组织学_15. Monoclonal 单克隆的refers to a colony derived from_somatic_体细胞_ cells.16. The term “sublingual”舌下的 means_beneath the tongue_17. Death of tissue is called_necrosis_坏疽_18. A disease of long duration that progresses slowly is described as_chronic disease_慢性病_19. _antibiotic抗生素_ is the administration of antigenic material to stimulate an individuals immune system to develop adaptive immunity to a pathogen.20. _bronchial asthma支气管哮喘_ is a common long term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs,which is characterized by variable and recurring symptoms,reversible airflow obstruction, and bronchospasm.21. After operation,any hematoma or apparent false aneurysm should be carefully observed for complication.术后应仔细观察血肿或假动脉瘤的并发症。22. Family history showed chronic gastrointestinal symptoms in a maternal母亲的 cousin.家族史显示一个表亲的慢性胃肠道症状。23. It is indicated for the treatment of infection before the infecting organism有机体 has been identified or when caused by sensitive bacteria.它是指治疗感染之前已确定的感染有机体或敏感细菌引起的。24. Ciprofloxacin could result in impairment of the patients ability to drive or operate machine particularly in conjunction with alcohol.25. An organism against which immunity has been developed will be coated with antibody if it enters the blood stream,and will be destroyed.如果免疫系统进入血液系统,就会产生抗体,并将被摧毁。26. The basis for the lasting immunity,which follows most viral diseases,has as yet been unknown.大多数病毒病的持久免疫的基础还未知。27. The pulmonary artery divides into two branches and carries blood to the lung,where it passes through the numerous capillaries that surround the alveoli of the lungs.肺动脉分为两个分支,并携带血液到肺,它通过无数的毛细血管包围肺泡的肺部。28. Hardly had the attenuation of rheumatic pains occurs when the doctor instructed the patients to stop medication.当医生指示病人停止用药时,几乎没有风湿痛的减轻。29. Depending to a great extend upon the route by which the antigen enters the body of the sensitized individual,an immediate hypersensitivity reaction may vary from a severe and frequently fatal systemic reaction to a local manifestation such as food allergy食物过敏,hay fever花粉病,asthma哮喘,or cutaneous anaphylaxis皮肤过敏.根据抗原进入敏感个体的途径的巨大延伸,立即的过敏反应可能与严重的和经常致命的全身性反应不同 对局部表现的反应,如食物过敏、花粉症、哮喘或皮肤过敏反应。30. A variety of clinical features help to distinguish the various forms of leukemia,but diagnosis is based on examination of the peripheral blood,in which are usually found qualitative and quantitative changes in the corresponding white blood cell type.各种临床特征有助于区分各种形式的白血病,但诊断是基于检查外周血,其中通常是相应白细胞类型的定性和定量变化。31. Nevertheless,knowledge of the cancers is advancing in such way that it seems likely that some definite control may be achieved in the fairly near future;but only if research and application of research on cancer are carried out in a far more vigorous,orderly and scientific way than they are at present.然而,癌症的知识正在以这样的方式推进,它似乎有可能在不久的将来实现某些明确的控制,但是,只有对癌症的研究和应用,才能比现在更为积极、有序、科学地进行。32. The reason that one tissue or organ,such as stomach,can digest food,and another tissue or organ,such as a muscle,can move a limb,is that the cells of which each tissue or organ is made are different.一个组织或器官,如胃,可以消化食物,以及另一个组织或器官,如肌肉,可以移动肢体,是每个组织或器官制成的细胞是不同的。33. Her family history,besides the fact that her brother died form Dariers disease.was no contributory.她的家族史无特殊情况,除了她的哥哥死于毛囊角化症外。34. The attacks were precedes by 3 or 4 hour prodromes前驱症状 of nausea,abdominal distention,diarrhea or constipation.袭击发生在3或4小时的前驱症状有恶心、腹胀、腹泻或便秘。35. She was susceptible to car sickness,a tendency which had been less pronounced in the past year.她易患晕车,这一趋势在过去一年中并不明显。


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