外研版英语九年级上Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 It’s more than 2020years old.(二)同步练习D卷.doc

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外研版英语九年级上Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 It’s more than 2020years old.(二)同步练习D卷.doc_第1页
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外研版英语九年级上Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 It’s more than 2020years old.(二)同步练习D卷.doc_第2页
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外研版英语九年级上Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 It’s more than 2020years old.(二)同步练习D卷.doc_第3页
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外研版英语九年级上Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 Its more than 2020years old.(二)同步练习D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 (共2题;共2分)1. (1分)Xian is an _(古老的) city. It has a long history. 2. (1分)Look! Gina is reading a book about_ (奇观) of the world. 二、 用所给词的形式填空 (共5题;共9分)3. (5分)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(1)Lots of people want to know how the Hanging Garden (空中花园)was built in the a_ world.(2)The London Olympics was a great e_ in 2012.(3)Would you like to do some r_ about the new movie?(4)The p_ from Beijing Modern Primary School won the prize.(5)Each of the students wants to get good g_. 4. (1分)The room was so dirty. We decided _ (clean) it up.5. (1分)How about_ (go) for a walk in the park?6. (1分)Autumn is the _ (busy) season of a year. Look! The farmers are working in the field.7. (1分)Were really looking forward to_ (see) you again.三、 单项选择 (共5题;共10分)8. (2分) Wheres my music CD? I cant see it! Youd better _ it carefully in your bedroom.A . look upB . look throughC . look forD . look after9. (2分)_, everyone. Ive got some advice about traveling in a foreign country.A . ListeningB . Listen toC . Listen upD . Listen careful10. (2分)The road was covered with sand _ the heavy sandstorm.A . because ofB . becauseC . forD . as11. (2分)_ a medicine box under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried to look after the man.A . WithB . ToC . OfD . For12. (2分)_my opinion, the Victoria Falls are more fantastic.A . ForB . OnC . InD . At四、 根据汉语完成句子。 (共2题;共16分)13. (3分)这儿有一张纸,请在顶部写下你的电话号码。Here is a piece of paperPlease write down your telephone number_14. (13分)根据汉语完成句子(1)我认为金钱并不是万能的。_ _ _, money is not everything.(2)你想要什么海鲜吗?What kind of seafood _ _ _?(3)我将只呆在这里三天。Ill stay here _ _ _ three days.(4)他们将参加演唱。They are going to _ _ the singing.(5)这条河有多宽?_ _ is the river?五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空 (共5题;共19分)15. (14分)完成句子(1)你最好写一本关于如何保护动物的书。You had better _ a book _ how to protect the animals.(2)我们应该知道该干什么和不该干什么。We should know _ _ _ and _ _ _ _.(3)你为什么不步行上班呢?它对健康有好处。_ _ go to work on foot? Thats good for your health.(4)老师问玛丽:“你有没有更多的想法?”The teacher asked Mary, “Do you have _ _ ideas? ”(5)我喜欢这本由马克吐温写的小说。I like the novel _ by Mark Twain.16. (1分)His father is the man _ (read) a newspaper at the table.17. (2分)What _ you _ (do) when I phoned you?18. (1分)They _ (go) to the park yesterday.19. (1分)They _ (plant) trees from 7:00 to 9:00 last Sunday.六、 句型转换。 (共1题;共2分)20. (2分)The bridge is 50 metres long (对划线部分提问)_is the bridge?七、 单项选择。 (共4题;共8分)21. (2分)Lets join_the game, it seems very interesting. A . onB . forC . inD . of22. (2分)Mary, how about _ this afternoon?Good idea.A . go swimmingB . going swimC . to go swimmingD . going swimming23. (2分)There is a river running through our city. Its about_. A . 20 metre highB . 20 metres highC . 20 metre wideD . 20 metres wide24. (2分) Do you play _ piano in your free time? No, I like sports. I often play _ soccer with my friends.A . /; theB . the; /C . the; theD . a; a八、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)完形填空China is a great country 1 5,000 years of history. There are many2 which attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year. Some of them are fantastic lakes, beautiful mountains and long rivers.Many mountains,3 Mount Tai, Mount Emei, Mount Hua, are very famous. People go to Mount Tai to see the sun4 . Among the rivers, the Yangtze River is the longest one and the second 5 one is the Yellow River. They are the birthplaces of Chinese culture.Have you 6 the love story about Xu Xian and White Snake? It is said that the story 7 on West Lake. West Lake is the most fantastic place that I have 8 visited. It lies in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is surrounded on three sides by 9 . Many tourist attractions there are well worth visiting such as Sudi Causeway, the Broken Bridge and Leifeng Pagoda. The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lost 10 in it.(1)A . have B . with C . in D . has (2)A . place of interest B . places of interesting C . place of interesting D . places of interest (3)A . such as B . for example C . as D . and (4)A . rising B . rise C . raise D . raising (5)A . long B . longer C . longest D . more long (6)A . hear of B . hear about C . heard of D . heard about (7)A . happen B . happening C . was happened D . happened (8)A . ever B . never C . often D . before (9)A . mountain B . mountains C . water D . tree (10)A . themselves B . them C . they D . their 九、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)根据短文理解出选择正确答案。BHello Sandy,We have just returned from our holiday. We went with our friends Edward Smith and his wife Tina to the Yorkshire Moors. This is a beautiful place. It is a natural park. There are lots of places to walk on the tops of the hills, miles of grassland with no people, just sheep and birds.Edward, who had just come out of hospital, could not walk as far as he used to. However this meant that we walked in the mornings, and then stopped at a cafe for lunch each day, before returning to the place we live. Edward and I slept in front of the fire all afternoon, while the ladies went for another walk. Very pleasant!I have taken lots of photos from the place we live, across the valley(峡谷)below us, of the morning sunrise, and the mist in the valley. Also, in England, the old steam powered trains(蒸汽火车)are very popular. I have taken many photos of the train and from it.Yesterday we had the first snow of this winter. It is very early (we usually expect snow in January). It rained all day, and then snowed in the evening. Today we have bright sunshine! Both Jenny and I are well. I dont know if I told you, in the last e-mail, that Jenny is now working in a hotel. Although she has to work hard, people there are nice and she is enjoying the work.Please write to us to tell us your news.Yours,Victor(1)What kind of place is the Yorkshire Moors?A . A hotel.B . A natural park.C . A hospital.D . A cafe.(2)When did the ladies take a walk?A . Only in the morning.B . Only in the afternoon.C . Both in the morning and in the afternoon.D . In the evening.(3)They had _ snow this winter.A . an earlyB . a lateC . a usualD . a big(4)What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 mean?A . The valley.B . Travel.C . The mist.D . The train.(5)What do we know from this passage?A . This is the first time Victor wrote an e-mail to Sandy.B . Edward didnt go traveling because he had just come out of hospital.C . Jennys new job in a hotel is an easy one.D . People in England like the old steam powered trains very much.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 (共2题;共2分)1-1、2-1、二、 用所给词的形式填空 (共5题;共9分)3-1、3-2、4-1、4-2、5-1、5-2、6-1、6-2、7-1、7-2、三、 单项选择 (共5题;共10分)8-1、9-1、10-1、10-2、11-1、12-1、四、 根据汉语完成句子。 (共2题;共16分)13-1、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空 (共5题;共19分)15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、六、 句型转换。 (共1题;共2分)20-1、七、 单项选择。 (共4题;共8分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、八、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)25-1、九、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、

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