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人教版2020届英语中考模拟试卷A卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A Fun Way to Start the DayMrs.Bames turned off the bright camera light on the news desk.Charlie,a fifth-grade news announeer(播音员),sat at the desk.“Our show seems to be missing something,”he said. “It seems like we should end our 1 on a cheerful note.We should give the students 2 to enjoy.Since the show is school wide,we could help everyone begin the day in a positive way.”“What do you mean,Charlie?Dont you think the students like watching our news show and 3about the important events of the day?”Mrs.Barnes said jokingly.“Sure,”Charlie answered. “Im just looking for a little something more to add to our program,”he said.Charlie was what his mother called an “experimenter”.He was,4trying to find a new way of doing something,and today Charlie wanted to think of how to really 5 up the school with the morning news.As Charlie walked, he hummed(哼唱)the school song.His friend Jenny met him in the hallway and,without a word,she too began humming.By the time they reached the classroom door,another girl,Lily,had 6 them and started singing their happy song.At first, Mrs.Barnes watched the class with a confused expression,and then with a shine in her eyes,she smiled. Her class loved to sing,and she liked sharing this 7 with them.Just at that moment,Charlie realized that music was the8 he had been looking for.Thats it!Charlie thought.We can end the morning news by singing our school song.“So what do you think?”Charlie asked heartedly.Mrs.Barnes was happy to see Charlie 9about his volunteer work as the school news announcer. “Lets give it a try!”Mrs.Barnes replied. “I have a feeling that it will be a 10 way to end our morning news show and a fun way to start the day!”(1)A . class B . show C . day D . week (2)A . something B . anything C . nothing D . everything (3)A . reading B . warning C . talking D . asking (4)A . almost B . already C . ever D . always (5)A . call B . wake C . look D . give (6)A . told B . helped C . found D . joined (7)A . moment B . memory C . plan D . information (8)A . reason B . request C . answer D . ability (9)A . disappointed B . worried C . excited D . surprised (10)A . pleasant B . polite C . normal D . traditional 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)2. (10分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。Passage 1Steven Jobs, the designer of Apple Computer, was not clever when he was in school. At that time, he was not a good student and he always made troubles with his schoolmates. When he went into college, he didnt change a lot. Then he dropped out(退学). But he was full of new ideas.After he left college, Steven Jobs worked as a video game designer. He worked there for only several months and then he went to India. He hoped that the trip would give him some new ideas and give him a change in his life.Steven Jobs lived on a farm in California for a year after he returned from India.In 1975, he began to make a new type of computer. He designed the Apple Computer with his friend in his garage. He chose the name “Apple” just because it could help him to remember a happy summer he once spent in an apple tree garden.His Apple Computer was so successful that Steven Jobs soon became famous all over the world .He often said, “I live in order to change the world, there arent any other reasons. The only way to have a great achievement is to love your own career. If you cant find your favorite career ,go on looking for it and never give up.”This is Steven Jobs, though he is dead, his spirit and achievements still influence our lives. (1)Steven Jobs was not a good student in school because he _.A . never did his lessonsB . dropped outC . always made troubles with his schoolmatesD . he was full of new ideas(2)Why did Steven Jobs go to India?A . Because he wanted to be a video game designerB . Because he wanted to get some new ideasC . Because he wanted to make a new type of computerD . Because he wanted to have a happy summer.(3)Steven Jobs was famous for his _ all over the world.A . new ideasB . Apple ComputerC . video gamesD . saying(4)From this passage we know Steven Jobs _.A . didnt finish his studies in the college because he hated his schoolmatesB . liked traveling in India and CaliforniaC . liked trying new things and making his new ideas come trueD . thought he had many reasons to live in the world(5)Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to this passage?A . The only way to have a great achievement is to love your career.B . The name “Apple” helped Jobs to remember a happy summer in an apple tree gardenC . If you cant find the career you love, give it up and try another oneD . People remember Jobs because of his achievements.3. (8分) Stress is everywhere in our everyday life. Not only men have it, but also women and young people.The most important reasons of stress are: death, diseases, exams, making money, getting married, moving houses, changing jobs, ending friendships and so on.How do you know whether you have stress or not? Could you give your answers to the following questions?Do you.YesNoEasily get angry?Often sleep badly?Get headaches a lot?Take medicine to help sleep?Find it difficult to relax?Usually hide your feeling?Smoke and drink a lot to keep quiet?Find it difficult to put your heart into something?If your answer Yes to more than two of these questions, you are one of those people with stress. So what can you do about it?Doing relaxing exercises, talking with friends and listening to light music are all usual ways of relieving (减轻) stress. However, doctors now say that there are easier ways-people should laugh and smile more often. When you laugh and smile, your body relaxes. They also say that people, especially men, should Xmore often, because crying is a natural way of relieving stress.(1)Which of the following is NOT the reason of the stress?A . Taking exams.B . Changing jobs.C . Taking medicine to help sleep.D . Making money.(2)According to the passage, which of the following is true?A . Women and young people never have stress.B . Stress is everywhere in our everyday life.C . People who answer No to all of the questions have great stress.D . People who answer Yes to more than two of the questions have no stress.(3)X in the passage should be the word .A . cryB . laughC . smileD . smoke(4)The main idea of the passage is.A . about stress and how to relieve your stressB . that there are many reasons for having stress.C . that laughing and smiling more can help relieve your stress.D . that doing the Stress Test is a good way to help you live a better life.4. (10分) It was 12:45 pm on January 2, 2007. 50-year-old Wesley Autrey was waiting for the train at a subway station in New York. His two daughters, aged four and six, were with him.Suddenly, a sick man fell down on the platform (站台). The man, 20-year-old Cameron Hollopeter, got up, but then fell againthis time, onto the track between the two rails (道轨). A train was coming into the station. It was a frightening moment.But Mr Autrey wasnt frightened. He looked at the man and the space that the man was in. It was about half a meter deep. And he thought, “The train is going to travel over this man. If he tries to get up, the train will kill him. But if he lies on the ground and doesnt move, hell be OK.” So he got an idea.He jumped down and kept Mr Hollopeter down on the ground. The train driver saw them. He was terrified, but he couldnt stop in time. The train traveled over the two men before it stopped.The people on the platform were surprised. When Mr Autrey heard them screaming, he shouted, “Were OK down here, but Ive got two daughters up there. Let them know their father is OK.”In an interview on a TV show, Mr Autrey said, “The only thing that happened to me was my blue hat got dirty.”(1)Why did Mr Hollopeter fall on the platform and then the track?A . Because he was illB . Because he walked so fastC . Because he was too old.D . Because the subway station was so crowed.(2)Which of the following is TRUE?A . Mr Autrey was so frightened when he saw what had happened.B . Mr Autrey thought the space that the man was in was about one meter deepC . The train driver saw the two men but he couldnt stop the train in timeD . Mr Autrey and Mr Hollopeter were both taken to a hospital.(3)Mr Autrey was worried about when the train stopped.A . his two daughtersB . Mr HollopeterC . his blue hatD . the train driver(4)Mr Autrey lay on top of Mr Hollopeter in order to .A . keep him calmB . keep him downC . keep him warmD . keep him awake(5)Whats the best title for the passage?A . A Sick ManB . Save Ones LifeC . Mr Autrey and Mr HollopeterD . The Subway Hero5. (8分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Have you heard about Face Recognition (刷脸) technology? It begins to become a popular and exciting development in China. In September 2017, a Kentucky Fried Chicken KPRO restaurant in Hangzhou utilized (利用) this new technology.Customers will go through the buffet (自助餐) line and then check out with their food using this Just look with your face payment method. When they get to the payment machine, they simply choose the Payment of facial recognition and then stand in front of the screen for 1-2 seconds. They then confirm their account and phone number and finish the payment processall of it takes no more than 10 seconds!Nowadays, the words Face Recognition have become popular around China with the development of the ability to pay with facial recognition. Here are several examples of how you might hear the words in daily life in China. In Hangzhou, a high school provides a service where students can pay for meals by facial recognition. However, this isnt the only way we use the words in China! When you combine these characters together you also get another meaning: Jackie Chan got a dinner for free by brushing his face.Do you know more about other meanings of Face Recognition? Please tell me more about it by sending an email to Susan2018126.com or call me at 8524689. Well talk about the topic next time.(1)What does the passage mainly talk about? A . Going to enjoy the buffet.B . Face Recognition technology.C . KPRO.D . Payment machines.(2)If you use the payment (facial recognition) for a meal, you need to spend _ seconds. A . less than 10B . more than 12C . more than 20D . less than 2(3)What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 2 refer to? A . The process of finishing having the meal.B . The process of choosing the food you want.C . The process of standing in front of the screen.D . The process of finishing the payment.(4)The writer will talk about _ in her next article. A . the reason why the words Face Recognition become so popularB . the disadvantages of Face RecognitionC . examples of other meanings of the words Face RecognitionD . people who can get dinner free三、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共35分)6. (10分)任务型阅读阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)Many people think dreams are full of messages that may not be clear to us common people. But if we think about what is going on in our lives, we can usually come up with an answer. Lets look at some of the most common dreams. What are the meanings of these dreams?FallingYoure falling, falling, falling and then you wake up. This dream is said to mean you are in fear of something or worried about something. There may be something in your life that is out of control and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Another explanation is that you may experience failure in something. Maybe youre not doing well in school or work.Taking an exam (or forgetting that you have one)You suddenly realize you have to take an exam at that very moment. You might be running here and there to find your classroom. Scientists say this dream may mean youre being tested about something or maybe you are facing a challenge.FlyingDreaming that you are flying means you are on top of things. You are in control of the things that matter to you. It may also mean you have confidence in yourself and think no one and nothing can beat you.Trying to run, but going nowhereYoure trying to run, but either of your legs wont move or you simply arent going anywhere. Some scientists think this dream means youre trying to do too many things at once and cant catch up or move forward.In fact, unlike these dreams, there are also many strange dreams that scientists may not be able to explain.Title: What do dreams _?Descriptions of dreamsAnswers to dreamsFalling*You have something to be _of or worry about.*You may _ in something like schooling or work.Taking an exam(or forgetting that you have one)* Maybe youre taking part in a _ .* You may face something _ .Flying*Youre able to _what matters to you.*You believe in yourself and think that you can beat anyone and _.Trying to run, but going _*Youre trying to do too many things at the same time and it prevents you from _ forward.Conclusion: Scientists can _ some dreams, but not all the dreams.7. (25分)研读文字和图表,根据情境及问题简要作答。ESara wants to buy a motorcycle. She sees an ad in the newspaper for a used one. She calls the telephone number in the ad. The person who is selling the motorcycle lives on Flag Street in Clifton, about 15 miles from Fairview where Sara lives. Shell take a bus to get there on Sunday.At the bus station. Sara looks through the bus schedules(时刻表). She sees one that says “Fairview, Clifton on the front. Thats what Sara needs.Please look at the bus schedule carefully. Then help Sara make her decision, and answer the following questions.(1)Why does Sara want to go to Flag Street? (2)What bus can Sara take according to the schedule? (3)Sara decides to arrive at Flag Street before 12: 00 by the No. 7 bus. What time should the bus leave Fairview Station? (4)When Sara gets on the No. 7 bus, she finds that Flag Street stop has been closed because of the street repairs. She has to get off at another stop, Look at the schedule again, where should Sara get off the bus so that she can have a shorter walk to Flag Street? (5)Now Sara is on Flag Street. She wants to visit a friend on her returning trip. Her friend is around the corner of Church and North Street. Which is the proper bus for her to take and where to get on the bus? 四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共5题;共13分)8. (1分)Mary will _(交流) with me by email. 9. (1分)What about eating _for dinner?10. (1分)He _ (花费) five yuan for the book. 11. (5分)单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。(1)Please lend me one _(千) dollars.(2)_(刀) and forks will be necessary when we have western food.(3)I launched my rocket in a _(田地).(4)The old man often goes to the _(电影院) with his friends.(5)We are looking forward to _(邀请) our foreign teachers to our Eve Feast.12. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。(1) Wang Lei, who is your _(最喜欢的) teacher? My English teacher.(2)I have long _(胳膊) and long legs.(3)Jane has small _(脚).(4)Jackie Chan (成龙) is an _(演员).(5)Kangkang is a _(中国的) student.五、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共5分)13. (5分)请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。comfortable wide happy forty visit(1)Look! They are watching the film Lost in Thailand with _ on the Internet.(2)My fathers _ birthday happens to be on Fathers Day.(3)The Internet is_ used in most families in our country today.(4)Those beautiful paintings dont belong to us. They are those_.(5)It will make you feel _ if you sit too long in front of the computer.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分)扬州将迎来建城2500周年华诞。学校打算从你班招募一名志愿者,Jim和Jane是两名候选人,班上的A组同学推荐Jim,B组同学推荐Jane。假如你是班长名叫Li Ping,你会推荐谁,理由是什么?请根据表格中的信息和要求给学校负责人吴先生写一份电子邮件,向他汇报具体情况。观点理由Group A推荐Jim学习成绩优秀,经常受到老师表扬虽不多言,但Group B推荐Jane学习成绩虽然一般,但乐于在空余时间为班级做额外的工作你推荐作为志愿者应该乐于奉献,请举例说明你所推荐的Jim/Jane的品质和能力要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥;3)词数:100词左右(电子邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。Dear Mr. Wu,We have discussed whether Jim or Jane should be the volunteer for the event of the 2,500th anniversary of the founding of Yangzhou City. Different groups have different recommendations.I hope my email will be of some value to you.Yours sincerely,Li Ping第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共35分)6-1、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共5题;共13分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、五、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共5分)13-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)14-1、

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