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小学四年级英语上册单元知识点梳理及检测4A Unit 2 In a toy shop盐城市实验小学 盐城市教学能手 曹晓丽一、 重点词汇讲解1. its=it is 它是 2. isnt=is not 不是 3.thats=that is那是 4. have a look看一看 5.Id like 我想要 6. I like我喜欢 7.cant=cannot 不能 8. I see. 我明白了。 9.on the desk 在课桌上 10.which box 哪个盒子 11.How lovely! 多么可爱啊! 12. a green box 一个绿色的盒子 13.a blue box 一个蓝色的盒子 14. a nice monkey一只漂亮的猴子15.my panda我的熊猫 16. your bear你的熊 17.his lion 他的狮子 18. her rabbit 她的兔子 19.a toy shop 一家玩具商店 20. that dog 那只狗 21.this cat 这只猫 22. In which box? 在哪个盒子里? 二、重点句型讲解 1.Whats this/that? Its a panda. 这/那是什么?它是一只熊猫。 2.This is your dog. 这是你的狗。 3.That is my bear. 那是我的熊。 4.Thats his cat, I think. No, it isnt. I see. 我想那是他的猫。 不,不是。 我明白了。 5.This is her rabbit, I think. Yes, it is. 我想这是她的兔子。是的,它是的。 6.Thats a nice monkey. 那是一只漂亮的猴子。 7.That lion is nice, too. 那只狮子也很漂亮。 8.Can I have a look? Sure. 我可以看一看吗?当然。 9.Id like this panda, please. 我想要这只熊猫。 Id like a toy lion. 我想要一只玩具狮子。 10.I like this panda. 我喜欢这只熊猫。 11.I like your rabbit, too. 我也喜欢你的兔子。 12.Here you are. Thank you. Not at all. 给你。谢谢。不用谢。 13.Whats that on the desk? 书桌上的那个是什么? Its a photo. 它是一幅照片。 14.Can you see the toys? No, I cant. Yes, I can. 你能看见玩具吗? 不,我不能。 是的,我能。 15.Is this a bear? Guess. 这是一只熊吗?猜猜。三、语法讲解请认真记住这张表格。单数复数人称代词一二三一二三主格be动词,动词I 我+amyou你arehe他+is she她+isit它+isWe+are我们you你们+arethey他,她,它们+are宾格跟在动词,介词后me我you你him他her她it它us我们you你们them他,她,它们形容词性 物主代词名词my我的your你的his他的her她的its它的our我们的your你们的their他,她,它们的4A 第二单元检测 听力部分一听录音,选出你所听到的内容。( ) 1.A. pen B. rubber C. ruler ( ) 2.A. rabbit B.dog C. bird ( ) 3. A. panda B. elephant C. lion ( ) 4. A. desk B. pear C. bear ( ) 5. A. monkey B.tiger C. zebra( ) 6. A. it B. its C. is( ) 7.A. this B. thatC. what( ) 8.A. rubber B. rabbitC. ruler( ) 9.A. Miss B. Mrs C. Mr( ) 10. A. thank B. think C. see 二听录音选择正确的答案。( )1. Whatsthatonthatdesk ? A. A pencil . B. A toy train . C. A rubber .( )2. MayIhave _ formyfriend ? A.atoy rabbit B. a toy cat C. a toy cat ( )3. Thisis _ , I think . A. her ruler B. hisrubber C. your rabbit ( )4.WhatsforMiss Li ? A.Apen B. A puppet C. An apple .( ) 5.Ilike _ ,too. A.your blue cat .B. my blue cap . C. her brown coat .三根据所听内容,选择正确答句。( ) 1. A. Thank you . B. Here you are . C. Come in , please .( ) 2. A. No , you cant .B. Its nice . C. All right .( ) 3. A. Yes , it is . B. Yes. This one is for you .C. Hownice !( ) 4. A. Some pens . B. Ive got some pencils .C. No, you cant.( ) 5. A. Thats right. B. Come in , please . C. No , you cant.四、听录音,找出正确译文,将序号填在题前括号内。( ) 1. A. 桌上有什么?B. 椅子上有什么?( ) 2. A. 这是什么? B. 那是什么?( ) 3. A. 那是一只漂亮的猴子。 B. 那是一只可爱的猴子。( ) 4. A. 我想要这只熊。B. 我想要这只熊猫。( ) 5. A. 我能看一看吗? B. 好可爱啊!笔试部分一根据图片写单词。 二、中英互译。1.这只狗 2.那只猫 3.你的书 4.我的钢笔 5.她的铅笔 6.他的圆珠笔 7.in a toy shop 8.a lovely monkey 9.on the desk 10. have a look 三、选择合适的回答,将其序号填在题前的括号内( )1. Nice to meet you . A. Bye-bye. ( )2. May I come in ? B. Not at all . ( )3. How are you ? C. Come in ,please . ( )4. Can I have a look ? D. Its a toy bear . ( )5. Whats this in English ? E. Thank you .( )6. Goodbye ,Miss Li . F. Nice to meet you . ( )7. Thank you . G. Sure .Here you are . ( )8. This pen is for you . H.Great .Lets go . ( )9. Lets go to the zoo . I. No ,it isnt .Its Nancys . ( )10. This is your toy monkey ,I think . J. Fine ,thank you . 四、单项选择:( ) 1. is this, Yang Ling? Its a rabbit.A. Whats B. WhatC. Is( ) 2. like some oranges, please.A. Id B. I C. Ill( ) 3. Can you see these toys? .A. No, it isnt.B. Yes, I can.C. No, it cant.( ) 4. Whats over there?A. this B. that C. thats( ) 5. May I this toy rabbit?Sure. Here you are.A. has B. haveC. in( ) 6. 迈克看见那边有只狮子,他说: A. Can you see it?B. That is a lion, I think.C. This is a lion, I think.( ) 7. 放学后,你跟同学说: A. Good morning.B. GoodbyeC. Good night.( ) 8. 营业员问你想买什么?你如何回答: A. Can I help you?B. I like toy tigers.C. Id like a toy tiger.( ) 9. 你想问这是不是对方的钢笔,你问: A. Is this your pen?B. Is that your pen?C. This is your pen.( ) 10. 营业员告诉高山,那不是熊而是熊猫。 A. Is that a panda? No, its a bear.B. Is that a bear? Yes, it is.C. Is that a bear? No, its a panda.五连词成句。(注意句首字母需大写,句末加标点)1.have I may for MrGreencarda (?)_2.this you for pencil sharpeneris (.)_3.that what the on is desk(?)_4.his this car toy is think I (.)_5.you see can toys the(?)_六用正确的物主带代词填空,每词限用一次。 my your his His Her1. A: Whatanice new watch ! Is it _ watch ? B: No, its not _ watch . Its David s , I think . A:No, its not _ watch . _watchis orange .Thiswatchis blue .2. HelenisanEnglishgirl . _ brotherisMike .七读一读,想一想,写出下列句子的中文意思。1. MayIhaveanotebook forGao Shan ?_2. MayI havealook ?_3. I havesomedolls ._4. I havelunch attwelveatnoon ._5. Havesomeorangejuice ,please ._八、 读短文,判断正误,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“T”表示 My mane is Nancy Black. Im an English girl. David is my brother. I like dolls very much. My broher likes toy cars. Now he is in the playground(操场). He is playing his toy car happily. ( )1. Im Nancy Black.( )2. Im from China. ( )3. My brother is David. ( )4. Nancy likes dolls. ( )5. David likes toy cars. 听力材料及参考答案:听力部分:一 1 rubber 2 rabbit 3 elephant 4 pear 5 monkey 6 is 7 what 8 rabbit 9 Mr 10 thank(B A B B A C C B C A)二1. Whatsthatonthatdesk ? Its a pencil . 2. MayIhave a toy cat formyfriend ? 3. Thisis your rabbit , I think . 4. WhatsforMiss Li ? Its a pen. 5.Ilike her brown coat ,too. (A B C A C)三1.May I come in? 2.Lets go to the park. 3.Is it a toy bear? 4.What can you see on the table? 5.Whats two and five? Its seven. (C C A A A )四1.Whats that on the chair? 2.Whats this? 3.Thats a lovely monkey. 4.Id like this panda. 5.Can I have a look? (B A B B A)笔试部分:一 a monkey,a lion,a rabbit,a book, a rubber,a panda二1 this dog 2 that cat 3 your book 4 my pen 5 her pencil 6 his ball pen 7 在一个玩具店里8一只可爱的猴子 9 在桌子上 10 看一看三 F C J G D A B E H I四 B A B B B B B C B C五 1. May I have a card for Mr Green? 2.This pencil sharpener is for you. 3.What is that on the desk? 4.This is his toy car, I think. I think, this is his toy car. 5.Can you see the toys?六your,my,his,His,Her七 1.我能为高山要一本笔记本吗? 2.我能看一看吗? 3.我有一些洋娃娃。 4.我中午12点吃午饭。 5.请喝一些果汁。八 T F T T T

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