人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中试卷(I)卷 .doc

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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中试卷(I)卷 一、 单项选择 (共23题;共46分)1. (2分)I dont want to read this book. There is _ in it. A . something interestingB . nothing interestingC . interesting somethingD . interesting nothing2. (2分)Thats I must trust you to keep this secret. A . whenB . whyC . howD . where3. (2分)_ is it from your home to school? Its about ten minutes drive.A . How soonB . How longC . How farD . How often4. (2分)Its _for you to keep secrets for your friends. In this way, you can win their trust.A . strangeB . necessaryC . possibleD . lucky5. (2分)They take great pride _ their daughter who is now a famous scientist. A . forB . inC . ofD . on6. (2分)I use to _ to the park at the weekends. A . goB . goingC . to goD . goes7. (2分)Lets go _after school. A . swimB . to swimC . swimmingD . football8. (2分)The girl looks , but she doesnt do her homework . A . gentle; carefulB . gently; carefullyC . gentle; carefully9. (2分)The more you smile, the _ you will feel.A . happyB . happierC . happilyD . more happier10. (2分)Nick and I _ 12 years old, but Jack is 14 years old. A . amB . isC . areD . Be11. (2分)We will have two family parties this autumn. One is at Halloween and _ is at Thanksgiving A . otherB . the otherC . anotherD . the others12. (2分)Because the house price is going up _, I dont have enough money to buy it. A . more and more expensiveB . cheaper and cheaperC . higher and higherD . lower and lower13. (2分)Listen! Someone is playing _violin.Wow! _beautiful music! I like it very much.A . the; WhatB . an; HowC . a; WhatD . / ; How14. (2分)(2015.江苏盐城) This photo reminded the old man _ the days when he was young.A . withB . forC . byD . of15. (2分)Im too tired and I feel like _ bed at once. A . go toB . going toC . to go16. (2分)This new watch is _ than that old one. A . expensiveB . much expensiveC . much more expensiveD . the most expensive17. (2分)(2016南通)What about yesterdays dragon dance? Oh,its one Ive ever seen A . a most wonderfulB . more wonderfulC . the most wonderfulD . a more wonderful18. (2分) Do you have a good friend? Yes. I have a friend who talks but does than me.A . little; muchB . less; moreC . less; muchD . few; many19. (2分)Im sorry I left my football at home.Thats all right. Dont forget _ it here tomorrow.A . to takeB . to bringC . bringingD . taking20. (2分)Its better _ your voice down in public places. A . keepingB . to keepC . keepsD . keep21. (2分) Tina, can I borrow this book? Yes, you can. But you must bring it back in a week.A . finish itB . return itC . forget it22. (2分)I practice my English listening _ watching English TV programs. A . withB . atC . byD . for23. (2分)Did you decide _ a new car?A . to buyB . buyC . buys二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)24. (15分)(2017南充)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city. You hop on(跨上)it and 1. But waitisnt this stealing? No, it isnt. 2shouts,“Stop! Thief!” That is 3this free ride is just fine with the city.You 4find hundreds of free yellow bikes in some US cities. The idea began in Portland, Oregon, in 1994. People saw a need for 5transportation, and they wanted to help 6pollution. So, to get citizens(市民) 7their cars and onto pollution-free bikes, they 8the Yellow Bike Project.The 9bikes are painted bright yellow and placed throughout the city. People can hop on the yellow bike and ride to run errands(短程差事), to work 10to school. Then, they leave the bike for the 11rider. There have been times when bikes have been stolen, but most people 12the rules, because they think it is not wise to 13the bike thats already free.Portlands 14was quickly loved by a lot of people. Within two years of its starts, similar programs were 15in cities in six other states.(1)A . drive away B . ride away C . ride back D . run away (2)A . No one B . Someone C . Anyone D . Everyone (3)A . whether B . so C . because D . though (4)A . have to B . dont have to C . cant D . can (5)A . expensive B . crowded C . free D . common (6)A . protect B . control C . make D . bring (7)A . out of B . into C . up D . near (8)A . ended B . started C . changed D . refused (9)A . public B . private C . clean D . dirty (10)A . but B . as C . until D . or (11)A . next B . last C . best D . first (12)A . break B . make C . discuss D . follow (13)A . buy B . repair C . produce D . steal (14)A . citizen B . street C . idea D . school (15)A . looked up B . made up C . put up D . set up 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)25. (10分)阅读理解。A(1)If you are interested in a part-time job, you can call _.A . 4435-7792B . 8467-6352C . 3345-6789D . 8956-7778(2)Jessica and Lucas will meet at the school gate _.A . at 8 am on May 5B . at 8 am on May 6C . at 15:00 on May 5D . at 15:00 on May 6(3)What will Jessica and Lucas do?A . Go to a party.B . Go to a movie.C . Go climbing.D . Go shopping.(4)A student in Class 2, Grade 8 found _.A . a telephone messageB . a pair of sunglassesC . a dogD . an iPad(5)What can you infer(推断) according to the fourth piece of information?A . Puppy is a 6-year-old black schnauzer.B . Allens dog went missing on Man Street.C . We treat him as my family member.D . You can get a reward if you call Allen.26. (8分)根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。AMany teenagers feel the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe their family members, and in particular(尤其是) their parents, dont know them as well as their friends do. In large families, its quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice. Its very important for teenagers to have good friends or a circle of friends, because friends can discuss something difficult to say to their family members.However, parents often try to choose their childrens friends for them. Some may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. The question of “choice” is interesting. Have you ever thought of the following questions? Who chooses your friends? Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you? Have you got a good friend your parents dont like? Your answers are welcome. (1)Whats important to teenagers?A . Making friends.B . Meeting friends.C . Living with Mends.D . Fighting with friends.(2)Teenagers usually like to _.A . go to their brothers and sisters for helpB . communicate with their parentsC . make friends with their parentsD . discuss something with their friends(3)The underlined sentence means “_”.A . Your answers are rightB . You should give us all the right answersC . Wed like to have your ideas about the questionsD . You are welcome to understand your friends(4)According to the writer, parents should _.A . choose friends for their childrenB . understand their children betterC . welcome all their childrens friendsD . stop their children from choosing friends四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共30分)27. (5分)补全对话根据对话内容,从方框中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话,并将所选句子前的字母代号写在答题卡上的相应题号后。(A New English-Chinese Dictionary is on sale in the Foreign Language Book Store. Dick is too busy to go there. He asks John to get one for him.)A: Hello! May I speak to John, please?B: This is John speaking. _A: Its Dick. Im at home.B:_A: Im looking after my mother.B:_A: She is ill. She has caught a bad cold.B:_. Can I help you?A: Yes, thank you. I hear a New English-Chinese Dictionary is on sale at the Foreign Language Book Store. Will you please go there and get one for me?B:_. Ill go right now.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.28. (25分)研读文字和图表,根据情境及问题简要作答。ESara wants to buy a motorcycle. She sees an ad in the newspaper for a used one. She calls the telephone number in the ad. The person who is selling the motorcycle lives on Flag Street in Clifton, about 15 miles from Fairview where Sara lives. Shell take a bus to get there on Sunday.At the bus station. Sara looks through the bus schedules(时刻表). She sees one that says “Fairview, Clifton on the front. Thats what Sara needs.Please look at the bus schedule carefully. Then help Sara make her decision, and answer the following questions.(1)Why does Sara want to go to Flag Street? (2)What bus can Sara take according to the schedule? (3)Sara decides to arrive at Flag Street before 12: 00 by the No. 7 bus. What time should the bus leave Fairview Station? (4)When Sara gets on the No. 7 bus, she finds that Flag Street stop has been closed because of the street repairs. She has to get off at another stop, Look at the schedule again, where should Sara get off the bus so that she can have a shorter walk to Flag Street? (5)Now Sara is on Flag Street. She wants to visit a friend on her returning trip. Her friend is around the corner of Church and North Street. Which is the proper bus for her to take and where to get on the bus? 五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)拼写单词,完成短文。Many people in the USA love sports. Some people like playing sports and some people like w_ sports.At school, students play many different sports. Such as(例如)f_ , basketball and volleyball. In summer, students go swimming and play basketball.Mike e_ playing volleyball but he doesnt like swimming.Andy and Simon love playing football but t_ dont like swimming. They are members of the school Football C_.Millie and Sandy like playing table tennis. They are g _ players and win(赢得)many table tennis m_, but they dont like volleyball.Milles b_ friend, Lily, is a good badminton player. She thinks badminton is an easy game. She w_ to teach her friends to play badminton in h_ free time.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)假如你叫李华,你以前很害羞内向,现在变得开朗外向了,有了很多朋友。下星期六是你的生日,所以你准备在家举办一个生日晚会,邀请同学和朋友参加。晚会于7::30开始。你家住在南京路70号,乘地铁在人民路站下车。你家就在车站对面,房子是红色的,由木头制成的。门是白色的,由钢铁制成的,很容易找到。请根据所给信息,适当发挥,给你的好友林莉写一封不少于80词的信。要点:1、举办晚会的原因和晚会的时间、地点。2、邀请她参加晚会。3、你的地址以及如何到达。4、你的希望。参考词汇:hold a birthday party, 70 Nanjing Road, the stop of Renmin RoadDear Lin Li,I have changed a lot these years.Yours,Li Hua第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共23题;共46分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)24-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共30分)27-1、28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)29-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)30-1、


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