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仁爱版中学七年级下学期英语期中测试B卷一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I have baseball. I want to play baseball with you. A . a; theB . a; 不填C . the; theD . the; 不填,2. (2分)(2016苏州)Steve Jobs was full of always coming up with new ideas which led to great changes in society.A . instructionB . invitationC . introductionD . invention3. (2分)Miss Zhao told US an interesting storyHer voice sweet A . heardB . soundedC . listenedD . felt4. (2分)Are those Jennys pencils?_.They are Marys.A . Yes, they areB . No, they arentC . No, it isntD . Yes, it is5. (2分) _ is the shcool lab? Its next to the office building.A . HowB . WhatC . WhenD . Where6. (2分)Li Tong isa postcardher friend.A . taking; forB . buying; toC . sending; toD . sending; from7. (2分)-Does your friend like salad?-_.A . Yes, she likeB . No, she doesC . Yes, she doesntD . No, she doesnt8. (2分)She _ about her new school at the moment.A . talksB . talkedC . will talkD . is talking9. (2分)-Do you mind me smoking here?- _. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking”. A . It doesnt matterB . Yes, pleaseC . Youd better notD . Never mind10. (2分)Look! The old man is in the middle of the street. Its too dangerous.Lets help him go the street before the traffic lights turn red.A . pastB . overC . acrossD . through11. (2分)(2015宜宾)There are enough cups for each visitor to have _.A . oneB . itC . thisD . that12. (2分)Its 8 a.m. now. Its time for him morning exercises now. A . doesB . doC . doingD . to do13. (2分)_? Its between these two hotels. A . How to get to the marketB . Where the market isC . Where is the marketD . Is there a market14. (2分)Which sign means No smoking?_.A . B . C . D . 15. (2分)Alice is than her brother and sister. She never stops talking. A . quietB . quieterC . outgoingD . more outgoing二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空BHello!My 1is Jim Smith. My first name is2, and Smith is my3name.4am5English boy. Whats that over there? Oh, its my6. Its an7dictionary. I like8very much. 9is it? It s red. Can you10dictionary? Yes, D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.(1)A . Name B . telephone number C . number D . family (2)A . Jim B . Smith C . Jim Smith D . jim (3)A . first B . Middle C . full D . family (4)A . My B . You C . I D . He (5)A . a B . an C . the D . / (6)A . book B . eraser C . name D . dictionary (7)A . Chinese B . English C . Japanese D . good (8)A . this B . that C . it D . me (9)A . What B . Who C . How D . What color (10)A . say B . spell C . speak D . tell 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择最佳选项。Huang Qingyun spends her life telling stories to children. Now though she is in her nineties, she has no plans to stop.I did this for children, from the first day I started to write stories. I am old now, but I still want to go on telling stories to children, Huang said.Born in Guangzhou in 1920. Huang spent her childhood in Hong Kong and her favourite hobby was making up stories for her elder sister.In 1935, Huang went to university and studied Chinese. During this period, she was greatly influenced by the well-known Chinese educator Tao Xingzhi and decided to become a primary school teacher. However, instead of being a teacher. Huang found another way to educate children. During World War , Huang often told stories to homeless children at the Little Children Society, a charity (慈善机构) set up by a professor from the University of Hong Kong.Huang also started a column (专栏) called Sister Yuns Mail Box in Xin Er Tong, a childrens magazine set up in Hong Kong in 1941. From then, Huang officially started writing and created a large number of stories for children. Huang spent about 30 years at the magazine working as chief editor (主编) in Guangzhou.Huang retired in 1987. She moved to Hong Kong and went on creating stories for children, including I Love Hong Kong, Children from Hong Kong and Shoes Brothers.What l wrote were all for children, and for me, writing fairy tales is my favourite, Huang said.(1)When Huang Qingyun was a child, she liked _. A . writing fairy talesB . reading storybooksC . making fun of her elder sisterD . making up stories for her elder sister(2)At first, Huang Qingyun decided to become a school teacher because of _. A . her parentsB . her elder sisterC . a great educatorD . her Chinese teacher(3)The Little Children Society is the name of a(n) _. A . bookB . filmC . magazineD . organization(4)We can learn from the passage that Xin Er Tong _. A . was set up by Huang QingyunB . often helped homeless childrenC . was set up in Hong KongD . had many good columns(5)Huang Qingyun retired at the age of _. A . 57B . 67C . 87D . 9718. (10分)阅读理解 Postman wantedNo experience necessary but you must be hard-working.Free to choose working hours.Have a drivers license.Write to No. 38 Changhong Rd, Xiangyang.English teacher wantedWarm and patient college students.Able to speak standard English, good with children.Time: on weekends.E-mail address: Sunshine School 163.com.Taxi drivers wantedFull-time taxi drivers. Over five years experience, good knowledge of the city.Under 45 years old.For more information, please come to Shunda TaxiCompany to visit the manager.Tour guides wantedTwo years working experience.Good English and good at talking to people.Age: 20-30.Go to Friendship Traveling Company to ask the Manager for more information.(1)If you want to be a postman, its necessary for you to have _. A . working experienceB . good knowledge of the cityC . a drivers licenseD . a college students card(2)Sunshine School needs _. A . excellent English teachersB . a hard-working postmanC . full-time driversD . an outgoing tour guide(3)If you want to be a taxi driver, you should _. A . be over 45 years oldB . know the city very wellC . write to No. 38 Changhong Rd.D . speak English well(4)The tour guides wanted should _. A . have no working experienceB . be patient with childrenC . be good at drivingD . speak good English(5)You cannot get information by _ if you want to get a job above. A . making a callB . going to visit the managerC . sending an e-mailD . writing a letter19. (8分)根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。CAlmost every Chinese person can recite the two lines of the famous poem, Every grain on the plate comes from hard work(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦). But sadly, many of us dont actually get the real meaning of these lines: Dont waste food.A CCTV program, News One Plus One, reported that the food Chinese people throw away every year is much enough to feed 200 million people for a year.Do we have too much food? Of course not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2013, especially in developing countries. Six million children die of hunger every year.Chinese people are well known for being hospitable(好客的) and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table.Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, got fired because she took some leftover(剩余的) food home for her son. Many people stood by her and criticized(批评) the waste of food.What should we do in our daily lives to waste less food? Here are some tips:1). Do not order too much in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you ordered, take the rest of it home.2). Dont be too picky(挑剔的) about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it.3). Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Dont buy too much, especially for vegetables and fruit.(1)How many people were hungry in the world in 2013 according to the UN World Food Program?A . 200 million.B . Six million.C . 925 million.D . 625 million.(2)What does the writer want to show us through Li Hongs story? A . Many Chinese restaurants waste a large amount of food.B . Many Chinese people are kind-hearted and ready to help the weak.C . Chinese people feel that they lose face if their guests eat all the food.D . Many Chinese people dont agree with the behavior of wasting food.(3)According to the passage, we shouldnt waste food because _. A . food comes from very hard workB . six million children die of hunger every dayC . there is enough food to feed all the peopleD . Chinese are hospitable and generous(4)Which of the following is a good way to save food? A . Ordering more than you need at a restaurant.B . Taking home restaurant leftovers.C . Not knowing what you already have at home when shopping.D . Not eating the food you dont like even if its healthy.四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共15分)20. (5分)请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。(1)Williams _his students a wonderful speech on Manners last Wednesday.(2)The Greens and the Browns _next door to each other for many years.(3)Lucy _for London on business in three days.(4)Were you at school when he came to see you?Yes, I _a math class.(5)Betty will ring me up when she _in Beijing.21. (10分)从方框中选择正确的词并用其恰当的形式填空raise sell support sell out of think less than open too.to forBrians school life is very busy. Recently Jenny, Danny and he _ some money for their school basketball team. Brian baked cookies and _them in _an hour. Danny invented a new desk but everyone thought it was _ dangerous _ do homework on a bicycle. Li Ming thought that_ cookies was a great idea to help others. His teacher, Ms. Liu wanted _a shop to raise money _ school activities. Li Ming _his classmates would _ the idea.五、 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空 (共8题;共12分)22. (1分)This is a photo of my family. These are my parents _this is my brother Bob. 23. (1分)The movie is very _ (success) and many people like it.24. (1分)_ (not be) late for school again.25. (1分)Without your support, I am _ to complete this documentary on time. (able)26. (1分)All of us _ (take) part in the sports meeting yesterday. 27. (5分)用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。(1)He often _(study) with his friends in the library after class.(2)We should do more exercise _ (keep) healthy.(3)These magazines must not _ (take) out of the reading room.(4) I called you this morning, but nobody answered it.Oh, we _(run) in the park.(5)Jacky Chen _ (star) in many action films for many years. I admire him very much.28. (1分)Dont talk _ (loud) in the library.29. (1分)May Day is coming, and the station will be full of _ (visit) from many places.六、 翻译。 (共2题;共2分)30. (1分)你们学校有多少女老师?How many_are there in your school?31. (1分)你最好是勇敢面对挑战而不是逃避。(run)Youd better face challenges bravely instead of _ them.七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)32. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Tom and Mike are good friends. They are kind to children. They want to find summer jobs. One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports, music and computers. They are both very glad to hear(说) this. Tom can play basketball and volleyball, and he can swim, too. Mike can play the violin, the trumpet, the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like computers very much. Can they join the Summer Camp?(1)Tom and Mike want to _. A . help with sports, music and computersB . be good with childrenC . join the Summer CampD . get help from the Camp(2)What does the Summer Camp need help with? A . Flying kites.B . Sports, music and computers.C . Making cakes.D . Drawing pictures.(3)Tom can play _. A . ballsB . computer gamesC . musicD . violin(4)Mike can play _. A . the drumsB . volleyballC . basketballD . football(5)What do Tom and Mike both like? A . Football.B . Computers.C . Swimming.D . Sports.八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)33. (5分)假如你是来自希望中学的李华,即将开始高中的学习生活,面对新老师、新同学,请用英文做一下自我介绍,可以涵盖以下内容 1)在家和学校的表现;2)兴趣与爱好;3)对高中生活的展望要求:1)除以上内容外,可适当发挥2)文中不得出现真实姓名、校名或地名,否则不予赋分3)100词左右;首尾句已给出,不计入总词数4)请在答题卡指定位置作答,否则无效Hello, everybody! My name is Li HuaIm from the Hope Middle School. Thank you!第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共15分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、五、 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空 (共8题;共12分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、六、 翻译。 (共2题;共2分)30-1、31-1、七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、32-5、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)33-1、

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