人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(II )卷.doc

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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Here _ some photos. A . isB . amC . areD . have2. (2分)She is only ten years old, so her parents make her at night.A . stay at homeB . stays at homeC . to stay at home3. (2分)Mr. Liu _ watches TV. He thinks watching TV is a waste of time. A . oftenB . seldomC . alwaysD . usually4. (2分)There will be an exhibition of the _ of dictionary in our city next week. We can learn more about the dictionarys history there.A . excitementB . advertisementC . developmentD . environment5. (2分)_ 15 years old, the boy left home for Beijing _the first time.A . At, atB . On, atC . In, forD . At, for6. (2分)Mary likes eating fast food. But now she_ eats them. Because she wants to stay healthy.A . usuallyB . oftenC . alwaysD . hardly7. (2分)Fresh food is good for you. But you have to _ it first because sometimes it is a little dirty.A . tasteB . smellC . washD . plant8. (2分)Im going to Hainan on vacation next week._.A . Have a good timeB . Not at allC . Thank youD . I have no idea9. (2分) is your sister?She is eight.A . How oldB . HowC . How muchD . What10. (2分)I enjoyed _ exciting stories when I was young.A . to reading B . to readC . reading D . read11. (2分)Remember to my daughters dance show next FridayOf course l willIll never forget her dance for the first time last yearA . to come,to seeB . coming,to seeC . to come,seeingD . coming,seeing12. (2分)Now many young people _posting articles and photos onto the Wechat (微信) to share with their friends.A . are used forB . are used toC . used toD . get used for13. (2分)My mother often says, Stand tall like the sunflower and be proud who you are. A . ofB . withC . atD . in14. (2分)Must we clean the classroom at once?No, you _. You _ clean it after school.A . mustnt; mayB . may not; must C . dont have to; mayD . cant; must15. (2分) Is your brothers room _? No, it isnt. His books are everywhere.A . fineB . tidyC . niceD . welcome16. (2分)Everyone except Tom and John _ seen the film.A . isB . hasC . areD . have17. (2分) What are you going to do this weekend, Judy? _. Do you have any good plans? A . No idea!B . Sounds goodC . I agreeD . Thats right18. (2分)What should we do to reduce food waste?In a restaurant only order as_ as we need and try to eat it up.A . muchB . moreC . mostD . many19. (2分)This isnt my computer . _ is over there .A . MineB . MyC . Me20. (2分)Whats wrong with me, doctor? serious. Just a slight cold.A . SomethingB . AnythingC . EverythingD . Nothing二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空 Did you see groups of people, mostly the elderly(老年人) dance in public places ? In our country, this kind of dance is known as Guangchangwu. 1the elderly dance Guangchangwu? People have different ideas about it.Some people say yes and they think it helps the elderly 2a healthy life. It offers the elderly a good way to relax, keep 3and make friends. They feel that its 4for the elder to go out to dance with their neighbors, friends than to play cards or watch TV at home. However, 5dont think so. They complain(抱怨)that the elder who dance Guangchangwu take up too much public space and make too much noise. You may have the following 6: You want to s1eep late on a weekend morning but find it 7because the elder are dancing out, making a lot of noise. Sometimes you want to have a rest or talk for a while with your friend in a park, but you cant 8the loud music from the dancing.What do you 9the elderly dancing Guangchangwu? You are welcome to share your opinions 10us.(1)A . Should B . Must C . Would (2)A . lives B . living C . to live (3)A . health B . healthy C . healthily (4)A . good B . better C . best (5)A . other B . others C . another (6)A . examples B . ideas C . experiences (7)A . necessary B . impossible C . important (8)A . because of B . because C . because in (9)A . find out B . agree with C . think of (10)A . to B . for C . with 三、 阅读理解. (共4题;共35分)22. (10分)阅读理解It was a village in India. The people were poor. However, they were happy. After all, their forefathers (祖先) had lived in the same way for centuries (世纪).Then one day, some visitors from the city arrived. They told the villagers there were some people who liked to eat frogs legs. However, they did not have enough frogs of their own, so they wanted to buy frogs from other places.This seemed like money for nothing. There were millions of frogs in the fields around, and they were no use to the villagers. All they had to do was to catch them. They reached an agreement and people sent their children into the fields to catch frogs. Every week a truck (卡车) arrived to collect the frogs and give them the money. For the first time, the people could dream of a better future, but the dream didnt last (持续) long.It was not easy to notice (觉察到) the change at first, but it seemed like the crops (庄稼) were not doing so well. It was more worrying that the children fell ill more often, and there seemed to be more insects (虫) around lately.The villagers decided that they couldnt just wait to see the crops failing and the children getting weak. They would have to use the money got to buy pesticides (杀虫剂) and medicines. Soon there was no money left.Then the people found out the problem. It was the frog. They were not useless. They had been doing an important jobeating insects. Now with so many frogs killed, the insects were increasing (增加) more quickly. They were eating the crops and spreading diseases (传播疾病).Now, the people are still poor. But in the evenings they sit in the village square and listen to sounds of insects and frogs. These sounds of the night now have a much deeper meaning.(1)From Paragraph 1, we learn that the villagers .A . worked very hard for centuriesB . dreamed of having a better lifeC . were poor but somewhat content (满足的)D . lived a different life from their forefathers(2)Why did the villagers agree (同意) to sell frogs?A . It was easy to make money by selling frogs.B . They needed money to buy medicine.C . They wanted to please the visitors.D . The frogs made too much noise.(3)The underlined word “agreement” means “ ” in Chinese.A . 判决B . 纠纷C . 关心D . 协定(4)What might be the cause (起因) of the childrens sickness (生病)?A . The crops didnt grow well.B . There were too many insects.C . The visitors brought in diseases.D . They didnt use the pesticides carefully.(5)What can we infer (推断) from the last sentence of the passage?A . Happiness comes from peaceful (平静的) life in the country.B . Health is more important than money.C . The harmony (和谐) between man and nature (大自然) is important.D . Good old days will never be forgotten.23. (10分)阅读理解 Gina comes from England. She is fourteen years old. Her mother is Mrs Johnson. She is a nurse at a hospital. She likes fruit and vegetables. She doesnt eat too much sweet food or meat, so she stays healthy. Gina likes chocolate and candy. But her mother tells her that too much sweet food isnt good for her teeth. Gina likes cola. But her mother tells her that it isnt a kind of healthy drink. Gina thinks her mothers words (话) are right. So she eats well and stays healthy. Ginas father is a bus driver. He likes having meat. He likes sweet food-chocolate and candy too. He eats too much food for dinner so he is fat. Gina and her mother often say to him, Healthy food and drinks are important to everyone.(1)What is Ginas family name? A . Jason.B . Johnson.C . Robinson.D . Thomson.(2)What is Ginas mothers job? A . A nurse.B . A doctor.C . A teacher.D . A driver.(3)Who eats too much sweet food? A . Gina.B . Ginas mother.C . Ginas father.D . Ginas friend.(4)The underlined word it refers to (指代) _. A . Cola.B . Candy.C . Chocolate.D . Meat.(5)Why is Ginas father fat? A . Because he likes fruit and vegetables.B . Because he doesnt like meat.C . Because he is a bus driver now.D . Because he eats too much meat and sweet food for dinner.24. (10分) Most children like watching TV. Its very interesting. By watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world. Of course ,they can also learn over the radio. But they can learn better and more easily on TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they cant see anything over the radio. TV helps to open childrens eyes. It helps to open their minds , too. They learn newer and better ways of doing things. Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening. They are always busy with their lessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late. They can t have a good rest. How about you, my young friend?(1)A few children go to bed late because they _.A . are busy with their lessonsB . do their homeworkC . watch TVD . listen to the radio(2)Children cant see anything _.A . in the radioB . on the radioC . on TVD . by watching TV(3)TV helps to open childrens _.A . eyes and mindsB . mindsC . eyes or mindsD . eyes(4)Why do many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening? Because _.A . TV is not goodB . they dont like watching TVC . they have no timeD . they want to play football(5)Children can study better and more easily on TV because _.A . they like to watch TVB . they can hear at the same timeC . they can watch at the same timeD . they can hear and watch at the same time25. (5分)A. they think they should have done B. you have done nothingC. people try and tell you they are not so bad D. someone just said to meE. its a time to remember the thingsBirthdays are strange things. The more you have, the more you try and pretend they dont matter, and the more _. Im not really sure why they think so. Its true that you are getting older, but as _, “Who isnt getting older every day?” The problem may be that a birthday reminds people of all the things _, but have not. I certainly understand that feeling, though I think _that I most want to do a kind of personal re-ordering (重新排序) of the to-do list. What makes you depressed(郁闷) on your birthday is that you realize your re-ordered to-do list is exactly the same as it was last year. That makes you feel_, and not been anywhere. I have not had that experience this year. I look back at where I was last year and find things have changed since then.四、 翻译. (共2题;共22分)26. (20分)根据中文句子把英文句子补充完整(1)他们看起来很不相同,但是他们两个都赢得了全世界年轻人的喜爱。They look very different,but_them have_the hearts _young people _the world(2)他率领一群猴子对抗玉皇大帝和他的天兵天将。He leads_of monkeys to _the Emperor of Heaven and his men(3)当美猴王把天宫弄得一团糟的时候,父母和孩子们一起欢笑。Parents and children _together_the Monkey King_a terrible_in heaven(4)自从大艺术家艾尔热在1929年创造了他,他已经受欢迎80多年了。He has been popular_over eighty years,_the_artist Herge_him in 1929(5)丁丁在20世纪80年代在中国出现了。Tintin appeared in China _27. (2分)我如此忙以至于不能参加这个聚会。I am_busy_I cant go to the party五、 单词拼写。根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 (共5题;共14分)28. (10分)根据所给提示完成句中单词。(1)-Alice, here are some g _for your birthday. -Thank you.(2)Jenny wants to get Jays a_She is his fan.(3)Look! Its going to rain. Take an u_, please.(4)Last week was very rainy, and r_ fell every day.(5)He takes part in a swimming c_.(6)Every year many _.(visit) come to Beijing to see the Great Wall.(7)Ann fell off her bike yesterday._(luck), she didnt hurt herself.(8)Jenny wants to be a tennis _(play) when she grows up.(9)Yesterday I watched a TV play about_(live) underwater.(10)We saw some_(real) clever animals in the zoo.29. (1分)Chinese like _(饺子) very much.30. (1分)一How about_(去溜冰)this afternoon?一That sounds great31. (1分)Mothers Day is coming. Do you have any ideas, Suzy? I know a shop with lots of _(礼物) suitable for mum on Mothers Day. 32. (1分)We have some problems in doing it. But the m_problem is that we dont have so much money. 六、 选词填空。 (共1题;共10分)33. (10分)选词填空:请根据所给短文的内容,从下面方框中选出适当的词,并用其适当形式填空,每空一词,每次限用一次。an, be, on, pencil, where, nice, she, too, computer, JaneThis is _ room. Her computer is _ the desk. And the _ is very nice. Some pictures are on the desk, _. Some model planes _ on the chairs. _ ball is under the chair. Her _ are in the desk. But _ is her schoolbag? Oh, its on the sofa. Whats on her bed? Its _ English book. Its a _ room.七、 单词造句。 (共1题;共25分)34. (25分)连词成句 (1)afraid, to, he, is, himself, at, laugh, not (2)now, home, at, is, she, right (3)find, yourself, words, many, you, songs, can, the, for (4)does, watch, he, movies, when, English (5)meet, there, at, 9:00 a. m. , Ill, you 八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)35. (5分)假如你叫王婷,你校英文报正开辟专栏讨论中学生如何减压(reduce stress)。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文,向该栏目投稿。提示:与他人交流; 参加体育运动;参加娱乐活动; 其他减压方式。要求:80词左右,可适当发挥。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。In my opinion,there are many ways for middle school students to reduce stress第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解. (共4题;共35分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、四、 翻译. (共2题;共22分)26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、27-1、五、 单词拼写。根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 (共5题;共14分)28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、六、 选词填空。 (共1题;共10分)33-1、七、 单词造句。 (共1题;共25分)34-1、34-2、34-3、34-4、34-5、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)35-1、

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