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松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试 (Mid-term exam)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_Key words and expressions in Mid-term exam English paper.1. a poor Scottish farmer2. make a living 3. a cry for help 4. a nearby bog5. drop the tools 6. be trapped in the mud 7. to ones waist 8. a terrified boy a terrifying death 9. scream10. struggle11. free12. a fancy carriage pulled up. 13. an elegantly dressed nobleman 14. step out 15. introduce oneself as 16. repay 17. save ones life 18. accept payment 19. wave off the offer 20. reply proudly 21. make you a deal 做个交易22. anything like完全像23. in time 24. graduate from 25. become known throughout the world 26. noted, well-known, famous 27. discoverer, discover, discovery 28. years afterward, years later29. be stricken with a disease, be infected with 30. What goes around, comes around. 善有善报恶有恶报;付出就有收获;种瓜得瓜种豆得豆! 31. achieve success 32. the best title of the passage 33. rank 给评级;给评名次 34. an annual taxi survey 35. website36. despite being the most expensive, although sth is the most expensive, 37. beat others, defeat others 38. across the globe, throughout the world 39. head the list, be No. 1 40. score 41. a total of 42. be voted 43. friendliest and most knowledgeable 44. earn the taxi license45. come second in the list 46. 10 percentage points 47. Parisian taxi drivers 48. rude, rudest 49. most convenient taxis 50. be voted the worst drivers 51. one in ten travelers, 52. Rome, the Italian capital53. when it comes to. 当谈到 54. the quality of 55. upon/on arrival in a place, at the time of arriving a place 56. by far 57. the most popular method of traveling 58. spokesman 59. statement 60. levels of cleanliness 61. safety and convenience 62. list the ranks of cities concerned 63. be lack of , be short of 64. make a real difference in ones life 65. care about sex or age 66. make it 67. look for volunteers 68. support 69. people with learning disabilities 70. live an active life71. miss the chance of doing sth 72. lend your warm hands to help sb 73. provide sb with sth 74. all aspects of ones daily life 75. develop new skills 76. protect ones rights77. ones primary concern 78. skill and experience required 79. have the ability to do sth 80. previous care-related experience 81. A great advantage for sb 82. be meant to 83. consume84. continue 85. life style 86. affect weight87. tend to do sth 88. feel full89. spend a fairly long time at the table 90. lose the ability to do sth 91. in addition, besides92. point out 93. canned foods, frozen foods 94. fresh fruits 95. high-quality meats 96. avoid 97. in spite of , despite, although98. evidence 99. the rate of obesity 100. gain acceptance 101. reject older traditions 102. regard.as 103. a key part of ones lifestyle 104. the relationship between A and B 105. by contrast, by space, by process, by classification 106. a book review 107. tips, advice 108. increase the chances of .109. survive 110. suck111. absorb, take in 112. remain calm, stay/keep cool 113. tie a band 114. seek medical attention 115. keep still116. keep the shark from noticing sth 117. hit sb in the eyes 118. fist 119. hard object120. be easily attracted by. 121. be attacked by .122. chase, run after123. inspect 124. claw 125. lose interest 126. sink 127. pressure 128. be equal 129. hold ones breath 130. roll up the windows (of the car)131. conduct electricity 132. local 133. realize 134. elderly 上了年纪的;过了中年的;较老的 135. fall over 136. embarrassed 137. in shock 138. help out 139. walk towards the scene140. come up with a sweet idea141. just take it 142. staff 143. the injured woman 144. bend down 145. regardless of 146. need a lot of practice147. follow me like this 148. bend your knees slightly149. reach out your arms 150. branch 151. keep your body straight 152. be sure to do sth 153. control ones body 154. keep holding your position155. develop strength and flexibility 156. raise your leg 157. stay in the air for seconds 158. be patient 159. compete, competition, competitor160. take a deep breath Key words and expressions in Mid-term exam English paper.1. a poor Scottish farmer 一个穷的苏格兰农民2. make a living,earn ones living 谋生 3. a cry for help 呼喊救命的声音4. a nearby bog 附近的一个鱼塘5. drop the tools 把工具弄掉6. be trapped in the mud 被陷在泥潭里7. to ones waist 到达腰部8. a terrified boy 一个害怕的男孩a) a terrifying death 令人害怕的死亡9. scream 尖叫, 尖叫声10. struggle 斗争;奋斗;挣扎;竞争11. free adj. 自由的;免费的;空闲的 v.免除;释放;使自由 12. A fancy carriage pulled up. 一辆奇异的车慢慢停了下来。13. an elegantly dressed nobleman 一位穿着高雅的绅士14. step out 走出15. introduce oneself as 介绍自己是16. repay 偿还;付还;报答;酬报17. save ones life 挽救生命18. accept payment 接受付款19. wave off the offer 挥手拒绝所提供的东西20. reply proudly 自豪地回答21. make you a deal 做个交易22. anything like完全像23. in time 迟早; 最后;及时; 经过一段时间之后 24. graduate from 毕业于25. become known throughout the world 变得全世界闻名26. noted, well-known, famous 27. discoverer, discover, discovery 发现者,发现,发现28. years afterward, years later29. be stricken with a disease, be infected with 30. What goes around, comes around. 善有善报恶有恶报;付出就有收获;种瓜得瓜种豆得豆! 31. achieve success 获得成功32. the best title of the passage 这段文章的最佳标题 33. rank 给评级;给评名次 34. an annual taxi survey 一年一度的出租车调查35. website 网站36. despite being the most expensive, although sth is the most expensive, 37. beat others, defeat others 38. across the globe, throughout the world 39. head the list, be No. 1 40. score 得分; 分数; 刻痕; 评分 41. a total of 总计,总数;全体数量42. be voted 选举43. friendliest and most knowledgeable 最友好且最有知识44. earn the taxi license 赢得出租车执照45. come second in the list 在列表中位列第二46. 10 percentage points 10个百分点47. Parisian taxi drivers 巴黎的出租车司机48. rude, rudest 粗鲁的,无理的49. most convenient taxis 最方便的出租车50. be voted the worst drivers 被选为最糟糕的出租车51. one in ten travelers, 十分之一旅行者52. Rome, the Italian capital 罗马,意大利的首都53. when it comes to. 当谈到 54. the quality of 的质量55. upon/on arrival in a place, at the time of arriving a place 56. by far 得多; 更; 尤其;到目前为止57. the most popular method of traveling 最受欢迎的旅行方式58. spokesman 发言人59. statement 声明; 陈述; 语句; 声明中60. levels of cleanliness 干净的等级61. safety and convenience 安全和方便62. list the ranks of cities concerned 列出相关城市的排名63. be lack of , be short of 64. make a real difference in ones life 对某人的生活产生真正的影响65. care about sex or age 关心性别或年龄 66. make it 做到,成功67. look for volunteers 寻找志愿者68. support 支持,赡养69. people with learning disabilities 学习有障碍的人70. live an active life 过积极的生活71. miss the chance of doing sth 错过做某事的机会72. lend your warm hands 伸出热情的双手 73. provide sb with sth 给某人提供某物74. all aspects of ones daily life 某人日常生活的所有方面75. develop new skills 发展/培养新的技能76. protect ones rights 保护某人的权利77. ones primary concern 某人首要关心的事78. skill and experience required 所需的技能和经验79. have the ability to do sth 有做某事的能力80. previous care-related experience 先前的与护理有关的经历81. a great advantage for sb 某人的极大优势82. be meant to 目的是83. consume 消费84. continue 继续85. life style 生活方式86. affect weight 影响体重87. tend to do sth 往往做某事,有做某事的趋势88. feel full 感觉吃饱了89. spend a fairly long time at the table 在餐桌旁花费相 当长的时间90. lose the ability to do sth 失去做某事的能力91. in addition, besides92. point out 指出93. canned foods, frozen foods 罐头食品,冷冻食品94. fresh fruits 新鲜的水果95. high-quality meats 高质量的肉96. avoid 避免97. in spite of , despite, although 98. evidence 证据99. the rate of obesity 肥胖比例100. gain acceptance 获得接受101. reject older traditions 拒绝古老一些传统做法102. regard.as 把视为;把看作103. a key part of ones lifestyle 某人生活方式的重要部分104. the relationship between A and B A和B之间的关系105. by contrast, by space, by process, by classification a) 通过对比,通过空间, 通过过程,通过分类106. a book review 书评107. tips, advice 108. increase the chances of . 提高机会109. survive 生存, 经历生存下来,比活得时间长110. suck 舐,吮吸;吸入111. absorb, take in 吸收112. remain calm, stay/keep cool 113. tie a band 系一条绷带;系一条布带114. seek medical attention 寻找医疗救助115. keep still 一动不动116. keep the shark from noticing sth 防止鲨鱼注意到某物117. hit sb in the eyes 打到某人的眼睛118. fist 拳头119. hard object 坚硬的物体120. be easily attracted by. 很容易被某物吸引121. be attacked by . 很容易被某物袭击122. chase, run after 123. inspect 检查;督查124. claw 爪子125. lose interest 失去兴趣126. sink淹没;下落;退去; 使下沉;使下垂127. pressure 压力128. be equal 相等129. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸130. roll up the windows (of the car) 摇下(汽车的)窗户131. conduct electricity 导电132. local 当地的133. realize 实现;意识到134. elderly 上了年纪的;过了中年的;较老的 135. fall over 摔倒,绊倒;被绊倒;意外地从上跌落;136. embarrassed 尴尬的137. in shock 震惊138. help out 帮助脱离困境139. walk towards the scene 朝现场走去140. come up with a sweet idea 想出一个好主意141. just take it 接受它;(同意)买某物142. staff 全体工作人员143. the injured woman 受伤的妇女144. bend down 弯腰145. regardless of 不管;不顾146. need a lot of practice 需要大量的练习147. follow me like this 像这样更我学148. bend your knees slightly 轻轻地屈膝149. reach out your arms 伸出你的手臂150. branch 树枝;分支机构;支流151. keep your body straight 使身体直立152. be sure to do sth 一定做某事;千万做某事153. control ones body 控制身体154. keep holding your position 保持住你的姿势155. develop strength and flexibility 培养力量和柔韧性156. raise your leg 抬高你的腿157. stay in the air for seconds 在空中保持几秒钟时间158. be patient 耐心159. compete, competition, competitor v.比赛,竞争;n. 比赛,竞争; n. 选手,参赛者160. take a deep breath, breathe deeply

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