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鲁教版2020年七年级下学期英语期中考试试卷A卷一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Hi, Kate! There are floors in this building. Which floor do you live on?I live on the floor.A . twenty ; twelveB . twenty; twelfthC . twentieth; twelfth2. (2分)Well have a _ holiday.Really? That sounds great.A . 3 daysB . 3daysC . 3-dayD . 3-days3. (2分)Dont make any noise. The pandas over there. A . are sleepingB . have sleptC . will sleepD . were sleeping4. (2分)Why dont you like English?Because its _.A . difficultB . funC . relaxingD . interesting5. (2分)I _ a baseball and my friend _ a basketball.A . has, haveB . have, hasC . have, have6. (2分)Oh, how interesting the book is! Andy _ to himself. A . saidB . talkedC . toldD . spoke7. (2分)A well-dressed lady entered the travel agency and asked for some information about travelling. A . A lady who looked happyB . A lady who was wearing nice clothesC . A lady who had a sweet smile8. (2分)I think we should take action to protect the endangered animals.A . So I doB . Me neitherC . Me tooD . So I am9. (2分)Wait _ minute! Would you like to play _ football with us? A . the; theB . /; /C . a ; theD . a ; /10. (2分)We sell you it _ a very good price.A . forB . atC . ofD . in11. (2分)Im surprised to hear from her. , we last met ten years ago.A . On one handB . That is to sayC . Believe it or notD . In other words12. (2分) Did Tom show the ability _ from his early age? Of course not. He is good at singing _ he works hard.A . to sing; soB . to sing; becauseC . singing; soD . singing; because13. (2分)_?He has big eyes and a small nose.A . Why do you like his hairB . What does he look likeC . What does he doD . How is he14. (2分)Many kinds of plants and animals are extinct (灭绝). The same thing _ around the world.A . happenB . happenedC . is happeningD . happens15. (2分)(2016黔东南)There _ a sport meet next week if it _. A . is going to have; doesnt rainB . is going to be; doesnt rainC . is going to be; wont rainD . is going to have; wont rain二、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共16分)16. (10分)阅读理解We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name for each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the Dog, the year of the Monkey or the year of the Pig, etc. And this year is the year of the Snake.Before New Years Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Years Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner all the family stay up late to welcome the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends and relatives. They say “Good luck” and some other greetings (问候) to each other. People usually have a very good time during the festival.(1)How many Chinese festivals are mentioned(谈到) in this passage(段)? A . OneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Four(2)We can find every Chinese year has _ name. A . an animalB . a plantC . a familyD . a last(3)How do Chinese people usually spend New Years Eve? A . They put on new clothes.B . They visit their friends and relatives.C . They are busy shopping and cleaning their houses.D . They have a big dinner and stay up late to welcome the New Year.(4)On New Years Day, people say “_” to each other when they meet A . Merry ChristmasB . Good luckC . Happy New YearD . Both B and C(5)The best title (题目) for this passage (文章) is _. A . Good timeB . The Spring FestivalC . Big DinnerD . The Year of the snake17. (6分)阅读理解Hello Kitty is a famous cartoon cat. You can see her on many kinds of things, like bags, clothes, food and books. People all over the world love the cute Hello Kitty.Forty-one years ago, a Japanese company Sanrio made Hello Kitty. In the same year, it appeared(出现)on a wallet. To peoples surprise, in the artists design, Hello Kitty is a girl! Thats why people always see her standing with two feet.Hello Kitty was in the third grade in her school. Her favorite food was apple pie. She lived with her parents and twin sister near London. It was quiet there. Hello Kitty had a big family.On weekends, her father often drove his car to take them to visit her grandparents in the forest.It was interesting that Hello Kitty had a pet cat like herself.The artist said 44 years ago, many Japanese worked and lived in Britain, so she made Hello Kitty a British person. Hello Kitty has a very happy life now. Shes the symbol of all the good things.(1)People all over the world love Hello Kitty because . A . it is the symbol of all good thingsB . it is on many kinds of thingsC . it is a famous cartoon catD . it was made by a Japanese company(2)When did Hello Kitty first appear? A . In 1974.B . In 1975.C . In 1976.D . In 1978.(3)Where did Hello Kittys grandparents live according to the passage? A . In Japan.B . In Britain.C . In China.D . In Sanrio.三、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)阅读下面短文,从方框中选择最佳的句子补全短文。The day you decide to be who you really are, is the day you begin to finish your dream. Things are difficult at first. _and makes you decide to do something helpful.Dont wait for opportunities because they might never come. _ because waiting for opportunities is like building a house in the air. Dont wait until your family members give you money before you start planning to finish your dream._ and helps us get on well with other people. Those who dont forgive are hurting themselves more than they are hurting others. When hurt, forgive as quickly as possible so that you can free yourself from worry and anger.Failure has an explanation, and success also has an explanation. _, and the explanation for success is KEYS and TIPS.Nobody enjoys listening to the explanation of failure. People are ready to hear the explanation of success. _. When you fail, believe in yourself that you do well in it. The world is waiting for your success tips.A. But failure is not bad, and it helps you get success.B. Try your best to find your own opportunities.C. But each experience makes you strong.D. The explanation for failure is often an excuse.E. Forgiveness makes us feel relaxed.四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)补全对话A: Hello, the basketball club._B: Yes. I want to join the basketball club.A: All right. _B: Yes, I can. But I cant play it very well.A: _B: Jennifer Smith.A: How old are you?B: Thirteen.A: OK. _B: 773-5566.A: _B: Yes. Its love126.com.A: Great. Welcome to our basketball club, Jennifer.B: Thank you. Im so happy.A. And whats your phone number, please?B. Whats your name, please?C. Can you play basketball?D. Can I help you?E.Doyouhaveane-mailaddress?五、 单词拼写。 (共6题;共10分)20. (5分)根据汉语意思完成句子(1)The room is very b _You neednt turn on the light(2)The children stood in a c _and began to play games(3)If you stand in s _,then you can hear the ice pop(4)I hardly b _my ears when I heard the news of the earthquake in Sichuan(5)I think friendship is a hidden t _21. (1分)The well-known restaurant will_10 new dishes next month.(service) 22. (1分)_(not talk). Its time for class. 23. (1分)This kind of thing is common and it _(happen) all the time. 24. (1分)Why are you in such a hurry?My cousin _(wait) for me outside. We are going to see a film together.25. (1分)Remember_(bring) your homework to school tomorrow. 六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)要点:1).你叫Gina Brown,请介绍一下你的姓、名、电话号码(0571-8253-8974);2)介绍家庭成员(父母和一个哥哥,哥哥叫Dave);3).介绍一下你房间里的物品及物品的位置(至少3样物品)。要求:1).要点齐全,书写工整,卷面干净;2).词数50左右。第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共16分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、三、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)18-1、四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 单词拼写。 (共6题;共10分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)26-1、


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