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沪教版2020年中考英语专题复习名词(真题)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共60题;共120分)1. (2分)Do you like math?Yes, its difficult _ interesting.A . andB . orC . soD . but2. (2分)He realized his mistakes and took action to reduce the loss _ it was too late. A . untilB . whenC . beforeD . as3. (2分)Help others whenever you can youll make the world a nicer place to live in. A . orB . andC . unlessD . but4. (2分)I dont have a ping-pong ball, _ my sister _.A . and; hasB . and; haveC . but; doD . but; does5. (2分)He is too tired. Yes, he loses his appetite for dinner. A . is looking forward to havingB . doesnt feel like eatingC . forgets to have6. (2分) What does she like doing? She doesnt like playing the trumpet _ the piano.A . andB . butC . orD . so7. (2分)I have ever lived in New York and London, _I dont like either city.A . soB . thoughC . becauseD . but8. (2分)My computer doesnt work. Could you help it, Dad? A . shareB . solveC . deleteD . repair9. (2分)He cant play the piano _ the violin. A . andB . orC . forD . too10. (2分)I wont believe that the five-year-old boy can read magazines _ I test him myself. A . ifB . whenC . afterD . until11. (2分)_ you are so weak, youd better stay at home. A . SinceB . ForC . BecauseD . Though12. (2分)The teacher speaks very loudly _ all the students can hear her.A . so thatB . becauseC . sinceD . as13. (2分)Shall we go on working?OK, _ I prefer to have a rest.A . whenB . ifC . becauseD . though14. (2分)You wont pass the exams you work hard. A . ifB . unlessC . as soon asD . so that15. (2分)Remember to wash your hands _ you have meals. A . beforeB . untilC . thoughD . unless16. (2分)I dont like TV series _ its boring.A . but B . andC . because17. (2分)Dont be afraid of asking for help _it is needed.A . whenB . afterC . althoughD . unless18. (2分)Jackie is only six years old _ he can play soccer very well. A . andB . butC . orD . so19. (2分)No one was in the classroom _ the basketball match. A . becauseB . asC . sinceD . because of20. (2分)I stayed at home. I _ went to the park _ to the cinema.A . neither; norB . either; orC . both; andD . between; and21. (2分)Your picture is wonderful!I worked for weight hours _ I finished it.A . so thatB . beforeC . whileD . after22. (2分)We have been expecting Rio 2016 Olympics _ the Olympic flame(圣火) was lit.A . ifB . unlessC . sinceD . though23. (2分)Grace is going to give much money to a charity, _she is not rich enough. A . ifB . unlessC . sinceD . though24. (2分)_ you have visited the Great Wall, you cant imagine how great it is.A . BecauseB . AlthoughC . UnlessD . When25. (2分)_ Lin Feng has to work late, she always wears a smile on her face.A . BecauseB . IfC . UntilD . Though26. (2分)Mr. Green and Mr. King have taught English at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School _ they came to China two years ago. A . sinceB . asC . forD . until27. (2分)It is generally to be wrong to give a child he or she wants.A . consider; withB . considering; whatC . considered; whateverD . considers; whenever28. (2分)His hobby is _ watching TV _ playing the piano. Its reading books. A . either; orB . both; andC . neither; nor29. (2分)Lisa was sleeping her mother was reading. A . orB . whileC . afterD . if30. (2分)I dont want the bread, please _. A . take it awayB . take away itC . take them awayD . take away them31. (2分)The beginning of the movie was boring, _ the end was amazing!A . butB . andC . soD . or32. (2分)I like playing football , _Jack doesnt. He likes watching TV. A . andB . soC . butD . or33. (2分)_you want to be in the school play , please call Tina at 555-395 .A . IfB . WhenC . ForD . Because .34. (2分)Many people do not realize the importance of health _ they have fallen.A . afterB . whileC . whenD . until35. (2分) Would you like to have dinner with us? Id love to, _ Im too busy now.A . andB . orC . butD . so36. (2分)Their clothes were _ colorful _ I could not stop taking photos.A . tootoB . sothatC . althoughbutD . becauseso37. (2分) Im leaving now. _ you turn off the lights and the computer.A . To make sureB . To making sureC . Make sureD . Making sure38. (2分)一 The bridge has been here for over l50 years. But it still looks nice, doesnt it?A . less thanB . more thanC . only39. (2分)I cant play with Alan, I have a lot of things to do.A . so B . becauseC . but D . and40. (2分)The family was _ poor _ they couldnt buy a TV set. A . so; thatB . not; untilC . not; butD . so; but41. (2分)Hurry up, _ youll be late for school A . andB . butC . soD . or42. (2分)Id like to travel by air _ it usually costs a lot of money.A . soB . thoughC . untilD . or43. (2分)I am going to Qingdao and stay there for a week._ you are there, would you please buy some books for me?A . IfB . WhileC . SinceD . As soon as44. (2分)Miss Zhao is very helpful. She often helps us _ we are in trouble. A . whetherB . althoughC . wheneverD . however45. (2分)_ Chinese, we study English, Maths and physics in school. A . ExceptB . BesidesC . BesideD . Without46. (2分)The beginning of the movie was boring, the end was amazing!A . butB . andC . soD . or47. (2分)Your hearing will be badly hurt _ you always listen to music by earphone (耳机) A . whetherB . whereC . if48. (2分)Write down my phone number here you wont forget it A . as long asB . unlessC . so thatD . because49. (2分)Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culture _ he came to China.A . beforeB . whenC . untilD . since50. (2分)In Yunnan province, there is a valley famous for its butterflies. You will see over four _kinds of butterflies flying around _ you get into the valley. A . hundred; whenB . hundreds of; whileC . hundred; untilD . hundreds; if51. (2分)Which book do you prefer, this one _ that one?A . butB . andC . orD . with52. (2分)Some people waste food_ others havent enough. A . whileB . duringC . whenD . which53. (2分)Maybe Ill write more books in the future, Im not sure. A . butB . andC . soD . or54. (2分)Just because they make more money than I do, _ they seem to look down on me.A . soB . andC . /D . but55. (2分) I hear Tom is leaving. _ why?A . AndB . ButC . OrD . So56. (2分)- Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the nearest hospital?- Im sorry, _I am new here. You can ask the policeman over there.A . andB . butC . so57. (2分) to smile at your life when you are in trouble, and you will soon be happy again.A . TryB . To tryC . TryingD . Tried58. (2分)I wont go to her party my best friend Jack is invited. A . beforeB . unlessC . ifD . Until59. (2分)-Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight?-Id love to, _ I cant. I have a lot of homework to do.A . andB . butC . soD . or60. (2分)Do you have the same hobby with your brother? No. I like collecting stamps _ he likes reading.A . forB . soC . whileD . or第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共60题;共120分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、51-1、52-1、53-1、54-1、55-1、56-1、57-1、58-1、59-1、60-1、

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