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Unit8 Why dont you get her scarf?一、单词1. n.评论,意见 2 .n.集子,相片簿,唱片集 3 .adj.私人的,个人的4. adj.特别的,特殊的 5. v.接收,收到 6. v.动词give的过去式7. n.家伙,人 8. n.蜘蛛 9. n.老鼠10. n.蛇 11.n.仓鼠 12. n.海龟,龟13. n.孩子 14. adj.大腹便便的,大肚子的 15. n.猪16. n.有利条件,优点 17. n.不利条件,缺点 18. adj.完美的,理想的19. n.兔,野兔 20. n.伙伴 21. v.价值(若干),花(多少钱)22. adj.睡着的 23.入睡 24. v.选择25. n.礼物 26. v.打开 27. adv.稍后,随后28. v.动词give的过去分词 29.赠送,分发 30. n.长凳,长椅31.而不是 32.瑞典 33. adv.代替,而不是34.奥林匹克运动会 35. v.参加,进入 36. adv.几乎37. v.动词sing的过去式 38. adv.清楚地,明显的 39. n.舞台40. adj.本地的,本国的 41.以某种语言为母语的人,说本族语的人42. n.胜利者 43. adj.谦虚的,谦逊的 44. adj.感兴趣的45. v.鼓励,激励 46. n.发言人,代言人 47. n.进步,进展48.取得进步,取得进展 49.奥林匹克委员会 50.听说51. v.建议,提议 52. n.北京人 53.对感兴趣54. pren而且,除之外 55.与交友 56. n.声明,陈述57. v.提及,说起 58. v.开车,驾驶二、重点词组1.t p 太个性化 2.not s e 不够特别3.not c e 创意不够 4.not i enough 不够有趣5.b a scarf f me 给我买了条围巾 6.W a lucky g ! 多幸运的小家伙啊!7.o my t birthday 在我十岁生日时 8.m a s meal 做一顿特别的饭9.not f enough 不够友好 10.Its easy to t c o 容易照料11.an grandmother 一个八十岁的老奶奶 12.s a day 整天睡觉13.need 需要许多关爱 14.t d 目前,当今15.a girl n Kate = a girl c Kate 一个叫凯特的女孩 16.h w 半途中17. a l f a tree树上的一片叶子 18.a good c 一个好伙伴 19.the t k of pet 一种最流行的宠物 20.park b 公园长椅21.G g is d in different countries 赠送礼物在不同的国家有不同的形式 22.g a 赠送 23.your o c 你自己的选择24.i d w 用不同的方法 25.e sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事26. f c C 来自中国各地 27.m p 取得进步28.six months e 早在六个月前 29.m sb i in使某人对某事感兴趣30.a n s of English 一个讲英语的本土人三、重点句式1. you her a scarf ? 你为什么不给她买条围巾?2. a scarf.围巾怎么样?No,thats . 不,那太乏味了。3.Whats the best gift Joe ?乔曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?4. a lucky ! 多幸运的小家伙5.I think a dog is a good pet for a child.我认为对一个六岁的孩子来说,狗是一只好宠物。6.The of pet these daysis the potbellied pig.当今最时髦的一种宠物是大肚猪。7.David Smith of North London has a potbellied pig Connie.伦敦北部的戴维史密斯养了一头叫做康妮的大肚猪。8.Howere, a pig isnt . 然而,和一头猪生活不总是完美的。9.They only five .他们仅仅值五美元。10.I half way through it.我看到一半就睡着了。11.Its important to . 选择科目是最重要的。12.Some presents are .一些礼物从来不会太小。13.But they .但礼物并不打开。14.Later,the same gift may be away to .这份礼物可能以后被赠送给别人。15.In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to money to buy them gifts.在美国,一些人要求他们的家人和朋友把钱捐赠给慈善事业而不是给他们买礼物。16.Instead, a meal is .相反,做一顿饭就足够了。17.For example,twentyfour young singers a contest by singing popular English songs.例如,来自全中国的二十四位青年歌手通过演唱英文流行歌曲进行比赛。18. the singers sang very clearly and on stage.几乎所有的这些歌手演唱的都非常清晰,在舞台上表现得落落大方。19.Jiang Mei,the of the womens competition,said studying English her the prize.女子比赛的获奖者蒋梅说,是学习英语帮助她获了奖。20.This kind of contest people in China English.这类比赛鼓励中国人去说英语。21.We should try to before the Olympica.我们应在奥运会到来之前努力取得进步。22.It suggests ways for Beijingers to English.它向北京人推荐了对学习英语感兴趣的方法。23.Maybe you could even a native speaker of English.也许你甚至还以同以英语为母语的人交朋友。四. 单项选择 ( ) 1. Why dont you _ a soccer ball?A. to get himB. get heC. getting himD. get him( ) 2.He is also good at basketball and tennis _ swimming.A. exceptB. besidesC. besideD. but( ) 3.He often encourages me _ hard.A. to work B. work C. working D. works( ) 4. My brother enjoys taking photos very much. You can get a _.A. dictionaryB. bicycleC. scarfD. photo album( ) 5. Whats the best gift you _ ever _?A. have; receiveB. did; receiveC. have; receivedD. /; receive( ) 6.I saw him _ the supermarket just now.A. goB. comeC. enterD. arrive( ) 7. Dogs are too _ to take care of.A. difficultB. more difficultC. most difficultD. the most difficult( ) 8. What are the advantages _ a pig?A. for keepB. of keepingC. for keepingD. of keep( ) 9. I dont want to keep _ pet.A. a suchB. so aC. a soD. such a( )10. David _ New York has a pet dog _ Wang Wang.A. from; callingB. of; namedC. to; calledD. is; name( )11. Lily can sing English songs _ native speakers.A. as well asB. as good asC. so well asD. so good as( )12. Its so noisy. I cant _.A. go to bedB. fall sleepC. fall asleepingD. fall asleep( )13. Is there _ in the room?A. someone elseB. else someoneC. anyone elseD. else anyone( )14. I have an _ grandmother.A. 80 year oldB. 80-year-oldC. 80 years oldD. 80-years-old( )15. Singing English songs made me _ English.A. interested to learnB. interest in learning C. interested in learning D. interesting in五、根据下列各句的意思和汉语或首字母提示,写出该单词。 1. Mr Li told his little son to answer teachers questions _(有礼貌). 2. Its _(危险) to swim alone in the river. 3. -I want to report a traffic _(事故). -Yes,go ahead. 4. -I thought Id buy James a new bike for his birthday. -Thats a _(精彩) idea. 5. Harbin is in the _(东北) of China. 6. Susan couldnt catch up with her classmates w_ your help. 7. When they h_ to the cinema,the film had been on for half an hour. 8. She sat at the desk and smiled q_ at me.六、补全对话,每空一词 A: Its Nicks birthday next Sunday. What _ I get him? B: Whats the best gift he _ ever received? A: A bike. B: _ did he get it? A: _ his tenth birthday. B: Who _ it to him? A: His parents.B: What a _ guy! I think you should get him _ special. What about a _? It can learn to speak like a man!A: No, Im afraid not. Because his mother doesnt want him to _ a pet. I think Im _ to buy a big birthday cake. B: Not bad.七、完成短文Dear Aunt Chrissie,I arrived (arrive)in Cambridge last Monday and it was excellent.My courses 1 (start)on Tuesday.I 2 (stay)in on Wednesday night and 3 (cook)dinner for a friend.We 4 (not study).We 5 (talk)about the courses.On Thursday I 6 (watch)some friends play football.I 7 (not play)because I 8 (not have)my boots.On Friday I 9 (not want)to stay in so I 10 (visit)some other people on my course.We went to a nightclub but I 11 (not dance)you know me!I 12 (call)you last night but you werent at home.Speak to you soon.Love,Martin答案:一、单词1.comment n.评论,意见2.albumn.集子,相片簿,唱片集3.persomal adj.私人的,个人的4.special adj.特别的,特殊的5.receivev.接收,收到6.gave v.动词give的过去式7.guy n.家伙,人8.spider n.蜘蛛 9.mouse n.老鼠10.snale n.蛇11.hamster n.仓鼠12.turtle n.海龟,龟13.child n.孩子14.potbellied adj.大腹便便的,大肚子的15.pig n.猪16.advantage n.有利条件,优点17.disadvantage n.不利条件,缺点18.perfect adj.完美的,理想的 19.rabbit n.兔,野兔20.company n.伙伴21.cost v.价值(若干),花(多少钱)22.asleep adj.睡着的23.fall asleep 入睡24.choose v.选择 25.present n.礼物26.open v.打开27.later adv.稍后,随后28.given v.动词give的过去分词29.give away 赠送,分发30.bench n.长凳,长椅31.rather than 而不是32.Sweden瑞典33.instead adv.代替,而不是34.The Olympics 奥林匹克运动会35.enter v.参加,进入36.nearly adv.几乎37.sang v.动词sing的过去式38.clearly adv.清楚地,明显的39.stage n.舞台40.native adj.本地的,本国的41.native speaker 以某种语言为母语的人,说本族语的人42.winner n.胜利者43.modest adj.谦虚的,谦逊的44.interested adj.感兴趣的45.encourage v.鼓励,激励46.spokesperson n.发言人,代言人47.progress n.进步,进展48.male progress 取得进步,取得进展49.the Olympic Committee 奥林匹克委员会50.hear of 听说51suggest v.建议,提议52.Beijinger n.北京人53.take an interest in 对感兴趣 54.besides pren而且,除之外55.make friends with与交友 56.statement n.声明,陈述57.mention v.提及,说起 58.drive v.开车,驾驶二、重点词组1.too personal 太个性化 2.not special enough 不够特别3.not creative enough 创意不够 4.not interesting enough 不够有趣5.buy a scarf for me 给我买了条围巾 6.What a lucky guy! 多幸运的小家伙啊7.on my tenth birthday 在我十岁生日时8.make a special meal 做一顿特别的饭9.not friendly enough 不够友好 10.Its easy to take care of 容易照料11.an 80-year-old grandmother 一个八十岁的老奶奶 12.sleep all day 整天睡觉13.need a lot of love需要许多关爱14.these days 目前,当今15.a girl named Kate = a girl called Kate 一个叫凯特的女孩16.half way半途中17. a leaf from a tree树上的一片叶子18.a good company 一个好伙伴 19.the trendiest kind of pet 一种最流行的宠物20.park bench公园长椅21.Gift giving is different in different countries 赠送礼物在不同的国家有不同的形式 22.give away 赠送 23.your own choices你自己的选择24.in different ways 用不同的方法 25.encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事26.from cross China 来自中国各地 27.make progress取得进步28.six months earlier 早在六个月前29.make sb interested in使某人对某事感兴趣24.a native speaker of English 一个讲英语的本土人三、重点句式1.Why dont you get her a scarf.你为什么不给她买条围巾。2.How about a scarf.围巾怎么样?No,thats too boring. 不,那太乏味了。3.Whats the best gift Joe has ever received?乔曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?4.What a lucky guy! 多幸运的小家伙5.I think a dog is a good pet for a 6yearold child.我认为对一个六岁的孩子来说,狗是一只好宠物。6.The trendiest kind of pet these daysis the potbellied pig.当今最时髦的一种宠物是大肚猪。7.David Smith of North London has a potbellied pig named Connie.伦敦北部的戴维史密斯养了一头叫做康妮的大肚猪。8.Howere,life with a pig isnt always perfect.然而,和一头猪生活不总是完美的。9.They only cost five dollars.他们仅仅值五美元。10.Ifell asleep half way through it.我看到一半就睡着了。11.Its important to choose subject. 选择科目是最重要的。12.Some presents are never too small.一些礼物从来不会太小。13.But they are not opened.但礼物并不打开。14.Later,the same gift may be given away to someone else.这份礼物可能以后被赠送给别人。15.In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.在美国,一些人要求他们的家人和朋友把钱捐赠给慈善事业而不是给他们买礼物。16.Instead,making a meal is enough.相反,做一顿饭就足够了。17.For example,twentyfour young singers from across China entered a contest by singing popular English songs.例如,来自全中国的二十四位青年歌手通过演唱英文流行歌曲进行比赛。18.Nearly all the singers sang very clearly and looked comfortable on stage.几乎所有的这些歌手演唱的都非常清晰,在舞台上表现得落落大方。19.Jiang Mei,the winner of the womens competition,said studying English helped her win the prize.女子比赛的获奖者蒋梅说,是学习英语帮助她获了奖。20.This kind of contest encourages people in China to speak English.这类比赛鼓励中国人去说英语。21.We should try to make progress before the Olympica.我们应在奥运会到来之前努力取得进步。22.It suggests ways for Beijingers to take an interest in learning English.它向北京人推荐了对学习英语感兴趣的方法。23.Maybe you could even make friends with a native speaker of English.也许你甚至还以同以英语为母语的人交朋友。四、DBADC CABDB ADCBC五、1. politely 2. dangerous 3. accident 4. wonderful 5. northeast 6. without 7. hurried 8. quietly六、should has When On gave lucky something parrot keep going七、1.started 2.stayed 3.cooked 4.didnt study 5.talked 6.watched 7.didnt play 8.didnt have 9.didnt want 10.visited 11.didnt dance 12.called


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