九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B(3a-Self Check)课件 新人教版.ppt

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九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B(3a-Self Check)课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B(3a-Self Check)课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit5Whataretheshirtsmadeof TheFifthPeriodSectionB 3a SelfCheck Revision Canyousaysomephraseswehavelearned Whataresomespecialthingsthatyourtown cityisfamousfor Thesecanbefood artworkoranyotherproducts Discussthemwithapartnerandtakenotes 3a Usethefollowingexpressionstohelpyou Mytown cityisfamousfor isfamousinmytown city is aremadeof from with by in is areusedfor is areknownfor is arespecialbecause Writeaparagraphabouttheproduct Useyournotesin3a 3b 1Listsomethingsyouuseeveryday Writedownwhattheyaremadeof fromandwheretheyweremade ShelfCheck chopsticks books jacket coin pen wood paper cotton metal plasticandmetal Jiangxi Jinan Zhengzhou Beijing Shanghai 2Usetheinformationabovetowritefullsentences 1 2 3 4 5 Chopsticsaremadeofwood TheyweremadeinJiangxi Mybooksaremadeofpaper TheyweremadeinJinan Myjacketismadeofcotton ItwasmadeinZhengzhou Thecoinismadeofmetal ItwasmadeinBeijing Thepenismadeofplasticandmetal ItwasmadeinShanghai 3Completethesentencesusingthecorrectformsofthewordsinbrackets 1 Cheese make frommilk 2 Parentsandstudents invite totheschoolconcertlastnight 3 Theundergroundparkinglot close atmidnighteveryday 4 Thereisalotofresearchonhowlanguages learn 5 Someclassicfilms show atthatcinemalastweek ismade wereinvited isclosed arelearned wereshown 1 turnsth into把 变成e g Waterturnsintoicewhenitfreezes 2 短语辨析 LanguagePoints 3 辨析rise与raise 4 Hesentthemouttoaskforhelpwhenintrouble 当处于困境中时 他放出孔明灯寻求帮助 教材第38页 sendout意为 放出 派遣 发送 send的过去式和过去分词都是sent e g Theshipissinking Sendoutadistresssignal 拓展 send动词 意为 送 寄出 常用短语 sendsb sth sendsth tosb 意为 把某物送 寄 给某人 e g Pleasesendmesomephotosofyou Pleasesendsomephotosofyoutome send的相关短语 sendup发射sendfor派人去请sendaway开除 撵走 5 AccordingtoChinesehistory skylanternswerefirstusedbyZhugeKongming 按照中国的历史 孔明灯首先被诸葛孔明使用 教材第38页 accordingto意为 根据 按照 其中to为介词 其后可接名词 代词或从句 e g Theydividedthemselvesintothreegroupsaccordingtoage 6 Theyaremadeofbambooandcoveredwithpaper 它们是由竹子制造的 并用纸覆盖着 教材第38页 becoveredwith意为 用 覆盖 被 覆盖着 其中cover为及物动词 意为 覆盖 遮掩 e g Thegroundiscoveredwithsnow 7 Whenthelanternsarelit theyslowlyriseintotheairlikesmallhot airballoonsforalltosee 当灯笼被点燃时 它们会慢慢升到空中 就像大家看到的小的热气球 教材第38页 light为动词 意为 点燃 点亮 其过去式和过去分词为lit 也可以为lighted e g Helitacigarette 拓展 light名词 意为 灯 光 火花 e g Heturnedoffthelightbeforegoingout light形容词 意为 明亮的 轻的 e g It sbeginningtogetlight 8 beseenasbeseenas意为 把 当 看作 主动结构为sb see as 把 当 看作 e g Macaoisseenasthegamblingcity PeopleseeMacaoasthegamblingcity 一 选择方框中的短语 并用其正确形式填空 suchasbyhandsendoutriseintoaccordingto 1 Theboy thepoorbirdanditflewquickly 2 Helikesfoodinthenorth dumplings noodlesandsoon 3 thereport Chinadoeswellinthespaceindustry 工业 4 Thehot airballoonhas theair 5 Manypiecesofclayartarecompleted sentout suchas Accordingto riseninto byhand Exercise 二 句型转换 1 Theteacherseeshisstudentsashisownchildren 改为被动语态 Thestudents theteacher sownchildren 2 ThericeisgrowninthesouthofChina 对画线部分提问 therice are seen as Where is grown 3 Thecarismadeofsteel 对画线部分提问 thecar 4 Helikesthemobilephone It smadeinAmerica 合并为一句 Helikesthemobilephone America What is made of made in Writeanarticleabouttheproduct Homework Thankyou


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