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红太阳英语学校2017年度 剑桥少儿英语二级升级质量测评 注意事项:字迹清晰,字体规范,卷面整洁,满分100分,时间90分钟 姓名_ 考场_ 得分_ 听录音,补全短文(13分) Stella:Can I play_? Suzy:Ok. Stella:Wheres my_? Suzy:Its there, _ _the bathroom. Stella:Ok. Suzy:_ this blue mat in the_ next to your bed. Stella:Can I have a_ in my bedroom? Suzy:No, you cant. The phones in the_ room next to the_. Stella:Can I have a_, please? Suzy:Ok, you can put the lamp on the table next to your bed. Stella:Thanks Suzy. Where can I put the armchair? Suzy:Put it in the living room_ the clock. Stella:Is there a_ in my bedroom? Suzy:A mirror in your bedroom ? No, there isnt. There are_ mirrors. One in the bathroom, one in my bedroom and one in Simons bedroom. Stella:Oh.一、按要求完成下列各题(27分)1.写出下列单词的复数形式(9分)book_ sheep_ child_boy_ photo_ potato_ eraser_ football_ watch_ 2.写出下列动词的现在分词(动词ing形式)(9分)walk_ make_ dance_listen_ run_ swim_stop_ sleep_ draw_3、英汉互译(9分)书柜_ computer game_ 照相机_spider_ 蜥蜴_ hospital_打棒球_ behind_ 打曲棍球_二、单项选择 。(10分)( )1._is he? He is my father.A.Who B.What C.Where( )2.What are you doing? Im _ football. A.play B.plays C.playing( )3.Whats your favorite_? I like apples. A.food B.fruit C.sport( )4.I want to go to the beach_holiday! A.in B.on C.at ( )5.Lets _ and _. A.singing / dancing B.sing / dance C.to sing / to dance ( )6._ a beautiful cake! A.How B.What C.Who ( )7.What would you _,Anna? Id like a burger. A.to like B.liking C.like ( )8.Do you often eat bananas? _ A.Yes, I do. B.No, I do. C.Yes, I dont. ( )9.Would you like a sunhat? _. A.Yes,thank you! B.No,thanks. C.Yes,I would. ( )10.May I come in? _ A.Yes, please. B.No. C.No, you cant.三、按要求改写句子。(15分) 1.He has got a small farm.(改为否定句) He_ got a small farm.2.Its a dog.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) Is_a dog? _,it is.3.I have nine pencils in my pencil-case.(划线部分提问) _ _ pencils do you have in your pencil-case?4.I like apples and bananas.(改为否定句)_5.Take out your activity book.(否定祈使句)_四、找出错误并改正。(10分)( )1. Look at those sheeps! _ A B C D( )2. What color it is? _ A B C D ( )3. Can I help your? _ A B C D( )4. She cant swim and dance. _ A B C ( )5. There are some sands in the beach. _ A B C D五、给下列句子找到合适的答句。(10分) ( )1.Do your mother get up at nine? A. I watch TV at 9:00 PM.( )2.When do you watch TV? B. Yes,she does.( )3.How many pencils do you have? C. She is running.( )4.What is she doing? D. We have rice, vegetable and soup.( )5.What is for dinner? E. There are many books in it.( )6.Whats in the library? F. Its under the desk.( )7.Where is the frog? G. Yes, I do.( )8.Do you like apples? H. I go to school on foot.( )9.How do you go to school? I. I like English best.( )10.What subject do you like? J. I have 23 pencils.六、阅读短文,并回答问题(15分) This is Simons birthday.Mr.Stars cooking the burgers and sausages,and theyre having lemonade and juice to drink.Grandmas getting the fries from the kitchen.Meeras taking photos.Simons very happy.He got a nice new bike for his birthday.Simons got a big blue birthday cake with the number 8 on it.Hes 8 today. 1、Whats Mr.Star cooking? _ 2、Whos taking photos? _ 3、What has Simon got? _ 4、What colour is his birthday cake? _ 5、How old is Simon? _

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