
上传人:sh****n 文档编号:8710233 上传时间:2020-03-31 格式:DOC 页数:10 大小:57KB
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牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级上册期末专项复习:单选题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共35题;共70分)1. (2分)Look! Mike is _ a book. He often _ in the morning every day. A . read; readsB . reads; readingC . reading; reads2. (2分)Are _ near the phone? A . they B . it3. (2分)Dont watch TV. Its bad for your eyes. A . too oftenB . too muchC . too many4. (2分)Eddie a white shirt. A . hasB . isC . have5. (2分)My father is busy _his work. A . inB . onC . with6. (2分)This robot can run _ his legs. A . inB . withC . on7. (2分)The monkey _ bananas. A . likes B . like8. (2分)five times five? A . WhatB . WhatsC . How9. (2分)May I have _ orange balloon? A . aB . anC . 10. (2分)Paul is good at , but he is weak in . A . run; swimB . runing; swimmingC . running; swimming11. (2分)There_ many flowers and trees in the Peoples park. A . areB . isC . am12. (2分)He doesnt go to school today_ he is ill A . andB . orC . becauseD . but13. (2分)Im _. Where is the zoo? A . lostB . loseC . miss14. (2分)Dont_. I wont sit on you. A . wrongB . happyC . worry15. (2分)Its time _ watch the football match. A . toB . forC . in16. (2分)Where is the tree?Its _the house.A . inB . in front ofC . of17. (2分)Look, the girls are . A . danceB . dancesC . dancing18. (2分)_ is my pencil?Its here.A . WhatB . HowC . WhereD . When19. (2分)How can I get to the hospital?Turn left _ the cinema. Then go straight.A . inB . atC . on20. (2分)Im visiting Lingling _ summer .A . toB . onC . in21. (2分)My pen pal likes .A . hikeB . hikesC . hiking22. (2分)Danny likes . A . hopB . hoppingC . hoping23. (2分)Ms Wang is _. A . a niceB . nice teacherC . a nice teacher24. (2分)Are there forests in the park? A . someB . aC . any25. (2分)My father _ me. A . is proud ofB . is proud withC . was proud of26. (2分)Is your maths teacher funny?_A . Yes, she is.B . No, she is.C . Yes, she isnt.27. (2分)He is _. A . strong B . hair28. (2分)My sister and I plan to_ at the weekend. A . see a football matchB . watch a football matchC . seeing a football match29. (2分)What are you going to do tomorrow?Im going to learn _ to swim.A . /B . whyC . how30. (2分)I see _ aunt. Her name is May.A . aB . anC . any31. (2分)Whats _ with you?A . wrongB . the wrongC . matter32. (2分)Whats _ dinner? A . inB . ofC . for33. (2分) _ is she? Shes in the kitchen.A . WhereB . WhatC . Who34. (2分)I am not good at basketball. A . playB . to playC . playing35. (2分)The mice are afraid _ the cat. A . toB . ofC . with第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共35题;共70分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、

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