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高一英语Scientists at work教案目标导引.单词及短语experiment, comfort, conduct, prove, a great deal of, tear, test on, doubt, mean, fix, go against. 语法:单词构词法复合词(Compounds)内容精讲.单词及短语精讲1. experiment (1) n.实验;试验“做实验”为:make/ do/ perform/ carry out an experiment 某方面的实验: an experiment in chemistry/physics(2) v.进行实验,实验,接宾语时用 with/on experiment with new methods/ materials试验新方法/新材料experiment on animals = make experiments on animals用动物做实验。2. conduct v.引导,领导,管理,指挥,行为,传导e.g. A girl conducted the visitors around the museum.一位姑娘领着游客在博物馆中参观。If he conducts his business affairs in the careless way, he will never succeed.如果他马马虎虎地处理公事,他永远也不会成功的。Who is conducting the band this evening?今晚谁指挥乐队?He conducts himself well.他行为端正。Copper conducts electricity better than other materials.铜的导电性能比别的材料好。3.deal(1) n.分量(表示数量)e.g. He has given me a great deal of help.他给我大量的帮助。I have heard a great deal about you.我听了很多关于你的事。(2) v. deal with a.处理e.g. I have a lot of letters to deal with today.今天我有很多信件要处理。The boy dealt with the maths problem in a different way.孩子以不同的方法处理这个数学难题。How did you deal with matters of this sort?你是怎么处理这类事情的?b.对付,和打交道e.g. That man is impossible to deal with.那人是无法相处的。A teacher should deal fairly with his students.老师应公正地对待学生。c.论述,涉及e.g. The subject isnt very well dealt with in his book.这个问题在他的书里没有得到很好的论述。4. prove(1) vt.证明,证实,后接名词、代词、从句和复合结构e.g. We have proved our courage in battle.我们在战斗中证实了自己的勇气。Who can prove it?谁能证实这一点呢?They will prove that we are telling the truth.他们可以证明我们讲的是事实。Can you prove what you were doing at 10 oclock last night?你能证明昨天晚上十点钟你在干什么?Time will prove me right.时间会证明我是对的。(2)link v.证明,结果是,后接形容词、副词、介词短语、名词、不定式to bee.g. The instrument has proved useful.这种仪器证明是有用的。He proved an honest friend.事实证明他是个诚实的朋友。It will prove of little use.结果会证明它没有什么用。He may prove to be the most suitable person for the job.他结果可能是最适合这项工作的人。5. tear v.撕(破),扯,被撕(挂)破e.g. He tore the photograph into pieces.他把照片撕碎了。Mary fell down in the street and tore her dress.玛丽在街上摔倒了,裙子挂破了。This material tears easily.这种料很容易破。The clothes were torn.衣服破了。6. test vt. (1)测验,考 e.g. The teacher tested the students knowledge of grammar.老师测验学生的语法知识。The students were tested on their English.学生在考英语。(2)检验,试用,检查e.g. They tested the new plane.他们在检验新飞机。Perhaps I need glasses Id better have my eyes tested.也许我得戴眼镜了,我得去检查一下我的眼睛。(3)考查,考验e.g. Now I had the opportunity to test myself.现在我有机会来考验我自己了。The long journey tested their patience.长途旅行考验了他们的耐性。(4) test on 在(身上)做试验e.g. Scientists decided to test the drug on animals.科学家决定用动物做实验来检验药品。(5) test out考验出,检验完e.g. He would not be able to test out his theories.他将无法检验他的理论。7. doubt (1) vt.怀疑,不相信,后接名词、代词、从句e.g. I doubt his honesty.我怀疑他的诚实。Im sorry that I doubted you before.对不起我曾经怀疑过你。I dont doubt that you are honest.我相信你是诚实的。I doubt whether he will come.我怀疑他是否会来。(2) n.怀疑e.g. He had no doubt on that point.在那一点上他毫不怀疑。I have not doubt that we shall be able to do something for you. 我决不怀疑我们能为你做点什么。There was no doubt that he was a fine doctor.毫无疑问他是个好医生。There is some doubt whether John will come on time. 不知道约翰能否按时到。注意:在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后的从句用that引导,在肯定句中 doubt后的从句用whether / if引导(doubt是名词时,只能用whether)。(3) beyond doubt毫无疑问without (a) doubt毫无疑问,一定地in doubt怀疑,犹疑,不肯定.句子精讲8. In my opinion, it is a waste of money.在我看来,这是浪费金钱。(1) in ones opinion = in the opinion of sb.在某人看来e.g. in my opinion,在我看来in their opinion在他们看来in everyones opinion在每个人看来in the opinion of most people在大多数人看来(2) a waste of 浪费waste在这里是不可数名词,但可以和a连用e.g. Its a waste of time to wait any longer.再等下去是浪费时间。Its a waste of breath to talk to him.和他交谈是白费口舌。Its a waste of time arguing with him.你和他争辩是浪费时间。What a waste of energy!这多么浪费精力!9.We should make more use of this new technology.我们应该更多地利用新技术。make use of利用,在名词use前面可以加上不同的形容词来表示不同程度的利用。e.g. make good use of合理利用,make the best use of尽量利用,make full use of充分利用名词use还可组成其他词组:e.g. be in use在使用中 be of great use很有用处go out of use不被使用,废弃come into use开始被使用bring / put to use加以利用for the use of供使用10.What are they famous for ?他们靠什么出名?be famous/known著名,为众人所知(1)be famous / known for因为成名,表示成名的原因e.g. Switzerland is famous / known for its mountains.瑞士以它的山而闻名。He is famous for his history story.他因为他写的历史小说而出名。He is known for his readiness to help others.大家都知道他总是乐于帮助别人。(2)be famous / known as以什么身份而成名e.g. He is famous as a writer rather than a poet.他是作为一名作家,而不是作为一名诗人而闻名。She is known as a great singer.大家都知道她是个大歌星。(3) be famous / known to为人所知e.g. He is known to every one of us.我们每人都知道他。Its known to all that they do an important and necessary job.大家都知道他们干的是重要的并且是必要的工作。11. The string was getting charged!细线正在导电。get在这里是代替助动词be,与过去分词连用,以强调主语的被动行为。e.g. They got caught in the big rain on their way here.他们来这儿的路上遇到了这场大雨。He got burnt while putting out the fire.在灭火时他被烧伤了。Did he get burnt in that accident? 他在那次事故中受伤了吗?The car got stuck in the snow. 汽车陷在了雪中。注意: get done有时不表示被动意思e.g. Do you know shes got married?你知道她已经结婚了吗?Ive got used to such a way of life.我已习惯了这样的生活方式。Dont get excited about it.别为这激动。get还有其他用法(1)get用作使役动词时,其宾语补足语可用多种形式,用动词的什么形式取决于该动词与宾语之间的关系。get sth./ sb.to do/ doing/ done/ adj.e.g. You must get them to come over here at once.( = have them come)你得想法让他们马上到这儿来。Ill get Mary to do the washing for you.(= have Mary do)我来让玛丽替你洗这些衣服。Why dont you get your shoes mended.(= have your shoes mended)你怎么不请人把鞋补一补。Ill go and get my hair cut. (= have my hair cut)我要去理发。The next thing is to get the problem settled as soon as possible.接下来就是尽快使问题得到解决。He got his leg broken while playing football.踢足球时他的腿骨折了。Can you get the car going again?你能使汽车再次开动起来吗?Have you got supper ready?你把晚饭做好了吗?I cant get the window open.这窗户我打不开。(2) get to do表示从没有到有的变化,指不定式动词的动作或状态的开始,这时不定式动词大多为意识性或情感性的动词,动词come可代替get,不改变这一作用。e.g. I got to know him in 1998.我是1998年认识他的。Youll soon get to like the work.你不久就会喜欢这份工作的。We have got to see the importance of studying English.我们开始认识到学英语的重要性。12. Fly the kite when a thunderstorm appears to be coming on.当雷雨好像就要来的时候放飞风筝。come on在这里表示“开始(起来),袭来”。e.g. It came on dark.天黑了。Rain came on/ it came on to rain just before daybreak.天快亮时开始下起雨来。He felt a cold coming on.他觉得有点感冒了。come on有其他含义:(1)跟着来e.g. You go first. Ill come on immediately.你先走,我马上跟来。(2)进步,进展,成长e.g. The corn is coming on splendidly.玉米长势好极了。How is your work coming on?你的工作情况如何?(3)(问题、案件等)被提出来e.g. The case will soon come on for trial.这案件很快就要开审。come的其他短语(1) come out出现,被获知,出版,结局e.g. The stars come out (= appeared) as soon as it is dark.天一黑星星就出来了。How did the printing come out ( = appear)?这种印刷是如何出现的?The news came out (= became known) yesterday.这个消息是昨天传出来的。The truth finally came out (= became known).真相终于大白。When will your book come out (= be published).你的书何时出版?How did the ball game come out (= end)?这场球赛的结局如何?(2) come about发生e.g. How did all this come about (= happen/ take place)?所有的这一切是怎样发生的?It came out (= happened) in this way.这事就是这样发生的。(3)come back恢复,重现于记忆中。e.g. They asked me to rest till my health came back.他们要我一直休息到健康恢复为止。Their names are all coming back to me now.他们的名字,我现在渐渐地都想起来了。(4)come up走近,发芽,被提出e.g.Christmas is coming up soon.圣诞节快到了。The seeds havent come up yet.种子还没有发芽。The question will come up tomorrow.这个问题将于明天被提出来讨论。13.but animal rights activists say that it does not work.但是动物权力活动家们说这不起作用。work v.有效、灵验、行得通、运转、开动,这时主语是非生物类名词。e.g. Its a good idea, but it wont work.这是个好主意,但就是行不通。The plan worked smoothly.这个办法很能解决问题。The medicine will not work.这药不灵。The clock hasnt been working since this morning.这只钟从今天早上起就不转了。Yes, the method might work.是的,此法可能行得通。.语法精讲14.单词构词法复合词( Compounds) (1)复合词分为 名词复合词 e.g.day + break daybreak (n. + n.)拂晓,破晓,黎明play + house playhouse ( v. + n.)戏院hair + cut haircut (n. + v.)理发,做头发,发型,发式wind + mill windmill ( n. + n.)风车动词复合词 e.g.brain + wash brainwash ( n. + v.)洗脑baby + sit babysit (n. + v.)临时受雇照料婴儿形容词复合词 e.g.man + eating maneating (n. + v.ing)食人的heart + broken heartbroken (n. + v.ed)使人伤心的 duty + free dutyfree (n. + adj.)免关税的介词复合词 e.g.in + tointo进入through + out throughout遍及(2)复合名词(compound noun):两个名词用在一起表达意思a.两个名词联合在一起,中间无连字符 “-”e.g. headache头痛 newspaper报纸 railway铁轨 timetable时间表b.两个名词中间由连字符号“-”连起来e.g. mouse-trap捕鼠器 tooth-brush 牙刷 man-servant男仆 traffic-light红绿灯c.两个名词分开,无连字符号 “-”e.g. flower shop花店 police station警察局 goods train货车 washing machine洗衣机d.一个可数名词加上一个副词或介词,中间有连字符号 “-”e.g. looker-on旁观者 passer-by过路人e.一个动词加上一个副词或介词,中间有连字符号 “-”e.g. close-up(电影等的)特写镜头 sit-in(室内)静坐抗议一般而言,复合词中右边的成分不仅决定整个复合词的范畴,而且同样也决定复合词的主要意义。从这个意义上讲,右边的成分充当了核心词。迁移发散15. mean v.(1) mean to do意欲,打算做e.g. Im sorry if my words hurt you, I didnt mean to.如果我的话伤了你,请你原谅,我是无意的。Do you mean to start an argument?你是想辩论吗?(2) mean doing意思是,意味着e.g. What he said meant hiring more workers.他的意思是再雇一些工人。(3)mean sb.to do sth.要某人做某事e.g. The teacher didnt mean you to come so early.老师并不是要你来这么早。注意:means n.手段,方法,单复数相同e.g. Every means has been tried.= All of the means have been tried.所有的/每个方法都尝试了。过关题(1) Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. A.is used B.are used C.has been used D.have been used答案:C(2)Why havent you bought any butter? I_ to but I forgot about it.A.likedB.wishedC.meantD.expected答案:C(3)You should have thanked her before you left.I meant _, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere. A.to doB.toC.doingD.doing so答案:B(4) In some parts of London, missing a bus means _ for another hour.A.waitingB.to waitC.waitD.to be waiting答案:A16.表示数量“大量”短语修饰可数名词:a large number of,a great/good many, quite a few修饰不可数名词:a great deal of,a large amount of, quite a little既可修饰可数,又可修饰不可数名词:a lot of / lots of , plenty of, a large quantity of e.g. The country has a great deal of oil, coal and natural gas.这个国家有大量的石油、煤炭和天然气。The squirrel hides a large quantity of nuts inside trees.松鼠在树干里藏了很多坚果。There are plenty of eggs in the house.家中有很多蛋。A large number of people came from all parts of the country to visit the exhibition.许多人从国内各地来参观这个展览。A large amount of money is spent on tobacco every year.每年要花费大量金钱在烟草上。过关题(1) _ work has been done to improve the peoples standard.A.ManyB.A great manyC.A large number ofD.A great deal of答案:D(2) A good deal of money _ spent on books.A.haveB.hasC.have beenD.has been答案:D(3) _ students is more than two thousand in this school.A.The number ofB.A good manyC.A number ofD.Plenty of答案:A17. fix v.(1)安排,确定e.g. They telephone people and fix a time for a face-to-face interview with them.他们给有关人员打电话,约定一个时间当面采访他们。Shall we fix the price now?我们要不要把价钱定下来?The meeting was fixed for nine oclock that morning.会议定于早上九点开始。(2)修理,修补e.g. Youd better get somebody to fix the broken machine.你最好请人把这台破机器修一下。注意:表示“安装”时,常用fix upe.g. fix up the light装灯 fix up the machine安装机器(3)注视,专心于fix ones eyes (attention/ mind) on/ upon e.g. She fixed her eyes on the clock on the wall.她眼睛盯着墙上的那只钟。The students fixed their minds on what the teacher was saying.学生们正集中注意力听老师讲话。(4)固定e.g. He fixed the mirror on the wall.他把镜子安在墙上。过关题(1) Tom sat in class with his eyes _ on the flowers outside the window.A.fixingB.fixedC.lookingD.looked答案:A(2)He stood by the window with_me.A.his eyes fixed onB.his eyes fixing onC.fixing eyes toD.his eyes to fix on答案:A18.protect v.(1)保护,警戒protect frome.g. He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow.他举起手臂护住脸,以免被一拳打中。Young plants should be well protected from the cold.幼苗必须很好地保护以免受冻。(2)防御袭击protectagainste.g. The hen protected its young against being attacked by the cat.母鸡保护小鸡使其免遭猫的袭击。过关题(1) Wind coming, farmers_young plants from cold by covering them with hay.(B正确)A.defendB.protectC.guardD.prevent19. appear, seem, look(1) appear看起来,似乎,显得,是视觉给人的一种直觉和看法,往往有与实际不符之意。e.g. The house appeared in good condition.这房子好像保护得不错。He appears (to be ) an honest man.他看起来像个诚实的人。It appears to me that he is quite well again.他的病似乎已经好了。(2)seem似乎,对某事物的判断虽不肯定或有怀疑之意,但还是有一定的根据,真实的可能性比appear要大。e.g. We seemed to have heard of the name.我们似乎听过那个名字。It seems as if there is going to be a heavy snow.似乎将有一场大雪。It seems that he will be sent abroad next year.他似乎明年将被派出国。(3)look看起来,好像,比appear含有较多真实性,侧重外观。e.g. She looked a bit nervous.她好像有点紧张。It looks as if it is going to rain.好像要下雨。过关题(1) He is only in his early thirties, but he_ more than fifty.A.seemsB.likesC.appearsD.is答案:C(2) Miss Kate smiled at them all, _to say something, and went quietly out.A.lookedB .appearedC .wishedD.hoped答案:B20. stop (from) doing阻止或避免某种情况的发生= prevent (from) doing= keep from doing stop/ prevent后的from可以省略,但在被动语态中不能省。e.g. The rain prevented him from coming.大雨使他不能来。She was prevented / stopped / kept by illness from taking the exam.她因病未能参加考试。过关题(1) He stopped me _ into his room.A.from goingB.to goC.for goingD.went答案:A(2) I believe there must be some way to _ such a thing happening.A.keepB .preventC.rejectD.refuse答案:B过关题(1) He stood on one leg_against the wall, while he took off his shoe.A.lyingB.leaningC.fallingD.stopping答案:B(2) We should never run _ the nature.A.upB.withC.forD.against答案:D课文背景阅读BENJAMIN FRANKLIN was born in Milk Street, Boston, on January 6, 1706. His father, Josiah Franklin, was a tallow chandler who married twice, and of his seventeen children Benjamin was the youngest son. His schooling ended at ten, and at twelve he was bound apprentice to his brother James, a printer, who published the “New England Courant”. To this journal he became a contributor, and later was for a time its nominal editor. But the brothers quarreled, and Benjamin ran away, going first to New York, and thence to Philadelphia.He set up a printing house of his own from which he published “The Pennsylvania Gazette”, to which he contributed many essays, and which he made a medium for agitating a variety of local reforms. In 1732 he began to issue his famous “Poor Richards Almanac” for the enrichment of which he borrowed or composed those pithy utterances of worldly wisdom which are the basis of a large part of his popular reputation. In 1758, the year in which he ceases writing for the Almanac, he printed in it “Father Abrahams Sermon”, now regarded as the most famous piece of literature produced in Colonial America.Meantime Franklin was concerning himself more and more with public affairs. He set forth a scheme for an Academy, which was taken up later and finally developed into the University of Pennsylvania; and he founded an “American Philosophical Society” for the purpose of enabling scientific men to communicate their discoveries to one another. He himself had already begun his electrical researches, which, with other scientific inquiries, he called on in the intervals of money-making and politics to the end of his life. In 1748 he sold his business in order to get leisure for study, having now acquired comparative wealth; and in a few years he had made discoveries that gave him a reputation with the learned throughout Europe. In politics he proved very able both as an administrator and as a controversialist,but his record as an office-holder is stained by the use he made of his position to advance his relatives. His most notable service in home politics was his reform of the postal system,but his fame as a statesman rests chiefly on his services in connection with the relations of the Colonies with Great Britain, and later with France. On his arrival in Philadelphia he was chosen a member of the Continental Congress and in 1777 he was despatched to France as commissioner for the United States. Here he remained till 1785, the favorite of French society; and with such success did he conduct the affairs of his country that when he finally returned he received a place only second to that of Washington as the champion of American independence. He died on April 17, 1790.课后训练一、单项选择1.They are_of different presses. Now they are having a meeting in one of the _ office.A.editor-in-chiefs; editors-in-chiefsB.editors-in-chief; editor-in-chiefsC.editors-in-chiefs; editors-in-chiefsD.editors-in-chief; editors-in-chiefs2.I have _ to do every day. A.many homeworksB.many houseworkC.much houseworkD.a lot of houseworks3.Many children have to see the films for _.A.grown-up B.growns-upC.grown-ups D.growns-ups4.Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by the hour. A.payB.payingC.paidD .to pay5.How are the team playing?Theyre playing well, but one of them _ hurt.A.gotB.getsC.areD.were 6.What the doctors really doubt is_ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.A.whenB.howC.whetherD.why7.The teachers eyes, without any expression, _me. A.fixed uponB.were fixed onC.glared atD.stared at8.He always tells lies though he _ honest.A.feelsB.seemsC.looksD.appears9.Egypt is famous _ its pyramids.A.ofB.inC.aboutD.for10.It proved_much easier than Id thought.A.beB./C.beingD.to being11.The war _ four years before the north won in the end. Which of the following is wrong?A.went onB.came onC.lastedD.continued12.A thief was pulled in with his hands _.A.tying backB.tied backC.tie backD.tie the back13.Beijing is famous _ its places of interest and the Summer Palace is famous_a royal garden.A.for; forB.for; asC.as; forD.as; as14.They began to think about what use could be _ such material.A.made upB.made fromC.made ofD.made into15.Dogs are kept to _ the houses from thieves at night.A.guardB.defendC.protectD .prevent16.Thats the best way to _ into the dangerous area.A.stop people to getB.stop people gettingC.keep people to getD.keep people getting17.What you did went_the school rules.A.atB.withoutC.againstD.beyond18.It _ that she has lost interest in studying English.A.seemedB.appearsC.looksD.remains19.Tom stood_the fence with a stick in his hand.A.overB.againstC.onD.for20.It doesnt make very good _ to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.A.ideaB.opinionC.useD.sense21.The old man has so bad a cold that he has lost all _ of smell.A.feelingB.senseC.skillD.strength22. To buy the IBMPC686 means _ a lot of money.Really? I dont mean _ much money.A.to waste; to wasteB.wasting; wastingC.wasting; to wasteD.to waste; wasting23.He _ caught in the rain yesterday, and sorry to hear that.A.hadB.isC.gotD.had been24.The soldiers were _ what to do as they were given no order.A.in the doubtB.in doubtC.in a doubtD.in some doubt25.I dont doubt _ Mary will devote all her spare time _ her lessons.A.that; to go overB.that; to going overC.if; to go overD.whether;to going over26.Im sorry to tell you th

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