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仁爱版九年级上学期一次模拟英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)After class, I like playing computer games and chatting _ my friends _ the Internet. A . to; byB . with; onC . for; inD . about; through2. (2分)You look pretty in green, Kate.Thank you, I like green. Green _ give me energy.A . canB . mustC . shouldD . may3. (2分)I didnt believe I could do it _ I got to the top of Mount Tai. A . unlessB . untilC . afterD . as4. (2分)Lisa was still very weak when she left hospital. But after a weeks rest, she felt much and went back to school.A . goodB . betterC . badD . worse5. (2分)Tom, the umbrella with you. Look at the clouds, its going to rain! A . takingB . takesC . take6. (2分)Abing played music _ could touch the hearts of people. A . thatB . whoC . howD . when7. (2分)My sister in America for two yearsI miss her very much A . studiesB . studiedC . has studiedD . is studying8. (2分)Being a professional singer is very difficult, but Ill never_ my dream. A . put upB . give upC . use upD . think up9. (2分) riding your bike to the park?Good idea.A . How aboutB . Why notC . Why dont youD . You should10. (2分)Can you tell me in the future?A . how life will be likeB . how will life be likeC . what life will be likeD . what will life be like二、 完形填空(题型注释) (共1题;共15分)11. (15分) As a single parent of four children, money was always tight .It was Christmas time, and although there wasnt money for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party . But the big excitement for the kids was the fun of Christmas 1.They planned weeks ahead of time , asking2 what they wanted for Christmas. luckily, I have saved $120 for3 to share by all five of us .The big4arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and5them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop. Then we would6back at the “Santas Workshop.”Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits7 my younger daughter, Tina, who was unusual8. She had only one small, flat bag with a few candiesfifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didnt say anything9we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door,10 to be angry again. This is what he told me.“ I was looking11 thinking of what to buy , and I12to read the title cards on the Giving Trees.One was for a little girl, four years old. And all she 13 for Christmas was a doll .So I took the card off the tree and14 the doll for her. We have so much and she doesnt have anything.”I never felt so 15 as I did that day.(1)A . shopping B . travelling C . parties D . greetings (2)A . the other B . each other C . one by one D . every other one (3)A . toys B . clothes C . presents D . bills (4)A . day B . chance C . times D . tree (5)A . forced B . reminded C . invited D . begged (6)A . draw B . stay C . move D . meet (7)A . including B . besides C . except D . regarding (8)A . quiet B . excited C . happy D . ashamed (9)A . since B . after C . while D . until (10)A . waiting B . ready C . hoping D . afraid (11)A . out B . over C . forward D . around (12)A . forgot B . stopped C . failed D . hated (13)A . wanted B . did C . got D . played (14)A . made B . searched C . bought D . found (15)A . angry B . rich C . patient D . bitter 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)12. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。There was once a boy called Jim in a village. Whenever Jim asked people to do things, no one would listen to him. He was sad. So Jim asked a wizard to solve the problem by using magic. The old wizard tried a lot of spells, but didnt work.A young man heard about the problem .He went to Jim and said that he knew the solution. He gave Jim two small pieces of paper. “These are two spells, my boy. Use the first before you ask others to do something, and use the second when they have done it. A smile is also necessary, the young man said. Jim was happy and tried to use the spells. When he asked people to do something. He said “Please before his words and Thank you after they had done it. People were very surprised that Jim could be polite. Soon, they became happy to do what Jim asked them to do. The wizard was surprised, and asked the young man about the spells. ”Its not magic. When I was a child, my teacher told me that with good manners you could get anything you want. And he was right. Jim only needed good manners to get what he wanted.”(1)Jim was sad because _. A . he lived in a poor villageB . nobody would like to listen to himC . the spells didnt workD . he had a lot of things to do(2)The underlined part “wizard in the passage probably means”_”. A . 巫师B . 医生C . 演员D . 学者(3)The young man went to Jim and _. A . gave him no adviceB . told him how to smileC . lent him some paperD . helped him to solve the problem(4)People did what Jim asked them to do because Jim _. A . had magicB . became an officerC . was politeD . was a happy boy(5)We can learn from the passage that _. A . smile is good for healthB . good manners are very importantC . hard working can make us successfulD . we shouldnt believe in others13. (6分)阅读理解Most people want to work, but it has become more difficult in todays world to find work for everybody. The economics(经济) of the world need to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often it is not possible(可能的) and so more and more people are without work. Some people have no jobs now because new machines can do the work of many people in shorter time.Also, machines do not ask for more money and longer holidays. In all of the countries of the world, machines are taking work from people, not only in factories but also on the farms. One machine often can do the work of forty people. About 75,000 people are moving to the cities a day to look for jobs, but only 70% of them can find jobs.(1)If the economics(经济) of the world grow by 4% each year, _. A . people will have no jobsB . 4% of the people will have jobs tooC . people can have the same number of jobs as beforeD . 96% of the people will have jobs.(2)One machine can do as much work as _. A . 40 peopleB . 75,000 peopleC . 70% of the peopleD . 96% of the people will have jobs(3)Which of the following is not true? A . Most people want to have jobs.B . Machines need more money and longer holiday.C . Now more people are without jobs.D . Machines are taking work from people not only in factories but also on farms.14. (10分)阅读理解Once a little boy named Tom always felt lonely and unhappy. One day he decided to meet love. He started off with some food and drinks in the early morning. When he passed through a small park, he saw an old woman watching some flowers. She looked a little hungry. He gave her a sandwich. She gave him a smile and ate it. The smile was very beautiful. He wanted to see it again. So he gave her another sandwich. She smiled at him once again. Tom was very happy and sat down beside her.They sat there for a long time, eating and smiling, but said nothing. When it grew dark.Tom decided to go home. After he had gone a few steps, he turned around, ran back and gave the old woman a hug(拥抱). And she gave him the biggest smile ever.When Tom came back home his mother was amazed at the joy(快乐)on his face. Tom, why are you so happy? asked the mother. I had lunch with love, and she has the most beautiful smile in the world. ”Also the old womans daughter was amazed at her mothers pleasure. “Mum, what has made you so happy?asked the daughter. I ate some sandwiches with love and he is much younger than I expected,the old woman answered.(1)What was the old woman doing when Tom met her? A . She was watching some flowers.B . She was waiting for Tom.C . She was looking for food.(2)Why did Tom gave her another sandwich? A . Because he wanted to see the smile again.B . Because she wanted to eat some again.C . Because she was still hungry.(3)When did Tom get the biggest smile? A . After he gave her another sandwich.B . After he hugged the old woman.C . Before he began to leave.(4)How were Toms mother and the old womans daughter? A . The mother was careful but the daughter was careless.B . The daughter was careful but the mother was careless.C . Both of them were very careful.(5)What can we learn from the passage? A . Tom didnt find love.B . Tom found love.C . Both Tom and the old woman found love.15. (10分)阅读理解New Payment Methods for Online Shopping in ChinaPayment WaysAlipay(支付宝)Tenpay(财付通)Yeepay(易宝支付)WeChat pay(微信)Appearing timeDec.12th,2004Sept,9th,2005Aug.8th,2003Jan,21st,2011CompaniesTao baoTencentYeepayTencentDescriptionA.transfer(中转) station(a third account(账户) between sellers and buyers)WaysThrough computers or mobile phonesThe number of cooperative banks1805911The number of users3000000030000001000003000000(1)According to the form above,we can know something about_. A . online shoppingB . new payment methodsC . online storesD . the uses of the Internet(2)Which are from the same payment service company? A . Tenpay and WeChat pay.B . Yeepay and WeChat pay.C . Alipay and Tenpay.D . Tenpay and Yeepay.(3)When you buy something on Taobao,the money you pay first goes to_. A . abankB . the seller directlyC . the sellers mobile phoneD . a third account between sellers and buyers(4)We can use_to pay for online shopping on the computer. A . Alipay onlyB . WeChat onlyC . all the four methods in the formD . the other three ways except WeChat pay(5)Which of the following is NOT true according to the form above? A . Yeepay was put into use earlier than the other three.B . Alipay and WeChat pay have the same number of users,C . Using Tenpay is the most convenient way for it has the most cooperative banks.D . When we use WeChat pay,our money goes directly to the sellers.四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)B)根据语境及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。(1)Weve got two bamboo_(篮子).(2)The boy_(大声喊)for help ten minutes ago.(3)Nobody was in when he_(进入)the hall(4)Im not in Class 1 and they arent in Class 1_(也)(5)He lives in a house_(没有)a garden五、 补充句子 (共1题;共6分)17. (6分)Maria, you used to be short, didnt you?玛利亚,你过去个子矮,是不是? 点拨:_意为过去常常,后面接动词原形,表示过去存在的状态或发生的动作,但现在不再是这样了。如:我过去常常和我最好的朋友去钓鱼。 _注意:_意为习惯于做某事,_意为被用于做某事。如:我的妈妈习惯于晚饭后散步。 _小刀被用于切物品。 _六、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)假如你是某英语俱乐部的成员李华,本周你们要就“The ways to keep healthy”这个话题进行讨。论,请你根据以下图示写一篇英语短文为此次发言做准备。要求:80词左右,可适当发挥,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。The ways to keep healthyHello, everyone!_Thats all. Thank you for listening to me.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空(题型注释) (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、五、 补充句子 (共1题;共6分)17-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)18-1、

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