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增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Unit 10 A School playWork with language教 学目 标1、语言知识:1)、掌握课文中的四会单词play film concert interesting fun boring.2)、句型What do you think of .? I think . What are you doing? 教 材分 析重点watching a play enjoying a concert seeing a film What do you think of .?Its interestingfunboring.难点watching a play enjoying a concert seeing a film What do you think of .?Its interestingfunboring.教具图片、幻灯片、录音机教学过程:一 warming up Sing a song (the farmer in the dell)Free talk T: How are you today?Are you happy?What is he doing?二让学生能够熟练操练表示动作的短语、Presentation and practice 1.老师做动作,让学生猜出所表达的动作短语,呈现出课文出现的短语Watching TV 用幻灯片展出图片,让孩子们猜 (可用中文)呈现出余下的短语Watching a play enjoying a concert seeing a film然后黑板板书出7个短语3老师带读,边读边操练,学生学会说这些短语。同时还表演该短语的动作。4、操练GAME:guessing the phrases 做动作猜短语(in pairs or in groups)5. Turn to page P47 连线(小组比赛)看哪个小组完成得又快又好。取得好成绩的小组要给予奖励。6、与同学们一起核对连线,然后进行Pair work. 玩 “石头、剪刀、布” 的游戏。两人同时有节奏的问出:“What are you doing ?”输的一方抽一张事先写好的纸条并用纸条上的短语造句回答 “I am V-ing”三、Development游戏结束时,通过此游戏引出三个新单词1、 师问:What do you think of the game? 引出:interesting boring fun 学习这三个新单词。2、 请同学们小组讨论完成P47的对话练习3、展示学生完成的情况,请同学上台表演。四、HOMEWORK必做:1 copy the phrases on blackboard 2 预习本课对话的内容.选做: 找自己的伙伴根据短语的含义创设一个场景或短剧。教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Unit 10 A School playDialogue教 学目 标1、掌握课文中的四会单词,学会I like . ,I think , Its interesting 2、通过情景理解短语.教 材分 析重点I like / I dont like /she doesnt like What do you think ?I think its interesting/boring/fun.难点I like / I dont like /she doesnt like What do you think ?I think its interesting/boring/fun.教具图片、幻灯片、录音机教学过程:1、 warming up1)、Sing a song (If youre happy and you know it.)2)、Riview the phrases learnt last class “I say, you do.”3)、Act out the plays they made as their homework. 2、Presentation and practice 1) 老师对他们表演进行评价。用到课文中出现的句子。I like this play. I think its interesting. Do you like this play?引导学生进行评论。2) 带着问题听课文录音A、Who are in the story? B、Does Sally like telling stories?C Whats Sallys part?D Its her part important?3) 听第二遍录音回答上面的问题呈现课文(用金太阳的软件)4) 学新单词对单词进行短时记忆 并且玩单词游戏:猜单词。5) 读课文。小组练习。小组内分角色练习。然后请其中一组同学上台把练习的效果表现出来。6) 师引导出课文的重点句型:I like / I dont like 也可以问其他同学:What do you think ?三、Development分小组自编对话:用上What do you think ?并挑选一些同学上台表演。四、时间充分的话老师和学生们对大家的表演做出评价五、HOMEWORK必做:1)Listen and read the dialogue. 2)Copy the new words.选做:Create a play for the Childrens Day 教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Unit 11 Radio an Television教 学目 标1、正确辩读以下词汇:news cartoon turn on CD Mickey Mouse Donald Duck2、正确理解以上词汇的含义,并在已学句子中迅速作出反应。教 材分 析重点句型 What programmes do you like? 及其回答。难点turn on / news 的正确发音及其运用。教具图片、调查表、录音机、电脑课件教学过程:Leading in Sing a song (I like Dancing .)2 Play a game. 展示描述娱乐的图片课件,老师先做示范,再以小组比赛的形式,看谁最快说出图片内容。如:watching TV / seeing a film / enjoying a concert使学生复习巩固与娱乐有关的词组,及复习Ving的表达。Pre-taskStep 1 Free talk 紧接上面所说的娱乐话题,提问个别学生:T: Do you like seeing a film ? (enjoying a concert / listening to the tape/ watching a play)P: Yes, I do . / No I dont.Step做出示范后,让全体学生们相互练习以上句子。让更多学生开口说英语,并复习like Ving 的用法。 2学生操练,进一步巩固重难点。Step 3 T : What time is it , now ? P: Its .T : Oh , Theres a cartoon on TV. . Lets turn on the TV . (做出开电视的动作,板书,学生理解turn on ,并操练。播放一段米其动画片片段。学生理解米其动画,学习cartoon 。)T : Do you want to know , what programmes does xiaoling like ? Does she like cartoon programmes? what about her mother? Now, lets see the vcd . Then tell me the answer.Ps see the vcd , then answer the questions.T Ask more questions about the dialogue.T : Does Xiaolings father like listen to the radio ?What programmes does Xiaolings father usually listen to ?Does Sally like the cartoon 学生在思考答案中及回答中,进一步理解课文。Homwwork:必做:Copy the new words and try to recite the text。选做:继续调查你身边朋友喜欢看什么节目,并统计出来。教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Fun With Language & Exercises教 学目 标To expose pupils to language in use.To introduce some humour教 材分 析重点To expose pupils to language in use.难点To introduce some humour教具图片、录音机、电脑课件教学过程:1) Warming upListen and sing I Am Fine Musician2) RevisionFree Talk: Do you likevery much/a little/ not at all? Very much./ A little./Not at all.3) PresentationTo have a dictation ( New words)Fun with languageRead these jokes from a comedy programme. Act out the dialogue in pairs.4) ExerciseListening 技能训练U11 5)Homework 技能训练U11 Exercise 1 & Exercise 2教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Unit 12 Lets Go Further教 学目 标To expose the pupils to Language in useTo develop listening skills.教 材分 析重点To expose the pupils to Language in use难点To develop listening skills.教具图片、录音机、教学过程:1) Warming upSing a Song I Am A Fine Musician2) RevisionAct out the dialogueFree talk3)Presentationa) Sound FamiliesRead these words then summing upbTry to read these words and find what the mean in a dictionary .)Story Time:Look at the pictures and read the story.Stick the sentences in the right speech bubbles.Then try to act out the story in groups.c)ProjectIn groups, write your ideal TV page for one evening.Talk with another group and find three similarities and tree differences between your TV page.d)Did You Know4) Summing up5) Homeworka) Projectb) U 12教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Un13 The Food and Drink We like教 学目 标掌握课文中的句型:Would you like ?及回答:Yes please ./No thanks .What do you usually have for breakfast ?及回答。(2)通过情景理解课文。2.语言技能:能说出一些食品和饮料的名称。能礼貌的用英语邀请别人吃西及应答。能用英语了解别人早餐经常吃什么。教 材分 析重点课文句型难点课文句型教具1. 小黑板板书chant 2. 调查表教学过程:一 Warming up : Sing the song :This is the way.二 Leading in:创设情景,导入课题:新开张的早餐店:老师扮服务员介绍餐馆的食物:eggs, cakes ,bread milk (复习)呈现新词:noodles, rice noodles, porridge, bun, dim-sum ,coke ,coffee ,toast学习新单词,并强调porridge 的读音三.Presentation and Practice:1老师扮服务员介绍推销食品,学生扮食客。T:Would you like some ?引导学生回答:Yes, please. / No , thanks.学习操练:chant :Would you like ,Would you like ,Would you like some coke ?Yes ,please ; Yes ,please ;Yes ,please ;Would you like ,Would you like ,Would you like some coffee ?No, thanks; No, thanks; No, thanks;(练几次,节奏由慢到快,老师手持几张新学词的图或食物,替换coke coffee)2.由Would you like ?Yes,please./No thanks .过渡到早餐店的定位调查What do you usually have for breakfast ?T:Some one doesnt like noodles /bread/ toast 。Our restaurant is for breakfast .We want to know what do you usually have breakfast .I(加强语气,和表情) like bread, I like eggs ,I like , but I like best . So I usually havefor breakfast .学习Best .同桌讨论:I like best T:I like best .I usually have for breakfast.What about you ? What do you usually have for breakfast ? (板书)同位讨论:What do you usually have for breakfast ?I usually havefor breakfast .3.听录音,学课文。Questions:What does Jiamin like ?What doesnt Jiamin like ?What does Jiaming usually have for breakfast ?What does he like best?Do you know :What do Webbs often have for breakfast?跟录音读课文。全班读-分角色读。4. 四人小组表演自己最喜欢的课文中的一部分。5.小结 :1.新词2.邀别人吃东西 Would you like 及回答。3.中西餐早餐的不同。四.Development:为了早餐店开得更好,请同学们当调查员。What do you usually have for breakfast .I usually havefor breakfast五.Homework: Listen and read the new words and dialogue. Copy the new words and recite. 结合调查结果和Word with language 的图,画一些菜牌:a plate of noodles 加上图,价钱。教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Book4 Unit13Work with Language 教 学目 标1、 语言知识 四会掌握单词:piece ,bowl , bottle, cup , tea , place , water, juice, chips 三会掌握单词:porridge , dim-sum , toast ,fried 食物数量表达方法:a piece of toast , a glass of milk2、 语言技能:能用英语表达食品特别是不可数名词的表达方法。教 材分 析重点a piece of toast , a glass of juice等食物(特别是不可数名词)的数量表达方式。难点a piece of toast , a glass of juice等食物(特别是不可数名词)的数量表达方式。教具图片教学过程:一:Leading in : Read the chant :Would you like? 表演课文中自己喜欢的部分。二.Presentantion and practice: 早餐店正式营业,介绍菜牌:学生的作业和老师准备的图片:a plate of noodles ,a glass of milk a bottle of orange juice 学习plate, bottle, bowl, piece ,plate 和tea ,water, juice等新词。Practise game :a piece of toast ,a piece of toast, youre mine Guessing(猜拳游戏,目的让学生尽快熟悉这种表达方式) game :拿出图片(菜牌):放在实物投影下,只露出其中一部分,猜Whats this ? Its a glass of water /juice /milk三.出示一些画得精美的菜牌:What is this ? Its a plate of fish. Whats this ? Its a plate ofThey are delicious. I like them very much .加入夸张的表情。I dont like They re horrible .学习delicious ,horrible (动作和表情).四.阅读P61 的短文:What does Mike like for breakfast ?What about XiaoLin and Sally?Mike Sally XiaolingEggs hamburger porriage Toast chips rice noodles 小结1:中西方饮食的不同之处。2:食物的数量的表达方法。五Homework:1. Copy the new words.2. Dictate the new words.3. (选做)用P61的词组来编成小短文。教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Unit 14 School Lunch教 学目 标1、语言知识:1)starter,know,cabbage,soup,salad,either,nothing,pasta,hamburger,problem2)学习并掌握以下句型: a) What do you want for? I likeb) I dont like and I dont like ,either.c) Can I have? Of course,here you are./No problem.2、语言技能:1)能将新词汇运用于句型中。2)在真实情景中自如运用所学句型“Can I have?”来表达自己想要的物品及相应的回答:“Of course,here you are.”3)理解课文,运用正确的语音语调熟读课文。教 材分 析重点1) 句型“I dont like and I dont like ,either.”的理解和运用。难点运用“Can I have?”来表达自己想要的物品及相应的回答:“Of course,here you are.”于真实情景中。教具图片、食物、托盘等。教学过程:一、 Warming up二、 Presentation 1、 直接导入情景教师事先用台布在讲台上布置一个餐桌,并将装有cabbagesoup,salad,pasta,hamburger,fried rice, chips 等食物的托盘放在餐桌上(食物有的是实物有的是图片)。上课铃响了,教师出现,一上课就把学生带到模拟的情景中:1)T: Hello,children. Welcome to my canteen. Here is some food for you .Do you like them? What is this?教师在提问的过程中教授了新单词。2)(接上面的话题)T:Would you like to eat the food? Ps:Yes. T:What do you want for starters? 引导学生用I like来回答。2)T:If you would like to eat,you can say: Can I have?Ps:Can I have ?T:Of course, here you are./No problem.依此类推。然后找一名学生当侍者,拿着托盘问教师:P1:Hello. What do you want for starters?T: I dont like and I dont like ,either. Can I have a hamburger?P1: Of course, here you are.学生在情景中理解并学习了句子“I dont like and I dont like ,either.” 2、操练巩固 1)猜图片得分游戏 在黑板上贴上所有的食物图片,这些图片里装有10、20、30等不同分值的小卡,教师引导学生用Can I have?教师回答后给食物图片,并给他们加相应的分数。最后教师统计分数最高的一组,给予贴星奖励。通过这一环节,学生巩固了 所学单词和句型。2) 小组内用所准备的实物或图片操练。引导学生用上板书的句型。3、呈现课文1)听课文录音并回答以下问题:a) what does Sally have for lunch?b) What does Xiaoling have for lunch?c) What about Mike ?2)多种形式朗读课文。3) 用小黑板出示每一幅图的提示词来复述对话。4) 学生扮演角色表演对话。三、 总结所学知识并进行环保教育环保渗透:教育学生珍惜粮食,尊重家长的劳动,不挑食,不浪费,养成良好的饮食习惯。 四、 Homework1、 听录音,读课文并试背诵课文。2、 抄写本课单词。3、 口头调查哪些食物是班里同学们最喜欢吃的,为下一节课Work with language做准备。教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Unit 14 School Lunch(Work with language)教 学目 标1、语言知识:1)学习词汇:maincourse,dessert,roast,tomato,beefsteak,ice cream,chocolate,chicken,beef.2)懂得用Mike likes .He thinks delicious./Sally doesnt likeShe thinkshorrible.来描述图。3)第一人称和第三人称的区别。2、语言技能:运用所学知识于真实情景中。教 材分 析重点第一人称和第三人称的区别和理解应用。难点第一人称和第三人称的区别和理解应用。教具图片、食物等。教学过程:Warming upLets sing :p65并用Unit14的单词替换着唱,以此来复习上节课的单词。Presentation i. 出示P64Menu图。并在谈论的过程中学习新单词T:Here is some delicious food? Oh, I likeI thinkdelicious/I dont likeI thinkhorrible. What about you ? What do you want for starters/main course/dessert/drinks?学生用I likeI thinkdelicious/I dont likeI thinkhorrible来表达自己的想法。ii. 考记忆力。同学们回忆刚才其他同学的话,并用He/She likes /doesnt like He/She thinksdelicious/horrible来说话。3、板书以上的句型,小组讨论体会第一人称和第三人称在动词表达上的区别。并让学生把其中的规律说出来。4、做P66第一题的连线5、描述P66第二题的图:出示Sally,Mike,Ben ,Jiamin的头像,小组内讨论并汇报。6、学生在讨论图片后,把相关的句子写下来。Development 1、学生4人小组互相调查最喜欢吃什么,最不喜欢吃什么(用上P64的Menu),并作好记录。2、学生汇报调查结果。如:likes/She thinks theyre delicious. doesnt like/He thinks theyre horrible. 总结和环保渗透:教育学生珍惜粮食,尊重家长的劳动,不挑食,不浪费,养成良好的饮食习惯。 Homework 调查家里人喜欢吃什么,不喜欢吃什么,有能力的同学把句子记录下来,下节课进行汇报。教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Unit 15 Lets Go Further教 学目 标To revise and develop food and drink vocabularyTo develop extensive listening and reading skillsTo develop thinking skill教 材分 析重点To revise and develop food and drink vocabulary难点To develop thinking skill教具图片、食物等教学过程:1) Revision:Dictation the new wordsRecite the dialogueU142) Story timeLook at the pictures and listen to the tape ,then number the picturesUnderstand the meanings of the story.3) Did You Know: Look at the photo . 4) AdditionalWhat do English people eat for breakfast? Try your partner. Words: jam ham cereal sausage roll5) Homework:a)Work in groups, write the names of the foods and drinks you knowb)Activity Book教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Module 6 Unit 16 In the market(dialogue)教 学目 标语言知识目标:学生能听说读以下单词及短语:carrot, potato, pepper, mushroom, broccoli, onion, vendor, customer, dollar, kilo, half, anything, else, fresh, cost, cent, change, Thats it. Lets see.语言技能目标:(1)能运用句型How much are .? How much do they cost? They aredollarscents.进行价钱的问答; (2 )能掌握本课的购物用语:Id likekilo. Do you want anything else? No, thats it. Lets see. Thats dollars. Heres your change. (3)全班能朗读课文,优生能表演课文或模仿课文自编对话。情感态度目标:学生能在小组活动中积极参与合作,在模拟情景中体会英语的交际作用。教 材分 析重点1 . The new words and phrases of the text . 2. The sentence structures : “ Id like “ , “ How much do/does cost ? “ , “ Do you want ? 难点The way to ask and answer the price of the goods .教具单词卡片,金太阳光碟,电脑,投影,实物,教学过程:1 Warm up : sing a song(P74)2Leading-in: Today we will learn unit 16 in the market.(图片呈现market ) Im a vendor. You are all my customers. Welcome. These are my goods.(图片、实物或以课件展示) Theyre really fresh and good.(学习单词fresh) Do you know them? 复习学过的食物单词,如apple, pear, banana等,引入新词的学习3 Pre- task:(1) learn the new words: potatoes, carrot, pepper, mushroom, broccoli, onion(2) Game老师轻拍黑板上的单词卡片,一边轻声念单词,学生跟着轻声读单词,当老师的手所拍的单词卡片与读的单词相同时,学生们快速站起来并大声地读出该单词。最快站起来读单词的学生为赢。 : bingo (3) T: Look , there are many things in the market . What would you like ? Id like some pears and apples , what about you , xxx ?” Teach “ Id like .” Pair-work and check . Teach “Do you want ” and “ Thats it .” afterward in the same way . (4) Drill practise(给图片或实物贴上价格标签):T:How much are the ? Theyre dollar cents a kilo.(学习单词dollar, cent, kilo)学生机械操练小组操练(以自己画的单词图片或实物)检查小组操练情况(5) Drill practise:T: How much are the potatoes? We can also say: How much do the potatoes cost?学生机械操练小组操练(以自己画的单词图片或实物)检查小组操练情况(6) 情景呈现: T与一学生对话,老师扮演vendor,学生扮演customerT: Can I help you?Px:How much are the potatoes? T: They are dollars cents a kilo?Px: Id like kilos. How much are they? T: Lets see. Thats Do you want anything else?Px:No. Thats it. Heres the money. T: Heres your change. Thank you.板书主要句型,学习单词half,change. Heres your change. Lets see. Anything else, 4 While-task:(1) 看金太阳软件,呈现课文(2) 多种方式读课文:跟读,分角色读,小组读(3) 看提示词尝试背课文(4) 小组表演课文5 Sum up: new words and the sentences6 Homework::(1)读课文, 准备表演(2)抄活动手册本课单词(3)找Partner共同完成P73练习,并准备表演教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Unit 16 In the market (work with language)教 学目 标语言技能目标:能运用所学的句型列出购物单并进行模拟购物。语言知识目标:(1)To reinforce the food vocabulary (2) To introduce the structures “I think we need” and “We dont need” (3) To review the simple present third person singular.情感态度目标:学生能在小组活动中积极参与合作,在模拟情景中体会英语的交际作用。教 材分 析重点How to talk about shopping and shopping needs in English .难点第三人称单数句型的运用教具单词卡片,电脑,投影教学过程:1 Warm up : sing a song , chant the rhyme on P 742 Revision: (1)review the food vocabulary Game: which one is missing?( use the word cards,) (2) review the ways of asking price (use the word cards ) A: How much are the? How much do they cost? B: Theyre dollars yuan a kilo(3) Practice in groups (use the pictures or foods they prepared before the class )A: How much are the? How much do they cost? B: Theyre dollars yuan a kilo A: Id likekilos Ill have kilos. B: OK. Lets see. Thats dollarsyuan.3. read the dialogue in roles4. check the answers of Ex2 on P73, ask some groups to act out their dialogue5.task 1: make a shopping list(1)T: Lets make dinner for the family tonight. I like for dinner. What do you like to have for dinner, xxx?(2)Practice in groups of four: What do you like to have for dinner? I likefor dinner.(3) write down the name of food you like for dinner on a piece of paper(4) guessing game: What does he like for dinner? Ask one pupil come to the front with the paper he wrote , the others guess what he likes for dinner, use the sentence: “Does he like?” (5) make a shopping list in groups:use these sentences: I like for dinner. We need some. We dont need anyPotatoes, carrots, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbages, onions, fish, chicken, eggs, rice, apples, pears, banana, We need someWe dont need any(6) ask some groups to show their shopping list and report6.task 2: complete the dialogues P75 EX27. task 3: Lets go shopping.(1)小结购物用语,投影(2)各组展示自己所购物品在课室内开设几个摊位(以图片或实物),由几个优秀学生扮演vendor, 学生以小组为单位,根据自己的shopping-list 进行购物,以最快速度完成的小组胜出。8.Sum up: words and sentences9.H.W.: (1) read the dialogue and try to recite, the fast learner can act out the dialogue or make their own dialogue (2) finish the exercises of unit 16 on the Activity Book教师补充教学后记:增城市小楼镇腊圃小学课时计划 四 年级 英语 学科 设计者: 何滴莺 周敏铃 课 题Module 6 unit 17 dialogue教 学目 标语言知识 四会单词:vegetable, fruit, next, grape, banana 三会单词:pizza Sentence structures: Whos next, please? Id like Anything else?2、语言技能能正确理解对话;能熟练掌握句型并进行替换练习;能运用所学语言进行购物。3、情感态度 争做文明小顾客,购物时要排队,要讲文明,有礼貌。教 材分 析重点量词kilo的正确使用, 以o结尾的名词的复数变化,难点运用所学语言进行购物。教具单词卡片,电脑,投影教学过程:、Warming-up sing a song: The Market. 、Revision and presentation 1. ask some pupils to act out the dialogue of unit 16. 2.利用电脑呈现已学过的蔬菜和水果图进行归类复习,并学习单词 Vegetables and Fruits。 3. 引出课题:Unit 17 The Vegetables and Fruits We Need. 4. 设计情景,由教师扮演vendor,成绩好的几位学生扮演customers.桌面摆些vegetablesand fruits.并在apples, potatoes上分别竖一牌写上:特价¥1/kilo.¥0.5/kilo.因此,很多人都争着买特价的Vegetable and Fruit。让他们排好队,由此引出以下对话: AT: Can I help you? P: Yes, Id like a kilo these(手指要买的东西), please. T: Ok. Youd like a kilo of apples, here you are.anything else? P: No, thats it.让学生自由发挥利用购物用语,教师可用另一种形式重复学生所说的句子) B老师与第二位学生对话时:T:Whos next,please?(以下对话与A同) 当与几位学生的对话完成后,教师出示句子:a kilo of apple two kilos of apples.进行讲解。5.操练 a kilo of , two kilos of,并让生说:Id like a kilo of/ two kilos of/three kilos of6. 看金太阳课件,学习next.7. 跟读对话,小组读,分角色读对话。 8. 看书,四人小组读对话,找出不明白的句子或不会读的地方。 9.小组合作完成下面二图,并检查答案。 、Consolidation 1. 让学生说出本


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