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沪教版2020年中考英语语法专练(一):名词B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Up to now, Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival has a history of over_. A . 26 yearsB . 26-yearC . 26 years2. (2分)There are 15 _ in the hospital. They are all friendly to the patients.A . women doctorsB . woman doctorsC . woman doctorD . women doctor3. (2分)Its a pity that I failed. But I am sure I will make it if I am given another _. I think so.A . chanceB . purposeC . successD . condition4. (2分)The children got to the Forest Park after _ ride. A . an hoursB . an hoursC . a hoursD . one hours5. (2分)Many of the animals are in in the world. We should take measures to protect them.A . dangerB . surpriseC . allD . fact6. (2分)Every year many foreign friends come to see the _of Tianjin, such as Tianjin Eye and Haihe River. A . concertsB . playsC . cartoonsD . sights7. (2分)They got _ excited that they couldnt get to sleep. A . veryB . enoughC . tooD . so8. (2分)_ fathers couldnt go to the meeting, because they have gone to Beijing. A . Toms and JimB . Tom and JimsC . Toms and Jims9. (2分)_ mothers are both nurses in a hospital. A . Tims and PetersB . Tim and PetersC . Tims and PeterD . Tim and Peter10. (2分) do you want? Small. A . What sizeB . WhatC . What bigD . How big二、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共11题;共18分)11. (8分)Let him _(help) you.12. (1分)I bought some paper and p_ (颜料)to make a birthday card yesterday. 13. (1分)The mountain is over 1000_(米) high. 14. (1分)The girl wrote a book about her_(冒险经历)in the forest 15. (1分)Lets have_ (草莓) and apples. 16. (1分)How many_(小说) did Lao She write? 17. (1分)I cant see the blackboard clearly, Mr Black. Why dont you wear your_(眼镜)? 18. (1分)Tonys father is a hotel _(经理). 19. (1分)These _(诗歌) are really beautiful, arent they? 20. (1分)How dirty your room is! Look at the _(垃圾). 21. (1分)_ (物理) is one of my favorite subjects. 三、 语法填空 (共5题;共5分)22. (1分)I want to apply for a job as a_(reception).23. (1分)He climbed the stairs and knocked on the _ door of his grandmothers room. (wood) 24. (1分)His father carried the cake _ the room and he blew out the candles. (填介词) 25. (1分)They talked _ (quiet) because they were in library. 26. (1分)His father bought him an iPad. It is very_(help). 第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共11题;共18分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、三、 语法填空 (共5题;共5分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、

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