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2019年八年级下学期英语3月月考卷A卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I think our school should allow us our own uniforms.A . designB . designingC . to design2. (2分)Why are there so many policemen in the park?They are trying _ a missing girl.A . searchB . to searchC . search forD . to search for3. (2分)(2015辽宁丹东)In order to make Dandong more beautiful, more trees and flowers _ every year.A . will plantB . should plantC . should be plantedD . must plant4. (2分)There is not enough rain here these days.And many rivers have _.A . put outB . gone awayC . dried up5. (2分)(2015梅州 Jane was shy. She would not invite her classmates_speaking English.( )A . practiceB . practicesC . practicingD . to practice6. (2分) My plan is _ videos at home. What are you going to do, Jenny?Well, I prefer _movies at the cinema.A . to watch, seeB . watching, seeC . watching, to seeD . to watch, to see7. (2分)How time flies! Three years _ since I _ you last time.A . passed; meetB . has passed; metC . passed; have metD . has passed; meet8. (2分)It often _ here in winter. Look! Its _ again. A . snows; snowingB . snowy; snowingC . snow; snowyD . snowing; snows9. (2分)How much difficulty did you have this problem? . Its quite easy.A . solving; No oneB . to solve; NothingC . to solve; AnythingD . solving; None10. (2分) Shall Brown come and play computer games? No, _ he has finished his homework.A . whenB . ifC . unlessD . once11. (2分) Please remember _ me the weather report tomorrow, Xiao Ming. OK. No problem.A . tellB . toldC . tellsD . to tell12. (2分)A pet can help a person who feel _.A . aloneB . lonelyC . alongD . lone13. (2分)Some students often drop litter carelessly in our school. What can we do?We can _ some signs to remind them not to do that again.A . put upB . put offC . put awayD . put on14. (2分)- Mum, Ive got _ important to tell you.- Whats up?A . somethingB . anythingC . nothing15. (2分)(2015张家界)Gina always asks_, because her things are everywhere.A . where are her keysB . her keys are whereC . where her keys are二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空 As a parent trainer I am now dealing with helicopter parents the ones who1all the difficulties and make it smooth sailing for their kids. Sometimes watching kids 2without jumping in to fix it for them is the 3thing parents can do. I appreciate someone who knows when it is time to let kids struggle a little 4thats real life and Mom (or Dad) wont always be there to give help. So, let kids 5real life and grow up by failing, keeping on trying, never giving up and sometimes 6learning from making mistakes.7other words, parents have to be comfortable with the idea of allowing kids to fail as part of the learning 8.What matters in learning? It isnt about whether or not it is perfect or correct. It matters whether or not kids have9to go to places, to see things, to play, to inquire and so on. That is what I think10should do for kids: give them time to be kids: give them chances to grow up and experience life themselves.(1)A . take away B . bring in C . put off D . give out (2)A . succeed B . study C . fail D . pray (3)A . happiest B . hardest C . easiest D . luckiest (4)A . because B . but C . so D . and (5)A . know B . learn C . get D . experience (6)A . actually B . simply C . hardly D . gradually (7)A . From B . With C . By D . In (8)A . result B . process C . goal D . cost (9)A . abilities B . money C . chances D . energy (10)A . parent trainers B . adults C . teachers D . parents 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17. (10分)阅读理解April Fools Day should be a day to play jokes on others in hopes of getting a good laugh and making one feel like a fool. However, the April Fools Day of 1989 was quite different for my mom and me.That day my friend Jimmy and I were playing a game. I had dropped down from a bar(横木)many times in the past without ever having a problem, but that day the simple act of dropping to the ground became a nightmare(噩梦). I broke my arm.Jimmys dad heard my crying and rushed out to see what was going on. When he saw the problem, he quickly put me into his truck and went inside to telephone my mom and let her know he would take me to the hospital. As that day was April Fools Day,Morn was not buying it and really thought all this was a big joke. Mom was finally convinced by Jimmys mom. When she saw me, she broke down in tears because she felt so bad-she originally thought this was just a big prank(恶作剧).I guess one could compare this to the story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”. Since I had pulled pranks before, it is no wonder that my mom didnt believe it. I as well as my mom was made to look like a fool that day. We both learned a valuable lesson.(1)What happened to the writer on the April Fools Day of 1989? A . He dreamed a terrible dream.B . He was hurt by Jimmy.C . He had an accident.D . He fooled his mom with his friend.(2)Why did Jimmys dad phone the writers mom? A . Because he wanted to play a joke on her.B . Because he wanted her to go to the hospital to pay the money.C . Because he wanted to see how deeply she loved her son.D . Because he wanted to inform her of the accident.(3)What does the underlined sentence “Mom was not buying it” mean? A . She didnt believe what Jimmys dad said.B . She would not like to pay the money.C . She had no preparation for the bad news.D . She thought her son deserved(应受) it.(4)Why did the writer mention the story of“The Boy Who Cried Wolf”? A . Because he thought it was his moms fault.B . Because he had a lesson like that.C . Because he was proud of his story.D . Because he felt he was luckier than that boy.(5)From the passage we can infer that . A . the writers mom didnt care much about himB . the writer was a dishonest personC . the writer wont as beforeD . the writer will lose interest in games18. (8分)阅读理解Going to work by car is getting more expensive today because the petrol(汽油)is getting more expensive(贵).People are looking for a cheaper way of transportation and they find out that it is a good choice(选择) to ride bikes to work.More and more return to bikes.Children often go to school by bike.But now more people are going to work by bike, too.“The bike is easy to use,”says Molly,“and it is also very cheap. Its a good choice for those who do business(生 意) like me.You can buy thirty bikes for the price of a small car. A bike doesnt use expensive petrol.”Mr.Brown goes to his hospital by bike every day. He says,“A bike doesnt cost so much money, and most families can have two or more bikes. Bike riding is good for our health. Today most people get fat because they dont get enough exercise. So I tell all my patients(病人) to buy bikes. Besides, in big cities its usually quicker to travel by bike than by bus or car. Car drivers can do nothing but get angry when there is a traffic jam(有交通阻塞).(1)Some people dont want to drive to work because. A . cars are getting more expensiveB . the petrol is getting more expensiveC . cars are difficult to take care ofD . the traffic becomes bad(2)The underlined phrase “returns to bikes” in the first paragragh means “ ”. A . begin to ride bikes againB . give bikes back to their owners(主人)C . begin to buy bikesD . sell their bikes to others(3)From the passage, we can know Molly is a . A . teacherB . doctorC . studentD . businesswoman(4)According to Mr. Brown, bike riding is good for us mainly in aspects(方面). A . twoB . threeC . fourD . five19. (10分)阅读理解Giving gifts is a kind of knowledge, and is also one kind of strategy(策略). In the Western countries, you should be careful of giving gifts. Never give a gift in a job interview or at a business meeting. Gifts are usually given during special holidays, or as a “thank you” for special invitations. When arriving at a special party, you may give your gift to the host once the introductions are made. Here are a few rules:Be modest (适度的) with your gift. Do not buy gifts that are too expensive, such as a Swiss watch, a gold ring or a gold necklace. A special food from your country, a bottle of wine, candy, or flowers are the best if you do not know the host very well, but be sure that your gift will not need much attention. You can usually say something like “ I hope you will like it.” when you offer your gift.Be careful of giving wine. A bottle of wine is usually all right if you know your host drinks wine, but hard alcohol (酒精) such as whisky (威士忌) should only be given as a gift when you know the host well and are certain that they would like such a gift. Flowers are good, but remember: roses are for special love. You have to be careful.A small cultural gift from your country is usually very good. Make sure that your gift is packed (包装) nicely. A nice card with it will be better.(1)According to the passage, people usually dont give gifts . A . on Christmas DayB . on someones birthdayC . in a job interview or at a business meetingD . on New Years Day(2)The passage mentions rules about giving gifts. A . threeB . fourC . fiveD . six(3)Which gift is the most proper among the following four kinds? A . A bottle of whisky.B . Special food from your country.C . Roses.D . A Swiss watch.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . It is not necessary to pack the gift nicely.B . Your gift should draw everyones attention.C . Hard alcohol is a good gift to most of the people.D . You can give your gift to the host once the introductions are made.(5)The best title for the passage is . A . The rules of giving giftsB . How to buy giftsC . Table mannersD . Cultural differences四、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)20. (5分)(2015锦州)任务型阅读 根据短文内容按要求完成任务。Passage A 根据短文内容完成文后的图表。Hillary is one of the most famous women in America. Born in 1947, she lived a happy childhood. Her parents were open to anything that interested her. But they were also strict with her. When young Hillary got A grades at school, her father said the school must have been too easy. When she ran home from a bad school boy, her mother wouldnt let her in. “Go back and face up to him. There is no room in the house for a coward(懦夫)!”Years later, young Hillary put all of her energy into politics(政治). As a student leader, she often discussed and researched social problems. In 1969, Hillary entered Yale Law School, where she met Bill Clinton. The two soon became partners in political activities and the journey of love.Even after Bill was elected(选举)as president in 1992, Hillary didnt want to just be the presidents wife. She worked on US healthcare. However, she was not popular with those against her husband. At that time, some people said she was too interested in politics. But Hillary kept her head held high, When she takes on a project, she works tirelessly until it is completed,”said Betty Lowe, an ole friend of the Clintons. Its that kind of determination(决心)that will help her win the White House.She has made a decision that she will take part in the election of the next president in 2016。TitleHillary, a _American womanHer unusual experience When she was a child, her parents were _with her. She met Bill Clinton and _an interest in politics in university. She is_of energy when working. Result She has_ to take part in the election of the next American president in 2016.21. (5分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: You look beautiful in this red skirt today, Sally.B: _.A: What is it made of?B: _.A: I also like your white and pink blouse. It matches your red skirt. Is it made of silk, too?B: Yes, it is. It feels soft and comfortable.A: _?B: I bought them in the new shopping mall.A: _?B: Its near the park, opposite the Sunny Restaurant.A: Would you like to go there with me this afternoon?B: _.A: Great! See you then.B: See you.五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供前5小题选用,第二个方框供后5小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。 A. use B. example C. important D. right E. meaning F. somethingReading is very useful for English learners. When youre learning English, listening, speaking and writing are very _, but reading is also very helpful. When you read, you can both learn some new words and learn how to _ them. When you read, it gives you a good _ for writing.Read something at your right level. Read _ that you can more or less understand. If you need to stop every three words to use a dictionary, its not _ for you.G. remember H. better I. guess J. something interesting K. search L. beforeTry to increase your vocabulary. If there are 4 or 5 new words on a page, try to _ their meanings. Then look them up in a dictionary after reading and write them down in your notebook. Try to _ them.Try to read regularly. Reading for 15 minutes every day is _ than two hours every Sunday. Fix a time to read. For example, you could read for 15 minutes _ you go to bed or at lunch time.Read what interests you. Choose a book or a magazine that you like. You can also read newspapers, for example, 21st Century. There is always _ in it.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假如你是王琳, 就读于育英学校七年级三班, 写一封信向你的美国笔友Anna Green介绍下你自已。内容包括:介绍你的姓名, 年龄。爱好.介绍你最喜欢的科目, 教这门功课的老师, 及其喜欢这门功课的原因。要求:1, 要用书信的格式。, 不要用到自己的真实姓名和班级。2, 内容包括以上要点, , 可以话当发挥. 字数50字左右.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)20-1、21-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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