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冀教版初中毕业升学第一次模拟英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)Most of us have three meals a day .We take food for granted(想当然)。And we dont think about it. 1 experts argue a food crisis(危机)is coming.This crisis is going to make us2 the way we think about food.Food is in great need3a growing of world population.By 1960,the population was three billion.It doubled to six billion by 1999.By 2050,this planet will need to 4 at least nine billion people.As a result,the food prices get higher and higher.So,what can a 5 ,crowed world do?One suggestion is to eat less meat.Meat uses more natural resources(资源)than grains(谷物) .It requires more 6 to produce one pound of meat than to produce one pound of grain. It also requires between 5 and 10 times more water than vegetables. So ,eating less meat will7 more land for farming,and it will save water.To eat less meat,people will need to change their eating habits. That will not be easy. Americans, for example,have 8 loved meat. In general, They eat twice as much meat as people in other countries.At the same time,in developing countries like China and Brazil,sales of meat have doubled in the last 20 years. 9 will double again by 2050.Growing need of meat wil continue to put pressure on natural resources.World population is increasing,resources are becoming fewer,and food prices are rising.Therefore, we need to rethink what we eat every day. For meat lovers, we dont need to give up meat 10 .But we need to eat more grains and less meat.(1)A . And B . But C . Or D . Until (2)A . change B . find C . get D . tell (3)A . instead of B . thanks to C . because of D . as for (4)A . help B . have C . feed D . meet (5)A . busy B . tired C . thirsty D . hungry (6)A . time B . land C . people D . place (7)A . provide B . produce C . waste D . need (8)A . never B . seldom C . hardly D . always (9)A . It B . That C . We D . They (10)A . quickly B . completely C . finally D . especially 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共56分)2. (16分)(1)Which month is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in?A . January.B . March.C . August.D . December.(2)Which month is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in?A . January.B . March.C . August.D . December.(3)Which of the following is RIGHT?A . King was born in Tennessee.B . King led a bus boycott in Alabama.C . King received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963.D . King gave his “I Have a Dream”speech in 1965.(4)Which of the following is RIGHT?A . King was born in Tennessee.B . King led a bus boycott in Alabama.C . King received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963.D . King gave his “I Have a Dream”speech in 1965.(5)How old was King when he died?A . 29B . 39C . 65D . 68(6)How old was King when he died?A . 29B . 39C . 65D . 68(7)Whats the purpose of the time line in this article?A . To teach the students to draw a time line.B . To introduce Martin Luther King Jr. Day.C . To tell more about Martin Luther King Jr.D . To explain why whites and blacks were separated.(8)Whats the purpose of the time line in this article?A . To teach the students to draw a time line.B . To introduce Martin Luther King Jr. Day.C . To tell more about Martin Luther King Jr.D . To explain why whites and blacks were separated.3. (10分)Good morning, class!We know that there are too many net bars around us. The Internet is popular and it makes our lives colorful. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn English. We can read some good newspapers and magazines. It can make us clever in playing computer games. We can send E-mails to our friends quickly. We can chat(聊天) freely online with our friends. It can help us get in touch with people from all over the world.But some students spend too much time in playing computer game and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. Teenagers even get to have boyfriends or girlfriends online. They write too many letters to each other. It takes them too much time to chat online so they do worse and worse in their lessons and they dont study well any more. I think we mustnt get online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. We should get online with adults(成人)-our teacher or parents.At the same time, if we have lots of free time, we can do some out-of-class activities at school. We usually have activities from 4:50 to 5:50 in the afternoon. We have different kinds of activities. If you are interested in sports, you can play basketball or football. We can go to the English Corner. We can practice talking in English there. We hope we can spend more time on our subjects or on such activities that we can learn a lot from and less time on the Internet.Thank you for listening to me. Thats all.(1)The short passage is about _.A . going onlineB . how to communicate with othersC . how to spend our free timeD . different kinds of activities(2)The Internet can make our lives _.A . helpful and importantB . enjoyable and interestingC . enjoyable but expensiveD . different kinds of activities(3)_ is not good.A . Sending E-mailsB . Reading newspapers and magazines onlineC . going online with adultsD . Spending all day in the net bars(4)Playing computer games_.A . gives us lots of informationB . makes our studies worseC . makes us more cleverD . is harmful to our health(5)Which of the following is NOT right?A . There are too many net bars in the cities.B . We can learn English from the Internet.C . We mustnt get online when we are studying at school.D . We cannot do out-of-class activities from 4:50 to 5:50 p.m.4. (20分)Have you ever heard of e-waste(electric waste,电子垃圾), which can be produced every day? How do you deal with your computers, MP4 players and mobile phones when theyre broken or you want a new one?Most people just throw them away. With the development of electric industry, e-waste pollution has become a serious problem. According to the United Nations, in 2014, people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste and only recycled 6.5 million tons. The US was the biggest waster, producing 7.1 million tons. China came second, with 6 million tons.Its important to pay attention to e-waste. It can either be valuable or harmful(有害的), depending on how we deal with it. E-waste is a valuable urban mine(城市矿藏). The value of the metals, like gold and silver in the waste around the world, is amazing. And the metals can be reused. But if people throw them away, the toxic chemicals(有毒化学物质)can get into the earth or air,effectingthe environment and peoples health.Apple, for example, now recycle peoples used products in China when they are buying new ones. The company will test and repair the used ones and sell them at lower prices. To help reduce(减少)e-waste, we can also take computers and phones to see if companies offer recycling programs.(1)The following can become e-wasteEXCEPT_.A . computersB . mobile phonesC . plastic bags(2)The following can become e-wasteEXCEPT_.A . computersB . mobile phonesC . plastic bags(3)Which country produced most e-waste last year according to the United Nations?A . America.B . China.C . Japan.(4)Which country produced most e-waste last year according to the United Nations?A . America.B . China.C . Japan.(5)What does the underline word affecting mean in this passage?A . 保护B . 影响C . 改善(6)What does the underline word affecting mean in this passage?A . 保护B . 影响C . 改善(7)From Paragraph 4, we learn that_.A . the recycle Apple products will be sold at higher prices.B . buying longer lasting electronic products is a good way to reduce e-waste.C . its better to keep the unwanted electronics in your bedroom.(8)From Paragraph 4, we learn that_.A . the recycle Apple products will be sold at higher prices.B . buying longer lasting electronic products is a good way to reduce e-waste.C . its better to keep the unwanted electronics in your bedroom.(9)The main purpose of this passage is to_.A . prove that e-waste is useless.B . encourage people to buy more electronic products.C . advise people to deal with e-waste properly to reduce pollution.(10)The main purpose of this passage is to_.A . prove that e-waste is useless.B . encourage people to buy more electronic products.C . advise people to deal with e-waste properly to reduce pollution.5. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(B)One day in April, a special activity called“Food Street”was held on the playground at Railway No. 1 Middle School in Xian.This activity was part of the English Art Festival in the school. The students in each class were divided(被划分) into some groups. Each group sold different kinds of foods. The students did the shopping and the cooking all by themselves. The students cooked delicious food such as fried chicken, potato chips and vegetables. They all worked hard and sold the food at low prices. The customers(顾客) were all students, teachers and parents. They were all pleased with the nice food.“Its really hard work,” said one of the students who took part in the activity. “We must make a plan before the cooking. We must know how much we should spend on the things we need. Also, we must learn how to serve customers well.”“This activity is to give a chance to students to develop(培养) their practical abilities(实践能力),” said one teacher, “Whats more, the students will not only learn how to make money by their own hands, but also know the meaning of life. ”(1)“Food Street” was _. A . a street for students to sell food alongB . a kind of food sold by the studentsC . part of the activity of the English Art FestivalD . an activity for food prices among the students(2)It seemed that _. A . the food made by the students was not well receivedB . the prices of the food were too highC . the teachers and parents were satisfied with the students and foodD . the students didnt enjoy the activity(3)Which of the following can the students NOT learn in the activity? A . How to grow vegetables.B . How to work well.C . How to make money.D . What life means.(4)Before the activity, the students _. A . had to be customersB . made a plan about the cookingC . asked their parents to do the shoppingD . had to serve the customers well(5)From what one student said, it showed that _. A . the activity was not easyB . the students like the activity better than their class lessonsC . the whole cooking has too much workD . they dont like to make Chinese food三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Tina, lets play volleyball.B: OK._A: I dont know. Is it under the bed?B: _A: Is it under the table?B: No, it isnt.A: _B: No, it isnt.A: If (如果) we cant find the ball, how can we play?B: _The tennis ball is in the bookcase.A: OK. But where are the rackets (球拍)?B: Oh, I dont know.A: Mom is right. _.B: Yes. Lets clean (打扫) our room.A. No, it isnt.B. We must be tidy.C. Is it on the chair?D. Where is the ball?E. Our balls are everywhere.F. I cant find the tennis ball.G. Uh what about playing tennis?四、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)选词填空swim, dance, speak, friend, but, want, they, be, well, favoriteZhang Mingyan and Liu Lin are the students of Green School. They are good _. They want to join the clubs. There are many clubs in _ school. They are the English club, the music club, the _ club, the chess club, the art club and so on.Zhang Mingyan _ to join the music club. She can sing and _. She wants to_ a musician when she grows up(长大). Her _ singer is Song Zuying. And she can play the piano and the guitar well, _ she cant play the violin.Liu Lin can play chess and swim _. But she cant _ English. So she wants to join the English club to learn English.五、 翻译 (共1题;共6分)8. (6分)完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(1)由于路面结冰,我们的车失去了控制。Our car_the icy road.(2)由于所剩时间无几,他不得不缩短他的演讲。He _his speech because there was little time left.(3)现在中国人享受着更高水平的医疗服务。Now, Chinese people_medical care.(4)满城山石林立,奇形异状,桂林以它令人称奇的地形闻名世界。With_the city, Guilin is world-famous for its fantastic landscape.(5)这对双胞胎碰巧分在了同一组。The twins _the same group.(6)横贯中国北部地区的三北防护林被誉为“绿色长城”。The Sanbei Shelter Forest_The Great GreenWall.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。所给的英文提示词语供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。某英文报纸就“绿色出行”话题开展征文活动,请你投稿。环境保护,从我做起。目前越来越多的人提倡骑自行车出行。你对此有何认识?你对骑自行车上学有哪些感受?对未来环境你有哪些好的愿望?提示词语:duty, protect, environment, ride bikes, go out, helpful, air, clean, do exercise, traffic jam, hope, believe七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共8分)10. (8分)根据短文理解选择正确答案。CIf music makes you smarter and exercise helps you to think, surely exercising to music can turn you into a clever person.A team of scientists from Ohio State University did experiments on 33 volunteers who were getting better from heart disease after operations. They found those volunteers who exercised while listening to Italian musician Antonio Vivaldis The Four Seasons did much better on language ability tests than without music. It is also used in medical fields for patients who have had head hurts because of its moderate tempo (舒缓的节拍).“Exercise seems to cause positive changes in the nerve (神经) system and these changes may improve the learning ability of people with heart disease,” said the psychologist Charles Emery, who led the study. “And listening to music is thought to enhance understanding. We just wanted to put the two results together,” he added.The volunteers said they felt better emotionally and physically after exercising with or without music. But their improvement on the test doubled after listening to music during exercise. Scientists have proved that music can be good for health and education. It helps reduce stress and sadness, encourage relaxation or sleep, wake up the body and improve memory and thoughts.Scientists have been studying the results of exercise to music on learning and understanding since the early 1950s. A study showed that students who listened to Mozarts violin pieces and exercised went on to get higher marks in an IQ test. With important exams drawing near, your parents will not probably allow you to listen to music or play sports. But perhaps now you have good reasons to argue with them.(1)What does the underlined word enhance mean?A . produceB . provideC . improveD . impress(2)From the last paragraph we can learn that .A . you should follow your parents wordsB . you have some good reasons to join in an IQ testC . good marks depend on listening to music and excisingD . exercise to music might help you get higher grades in tests(3)Which of the following statements is true?A . Music helps volunteers get better from heart disease.B . Exercise is used for people with head hurts.C . Exercise causes no changes in health without music.D . Music can help you relax and feel energetic.(4)What might be the best title of the passage?A . Exercise to MusicB . Music and studyC . Importance of MusicD . Studies on Exercise第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共56分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、2-6、2-7、2-8、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、4-6、4-7、4-8、4-9、4-10、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)6-1、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)7-1、五、 翻译 (共1题;共6分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、8-6、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共8分)10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、

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