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小学英语六年级下册Unit1单元测试卷一、选出不同类的单词。(6分)( )1、A、smaller B、stronger C、tail( )2、A、seal B、shark C、animal( )3、A、bigger B、taller C、long( )4、A、teacher B、nurse C、woman( )5、A、older B、heavier C、younger( )6、A、white B、deep C、yellow二、写出下列各词的比较级形式。(9分)1、old _ young _ short _2、big _ thin _ hot _3、heavy _ funny _ small _三、选择填空。(10分)( )1、My legs are _ than yours . A、longer B、taller C、younger( )2、You are thin , so you should eat _ and put on weight . A、more B、less C、many( )3、-How heavy are you ? - _ . A、I am 40 kg B、160 cm C、I am younger than you ( )4、Tom is 164 cm tall .I am 165 cm tall .Tom is 1 cm _ than me A、shorter B、taller C、short( )5、-How _ is your dress ? - 90 yuan . A、many B、much C、more四、连词成句。(10分)1、has , long , eyes , she , hair , big , and , (.)2、how , is , mother , old , your , (?)3、me , it , is , than , shorter , (.)4、40 cm , only , is , I , the , monkey , think , tall (.)5、up , younger , line , to , from , older (.)五、从方框中选词完成短文填空。(10分)taller park big friends stronger older bigger playing heavier longerThere is an animal _ near my house . Its very _. There are many animals in it . Its an animal world . All kinds of animals are _ .They are good _ . Look , there is a rabbit and a cat under the tree . The rabbits ears are _ than the cats . There is an elephant and a horse at the river . The elephant is _and _ than the horse , but its not _ than the giraffe .There are two monkeys on the Monkeys Hill .The brown monkey is _ than the yellow one , so its _ , too .六、请在B栏中找出A栏问句的答语,把对应字母写在括号里。(12分)Ba. There are five.b. Im 12.c. How do you do.d.Itsabout6300 kilometers long.e. On foot.f.Itsabout10minutesby bike.g.Over1000kilometers high.h. Thirty yuan.i. Im 158cm tall.j. Thank you.K. I feel happy.l. Fine. Thank you.A ( ) 1.How old are you? ( )2. How many people are there in your family? ( )3. How tall are you? ( )4. How much is your T-shirt? ( )5. How do you usually go to school? ( )6. How long is Changjiang River? ( )7. How high is that mountain? ( )8. How far is it from your home to your school? ( )9. How are you? ( )10. How do you feel? ( )11. How do you do? ( )12. How clever(聪明)you are! 七、阅读理解。(18分)Nancy is reading an e-mail from her American friend Jack. She is very happy to get the e-mail. Jack writes about his school and his weekend. Jacks school is not very big but its beautiful. There are two buildings, two gardens and a playground. Their classrooms are big and clean. Jack likes his school very much. Jack doesnt go to school at the weekend. He often gets up at six on Saturday and Sunday. He runs in the park for half an hour. Then he eats his breakfast. At eight, he begins to do his homework. He has lunch with his family at home. In the afternoon, he helps his mother do housework. Sometimes he plays computer games with his classmates on the Internet. In the evening, he listens to music or reads books. He really has a good time at the weekend.1、读短文,然后判断下列句子的正确的打()错误的打()。( )1.Jack is an American boy.( ) 2.Jacks school is big and beautiful.( ) 3.Jack doesnt go to school on Saturdays and Sundays.( ) 4. He does his homework in the evening.( ) 5. He often plays computer games with his classmates on the Internet.小学英语六年级下册Unit2A测试卷一、 选出每组中不同类的单词或词组。(每小题2分共10分)( )1.A .sad B. happy C. headache D. excited( )2.A.headache B. toothache C. earache D. brochen leg( )3.A.head B. tooth C. leg D. stomachache( )4.A.sad B. angry C. sore D. excited( )5.A.have a flu B. have a cold C. have a match D. have a fever二、单项选择. (每小题3分共30分)( ) 1. _ the matter ? A. What B. Whats C. How( ) 2. I _ a headache. A. having B. has C. have( ) 3. How _you feel?A. do B. is C. does( ) 4. In winter people often get the A. hurt B. fever C. flu( ) 5. If you are sick , you can see the _ .A.policeman B. doctor C. teacher( ) 6. How are you _? A. feel B. feeling C. feels( ) 7. Is your throat sore?-_. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, she is.( )8. Whats wrong with you? My leg _.A. headache B. hurts C.sore( )9. Dicks throat is_.A cold B hurt C .sore( )10. (A Doctor) :Whats the matter?(Patient病人): _.A Im seeing the doctor B I have a fever and my nose hurts. 三、从B组中选择与A组相对应的答语。(每小题3分共15分) ( ) 1、How do you feel? A. Fine, thank you.( ) 2.Whats the matter? B. I feel sick. I have the flu.( ) 3. How are you? C. She has a fever and her nose hurts.( ) 4.How does Amy feel? D.I am 163 cm tall.( ) 5.how tall are you? E.I feel happy.四、连词组句。(每小题3分共12分)(1) feel you how do ?(2) nose have I a sore .(3)the matter is what you with ?(4)hurts finger his .五、根据所给汉语补全句子。(每小题3分共15分) Mom: Tom, its time to get up. Why are you in the bed? Tom: _(1)_(我感觉病了)Mom:Whats the matter?Tom:_(2)_(我喉咙疼),and have a fever.Mom: Oh, dear. Ill take you to _(3)_(去看病)Doctor: Its nothing._ (4)_ (吃一些药)and drink some hot water, then youll feel better soon.Mom and Tom :_(5)_(非常感谢) ,goodbye!六、读对话,排顺序(每小题3分共18分).( ) Thank you. Good bye.( ) I have a fever. My throat is sore.( ) How do you feel?( ) Well, its nothing. Take this medicine, drink hot water, and youll feel better soon.( ) Whats the matter?( ) I feel sick.小学英语六年级下册Unit2B测试卷 出题人:吕海华一、选出每组中划线部分发音不同的单词。(每小题2分共8分)( )1.A pear B here C fear D. cheer( ) 2.A. fail B hair C chare D chair ( ) 3.A sharp B warm C large D father( ) 4.A throat B goal C cold D bored二、看图配对. (每小题3分共18分)1._2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6 . A. sad B. happy C. bored D. tired E. angry F. excited三、选择正确答案,将序号写在题前括号里。(每小题3分共24分) ( )1.Im ,because I failed my math test.A. sad B. happy C. tired ( )2. Its raining outside. Tom_ bored.A feel B does C feels( )3. You look sad today. Yes, _. A. Im going to have a party. B. I failed the Chinese test. C. I have a new T-shirt. ( )4. When youre sick, you must_. A. go swimming B. have a rest C. play football( ) 5. How is Amy? -_.A. She is happy. B. She is at home. C. He is sad. ( ) 6.Is your throat sore?-_. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, she is. ( )7. ChenJie is sick. She _ tired.A. lookB. looksC. likes( )8. Im glad hear that.A. for. B. to C.in四、根据答句问问句。(每小题4分共20分)1. Doctor: ? Mike: I have a sore throat.2. Amy: ?Mary: Tom is sad today.3. Mr Black: ?John: Yes. Peter feels happy today.4. Mum: ?Tom: I feel sick.5. Miss White: ?Zhang Peng: No, they are going to have a football match.五、根据情景选择正确的句子。(10分)( )1你想知道李明今天感觉怎么样,该如何问他: A. how is Li Ming? B. How are you feeling, Li Ming?C. How does Li Ming feel?( )2.考试前你很紧张,老师会对你说: A. You are happy. B. Take it easy. C. Whats the matter?( )3玛丽今天过生日,你觉得她今天看上去很高兴,该如何对同学说: A. Today is Marys birthday. B. Mary has a good time.C. Mary looks happy today.六、阅读理解,(每小题4分共20分)Lucy is very sad. Her cat Mimi is in the tree. She calls it again and again. But it cant get down(下来)。Now Peter comes here. He asks Lucy. “Whats wrong with you?” Lucy says. “Mimi cant get down.” “ Whos Mimi?” He asks. Its my cat, the white black cat. Look, Its there.” “Dont worry. Ill help you.”says Peter. Then he climbs up the tree.Mimi jumps down from the tree and runs away. Lucy runs after her cat. But Peter cant get down ,either. He doesnt know what to do.根据短文内容判断正误,对的在提前括号内打“”,错的打“”。( )1.Lucy calls Peter again and again.( )2.The cat cant get down from the tree.( )3.Peter helps Lucy get the cat down.( )4.Lucy and her cat run away.( )5.Peter doesnt know how to get down.小学英语六年级下册Unit2A测试卷参考答案一、 选出每组中不同类的单词。(每小题2分共10分)1.C 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.C二、单项选择. (每小题3分共30分)1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B三、从B组中选择与A组相对应的答语。(每小题3分共15分) 1.E 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D四、连词组句。(每小题3分共12分)1. How do you feel?2. I have a sore nose.3. What is the matter with you?4. His finger hurts.五、根据所给汉语补全句子。(每小题3分共15分)(1) I feel sick.(2) I have a sore throat.(3) see the doctor.(4) Take some medicine.(5) Thank you very much.六、读对话,排顺序(每小题3分共18分).正确顺序:6 、4、 1 、5 、3、 2小学英语六年级下册Unit2B测试卷答案一、选出每组中划线部分发音不同的单词。(每小题2分共10分)1.A 2.A 3.C 4.C二、看图配对. (每小题3分共18分) 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.E 5.D 6.F三、选择正确答案,将序号写在题前括号里。(每小题3分共24分) 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.B四、根据答句问问句。(每小题4分共20分)1.Whats the matter ?2.How is Tom feeling today?3.Peter looks happy.4. How do you feel?5. Are they going on a trip?五、根据情景选择正确的句子。(10分) 1.B 2.B 3.C六、阅读理解,(每小题4分共20分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 小学六年级下册第2单元试卷 一、看音标写单词,使句子通顺,合理。(10分)1 Its raining outside. I have to stay at _ hum.2 On Saturdays,Chen Jie usually does _humw:k and her mother usally does _hausw:k.Sometimes they _ gu shopping together.3. There are many cars,buses and taxis on the big _ rud .On both sides,we can see many _ tri:z.In the sky,there are some white _ b :dz ._hau beautiful it is!4.The_mnlikes snowing. He likes making a _ snumn . 二、选词填空(5分) flu, hurt, game, throat,excited.1In winter people often get the 2.How do they feel before the football starts?3.A:Whats the matter? B: My feet 4.My is sore. I need some water.5.Mike kicks the ball. Its a goal! Everybody is 三 根据上下文的意思,完成下列句子。(12) 1John is running home from school. He _ _ now. 2. Today ,Johns mother buys him a new football. He _ _. 3. John kicks the ball into the gate. He feels _. 4. John doesnt like reading. He feels _. 5.John fails his Chinese test. He feels _. 6. John doesnt do well in Chinese. He feels _ with himself.四 根据括号里中文或上下文的提示,完成下列各小题。(26分)1Its _(星期天)。Mike,John and I are going to _ ( 爬山 ).But John doesnt feel well. His nose _( 疼痛 ). _ _ (他的喉咙) is _(疼), He has _ _(头痛). H e has a high _(发烧). We think he must _ _ _( 感冒 ). Mike and I feel very worried and _(忧愁). We take John to the _( 医院). The doctor says: _( 别 ) worry! Take some medicine and _(喝) some hot drinks. Stay _ _(躺在床上) for a few days. He will get better soon.” 2Sarah _ _ _ _( 不用上学 ) on her winter holiday. She feels _(无聊). Chen Jie and Amy call her. They are going to _ _( 捉蝴蝶). Sarah is _( 兴奋 ). She _ _( 喜欢蝴蝶 ) very much. Chen Jie and Amy catch many but Sarah doesn”t catch anying. Sarah feels _(生气 ) with herself. Chen Jie and Amy show their butterflies to her. Sarah feels very _(高兴 ) to see so many colourful _ (昆虫 ). They _( 玩 ) all day long. At last they all get _(累 ) and _ _( 回家)。五、选择(10分)( ) 1. _ the matter ?Awhat B. Whats C. How( ) 2. I _ a headache.A. having B. has C. have( ) 3. How _you feel?A. do B. is C. does( ) 4. In winter people often get the_.A. hurt B. fever C. flu( 5. If you are sick , you can see the _ .A. policeman B. doctor C. teacher( )6.Hes excited.A. a B. so C.are( )7.How she feel?A. are B. is C. does( )8.Im because I failed my math test.A. sad B. happy C. tired( )9.Im because I got a new story book.A. angry B. tired C. happy( )10.How John feel when he failed his math test?A. do B. did C. does六、从B栏选择A栏的正确答语。(5分)A B( ) 1. How do you feel ? A. Yes, she is .( ) 2. How does Amy feel ? B. She is tired.( ) 3. Whats the matter ? C. I have a headache.( ) 4. Is she happy ? D. Take some medicine.( ) 5. What do you do if you have a flu ? E. I feel sick . I have a fever .七连词成句。(12分) 1The / ? / you / have / how / you / lf / feel / do / fl 2. in / some / winter / people / the / sick / feel 3. me / my / jacket /is /buy /new /to /going / mother /a 4. be / that / fun / will 5. better / ? / her / how /make /feel/ you / can 6. the / it /into /gate /flies4. 八 根据首字母填写,使句子通顺完整。(10分) 1.A: Mom, I feel s_.M: Whats the m_ with you?A: I dont k_. I have a h_.M: Oh, dear! I must t_ you to s_ the d_.2. He h_ nothing to do . He feels b_.3. She has the flu . She must d_ hot d_and s_ in b_.4. Im tired. I c_ walk.5. My h_ hurts. I cant u_ chopsticks.九、判断正误。对的写T,错的写F。(10分)Its Sunday afternoon. The weather is fine. There is a football match between class 2 and class 4. Many students are watching .Theyre excited.Now Zhangpeng has the ball. He passes it to Wu Yifan .But he cant kick the ball. Then John has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies to Zhangpengs arm. Zhangpeng is very angry. The ball files in to the gate. Their class kicks a goal. How is Zhangpeng feeling now? Guess! He is so happy!Hooray! Class 4 won the game. Class2 is very sad.( ) 1. There is a basketball match on Sunday afternoon.( ) 2. Wu Yifan cant kick the ball.( ) 3. Zhangpeng is happy when the ball flies to his arm.( ) 4.Zhangpeng is happy when the ball flies into the gate.( ) 5. Class 2 is not sad in the end.答案:一、1.home 2. homework housework go 3.road tree birds How 4 .man snowman二、1.flu 2.game 3.hurt 4.throat 5.excited三、1.is tired 2.is happy 3.excited 4.bored 5.sad 6.sorry四、1.Sunday, climb mountain ,hurts,His throat, sore ,a headache, fever ,have a cold , sad ,hospital ,Dont , drink , in bed 2.Dont have to go to school , bored , catch butterfly ,excited,likes butterfly, angry , happy ,insect ,play, tired ,go home五、1B 2C 3A 4C 5B 6B 7C 8A 9C 10C 六、从B栏选择A栏的正确答语。(5分)A B( E ) 1. How do you feel ? A. Yes, she is .( B ) 2. How does Amy feel ? B. She is tired.( C ) 3. Whats the matter ? C. I have a headache.( A ) 4. Is she happy ? D. Take some medicine.( D ) 5. What do you do if you have a flu ? E. I feel sick . I have a fever .七、略八、1.sick matter know headache take see doctor 2.has bored 3.drink drinks stay bed 九( F ) 1. There is a basketball match on Sunday afternoon.( T ) 2. Wu Yifan cant kick the ball.( F ) 3. Zhangpeng is happy when the ball flies to his arm.( T ) 4.Zhangpeng is happy when the ball flies into the gate.( F ) 5. Class 2 is not sad in the end.、学校 班级 座号 姓名 小学英语六年级下册期末测试卷 紧张而愉悦的小学生活就要结束了,回首往日,六年的小学生涯我们学到了许多,现在,就让我们为即将成为中学生的自己交上一份满意的答卷吧!题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分一、选择每组中划线部分的发音与众不同的一项。(共5分)( )1、A. house B. mouse C. touch D. blouse( )2、A. arm B. water C. pass D. artist( )3、A. write B. white C. what D. watch( )4、A. have B. face C. lake D. cake( )5、A. row B. coat C. know D. how二、看图写单词,我能行。(共10分) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)| (8) (9) (10)|(1)、_ (2)、go _ (3)、_ (4)、_ (5)、_ (6)、go _ (7)、I go to school by_ (8)、I can see a _. (9)、I have a _. (10)、I went to _on my holiday.三、单项选择我最棒。(共15分)( )1.Im 160cm tall.Im _than my young brother.A older Btaller C.longer( )2、_did you go there?A. What B. When C. How( )3、My father _at 6:30 in the evening.A. go to bed B. goes bed C. go bed ( )4、Yellow light means _.A. wait B. go C. stop( )5、What did you do last weekend?A. I play football B.I washed clothes C. I go to a park( )6、 Marys hair is longer than _.A. Jane B. Janes C. she( )7、How _Ann feel? A. is B. do C. does( )8、Sperm whale means_.A. 抹香鲸 B. 鲨鱼 C. 鱿鱼( )9、 - How are you? - _.A. Fine, thank you. B. Im 14 years old. C. Im 50kg.( )10、 Im 11 years old. Youre 12 years old. You are 1 year _ than me. A. young B. old C. older( )11、In America, drivers drive on the _side of the road. A. right B. middle C. left( )12、Its time _say goodbye to China.A. for B. with C. to( )13、 We have lunch _12 oclock.A. on B. at C. in ( )14、The writer writes the TV show _my aunt.A. for B. at C. in ( )15、I often _ TV on Sunday evening.A. see B. watch C. look四、选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整。每词只能用一次。(共10分)( was, funny, flew, with, walked, windy, by, later, swam, into.) Today _a fun day. I _ to Mikes home in the morning. I studied English _ him. We read _ tongue twisters together. Then I went to the park _ bike. I _ kites. It was a _ day. Suddenly my kite flew _ the lake. A dog saw the kite. He jumped into the lake and _ to it. Five minutes _, he returned the kite to me. I was very grateful to him.五、请你为问句选择正确的答语。(共15分)( ) 1. How do you feel now? A. He is 130cm tall.( ) 2. Whats your new English B. She is young and strong. teacher like?( ) 3. Does your father go to work C. I feel happy.by bus every day?( ) 4. Where does your sister work? D. By plane.( ) 5. Whats your friends hobby? E. No, there isnt.( ) 6. Where is your school? F. He likes collecting stamps.( ) 7. When are you going to the G. No, he doesnt.bookstore?( ) 8.Is there a


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