2019春六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《She couldn’t see or hear》课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《She couldn’t see or hear》课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《She couldn’t see or hear》课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《She couldn’t see or hear》课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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Reviewfinish finishedshow showedask askeddecide decidedspend spentcome camefly flewgive gavebuy boughtlearn learntget gotbring broughtmake madesend sentdo did Freetalk Whatdidyoudoyesterday I 动词过去式 Didyougotoazooyesterday Yes Idid No Ididn t Freetalk Whatcanyoudo Ican cancan t 过去式 过去式 could能够 couldn t不能够 Let smakesentenceswith can can t could and couldn t 表示现在 can can t 表示过去 could couldn t WhenIwasababy Icouldsee Icouldeat Icouldhear Icoulddrink ButIcouldn treadabook Module7Unit2 Shecouldn tseeorhear 一 Whoisshe 海伦 凯勒 HelenKeller 1880 1967 1880 1 美国盲聋女作家 教育家 慈善家和社会活动家 2 1880年6月27日出生 19个月时因为一场高烧 夺去了她的视力 听力和语言表达能力 她的导师安妮 莎莉文教会了她读书和说话 以优异的成绩毕业于美国哈佛大学拉德克利夫女子学院 成为掌握英语 法语 德语 拉丁语 希腊语五种语言的著名作家和教育家 3 主要作品有 假如给我三天光明 我的老师 我的生活 等 二 HelenKeller 知识竞猜 1 WhowasHelenKeller A B 2 CouldHelensee Yes shecould No shecouldn t 3 CouldHelenhear Yes shecould No shecouldn t 4 WhatwasHelen sfirstword Mum Water 5 WhowasthewomanbesideHelen Herteacher Hermum 三 Listencarefullyandnumberthepictures 1 2 3 5 6 4 1880 1 HelenKellerwasbornin 1818 1880 1890 2 Shecouldn thear Shewas blind deaf sad 四 Listenandtick 3 Shewasblind Shecouldn t hear see speak 4 Butshecould learn sing draw 5 Herteacherdrew inherhand picture names letters 6 ThenHelenKellerlearnedto write speak read 7 Latershelearnedto write speak draw 8 Shewroteabookabout theworld herself herteacher 9 Shelivedtobe 77 87 97 10 Shehelped animals pupils blindpeople 五 Readandanswer WhenwasHelenKellerborn Wherewassheborn Whatcouldn tshedo 1 WhenwasHelenKellerborn Shewasbornin1880 YaoMingwasbornin1980 Thisgirlwasbornin1998 Whenwereyouborn Iwasbornin 2 Wherewassheborn ShewasbornintheUS HelenKellerwasbornintheusin1880 3 Whatcouldn tshedo Shecouldn tseeorhear Whenshewasababy shewasill Asababy shebecame 变成 blindanddeaf Shecouldn tseeorhear Whobecameblind A B normal Shebecameblind Soshecouldn tsee Hecan t Buthecan Whobecamedeaf A B Shebecamedeaf Soshecouldn thear As 作为 ababy Whatcouldn tyoudo Whatcouldyoudo 六 readagainandsay 1WhohelpedHelenKeller 2WhatdidshedoforHelen 3WhatdidHelenlearntodo 4WhatbookdidHelenwrite 5HowolddidHelenlivetobe AHermum BHerteacher CHerfriend 1 WhohelpedHelenKeller AShedrewlettersinHelen shand BShetaughthertohear CShetaughthertospell 2 WhatdidshedoforHelen Shelearntto 3 WhatdidHelenlearntodo read write speak Shewroteabookaboutherself 3 WhatbookdidHelenwrite travelledallovertheworld Shelivedtobeeighty seven 4 HowolddidHelenlivetobe 5 Isshearolemodelforus 榜样 模范 HelenKellerwasbornintheUSin1880 Asababy shebecameblindanddeaf Shecouldn tseeorhear Helenhadateacher shedrewlettersinHelen shandandtaughthertospell LaterHelenlearnttoread writeandspeak Shewroteabookaboutherselfandtravelledallovertheworld Helenlivedtobeeight seven sheisarolemodelforblindpeopleandalsoforyouandme 七 Readandretell 读一读 说一说 Lookandsay 1 HelenKellerwasborninAmericain1880 2 Asababy shebecameblindanddeaf Shecouldn tseeorhear 3 Helenhadateacher ShedrewlettersinHelen shandandtaughthertospell 4 Latershelearntoread writeandspeak 5 Shewroteabookaboutherself 6 Shetravelledallovertheworld 7 Helenlivedtobe87 Sheisamodelforblindpeople andforyouandme HelenKeller seebutshe learn She hearbutshe speak 2 WhenIwasababy I seebutI read I hearbutI talk I walkbutI learnandI play couldn t could couldn t couldn t couldn t couldn t could could could could could 八 PhotobeforeIwas yearsold Icould and Icouldn t and PhotonowIam yearsold Ican and Ican t and 九 Let smakeourgrowthprofile 写一写自己的成长档案 Keepyourfacetothesunshineandyoucannotseetheshadow 阴影 HelenKeller

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