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鲁教版2020届育华中学九年级英语二模试卷(I)卷一、 单项选择题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Its useless to regret what has been done. Dont make those mistakes again. I wont. Thats my _ to you. A . resolutionB . promiseC . agreement2. (2分)Oh dear. I cant find my pen. Im sorry. I have taken _by mistake.A . MineB . hersC . hisD . yours3. (2分)While youre standing on the Great Wall, you cant help thinking how _ it is. What a great wonder it is! A . freshB . amazingC . usualD . terrible4. (2分)(2017河南) The actor was happy that he got a part in the movie, _ the part was a small one . A . sinceB . whileC . thoughD . unless5. (2分)It is a duty for a soldier to _ his own country.I think its everyones duty. We all should not betray (背叛) our country.A . be kind toB . be friendly toC . be faithful to6. (2分)Who is the man over there? Is it Mr. Li? No, it _ be him. Mr. Li is much taller.A . mustntB . may notC . cantD . neednt7. (2分)Lucy, what were you doing at nine last night? I _ the piano. I usually practice the piano at that time.A . playB . playedC . am playingD . was playing8. (2分)Five million dollars _ much money for him at that time.A . isB . areC . wasD . were9. (2分) _ you _ your homework yet, Tom? Yes, Mom. Ive already done it.A . Do; finishB . Have; finishedC . Did; finishD . Are; finishing10. (2分)I wonder _ Jane gets on so well with her classmates.Because she always cares much about others.A . whetherB . howC . whenD . why二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11. (1分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Do you like sports? All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports can help people to keep healthy, happy and to live1. What sports do you like? People often2different games in winter and summer. Summer is good3swimming. And in winter people often go skating. Some sports are very popular around the world4basketball, football and running. Do you often run? Are you good at it? Here is a funny story about running!Peter and Mike are in the5class. Peter was born in a poor family. But Mikes father is a shopkeeper and is6. When Peter gets into trouble, Mike always7him. Peter likes to have sports. And he is good at running. 8can catch up with him in his school and he often wins the 400-meter race.It was Sunday. Mike and Peter went to a forest to have a picnic, Mike took a lot of9there. They ate and drank and then began to go fishing in the river. The two boys enjoyed themselves there. Suddenly they10a great noise. They looked around and found it was11behind a big tree. They were both very12. Peter put on his shoes13and was going to run away. Mike14him and said, Its no use for us. The tiger runs15than us. Lets find a way. It doesnt matter, said Peter, Im sure Ill run faster than you!Dont you think you should learn to run fast?(1)A . shorter B . longer C . slower D . faster (2)A . go B . do C . play D . get (3)A . at B . in C . for D . on (4)A . for example B . such as C . so on D . for short (5)A . same B . different C . one D . our (6)A . hard B . poor C . rich D . unhappy (7)A . helps B . asks C . wants D . teaches (8)A . Nobody B . Everyone C . Anybody D . Someone (9)A . books B . clothes C . food D . movies (10)A . listened B . listened to C . heard D . watched (11)A . a lion B . a tiger C . a man D . a runner (12)A . excited B . bored C . tired D . afraid (13)A . slowly B . happily C . beautifully D . quickly (14)A . stopped B . asked C . wondered D . told (15)A . more slowly B . much faster C . less faster D . much slowly 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)12. (6分)阅读理解 Do you want to be healthy? What can you do to be healthy? Let me tell you. Play sports every day. Sports can make you be active and healthy. Running, swimming and playing soccer or basketball are all good sports. Eat fruit and vegetables every day. They are all healthy food. Dont eat too much junk food every day. Its not good for your health. Get enough sleep. You must sleep for eight or nine hours a day. Its healthy for you. Dont go to bed too late. And remember to get up early the next morning. Then you can have a good day at school. Make friends at school. Friends can help you study easily and make you feel happy. Its easy to be healthy. And if you do those above, you can make it. (1)Who is the passage for? A . Singers.B . Parents.C . Doctors.D . Students.(2)How many ways(方法)are there to help us to be healthy? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(3)How long should we sleep every day? A . For six or seven hours.B . For eight or nine hours.C . For ten or eleven hours.D . For twelve or thirteen hours.(4)Which of the following is right? A . Its not difficult for us to be healthy.B . Only doing sports can make us healthy.C . We need parents to help us at school.D . We can eat and sleep more to be healthy.13. (6分) When I was ten, my mother worked all day so I had to take care of my younger brother. At that time my little brother was about four years old and he missed mum all the time.One day, after I had given him his dinner, he started crying for mum. He was so young and really needed mum. So I dressed him, put on his shoes, carried him on my back and walked out. Soon he fell asleep. About half an hour later, I found that he had lost a shoe while sleeping. I took him off my back and put him down. I knew we needed to find that shoe, for our mother couldnt afford new shoes. We had to go back to find it, so I told my brother to wait right there. A man heard it and stopped me just before I walked off. He asked me, “You are leaving your brother here to find the shoe? What would you do if he is not here when you return?”I did not know how to answer that question. He continued, “Its OK if you cant find the shoe, but it is not OK to lose your brother.”Then he sent us to mums workplace by taxi.My whole life I have depended on (依靠) the kindness of many strangers, I feel regretful that I cannot find them and say thank you. I do not even remember what the mans face looked like, but he taught me a lessonpeople are more important than things.(1)Why did the younger brother cry for his mother?A . Because he was hungry.B . Because he missed his mother.C . Because he wanted to sleepD . Because he wanted to play outside.(2)What does the underlined word “regretful” in the last paragraph mean?A . SorryB . HappyC . ExcitedD . Angry(3)What did the man mean by saying “Its OK if you cant find the shoe, but it is not OK to lose your brother.”?A . People are more important than things.B . Things are more important than people.C . Both the shoe and your brother are important.D . The shoe is more important than your brother.(4)According to the passage, which word can best describe the man?A . Rude.B . FunnyC . Silly.D . Kind.14. (8分)阅读理解 If you are interested in any of the holiday activities, please phone Brent Morris at 079-155-7493 for more information.April vacationVisit a history museum, watch a football match and go to the beach.Price:$ 18 full day (8:30a.m.6:00p.m.)$ 10 half day$ 6 three hours (3:00p.m.6:00p.m.)We will pick you up from the school.Summer HolidayTrips out, including swimming and dancing.Price:$ 18 full day (8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m.)$ 10 half daySpecial trips every dayPrice:$ 20/personOctober HolidayTrips out-cooking, dancing and film making.Price: $18 full day (8:30a.m.6:00p.m.)$ 9.5 half dayChristmas PartyThe children party is from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. every afternoon.The old people party is from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The price is $1/infant and 1.5/junior.(1)You can _ Brent Morris to get more information. A . callB . write letters toC . send e-mails toD . visit(2)If Tom and Carla want to spend a full day during the April Holiday, they have to pay_. A . $18B . $36C . $54D . $72(3)You can take trips out such as swimming and dancing during_. A . The April HolidayB . the Summer HolidayC . the October HolidayD . the Christmas Party(4)The October Holiday trip provides(提供) all the following activities except(除了)_. A . cookingB . film makingC . a football matchD . dancing(5)The old people party lasts(持续) _ hours every afternoon. A . 1B . 1.5C . 3D . 3.515. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。AHi! We are Lucy and Lily. We are sisters. We are studying in a high school. We are always wanting the weekends to come. Because on weekends there are different kinds of outdoor activities, such as going to the park, going shopping, playing ball games and so on.We usually go to the park on Saturdays. We often take some bread, meat, water and milk with us. Its Saturday today. We are in the park again. Father is fishing in a boat on the lake(湖). Mother is sitting and reading under the tree. We are flying a kite. Now we are drinking some water. Do you think we are happy?(1)Lucy and Lily are _.A . studentsB . teachersC . nursesD . cousins(2)What do Lucy and Lily usually do on Saturdays?A . Play ball games.B . Go to the park.C . Go for a picnic.D . Go shopping.(3)How many people can we know from the passage?A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.D . Six.(4)What are Lucy and Lily doing now?A . They are fishing.B . They are reading.C . They are flying a kite.D . They are drinking some water.(5)Which of the following is NOT true?A . Lucy and Lily like the weekends.B . Lucy and Lily often take some food with them.C . Its Sunday today.D . Lucy and Lilys father is in the park, too.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共17分)16. (17分)配对阅读。请将左栏5个人的饮食习惯和右栏医生的七个饮食建议进行配对。并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。_Brian, a 7-year-old boy, likes to have meals while watching TV. He doesnt pay attention to his food. Sometimes he forgets how full he is and eats too much._Paul is an engineer. He is so busy that he always eats in a rush. For him, eating is like a task rather than something enjoyable. _Bens parents work late at night and they cant get up early to cook breakfast for him. He sometimes goes to school without breakfast._Mr. Black has a habit of having an extra meal before going bed. He thinks it helps him sleep well at night._Carla doesnt like drinking water. She likes coke instead. She drinks at least five bottles a day.AIn general, kids and teens that eat breakfast have more energy and do better in school. Without breakfast, people can get tired. So, try to make time for your breakfast.BSome drinks like coke and fruit juice are usually high in calories and sugar, which can cause weight problems. Besides, they may also bring you bad teeth. Stay away from them and drink water instead.CIt is important to have good habits of having meals, especially for children. A bad eating habit may cause serious health problem. For example, eating in front of the TV or computer often leads to mindless overeating.DDrink water in a healthy way. The water you drink helps get rid of the waste of your body. But too much is as bad as too little. Stop drinking water 30 minutes before a meal and wait for 2 hours after a meal.E. Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry and need more food. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food. Stop eating before you feel full.F. Busy people always rush through their meals, forgetting to enjoy the food and feel the taste of what is in their mouths. Take time to chew(咀嚼) your food and enjoy mealtimes.G. Dont eat too much before going to bed. Your body needs a long rest at night, including your stomach. Dont give it too much burden(负担).五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)Lets _ (play) tennis after school. 六、 连词成句 (共1题;共25分)18. (25分)know, amazing, do, things, about, any, You (?)(连词成句) 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)下面是Jane一周的活动安排表。请你以“Janes Week”为题,将她一周的活动的情况描写下来。要求不少于8句话。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共17分)16-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17-1、六、 连词成句 (共1题;共25分)18-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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