(译林专用)广西2019中考英语一轮新优化 Grade7 Book2 1-4课件.ppt

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教材同步复习 第一部分 Grade7Book2 Units1 4 中考考点精讲 重点突破 辨析fill with befilledwith与befullof eg Pleasefilltheglasswithwater 请给杯子装满水 Thebottleisfilledwithwater 瓶子被水装满了 Thebottleisfullofwater 瓶子装满了水 1 Servingtastyfood thenewly openedrestaurantis people A fullofB fillofC fullwithD fillwith2 LittleGracedidn tstopcryinguntilhermotherfilledherpockets candies A ofB toC withD for3 Yourpaperis 充满 ofmistakes Youmustbecarefulnexttime 4 Please 充满 thisglasswithwaterforme 活学巧练 A C full fill 重点突破 Thanksfor 句型 Thanksfor Thankyoufor 表示 因 而感谢你 表示感谢的理由 此句型的常用答语有 Youarewelcome That sallright Mypleasure It smypleasure Notatall 等 thanksto意为 多亏 由于 常带有 感谢 的感情色彩 表示由于某个人或物的存在才有了某种好的结果 表示感谢的对象 to是介词 后跟名词 代词或动名词 5 Thanksfor help mewithmyscience 6 Thanks youradviceandencouragement Ihavefoundarightlearningmethodandmadegreatprogress A forB withC toD by7 Thankyouforhelpingmecarrytheheavybox A HelpyourselfB It sapityC NoproblemD Mypleasure 活学巧练 helping C D 重点突破 invite的用法 invite是及物动词 其常见用法有 8 Thepeoplewhowereinvited go tothepartywerefamousscientists 9 Yesterday Kate invite metoheruniversity Iwasveryhappy 10 Don ttryinvitingher themoviewithyou Sheisverybusynow A watchesB watchingC watchD towatch11 John 邀请 allofustogocampinglastSunday 活学巧练 togo invited D invited 重点突破 help的用法 12 I mreallytoobusywithmyhomeworkandIcan thelpmymother do thehousework 13 Icouldn thelp cry whenIwaswatchingthemovieThreeBillboardsOutsideEbbing Missours 三块广告牌 14 Ioftenhelpmymother thehouseworkafterwork A toB withC forD on 活学巧练 do crying B 15 Mike letmehelpyou yourbrokenbike oryouwillbelateforschool Thankyou Dad A repairedB repairC repairingD repairs B 重点突破 辨析sound listen与hear 16 Didyou 听到 whattheteachersaidjustnow 17 MaoBuyi ssongs 听起来 sweetandmanyofuslikelisteningtohissongs 18 Howaboutgoingboating That great A soundsB hearsC listensD listento19 I mhappyto thatyouareadmittedtoOxfordUniversity A listenB listentoC soundD hear 活学巧练 hear sound A D 20 Please tothetapecarefullyandthenanswerthefollowingquestions A listenB hearC soundD smell A 重点突破 辨析across through与over 21 Look Thebirdsareflying theriver A crossB throughC acrossD over22 Theblindmanwalked thestreetwiththehelpofakindboy A acrossB overC crossD through23 Thesunshinegetsintotheroom thewindow Andmyroombecomesbrightandcomfortable A overB throughC acrossD cross24 Theburglar 窃贼 gotin 穿过 thewindow 25 Youmustbecarefulwhenyouswim 穿过 theriver 活学巧练 D A B through across 重点突破 prepare的用法 prepare意为 把 准备好 形容词为prepared 常用结构 eg Thestudentsarebusypreparingforthefinalexam 学生们正在忙着准备期末考试 OurEnglishteacherwaspreparingthelessonswhenIcameintotheoffice 我进办公室时 我们的英语老师正在备课 Theywerepreparingtogoshoppingwhenitbegantorain 他们正准备去购物时 突然下雨了 26 Thereislittletimeleft Thedoctorsandnurseshavetoprepare thenextoperation A forB ofC aboutD on27 WhenIwaspreparing fortheparktomeetmyfriends myunclecametomyhouse A leaveB leftC leavingD toleave28 Mymotheris 准备 somemeatforourpicnicthisweekend 29 Thesocialworkersarepreparing hold anactivitytocallonmorepeopletocarefortheoldandthedisabled 活学巧练 A D preparing tohold


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