
上传人:sh****n 文档编号:8567553 上传时间:2020-03-30 格式:DOC 页数:9 大小:125KB
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北师大版备考2020年小升初英语专题复习(语法专练):现在进行时(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Kate photos with her friends now.A . takingB . is takingC . take2. (2分)My sister _ in the room now. A . is singingB . singingC . singsD . sing3. (2分)What are you doing , Tom ? Im _the window . A . cleaningB . lookingC . clean4. (2分)Look. The children in the hall. A . danceB . is dancingC . are dancing5. (2分)The children are quietly. A . readingB . readsC . read6. (2分) you doing your homework? No, Im not. A . IsB . AreC . Do7. (2分)Lucky likes _ stickers. A . collectB . collectingC . collects8. (2分)We are _the kite now.A . flyB . flyingC . flew9. (2分)They are _ . A . swimB . swimmingC . swims10. (2分)They _drinking soya milk. A . isB . amC . are11. (2分)They drinking soya milk. A . isB . amC . are12. (2分)Im _ an email to my father. A . sendB . sentC . sending13. (2分)He is going to learn English _7:00 _ Sunday morning. A . at; inB . at; onC . in; on14. (2分)The bear _ a mouth. A . haveB . hasC . is15. (2分)She books in the classroom now. A . is readingB . are readingC . read16. (2分)Five years ago, he _ in a small house. Now he_ in a big house. A . lives, livedB . lived, livesC . lives, living17. (2分)We _ breakfast at a restaurant now. A . eatB . ateC . are eating18. (2分)Im_ my hands on my feet. A . putB . putingC . putting19. (2分)Its a sunny day. Were shells on the beach. A . playingB . collectingC . chasing20. (2分)Mike _ photos now. A . takingB . takesC . is taking二、 语法填空 (共20题;共27分)21. (1分)Look ! A dog _(run)up the tree . 22. (1分)What are you doing? I am _(read) a book.23. (1分)They are _(talk) about their plans for Chinese New Years Day. 24. (1分)Linda likes _ (dance). She can _ (dance) well. Look, she _ (dance). Shes a _ (dance). 25. (1分)The cat is _(chase)a mouse now. 26. (1分)My sister _ (draw) pictures now. 27. (1分)My cat likes _ (eat) fish. 28. (1分)My friend, Tom _ (make) a windmill in the classroom now. It is _ (make) of wood. 29. (2分)I like _(do) jigsaw puzzles. 30. (1分)Dan and Katie, _ you _ (do) your homework now?No. Weve already finished it.31. (1分)What _ the children _ (do) now?They _ (listen) to the radio.32. (1分)_ (play) football is boys hobby. 33. (1分)he_(learn) English now! 34. (1分)语法填空 Little Duck is _(watch)the sun go down. It is _(get)lower and lower, but his shadow is getting _(long)and _(long).“Why is that?” Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree, “You are _(old)and _(small)than me. Tell _(I) why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?”35. (1分)He is _(draw) a panda. 36. (3分)His hands are _ (shake). 37. (4分) Is Lucy _ (sleep) in her bedroom? No, _ (she) is in the kitchen.38. (1分)Look! The boys are _(write) on the blackboard. 39. (2分)Lulu are _(sing) there. 40. (1分)My sister is _(drink). 第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 语法填空 (共20题;共27分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、

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