沪教版(浙江)备战2020年初中英语中考复习专项训练:任务型阅读(一) 信息匹配和选择标题B卷.doc

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沪教版(浙江)备战2020年初中英语中考复习专项训练:任务型阅读(一) 信息匹配和选择标题B卷.doc_第1页
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沪教版(浙江)备战2020年初中英语中考复习专项训练:任务型阅读(一) 信息匹配和选择标题B卷.doc_第2页
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沪教版(浙江)备战2020年初中英语中考复习专项训练:任务型阅读(一) 信息匹配和选择标题B卷.doc_第3页
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沪教版(浙江)备战2020年初中英语中考复习专项训练:任务型阅读(一) 信息匹配和选择标题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 任务型阅读 (共10题;共136分)1. (6分)根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。 The purpose of students who come to school is to study. But studying needs right ways. The following opinions are ways of studying.The best time to read is morning. Because in the morning, the air is fresh and our minds are clear.When we study, we must be patient(有耐心的). If we dont understand a text well, we must read it again. We should not read the next until we have learned the first one well.When we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book. We cannot read absentmindedly(心不在焉),or we couldnt get anything form the book while we are reading.We must always ask why. If we cant understand well, write it down and ask our teachers or parents, brothers or friends, in any possible ways.Though there are many ways for studying, however, the above mentioned will be helpful if we can keep them in heart._2. (25分)阅读短文,从A-E五个句子中选择正确选项还原到文中,使短文内容完整、正确。 Dear daughter,You are a wonderful person and your mother and I love you. It will not be long before you leave school to make your way in the world. Can I give you some friendly advice? Here are some things that you should never do.Never get upset with your look.We think you look great. _ Eat well, take exercise and be healthy. Some girls worry too much about not getting the perfect shape. You look fine.Never put yourself at serious risk._ And sometimes you have to avoid things that look like they might be fun, like smoking._You are great and able to achieve great things, so believe in yourself. When things go badly, never stop believing. Some girls get upset, doubt themselves and lose confidence. Then many problems can follow.Never give less than your best.We are very proud of what you have achieved. You should be proud, too. _Never forget that your parents love you.Whatever happens in life, your family will still be your family. _ We are here for you and we will try to help.Love,DadA. Keep trying your best at everything you do.B. Whatever difficulties you have, you can always talk to us. C. Please be happy with the person you are and the body you have.D. You cant trust people until you really know them.E. Never look down on yourself.3. (25分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题.Jim is an English boy. He is 13. He is in No. 3 Middle School. He is in Class 4, Grade 7. Jim likes playing basketball. His friend, Kate, is an American girl. She is 13, too. Kate and Jim are in the same grade, but in different classes. Jims favorite subject is math, and Mr. Zhu is his math teacher. Kates favorite subject is Chinese, because her Chinese teacher Miss Liao is beautiful and kind to her. They both like China and the Chinese food.阅读上面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。(1)Who is the English boy?_(2)What does Jim like doing?_(3)How old is Kate?_(4)Is math Kates favorite subject?_(5)Do they like Chinese food?_4. (25分)阅读下面的材料,完成后面的表格,每个空格只能填一个单词。 I am a student of a middle school. My class teacher is Mrs. Green. She is more than 30 years old. She is our English and History teacher. She is strict(严格) and at the same time she is very kind.In our school, there is a playground. We do morning exercises, play basketball and volleyball there. Our PE teacher, Mr. Jackson teaches us to do ball games. He was once a successful sportsman. He is our hero. Our school also has a swimming pool. We take swimming lessons there.Our school building is very large and the school hall is on the ground floor. Every year, we have a prizegiving ceremony(颁奖典礼)in the hall.My schoolClassroom buildingIt is _. On the ground floor, there is a _. We have a prizegiving ceremony there every year.PlaygroundWe do morning exercises, play _ and volleyball there.Swimming poolWe take _lessons there.TeachersMrs. Green t_ us English and History. She is _30 years old. She is strict and _.Mr. Jackson is our _teacher. He teaches us to do _games. He is our _.5. (6分)根据短文内容,从所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Making money isnt just for adults. Kids can do it, too. Making money gives you more than money. _By working to make your own money, youll learn how to succeed in the world. This includes dealing with money, understanding and getting along with other people. _Collect soft drink bottles. You can sell the collected bottles and use the money to buy a new basketball. _Make greeting cards. If you are good at drawing, try making special cards. You can sell your cards to make money. _You may have some books that you have read but you dont want to keep. Then you can sell them to make money. Win a scholarship(奖学金). If you get good grades at school, you can get some money as prize. _A. Sell old books. B. Its also a learning process. C. Its easy to make money if you try the following ways. D. This encourages kids to work harder to get better grades. E. At the same time, you are keeping the environment clean. 6. (9分)选择方框中合适的句子还原到短文中。_. But how much do you know about headaches? What may cause(引起) them? And what should we do if we have a headache? When should we go to see a doctor?_, but it may show that something in our body is wrong. We may have more than one headache each month._. We may get a headache when we work too hard. We may get a headache when we dont get enough sleep. We may get a headache when we exercise on an empty stomach.What should we do if we have a headache?_. We should have a good sleep. We shouldnt take too much exercise if we are hungry._, we need to see a doctor.A. Usually a fever or some other illnesses may cause headachesB. We should lie down and restC. A headache is not a disease(疾病)D. Everyone gets headaches sometimesE. If we have headaches often7. (5分)信息归纳,请阅读下面这篇短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 Robert is a middle school boy from Australia. He is in Grade Seven. This term, he learns Chinese and he likes it very much. He wants to learn it well, so he finds a pen pal from Guangdong, China. His name is Yang Guang and he is a clever boy. He and Robert are in the same Grade. They both love playing football. They often chat with each other on the Internet. They have different school lives. Yang Guang is very busy every day. He gets up early and he has to stay at school for 8 hours every day and he has much homework to do after school. But Robert only stays at school for 5 hours and he often finishes his homework in just half an hour.Information CardWhere is Robert from?_What grade is Yang Guang in?_What sport do Robert and Yang Guang both love playing?_How many hours does Robert stay at school every day?_How long does it take Robert to do his homework?_8. (5分)任务型阅读 As Grade Nine students, we are as busy as bees. Every day we have to spend a lot of time finishing our homework, so we dont have much time to do sports. However, almost all the students realize the importance of exercise. We still try to spare time(课余时间) to do sports after school.Tom (a 15-year-old boy from Class 9)Doing sports is part of my life. As soon as the bell of the last class rings every day, I will be excited and rush out of the classroom to play football with my classmates in the football field. Playing football can help me keep healthy and always make me energetic(精力充沛的). In this way I can learn better later on.Lucy (a 14-year-old girl from Class 6)Rope skipping(跳绳) is my favorite sport. I often do it with my sister Lily. We want to take part in the school rope skipping competition(竞赛). So we practice it again and again so as to win the competition. Jim (a 16-year-old boy from Class 2)My dream is to be a professional runner. I usually train hard every day so that I can make my dream come true. Sometimes my parents are not happy. They say I spend too much time in running. But I never go running during the class. I do it after school. I dont think it has any bad effects on my study.Information CardThe grade the students study in now_Toms feeling after the last class_The event(活动) Lucy wants to take part in_Jims dream_The oldest student mentioned(提到) in this passage_9. (5分)任务型阅读 To be healthy and happy is important for each of us. Do you want to improve(改善)your health and feel better? Here are some ways.Eat whole foods. Eat some healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and a little meat. If you have a healthy eating habit, youll be happier.Exercise. Take up a sport you really like. If you want to keep healthy, try to exercise for 30 minutes a day, twice or three times a weekGet enough sleep. It is best to get eight hours sleep a day. A cup of milk before sleeping may help you get a good sleep.Keep yourself busy. This is good because it stops you from having bad habits. To keep yourself busy, you can walk around the house, spend time with your pets, do a sport, or do a hobby you enjoy.Spend time with your friends. Spend time and have fun with them. Talk with them, but you shouldnt talk about anything bad. You should stay with the people who are healthy and happy.(1)How many ways of improving your health and feeling are there in the passage? (2)Can we eat a lot of meat? (3)Why does the writer want you to keep yourself busy? (4)What shouldnt you do when you talk with your friends? (5)Whats the best title (题目) of this passage? 10. (25分)表情包(emoticon)是现代流行的表达方式,你了解表情包吗?请将下列表情包与其所代表的意思相匹配,从A-E中选出对应的答案填入空白处。A. B. C. D. E. (1)A person is eating a piece of watermelon in the emoticon. Such kind of person just reads or listens to others opinions and doesnt show his or her own ideas. Usually he or she doesnt know exactly what has happened. So next time, if you dont know the truth, you can use this emoticon.(2)This emoticon is used to express you feel too tired to do anything else and you just want to recline(斜靠) comfortably on a sofa to have a rest for a while. The famous actor Ge You can be seen in the emoticon. Its called Ge You Lay.(3)This emoticon will make you think of the Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui. She did her best in Rio 2016 Olympic Games and used this gesture to show she had been using prehistorical powers(洪荒之力). So you can let others know youve tired your best and reached your personal best performance by using this emoticon. (4)In this emoticon, you can see a crying boy carrying a mushroom in his left hand. When you recall some painful memories, when you fail in something you do or when you are upset and just want to cry, this emoticon can help you. (5)Theres a girl with a square (In Chinese, it means fang.) head in the emoticon. It can be used when you are under too much pressure or when you are very nervous and afraid. Because the pronunciation of Im fang is similar to Im huang in Chinese. 第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 任务型阅读 (共10题;共136分)1-1、2-1、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、

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