人教版2020届九年级上学期英语9月月考试卷(II )卷.doc

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人教版2020届九年级上学期英语9月月考试卷(II )卷一、 请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)We should go to school by bus instead of by car.Yeah, cars we use, pollution there will be.A . fewer; lessB . less; fewerC . the less; the fewerD . the fewer; the less2. (2分)The number of the students in our class fifty-six.How many of are girls?A . is; themB . are; themC . is; theyD . are; they3. (2分)Girls usually like _ with friends while boys like playing basketball or soccer on weekends.A . working outB . hanging outC . helping outD . taking out4. (2分)This pair of shoes hand,and it very comfortable. A . is made with; is feltB . are made from; is feltC . are made of; feelsD . is made by; feels5. (2分)Lets _ when the train leaves! A . look atB . find outC . find6. (2分)(2017天津)Which do you prefer, traditional Western music pop music?Pop music.A . butB . asC . orD . from7. (2分)Most of us find Tom _ and we like to play with him. A . kindlyB . wellC . helpfulD . carefully8. (2分)(2015黑龙江)When the monkeys see the keepers, they run over with_ .A . excitedB . excitingC . excitement9. (2分)Are there any_ on the farm?Yes, there are some.A . sheepB . chickenC . horse10. (2分) Jim, can you help me to wash the dishes? Sorry, Dad. I _ to play football.A . goB . wentC . am goingD . have been二、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)补全对话Bob: Hey, Joe! _Joe: Im OK, thanks. And you?Bob: Im fine, too._Joe: Sure. You can ask anything you like.Bob: _Joe: My favorite subject is math.Bob:_Joe: Because its very interesting.Bob:_Joe: My math teacher is Mr Martin.Bob: Wow! He is a very great teacher!A. Who is your math teacher?B. How are you?C.Why do you like it?D. Do you like your teacher?E. Can I ask you some questions?F. When is your birthday?G. Whats your favorite subject?三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)12. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案A father and his daughter flew a kite in the parkWhen they stopped,the daughter saw an old man1applesShe asked father to buy her some. The father didnt2much money with him.So,he only bought two apples and3them to his daughter.The daughter held one apple in her left hand4the other in the right handThen the father asked her if she could5them with himWhen the girl heard this,she6took a bite from one appleAnd before her father could7 , she took a bite from the other appleThe father was8 He wanted to know why his daughter did like thatA9disappeared(消失)from his faceBut the daughter gave the apple in her left hand to her father and saidDadplease have this oneThis one is much10The fathers smile came back because he knew why his daughter quickly took a bite from each appleDont judge(判断)anything too quicklyAlways spend some more time understanding things better(1)A . selling B . picking C . eating D . moving (2)A . waste B . fight C . take D . count (3)A . told B . gave C . sent D . threw (4)A . but B . so C . or D . and (5)A . share B . play C . pay D . touch (6)A . probably B . loudly C . quickly D . especially (7)A . cry B . speak C . sleep D . dream (8)A . excited B . brave C . relaxed D . angry (9)A . smile B . trust C . light D . mark (10)A . bigger B . smaller C . sweeter D . sourer 四、 阅读理解(一) (共7题;共49分)13. (5分)请阅读上栏有关人员的信息,然后从下栏中找出与之相匹配的选项。_Mrs. Smith doesnt like to exercise outside, but she likes playing sports indoors.(在室内)_Paul likes doing sports. He usually plays soccer in the park with his friends. His favorite sport is soccer._Zhao Xiaolin wants to buy a camera. Then she can take photos and show them to her classmates._Jim is very interested in pandas but he knows little about them. He wants to borrow some books on pandas._Sally, an 18-year-old girl, wants to be thin. She likes to exercise outside.A.City Soccer MatchThe soccer match in our city is coming. Hope all the soccer fans can take part in it.B.City LibraryThere are over 100,000 books of different kinds in this library. Two big readingrooms can hold 2,000 readers. Its open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekends.C.Health ClubDo you want to look after your health? If you join our club, you can swim, playbasketball, volleyball and ping-pong in the gym(体育馆).D.RunningIf you keep running 30 minutes every morning, you can be thin and healthy. And itcan also make you clever.E.English SpeechWe have an English speech about pandas in Water Park this Sunday. Hope everyEnglish lover can come!F.Cannon Digital (数码) CameraA Cannon digital camera with 8 million pixels (像素) is on sale for 2,500 yuan inWonderful Supermarket.14. (10分) Mrs. Beet, a 38-year-old woman, lived in a house near a river. Every day she drives very fast to work.On her way back from work yesterday afternoon, she was driving faster than usual because she was worried about her little son. He was alone at home. While she was trying to pass a truck before her, she saw another car coming. She quickly turned her steeling wheel(方向盘). Her car didnt hit the other car, but she could not stop her own car. It ran into the river.Luckily, Mr. Jackson, a very good swimmer, saw what was happening. He jumped into the water at once. He swam over to the car. He got to Mrs. Beet through an open window. He pulled her out of the window and then out of the water. Back on land, he gave Mrs. Meet mouth-to-mouth breathing. Soon the lady came to herself.根据短文内容,判断句子的正误,正确的在答题卡上涂T,错误的涂F。(每小题1分,共5分)(1)Every day, Mrs. Beet drives her car to work.(2)Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Beet walked home quickly because she worried about her little son.(3)Her car didnt hit the other car but ran into the river.(4)Luckily, Mr. Jackson was good at swimming.(5)In the end, Mr. Jackson pulled Mrs. Beet out of the water and saved her.15. (9分)任务型阅读 (1)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 The Chairman of the Alibaba group(阿里巴巴集团) has now become one of the richest men in China. In Jan. 2017, President Trump of the United States met Ma Yun in New York. He has become more famous all over the world since then.Ma Yuns story of sucess is not an easy one. He was born on September 10, 1964 in Zhejiang Province. At school, _, although he did well in English. So he failed the college entrance examination twice.But _.At the third time, he passed the exam and entered Hangzhou Normal College, where he studied English. In1988,Ma Yun graduated. He worked as an English teacher for five years at Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering. In 1995,he went to the United States and he was on a short trip to Seattle(西雅图). One day, _ and he searched for the word beer on the Internet, but he couldnt find the words beer made in China on line! He could only see American beer and German beer. So he decided to stay there and learned about the Internet. He believed that shopping on line would have a bright future. _, but he didnt give up his hope. Ma Yun set up Alibaba in 1999 and Taobao in 2003 with the help of his friends. His Alibaba Group went public(上市) in New York in September 2014. Now, Alibaba is one of the biggest Internet companies in the world.Ma Yun always tells young people not to be afraid of difficulties. Young people in China should know one thing: Today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful, he said.A. he wanted to drink Chinese beerB. he never gave up: C. he was not good at mathD. Everyone thought he was crazy(2)How does Ma Yun encourage young people in China? 16. (5分)(2015辽宁丹东)The pupils and teachers at Fairfield School think its necessary to protect the environment! This is what theyve been doing.Growing vegetablesFairfield School pupils started their own vegetable garden. Both children and teachers grow vegetables, then they pick them. In this way, school dinners are more delicious than ever before.RecyclingThe Fairfield pupils dont just bring their books to school they bring their rubbish too! There are recycling bins(回收箱) in the playground for cans, plastic bottles and paper. The teachers give a prize every month to the pupil whos tried the hardest to recycle.Finding cleaner ways to get aroundEveryone walks or rides a bike to Fairfield School! “Its faster to ride bikes than to drive anyway, even the teachers dont use their cars.” says one pupil.waysHow to _Growingvegetables Pupils at Fairfield School can enjoy delicious food by growing and _ vegetables from their own garden.Recycling The pupils bring both their books and their_to school. The pupil who works hardest at recycling will _from the teachers.Finding cleaner ways to get around Fairfield School asks teachers and students not to go to school _.17. (5分)任务型阅读。根据短文内容, 从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整正确。English homework may be boring for many students. _Our English teacher, Mrs. Lin, asked us to write an English letter to ourselves in the future. Mrs. Lin said she got the idea from Steve Jobs time capsule (时光胶囊). In 1983, Jobs buried his time capsule. _That was 30 years later. So what will you write about to your future self? Everyone was surprised and whispered (窃窃私语) about it. _And write about how you will make your dream come true. Then you can bury the letter and wait for 20 years to open it again, Mrs. Lin told us.It was really interesting! _Some would like to sing songs and become stars. In my letter, I wrote I hope to be a doctor. I want to cure (治愈) people and I wont ask for much money, just like my dad. _For example I would read more books and learn two foreign languages in my twenties.Can we realize our dreams? Lets wait and see!A. Some students wanted to be policemen.B. Of course, I wrote about some action I would take in the coming years.C. And the capsule was opened in September, 2013.D. But last Friday, students in our class had interesting and special homework.E. You can set a standard (标准) of life you are willing to live by.F. Ill write some more books next year.18. (10分)根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。 A. books B. Internet C. true D. provides E. zoo F. createJohn Allen, an American scientist once said, The_is the worlds largest library, but all the _in it are on the floor! What he meant is that the Internet is full of information. But it can be difficult to find what you really need. The Internet has another disadvantage. That is-anyone can_a website, so you can find websites about whatever you can imagine. Unfortunately, a lot of what is written on them is not always_.At the same time, the Internet _many other things for people. A. surfing B. cheap C. expensive D. people E. depend on F. hateOn some websites, you can download music and films. They are usually_and some are even free. On some other websites, you can connect with_from all over the world. Its true that the Internet has changed the way we work and communicate. But we should not_it too much. Some people are also afraid that_the Internet has taken the place of other healthier activities, especially for young people. Whether you love it or_it, though, youd better get used to it but not avoid getting in touch with it.19. (5分)假如你叫李敏,是长春外国语学校8年级2班的学生。在校运动会后,你发现自己丢了东西,所以你想写一则寻物启事贴在学校的告示板上,希望能找到丢失的东西建议拾到者直接把物品送到班级,也可以电话联系. 要求:1)按寻物启示的格式完成2)请根据以下的信息完成寻物启示。3)字数不少于40字.物品帽子伞校服颜色黑色的红色的紫色的联系电话1353-62818提示:运动会sports meeting 校服 school uniform长春外国语学校 Changchun Foreign Languages SchoolLost第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)11-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)12-1、四、 阅读理解(一) (共7题;共49分)13-1、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、

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