新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(二)C卷.doc

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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(二)C卷.doc_第1页
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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(二)C卷.doc_第2页
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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(二)C卷.doc_第3页
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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(二)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1. (2分)Amazing China, a film about Chinas achievements, is a great and makes more people proud of our country. A . doubtB . successC . resultD . decision2. (2分)You can see five _ in the picture. A . womanB . womenC . womensD . womans3. (2分) Good morning, Daming. _, Lucy.A . How are youB . Good morningC . GoodbyeD . Hello4. (2分)How much will it take to build this library? _ yuan.A . MillionsB . Millions ofC . MillionD . Million of5. (2分)_ room is big and nice. A . Kates and JanesB . Kates and JaneC . Kate and Janes6. (2分) Can you spell it ? _A . Yes, I can.B . C-A-R, car.C . Yes, C-A-R, car.D . Yes.7. (2分)Yueda Group has found a way to _ the waste and doesnt put it into the river any more. A . produceB . recycleC . requireD . protect8. (2分)My English teacher _ much time correcting my grammar. A . costB . paidC . spentD . took9. (2分)Its reported that over eight _ people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal. A . thousandB . thousandsC . thousand ofD . thousands of10. (2分) are the students in your class? Most of them are only fourteen.A . How longB . How manyC . How old11. (2分)What should I do to live_ green life? I think you should go by _ bike instead of driving.A . a; aB . an; /C . a; /D . /; /12. (2分)I think _ is very important for us to believe in _ at any time. A . it; ourselvesB . it; yourselvesC . this; ourselvesD . this; yourselves13. (2分)Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow is _. A . MondayB . WednesdayC . SundayD . Saturday14. (2分)Sam doesnt like mutton,beef _ onions. What does he like? He thinks apples _ pears are nice. A . and; andB . or; orC . or; andD . and; or15. (2分)_. The car is coming. A . Be carefulB . PleaseC . Take is easyD . Excuse me16. (2分)How about watching TV at home? Its too . Lets play football. A . boringB . interestingC . excitingD . relaxing17. (2分)_will the next high-speed train to Beijing arrive, Dad? In about 15 minutes.A . How longB . How muchC . How oftenD . How soon18. (2分)I live in Room 403. Sam lives in the room just above(在.上面) mine, on the _ floor. A . threeB . thirdC . fifthD . five19. (2分)What time is it? Its_.A . half to threeB . five past fortyC . twenty past oneD . twenty four20. (2分)How interesting the boat race is! _A . Great.B . Yeah, its fun.C . Thats OK.D . Thank you.21. (2分)Jenny. name is Tom. A . Im; HerB . Her; MyC . Im; HisD . Hes; Her22. (2分)Are you going to the movies tonight? Im not sure. I _ go out to play basketball.A . mayB . canC . shouldD . must23. (2分)If you want to memorize something well, you must make a picture in your _. A . brainB . headC . mindD . heart24. (2分)Jim, what does your English teacher look like? _.A . She is tall, thin and beautifulB . She is about 30C . She is friendly to us allD . She is quiet25. (2分)The students often _ sports after class. Look, they_ volleyball over there now. A . play; are playingB . are playing; playC . play; playD . are playing; are playing26. (2分)_! We will be late for school. A . HurryB . In a hurryC . WaitD . Hurry up27. (2分)(2016福州)Who is the person you admire the most?Qian Xuesen,the Father of Chinas MissilesHe is the _ of ChinaA . leaderB . prideC . voice28. (2分)Lily _her room every day, so her room is very _.A . clean; cleanB . cleans; cleansC . clean; cleansD . cleans; clean29. (2分)(2015.湖北襄阳)Mum, I have a bad headache. I feel terrible.Oh, dear! You must get a cold. Youd better see _ after breakfast.A . a violinist B . a doctorC . a policemanD . an engineer30. (2分)He was born _ the morning _June 3, 1900. A . in; ofB . on; ofC . on; atD . at; on第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、

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