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人教版2020届九年级下学期英语期末练习(二模)试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1. (0.5分)I know _ and _ sister. A . him, youB . your, hisC . you, yourD . his, you2. (0.5分)- _ does Lucy learn Chinese?- She learns it _ reading novels(小说).A . How; inB . How; byC . What; inD . What; by3. (0.5分) can we become good learners?By working hard and asking the teachers for help.A . HowB . WhereC . When4. (0.5分)Get up early, _ youll catch the early bus. A . soB . andC . butD . or5. (0.5分)Dad, my bike is broken. _ I use yours? Sure! Its in the backyard.A . MustB . ShouldC . May6. (0.5分)My time in the middle school was one of periods of my life.A . excitingB . more excitingC . the more excitingD . the most exciting7. (0.5分) How was your trip to the ancient village? Fantastic! We to a natural museum of strange stones.A . goB . wentC . are goingD . will go8. (0.5分)The number of the elderly(老人)_increasing in China, and with the development of economy, they _better care of in the future. A . is; will takeB . are; are takenC . is; will be takenD . are; will take9. (0.5分) What do you often do at weekends? I often_ my friends.A . visitB . visitedC . visitingD . will visit10. (0.5分)I _ at this school for two years already. A . am studyingB . studyC . studiedD . have studied11. (0.5分)A speech on the history of Haidian _ in the school hall next Monday. A . is givenB . givesC . will giveD . will be given12. (0.5分) What did Tom say to you just now, John? He asked .A . why I am so happy todayB . what will I do for the weekendC . who did I play football with after schoolD . if I could go to the movies with him tonight二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13. (8分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 Hi, Im Jack. I like Sundays 1I dont go to school. What do I usually do on 2?In the morning, I dont need to get up 3.For breakfast, I only have some 4. Then I do some exercise. At ten oclock, I start to do my homework. My family always have a 5lunch on Sundays. We eat well, and chicken is my favorite food. In the afternoon, I usually play 6with my friends for two hours. Its relaxing for 7to do sports. What about Sunday evenings? At about six oclock, I have dinner with my 8. But sometimes we eat out. Do we watch TV program in the evening? Sure. My favorite TV program is Chinas Got Talent. After that, I 9with my friends on the computer. We always talk about our school life. At half past ten, I 10.(1)A . because B . and C . so D . but (2)A . Mondays B . Sundays C . Saturdays D . Fridays (3)A . late B . well C . early D . quickly (4)A . egg B . apple C . bread D . hamburger (5)A . small B . busy C . free D . big (6)A . basketball B . violin C . chess D . stories (7)A . her B . us C . them D . you (8)A . teachers B . cousins C . friends D . parents (9)A . show B . draw C . talk D . find (10)A . go home B . go to bed C . get up D . go to school 三、 阅读下列短文.根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14. (6分)阅读理解 Im Bob and Im a student of No.2 Middle School. We have many rules in our school. I think some of them are good for us, but others are not so good.We have to wear our school uniforms. I think its good. If we dont have this rule, some students will wear expensive clothes. They will think more about their clothes, but not study. We can t be late for school and we have to listen to the teachers in class. All of these rules are good for our study and I like them.We cant bring phones to school. I dont think its a good idea. Sometimes our parents are busy and cant get home early. They need to tell us about that. If we cant take phones, how can they tell us? Also, we cant go to the movies on weekends. I know we have to study hard, but we need to relax, too.(1)What does Bob think of his school rules? A . He doesnt like all the rules.B . He thinks the rules are strict.C . He doesnt follow them.D . He thinks some of the rules are good.(2)Which rule does Bob like? A . Listen to the teachers in class.B . Dont eat outside.C . Dont go to the movies on weekends.D . Wear sports shoes to school.(3)Why doesnt Bob like the rule of no mobile phones at school? A . Because he cant play games and listen to music on it.B . Because his parents cant call him when they are busy.C . Because he cant call his friends when he wants to see them.D . Because he cant call his parents when he cant go home.(4)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Bob studies in No.12 Middle School.B . We must take mobile phones to school.C . Bob has to wear school uniforms at school.D . We can go to the movies on weekends.(5)Whats the best title(题目)for the passage? A . School rulesB . Dont bring phones to schoolC . How to help othersD . Rules at home15. (6分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。I cant help thinking about the face of that little beggar girl all the timeI can see the glad light filling her eyes when I laid the dime(一角硬币)in her little dirty handHow much I had thought of that dime,too! Grandpa gave it to me a whole month ago,and I had kept it ever since in my red box upstairs;but those sugar apples looked so beautiful,and were so cheaponly a dime apiece(每个)一that I made up my mind to have oneI can see herthe beggar girl,I meanas she stood there in front of the store,in her old dress,looking at the chocolates laid all in a rowI wonder what made me say, “Little girl,what do you want?How she stared at me,just as if nobody had spoken kindly to her beforeI guess she thought l was sorry for her, for she said“l was thinking how good one of those gingerbread rolls would taste,I havent had anything to eat todayNow,I thought to myself, “Mary Williams,you have had a good breakfast and a good dinner this day,and this poor girl has not had a mouthfulYou can give her your dime;she needs it a great deal more than you doI could not resist(抗拒)that little girls hungry lookso I dropped the dime right into her hand,without waiting for her to speak,walked straight away(1)The writer would like to buyat first A . a good dinnerB . a sugar appleC . some chocolatesD . some gingerbread rolls(2)The writer talked to the girl in aanway A . rudeB . kindC . excitingD . humorous16. (6分)阅读理解Only humans speak using words. But all kinds in the animal world can communicate in one way or another. Maybe you have heard about the way bees dance around to send messages to each other and the way dogs bark in different ways to give warnings, to be friendly or to be playful. But did you know about infrasonic communication used by elephants? This is how it works:Humans hear low sounds like thunder rumbling in the sky. But we dont hear sounds lower than this. However, animals such as elephants and hippos can hear much lower sounds than humans can. And whats more, they can make those low sounds as well, and they use them to communicate with each other. This is known as infrasound.The amazing thing about infrasound is that it travels over several kilometers. Higher-level sounds like the one people can hear, dont travel well through walls, leaves, trees and so on, which is why we cant hear sounds from more than 100 meters away. But infrasound is much stronger and things like grass and trees have no influence on it. Therefore, it can travel much further. Elephants can hear infrasonic calls from four kilometers away!There have been reports of people watching groups of elephants feeding or resting and then the elephants suddenly all stopped what they were doing for no reason at all. They obviously heard a warning call from a long way away, but the people didnt hear a sound. In places like a zoo or wildlife park where you can get nearer to animals, it is a bit easier to sense when infrasonic sounds are made. When you stand near mother elephants with their babies in a zoo, you may notice a slight rumbling in the air every few minutesnot loud or strong, but clearly noticed. This is infrasonic communicationthe mother elephants “talking” to their babies.(1)Why does the writer mention bees and dogs in Paragraph1? A . Because they use infrasonic communication.B . Because they communicate like the elephants.C . Because they are examples of animal communication.D . Because people want to learn how they communicate.(2)Which of the following is TRUE about infrasound? A . Humans can hear infrasound easily.B . It travels nearly several kilometers.C . It sounds low but cant travel very far.D . It travels well through walls, leaves and so on.(3)In places like zoos, _. A . elephants dont need to make infrasonic soundsB . it is easier for elephants to make infrasonic soundsC . mother elephants dont let people stand near their babiesD . humans can easily sense infrasonic sounds when they are made(4)Which would be the best title for the passage? A . Talking to humansB . Talking to animalsC . Playing with humansD . Playing with elephants17. (8分)Choose the best answer(阅读短文,选择最佳答案) You are going to read a radio guide and a transcript (文本) of a radio phone-inRadio station guideLive Radio YourSay-Phone-in Monday 14 April5-6pmGordon Lee hosts the young peoples phone-in programme. Todays topic: Understanding the opposite sex.Ring 5500 6069 to have your say on the similarities and differences between boys and girls.(Calls are free from landlines. S1. 10 per minute from mobiles)TranscriptGordon: Welcome to the show. Im sure everyone will have something to say about todays topic: Understanding the opposite sex. Boys like computers and football, while girls like talking and shopping. Is that true? Or is it nonsense? Lets hear from our first caller, Laura.Laura: I think girls like to chat and talk about everything. This helps us develop better language skills. In my school, all the best students at languages are girls.Gordon: Well, research does suggest that girls have better language abilities. These can be seen even at the age of three, when girls can express opinions better and know double the number of words as boys.Lanni: I like shopping with friends and looking for clothes together.Gordon: In general, girls have a more visual memory. Perhaps that is why they like shopping. They remember colours and shapes better, and also names and faces.Joe: My mother keeps telling me that my room is a mess, but my sisters bedroom is always tidy.Gordon: Girls can usually record details better, like the order and position of things and furniture in a room. So, when any of those are not in their place, girls can notice at once.Nathan: Boys are stronger than girls. Girls often need help with carrying heavy objects. We can run faster too.Gordon: Well, boys do have proportionally(成比例地) more muscle for their body weight. In general, they can carry more weight and can move more quickly than girls of the same size.Julius: We have better eyesight than girls. I can see the number of the bus that is coming long before my sister can.Gordon: Thats true. Boys tend to have better long-distance vision than girls. However, we often dont see things that are right under our noses!(1)The phone-in programme is mainly for. A . parentsB . young peopleC . hostsD . elderly people(2)The underlined word These in Paragraph 3 of the transcript refers to . A . The phone-in programmesB . Boys language skillsC . Girls better languageD . The radio station guides(3)According to Gordon, girls like shopping because_. A . they like going out with friendsB . boys can help them carry heavy thingsC . they pay more attention to detailsD . they can remember colours and shapes better(4) believes that boys have better eyesight than girls. A . JuliusB . LanniC . NathanD . Laura(5)According to the transcript, when comparing a boy and a girl of the same height and weight, the boy will usually_. A . have a better visual memoryB . record details betterC . be less tidyD . have a higher percentage of muscle(6)The best title of the passage might be . A . Developing better language skillsB . Understanding the opposite sexC . Recording more detailsD . Expressing opinions better四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)阅读下文并回答问题。 In Jinzhong, Shanxi Province, there is a group of people who are busy drawing maps around. They are not workers on geography, but dispatchers(调度员) on Emergency(急救) Center of the city.Since 2007, the dispatchers in the center have been drawing maps of the local areas.A dispatchers job is counted in seconds, says Liang Ruimei, a dispatcher in the center. She has been working in the center since it started in 2007. We must answer the phone in 3 seconds, get clear information about the patient in 60 seconds and dispatch(调度) emergency medical workers in 3 minutes at most. If we save one second, the patient may have a better chance to live.Although nowadays the center has electronic maps, the dispatchers still walk through the streets to draw maps by hand.After many years hard work, the dispatchers keep every building and street of the city in mind. They even know whether or not a car can enter the gate of a building. Sometimes the caller cant tell clearly where he is, but it doesnt matter. As long as he describes the buildings around, the dispatcher can dispatch emergency medical workers to him.We are trying to be quicker than Death, says Liang.(1)Is Liang Ruimei a dispatcher in Emergency Center of Jinzhong? (2)When did Emergency Center of Jinzhong start? (3)To be quicker than Death, what do the dispatchers in Emergency Center of Jinzhong do? (4)Do you think it necessary for dispatchers to draw maps by hand when they have electronic maps? Why or why not? 五、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)初中毕业之际,学校“英语角”栏目向同学们征集毕业典礼的活动计划,假定你应征者,请根据要点写一封信,提出你的建议。 毕业典礼时间地点7月1日,学校报告厅三项活动校长讲话送祝福学生言谈感想 写作要点:1)80词左右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数)2)不能出现真实的校名和人名,否则扣分;3)写作要点必须用上,紧扣主题,适当发挥。参考词汇: 毕业典礼graduation ceremony; 前进中学Qianjin Middle School; 学校报告厅the school hallDear editor,Im very happy to have the chance to show my plan for the graduation ceremony.This is what we will do. I hope you will choose my plan.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13-1、三、 阅读下列短文.根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、五、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19-1、

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