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冀教版2020届九年级英语专题练习:情景交际B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 湖北省2017届九年级英语专题练习:情景交际 (共40题;共80分)1. (2分)It is sunny and warm. _! A . How great weathersB . How great a weatherC . What a great weatherD . What great weather2. (2分) _? I need some music CDs.A . Whats wrongB . Can I help youC . How much are the CDsD . Are you all right3. (2分) Tom didnt pass the exam. _ he looks so sad.A . He thinksB . ButC . No wonderD . I wonder4. (2分)Reading a good book makes one person happy. _. It also helps us a lot.A . I dont think soB . No wayC . Im afraid notD . I agree5. (2分)Would you help me clean up the classroom, Bill? A . Yes, quite rightB . Never mindC . Sure, with pleasure6. (2分)What do you think of talk shows? . Theyre boring.A . I cant stand themB . I love themC . Im not sure7. (2分) Would you like to go for a walk with me? _. But I have to clean the living room first.A . Yes, I wouldB . No, I wouldntC . Yes, Id love to8. (2分)I got that job I wanted at the public library. _! Thats good news.A . Have a good timeB . Take it easyC . CongratulationsD . Come on9. (2分) Dad, I dont think we can go into the building. Look at the sign _. Oh, I didnt notice it.A . No entryB . No litteringC . No shoutingD . No touching10. (2分)_? Shes tall and has long hair. A . Wheres your friendB . What does your friend look likeC . Hows your friendD . How old is your friend11. (2分)You look really tired. ? I didnt sleep well last night. I had a headache.A . What should I doB . How about youC . Whats the matterD . How are you feeling now12. (2分)Two men got hurt in the traffic accident. _.A . Dont worry.B . They will get well.C . Dont mention it.D . I am sorry to hear that.13. (2分)Who is the girl in the picture? _.A . She is my daughterB . She is in the schoolC . She is fineD . She is OK14. (2分)Hi, Alice, how was your summer holiday? _! I enjoyed myself in the countryside very much.A . Good ideaB . Wait a minuteC . Thats too badD . Quite good15. (2分)The box is heavy. Could you please help me carry it? _A . With pleasureB . You are kiddingC . Good ideaD . Its very nice of you16. (2分)I will take part in an English writing competition this Sunday. I feel nervous. _!A . What a pityB . Look outC . CongratulationsD . Take it easy17. (2分) Many people think women are better at cooking than men. _. Most top chefs in the world are men.A . I agree.B . I cant agree more.C . Not at all.D . Thats not the case18. (2分) _, Judy? Great. I play games with my good friends.A . How are youB . Where are youC . How is your dayD . Do you have a good day19. (2分)_ My friends. A . When do you use a computer?B . Who do you write emails to?C . Where do you write emails?D . What do you do on the Internet?20. (2分)Mum, I dont have anybody to play with. Can I have a pet? Our apartment is too small.A . Why not?B . I hope so.C . I am afraid not.21. (2分) What about Ginas performance in the dancing competition? _I liked it very much.A . Not muchB . No problemC . Thats allD . It was perfect22. (2分) Fine, thank you.A . How do you do?B . Nice to meet you.C . How are you?23. (2分) Would you like to join in the English corner?_. What time is it?A . I hope soB . Im afraid notC . Id love toD . I agree24. (2分)Why not come and join us in the game?_, but I must meet Mr. Smith at his office now.A . Id like to.B . Its a pleasureC . Yes, please25. (2分)Mum, Ive got first place in the final exam. _!A . Good luckB . Not at allC . Good ideaD . Good work26. (2分)The dog _ played with you just now is _.A . which; mineB . which; myC . what; mineD . what; my27. (2分)Im going to listen to a concert tonight .Would you like to come,Peter?A . Thats all rightB . Not at allC . Thank youD . Yes,Id love to28. (2分) Yellow Mountain is wonderful. Hope we will visit it again. _.A . I agree with youB . Have a good timeC . Thats OKD . Its very kind of you29. (2分)Good morning. Can I help you?_.A . No, you cant.B . I dont think soC . Yes. Id like a new flat.D . Help me.30. (2分)Happy New Year!A . Thats OK.B . The same to you.C . It doesnt matter.D . Youre welcome.31. (2分)(2016黔西南) Do you mind my opening the window?A . Of course notB . No, you dontC . Thats rightD . Its a pleasure32. (2分) _? Yes, please. I want a skirt. A . Is this your skirtB . Can you help me C . Do you like skirtsD . Can I help you33. (2分)I havent been back to my hometown for years. _. You must miss your parents very much.A . Of courseB . No wayC . No, you haventD . Its a shame34. (2分) I am going to study in the USA next year!_A . Its a pity.B . Thanks a lot.C . Not at all.D . I hope everything goes well with you.35. (2分) _? Koalas.A . Where are the animalsB . Where are the animals fromC . How are the animalsD . What animals do you like36. (2分)What do you think of soap operas?_, but my sister likes them.A . I like themB . I love itC . I cant stand themD . Theyre interesting37. (2分)Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party._A . Thats OK.B . Sounds wonderful.C . Yes,please.D . Its a pleasure.38. (2分)- I cant follow our new foreign teacher in class.- . Listen more.A . I dont think soB . Im afraid notC . Take it easyD . Dont say that39. (2分)Do you mind if I sit here, sir?_. Please sit down.A . Im sorry, but I doB . Not at allC . Of courseD . Thanks a lot40. (2分) I dont have a partner to practice English with. _. You could join an English club. It can help you a lot.A . Hurry upB . Thats OKC . Dont worry第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 湖北省2017届九年级英语专题练习:情景交际 (共40题;共80分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、

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