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安徽专版 新课标 RJ 第16课时Unit3 4 九全 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 eastern humorous European British crowded uncrowded pride absence politely politeness impolite exactly inexpensive correctly incorrect incorrectly shyness introduction directly direction director indirect failure suggestion interviewer passby leadinto hangoutwith dealwith worryabout takeup haveagreatinfluenceonsb giveaspeech fighton base on beabsentfrom onthewayto inpublic inperson inthelast pastfewyears forthefirsttime fromtimetotime theroadtosuccess parkinglot itisimportanttoknowhowtoaskforhelp spendtimeleadinginto themtotalkwith inperson indifferentsituations dependonwhom sheusedtobeshy tookupsingingtodealwith Hangingoutwithfriendsisalmostimpossibleforme thoughtaboutgivingup foughton eventhough if thinkingof takepridein joined active harderthan suggestv 建议 提议 题1 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Isuggesteddinneratthenearbyrestaurantwiththesechildren have 2 Couldyoupleasegivemesomeabouthowtowriteabookreport Sure noproblem suggest 3 OurEnglishteacheralwayssuggestsspeakingasmuchaspossible we 题2 根据句意 用适当的介词填空Hesuggestedagoodwayofsolvingtheproblemme having suggestions us our to 归纳拓展 publicn 民众adj 公开的 公众的 题3 根据汉语意思完成句子在公共场合吸烟对人们的健康有害 people shealthtosmoke 题4 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Thepublicaboutheenvironmentverymuchthesedays care It sbadfor inpublic care 归纳拓展 1 thepublic意为 公众 作主语时 谓语动词常用复数形式 Thepublicaren tinterestedinthisproblem 公众对这个问题不感兴趣 2 inpublic公开地 在别人 尤指生人 面前It snotpolitetospitinpublic 在公共场合吐痰是不礼貌的 influencev n 影响 题5 根据汉语意思完成句子这件事对他产生了很大的影响 Theevent 题6 根据句意 用适当的介词填空Theinfluencethatthecaraccidenthashimmakeseveryoneveryupset hasagreatinfluenceonhim on 归纳拓展 influence作名词时 常用在短语haveaninfluenceonsb 中 意为 对某人有影响 Theaccidenthasagreatinfluenceonhim 这场事故对他有很大的影响 fromtimetotime intime ontime allthetime attimes 题7 从方框中选择恰当的短语填空fromtimetotimeintimeontimeallthetime 1 Themeetingtomorrowisveryimportant Makesuretobe 2 Thedoctorarrivedtosavetheman slife 3 Theboyissocarelessthathemakesthesamemistake sotheteacherismadathim 4 Becauseofworryingabouthermother sillness Lucylookedupfromhernotebook intime ontime allthetime fromtimetotime proud pride 题8 用proud的适当形式填空 1 QianXuesen theFatherofChina sMissiles istheofChina 2 Mr Smith ssonhasgotanimpressiveachievement whichmakesallhisfamilymembersvery 题9 同义句转换Mostparentstakeprideineverythinggoodtheirchildrendo pride proud Mostparentsareproudofeverythinggoodtheirchildrendo Canyoutellmewherethere sagoodplacetoeat 你能告诉我哪里有吃饭的好地方吗 题10 IwanttoknowmoreaboutHongKong Canyoutellme In1997 A whendiditreturntothemainlandB whenitreturnedtothemainlandC whendoesitreturntothemainlandD whenitreturnstothemainland B 归纳拓展 where引导的是宾语从句 作动词tell的宾语 动词不定式短语 toeat 作后置定语 修饰 agoodplace CouldyoutellmewhereIcanbuyamap 你能告诉我在哪儿可以买到地图吗 Thispartyissuchagreatidea 这个派对是多好的一个主意呀 题11 Whydoyouspeakinaloudvoice BecauseIwanttomakemyselfclearly A such hearB so heardC so hearD such heard 题12 同义句转换ItissuchaninterestingbookthatIdecidetoreaditasecondtime D ItissointerestingabookthatIdecidetoreaditasecondtime 归纳拓展 1 such a an adj n 相当于 so adj a an n 意为 如此 以至于 Sheissuchaclevergirl Sheissocleveragirl 她是一个如此聪明的女孩 2 such还可以用于 such adj 可数名词复数 不可数名词 结构 单项填空1 Excuseme canyoutellmewherethenearestbankis please Ohyes It spasttheoffice nexttoabigmarket A You rewelcome B Oh Ibegyourpardon C Umm letmethink D Whatdoyoumean 2 Whenwearehavingtheexams wemustkeep A silentB luckyC healthyD noisy C A 1 CYou rewelcome 意为 不用谢 Oh Ibegyourpardon 意为 再说一遍好吗 Umm letmethink 意为 让我想想 Whatdoyoumean 意为 你是什么意思 由答语可知 应答者应是在思考过后回答了发话者问路的请求 故选C 3 Nomatterwhatproblemswemeet weshouldtrytosolvethem andeventhoughwefail teachersandparentsus A arestrictwithB areworriedaboutC areproudofD arepleasedwith4 Excuseme Couldyoupleasetellme Sure Goalongthisstreetandturnleft It sonyourright A whenIcangettothebookstoreB whencanIgettothebookstoreC howIcangettothebookstoreD howcanIgettothebookstore C 3 Cbestrictwith意为 对 严格要求 beworriedabout意为 为 担忧 beproudof意为 为 骄傲 bepleasedwith意为 对 感到满意 根据句意可知 我们要努力解决问题 即使失败了 老师和父母亲都会为我们骄傲的 短语beproudof符合句意 故选C C 4 C宾语从句用陈述语序 排除B D 由答语可知是询问怎样到达书店 所以用how引导宾语从句 故选C 5 Thismovieiswonderfulthatmanypeoplelikeitverymuch A so suchB such soC such suchD so so D 5 D第一空后面的wonderful是形容词 因此用so来修饰 第二空后面的people是名词 但前面被不定代词many修饰 因此仍然用so来修饰 故选D 单词拼写根据首字母及汉语提示 完成下列单词的拼写 使句意明确 语言通顺 1 Youhavetobep 有耐心的 withthelittleboy 2 Mygrandfatherhasbeend 去世 forfiveyears 3 Howaboutreadinga 大声 topracticeourEnglish 4 You dbetterkeeps 沉默的 wheninhospital 5 Doyouknowhowtotrainoura 能力 oflistening speaking readingandwriting patient dead aloud silent abilities 6 Id 发现 thatIdidn thaveanymoneywithmewhenIwenttopaymybill 7 You dbetterc 连接 whatyouneedtolearnwithsomethinginteresting 8 Ifoundthatmywallethadbeens 偷 whenIgothome 9 Youcanimproveyourp 发音 inmorethanoneway suchaslisteningorrecording 10 Alittlek 知识 isadangerousthing discovered connect stolen pronunciation knowledge 见word版资源课时训练16Units3 4 九全


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