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年级初一学科英语版本内容标题暑假专题二:七年级常考近义词或词组辨析(二)编稿老师【本讲教育信息】一.教学内容:暑假专题二:七年级常考近义词或词组辨析(二)二.教学过程:1. another, the other, the others和othersanother“另一个”,表示泛指,用于三者或三者以上中的任何一个人或物。Would you like another orange?the other指两者中的另一个,常用于“one, the other”I have two apples. One is big, the other is small.others相当于other+名词复数,表示除去一部分以后的另一些,但不是剩下的全体,常和some对比使用。The students are cleaning their classroom. Some are cleaning the window, others are sweeping the floor.the others相当于the other+名词复数,表示某一范围内除去一部分以后,其余的全部。Some students are in the classroom. Where are the others?例1、Therere forty-five students in our class. Twenty of them are boys, _ are girls.A. other studentsB. the othersC. othersD. another例2、I dont like this book, give me _ one.A. the otherB. anotherC. otherD. others2. too many, too much和much tootoo many太多,修饰可数名词复数。Therere too many rules in our school. I cant stand them.too much太多修饰不可数名词,也可以作副词使用。There was too much rain last summer.He always speaks too much.much too“太,非常”用作副词词组修饰形容词和副词,但不修饰动词。My teacher is much too kind to us.例3、I have _ homework to do today. I cant go with you.A. too manyB. too muchC. much tooD. very much例4、The supermarket is too crowded. _ people are shopping.A. Too manyB. Too muchC. Much tooD. Very much3. a little, little, a few和fewa little修饰不可数名词,“一点儿”,表肯定含义。little修饰不可数名词,“几乎没有”,表否定含义。I have little water, can you give me some?a few修饰可数名词,“几个,一些”,表肯定含义。few修饰可数名词,“没有几个”,表否定含义。He is a man of few words.例5、He is not a kind-hearted man. _ people can get on well with him.A. FewB. A littleC. LittleD. A few例6、There are few _ in the fridge(冰箱). Lets go and buy some carrots and cabbages.A. vegetablesB. fruitC. meatD. eggs例7、This English newspaper is very easy for the students because there are _ new words in it.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few4. it, one和thatit代词,特指,指代上文提到过的事物。I have a math book. I like it very much.one可代替上文中提到的可数名词单数,泛指同类事物,不是同一个事物。I dont like this pen. Please show me another one.that:特指,指代前面提到的那类物。可指代可数和不可数名词。The weather inTaiyuanis colder than that inWuhan.例8、My son wants a pet rabbit, but I have no time to buy _ for him.A. itB. thatC. the oneD. one例9、Have you got a ruler?Yes, I have _. I bought _ yesterday.A. one, itB. it, oneC. it, itD. one, one例10、Two Evening Papers, please!Only one copy left(只剩下一份了). Would you like to have _, sir?A. oneB. itC. thisD. that5. stop to do sth和stop doing sthstop to do sth停下来(停止手中的活)去做某事stop doing sth停止做某事例11、Its time for class. Now stop _ the music.A. to listen toB. to listenC. listening toD. listening例12、We have worked for three hours. Now lets stop _ a rest.A. hadB. haveC. to haveD. having6. forget/ remember to do sth和forget/remember doing sth.forget/ remember to do sth忘记/记住去做某事(事未做)I forget to tell him the news.forget/remember doing sth忘记/记住做过某事(事已做)She remembered telling me the story.例13、Dont forget _ Miss Zhao to come to my party.A. askingB. to askC. letD. to let例14、Im sorry I forgot _ the floor.A. cleanB. cleaningC. to cleanD. cleaned7. put on和wearput on穿上(衣服)表动作。Here is a coat for you, youd better put it on now.wear穿着,戴着,表状态。He often wears a sweater, but today he is wearing a blue jacket.例15、Many girls like _ skirts in spring.A. wearingB. putting onC. put onD. wear8. how many和how muchhow many“多少”,修饰可数名词How many students are there in your class?how much“多少”,修饰不可数名词How much money does it cost?how much“多少钱”用来询问价格How much are the books?例16、This islittlewater in the bottle.(对划线部分提问)This book isfifteen yuan.(对划线部分提问)9. sometimes, some time, sometime和some timessometimes副词“有时,不时”。Sometimes we go to the cinema.some time词组表示“一段时间”“若干时间”I have been waiting for you some time.sometime副词表示某个不确切的时间“在某一时间”I saw him some time in May.some times词组,表示“几次”I have been there some times.例17、I have seen him _, but I still dont know his name.A. sometimesB. some timeC. some timesD. sometime10. in front of和in the front ofin front of在(外部)的前面There is a river in front of the house.in the front of在(内部)的前部There is a teachers desk in the front of the room.例18、There are a lot of trees _ the building.A. in front ofB. in the front ofC. on front ofD. on the front of11. too, also, eithertoo,用于肯定句和疑问句中。表示“也”,放在句末。He can swim. I can swim, too.also多用于肯定句中,位于be动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实义动词之前。My father also works in a hospital.either,多用于否定句,放在句末。Jane cant answer the question. Lily cant, either.例19、Chinese food is _ very popular in the world.A. alsoB. tooC. eitherD. and例20、She doesnt like math. I dont like _.A. alsoB. tooC. eitherD. and12. in hospital和in the hospitalin hospital表示“生病住院”My friend is in hospital. I want to see him.in the hospital表示“在医院里”强调地点。My friend is in the hospital to look after his mother.例21、What is Mary doing _?She is looking after her mother.A. in hospitalB. in the hospitalC. at hospitalD. at the hospital【模拟试题】(答题时间:60分钟)一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. Go s_ down this road, and you can find the hospital.2. There are many books, newspapers and m_ in the library.3. R_ to close the windows when you leave.4. How d_ the food is.5. The lions are d_ animals in the world.二、用所给单词适当形式填空。1. Every year, there are a lot of _ (visit) toChina.2. Stop _ (talk). Lets begin our class.3. It was a _ (sun) day yesterday.4. Would you like _ (swim) with me?5. My family _ (go) to the movies last night.6.What is he like?Hes _ (fun) and outgoing.7. Thank you for _ (tell) me the news.8. Are they very _ (friend) to you?9. She wears colorful clothes because she wants _ (be) young and beautiful.10. _ (not arrive) late for school.三、单项选择1. Do you mind his _?A. smokeB. to smokeC. smokingD. smokes2. How many _ are there in your school?A. woman teacherB. woman teachersC. women teacherD. women teachers3. What _ it is today!A. a nice weatherB. nice weatherC. nice weathersD. nice a weather4. I was late for class _ I didnt get up early.A. butB. andC. becauseD. or5. Mike, _ in bed.A. not readB. doesnt readC. no readingD. dont read6. I found _ in the next room.A. him singingB. his singingC. he singD. he singing7. I have _ to tell him.A. something interestingB. interesting somethingC. anything interestingD. interesting anything8. The apples are _ high. I cant reach them.A. too manyB. too muchC. many tooD. much too9. He has to be in bed _ ten oclock.A. byB. forC. onD. in10. Dont go out _ windy nights.A. inB. atC. onD. by四、改写句子1. Imshort and thin(对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ _ ?2. What do you think of Culture Beijing?(改为同义句)_ _ you _ Culture Beijing?3. Children areplaying gamesin the garden.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the children _ in the garden?4. Could you please not close the window?(改为祈使句)_ _ the window, please.5. Lucy has tolook after her brotherafter school.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Lucy _ to _ after school?五、完形填空Mothers Day is on the _1_ Sunday in May every year. This year its on May 8th. Its _2_ a holiday in some other _3_. It is a day to _4_ mothers. On that day, mothers usually _5_ flowers and cards. On cards children often _6_ “Thanks mum” “To the _7_ mother in the world.” “Best wishes _8_ Mothers Day.” “Thank you for making me _9_,” and so on. Some families often go out and try to do _10_ for their mothers. Its a good day to let your mum take a rest. What are you going to do for your mother next year?1. A. twoB. threeC. secondD. fourth2. A. alsoB. likeC. tooD. as3. A. townB. villageC. cityD. countries4. A. loveB. helpC. celebrateD. thank5. A. giveB. getC. keepD. buy6. A. sayB. writeC. wishD. give7. A. goodB. bestC. betterD. nice8. A. forB. toC. withD. on9. A. happyB. freeC. sadD. busy10. A. nice somethingB. anything niceC. something niceD. nice nothing六、阅读理解Most people have jobs. Some people are lucky(幸运的), and they make lots of money. But some are not. They dont like their jobs because they make a little money. The best jobs are often very difficult. People take a long time to learn how to do them. Doctors have to go on(继续)studying for six years after finishing school.Some young people have interesting jobs and they get lots of money. Soccer and tennis stars are usually under 35 years old. Older(更大岁数的)people usually cannot play these sports very well.A lot of people read the newspaper ads, because they want to find better jobs or get new jobs.1. A doctor studies for _ years after finishing school.A. thirty-fiveB. sixC. more than six2. Soccer and tennis stars are usually _.A. older peopleB. 35 years oldC. young people3. A famous(著名的)tennis star can make _ money.A. a littleB. manyC. a lot of4. If a man doesnt have a job, he may _.A. learn how to be luckyB. watch soccer or tennisC. read the newspaper ads5. From the passage(短文), we know _.A. the best jobs are usually very easyB. old people can also play soccer and tennis very wellC. some young people have good jobs and make much money七、任务型阅读The summer vacation is the best part of the year for most American children. The weather is usually good, so they can have a good time outdoors. If one lives in the countryside he or she may have fun playing in the woods(树林)or fields. If one lives in a city, he or she likes to go to a park to play.Tom, an American boy, enjoys traveling very much. He always travels in his country. This summer, he wants to do something different. He is interested in Chinese history. So he is going toBeijingandXianby plane. He is leaving on the 15th of July and getting back toNew Yorkon the last day of the month. He plans to have a fantastic vacation. During the day, he is visiting places of interest and shopping. At night, he is talking walks to enjoy night views. Hes sure hell have a wonderful vacation.根据短文内容补全句子:1. Tom comes from _.2. Children in the _ like to play in the park.3. The weather in summer is usually _.4. This summer, Tom is going to _ on vacation.5. Tom is going back home on _ 31st.【试题答案】一、1. straight2. magazines3. Remember4. delicious5. dangerous二、1. visitors2. talking3. sunny4. to swim5. went6. funny7. telling8. friendly9. to be10. Dont arrive三、15 CDBCD610 AADAC四、1. What do look like2. How do like3. What are doing4. Dont close5. What does have do五、15 CADDB610 BBAAC六、BCCBC七、1.America/ theUSA2. city3. good/ fine4.China5. July

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