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冀教版八校2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中联考试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Lin Tao cant play _ chess, but he can play _ guitar.A . the; theB . /; theC . the; /D . /; /2. (2分)Is this your book?No. Its not . Its .A . my; hisB . mine; hersC . me; him3. (2分) Finding information is not a big deal today.一Well, the is how we can tell whether the information is useful or not.A . courageB . messageC . knowledgeD . challenge4. (2分)A _ man is a person who has courage when he is in difficult or dangerous situations.A . friendlyB . braveC . smart5. (2分)Because of Project Hope, children have better lives A . thousandB . thousandsC . thousand ofD . thousands of6. (2分)While I was walking along the lake, I saw some fishout of the water.A . jumpedB . jumpingC . to jump7. (2分)A woman stood _ the window,watching the children playing games in the garden( )A . pastB . throughC . acrossD . by8. (2分)Our Chinese teacher didnt go to bed he finished his work last night.A . ifB . untilC . sinceD . because9. (2分)_ that the scientist will give us a talk next month?A . Is trueB . Is it trueC . Its trueD . Its truly10. (2分) Can you come and play football with me? . I have a lot of homework to do.A . Yes, I can.B . No, You cantC . Im afraid notD . Id like to二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city. You hop on(跨上)it and1. But wait-isnt this stealing? No, it isnt.2shouts, Stop! Thief! That is3this free ride is just fine with the city.You4find hundreds of free yellow bikes in some US cities. The idea began in Portland, Oregon, in 1994. People saw a need for5transportation, and they wanted to help6pollution. So, to get citizens(市民)7their cars and onto pollution-free bikes, they8the Yellow Bike Project.The9bikes are painted bright yellow and placed throughout the city. People can hop on the yellow bike and ride to run errands(短程差事), to work10to school. Then, they leave the bike for the11rider. There have been times when bikes have been stolen, but most people12the rules, because they think it is not wise to13the bike thats already free.Portlands14was quickly loved by a lot of people. Within two years of its start, similar programs were15in cities in six other states.(1)A . drive away B . ride away C . ride back D . run away (2)A . No one B . Someone C . Anyone D . Everyone (3)A . whether B . so C . because D . though (4)A . have to B . dont have to C . cant D . can (5)A . expensive B . crowded C . free D . common (6)A . protect B . control C . make D . bring (7)A . out of B . into C . up D . near (8)A . ended B . started C . changed D . refused (9)A . public B . private C . clean D . dirty (10)A . but B . as C . until D . or (11)A . next B . last C . best D . first (12)A . break B . make C . discuss D . follow (13)A . buy B . repair C . produce D . steal (14)A . citizen B . street C . idea D . school (15)A . looked up B . made up C . put up D . set up 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)12. (10分)阅读理解Brazil is among the top destinations(目的地)if you are looking to have fun in the sun, on the sand and in the water. Here are some hotels in Brazil.Whitepod Hotel The hotel was built in 1998 using local wood and it was filled with local artworks and furniture. You can find hundreds of local plant species in the gardens here. There are only ten rooms here going for US $ 183 a night including meals, beverages, snacks and a local guide. A good deal indeed.Free Spirit Hotel The popularity of the beach started way back in the 1970s, when surfers(冲浪者)from all over the world discovered the waves here. Today, a lot of people are also gathering here to see sea turtles and dolphins. Besides, a lot of materials used to build the hotel were recycled stuff. This hotel has thirty one rooms. It costs US$ 180 per night to stay.Ice Hotel The rooms here are named after colors, so you can expect it to sound like a rainbow when you hear the staff talking about their rooms. The furniture is mostly hand-crafted. It is a winner in terms of its location, since it is in the historic colonial (殖民的)town of Parati, half way between Rio de Janerio and Sao Paulo. It does not have a restaurant, but you can order some food to bring to your room. The hotel only has nine rooms, which you can get for US$ 468 a night.Seven Hotel This hotel is located on an island hill with views of a beach nearby. The water in the bathroom is solar heated in case you want some warm water for your shower. Back in 2006, about a fifth of the place was tagged as an ecological(生态的)reserve. You can enjoy a night here for US$ 190 per night.(1)If you want to see sea turtles and dolphins, which hotel should you choose? A . Whitepod HotelB . Free Spirit HotelC . Ice HotelD . Seven Hotel(2)In the Ice Hotel_. A . you can enjoy a rainbow inside your roomB . you can enjoy free snacksC . there is no restaurantD . there are many local hand-crafted artworks(3)How much should a person pay for two nights at Seven Hotel? A . US$366B . US$380C . US$360D . US$936(4)Which of the following statements is TRUE? A . The Whitepod hotel was built with recycled stuff.B . A local guide is provided at the Free Spirit Hotel.C . There are seven rooms in the Seven Hotel.D . The Ice Hotel is located in a good place.(5)Where can this passage be found, most probably? A . A geography magazineB . A travel bookletC . A police reportD . A fashion website13. (8分)阅读理解Artificial intelligence (AI, 人工智能) can help us make phone calls. It can guide us to where we want to go. It can play games. And now, AI can do even more things.Researchers from Microsoft have created the first machine translation system that can translate news articles from Chinese to English, Business Standard reported.According to Microsofts official website, researchers tested the system by asking it to translate hundreds of sentences taken from news stories. Then, language experts compared the results to two translations that were done by humans. The experts concluded that the systems translations were as good as the human translations.Machine translation is always challenging. This is partly because different words can be used to express the same meaning. It can be hard to say which word is more “correct”.Experts used several methods to improve the systems translation abilities. “Much of our research is really inspired (得到启发) by how we humans do things,” lead researcher Liu Tieyan said.One method is called dual learning. In this method, the system translates every sentence from Chinese to English, as well as translates the sentences back from English into Chinese. This way, the system can improve itself and learn from its own mistakes. This is similar to what humans do to make sure their translations are accurate (准确的).Another method makes use of deliberation networks . The researchers taught the system to repeat the process of translating the same sentence over and over. Gradually, the system can improve the quality of its translations. This is similar to how people revise their own writing by going through it again and again.(1)Microsoft created a system that can _. A . make phone callsB . give people directionsC . play games with peopleD . translate news articles(2)What did the experts say about the systems translations? A . They were not accurate.B . They were as good as human translations.C . They were better than human translations.D . Its hard to tell whether the translations were correct.(3)Dual learning trains the system to translate _.A . more quicklyB . different sentencesC . more accuratelyD . the same sentence repeatedly(4)What is the main idea of the story? A . What artificial intelligence can do for us.B . How sentences are translated from Chinese to English.C . How the machine translation system was developed.D . Why Microsoft created a machine translation system.14. (6分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Cats are creatures of habit. They like to go to sleep about the same time every day and for a certain length of time. They seem to have a natural clock inside them that tells them when to sleep. Cats increase their regular sleep with occasional cat naps(打盹). Some experts feel that humans could also benefit from this habit. Cat naps help to build up energy in the body. They are also a good way to get rid of trouble! Since cats have the same moods as humans, some experts believe that people can improve their moods. People might become happier.A number of famous people have copied cats by taking cat naps during the day. The naps would usually last from 15 to 30 minutes. Winston Churchill took cat naps. So did Presidents Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson. These famous men were known for their energy. They were also able to work long hours, often into the night. Napping was their secret.(1)Naps usually last _.A . three hoursB . less than half an hourC . forty-five minutesD . fifty-five minutes(2)Taking cat naps _.A . will make person lazy and tiredB . is a bad habitC . will make people feel betterD . can help people to become famous(3)Which of the following statements is NOT true?A . People should take their naps secretly.B . Cats have the same moods as people.C . Some famous people take cat naps.D . Some people have full energy after they take cat naps.四、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)选词填空 play take think live minute(1)The bus ride usually_about 30 minutes. (2)My aunt_25 kilometers from here. (3)I think I can learn_the piano. (4)Can you_about my idea(主意)? (5)Its five_walk. 五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)单词拼写Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city. You hop on(跨上)it and r_away. But waitisnt this stealing? No, it isnt. No one shouts, “Stop! Thief!” That is b_this free ride is just fine with the city.You can find hundreds of free yellow bikes in some US cities. The idea began in Portland, Oregon, in 1994. People saw a need for free transportation, and they wanted to help c_pollution. So, to get citizens(市民) o_of their cars and onto pollution-free bikes, they s_the Yellow Bike Project.The public bikes are painted bright yellow and placed all o_the city. People can hop on the yellow bike and ride to run errands(短程差事), to work o_to school. Then, they leave the bike for the n_rider. There have been times when bikes have been stolen, but most people f_the rules, because they think it is not wise to steal the bike thats already free.Portlands i_was quickly loved by a lot of people. Within two years of its starts, similar programs were set up in cities in six other states.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)Imagine you are going on a short study vacation at a school in an Englishspeaking country. Write a polite letter to the school asking for information you want to know. In your letter, you should : introduce yourselftell the person the course you will study: English politely ask for he following information:the time of the course;where to stay;where and what to eat;what activities to do;how to travel to school.Thank the person for helping you.注意:信件需要涵盖以上所有要点,可适当发挥;文中不能出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;词数:80 词左右。开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数).Dear Mr.Miller,Im Li Ping from Yangfan Middle School.I would like to thank you for your help and Im looking forward to your reply.Yours truly,Li Ping第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)16-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)17-1、


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