人教版2020年九年级英语统—练习(二)(II )卷.doc

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人教版2020年九年级英语统练习(二)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1. (0.5分)collection can help make money. A . She; herB . His; heC . Her; herD . He; him2. (0.5分)You must be careful when you swim the lake. A . acrossB . belowC . over3. (0.5分)_ do you play ping-pong? Four times a week.A . How longB . How manyC . How often4. (0.5分) How can we get to the airport? Leis lake the airport bus. It _ only 20 minutes and its cheaper than taking a taxi.A . takesB . spendsC . costsD . pays5. (0.5分)Jenny will get up than usual in order to catch the first bus. A . earlyB . very earlyC . earlierD . earliest6. (0.5分)Ill give the book to him if he _ here next Sunday. A . will comeB . comesC . is coming7. (0.5分)The trousers _nice. Please_. A . looks, try it onB . looks, try on themC . look, try them onD . look, try on them8. (0.5分)The little cat _ a sound _ a whisper. A . made;likeB . make;likeC . makes;asD . make;as9. (0.5分) _ did your uncle leave his home town? Let me see. He _ for nearly 20 years.A . When; has been awayB . When; has leftC . How long; has leftD . How long; has been away10. (0.5分)She is a singer _ an actress. A . as well asB . so wellC . as wellD . as11. (0.5分) Look, there is a lot of litter in the river. Yes, its said that 80 per cent of fish in this river _ live long.A . doesntB . dontC . isntD . arent12. (0.5分) I wonder _ at 6:00 yesterday afternoon. I was doing my homework in the reading room.A . what you were doingB . what did you doC . what were you doingD . what you are doing二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13. (8分)完形填空。 It is 1Saturday morning. Helen and 2brother, Tom, are taking a walk in the zoo. There are 3of public signs in the park. They mean different things. Helen knows a lot 4them. But Tom5.Suddenly Helen 6a boy climb the tree. She shouts at that boy,7climb the tree.8you see the sign over there?The boy jumps off the tree soon. Tom points 9the sign in the garden and says to Helen, So the sign over there10we shouldnt climb trees, right?(1)A . on B . in C . / D . under (2)A . she B . his C . he D . her (3)A . many B . lots C . lot D . much (4)A . about B . of C . for D . off (5)A . isnt B . not C . doesnt D . arent (6)A . looks at B . sees C . looks D . look for (7)A . Not B . Cant C . Dont D . Only (8)A . Do B . Is C . Are D . Cant (9)A . to B . off C . for D . in (10)A . mean B . means C . are D . meaning 三、 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14. (6分)阅读理解 My dear son,Your letter of last week reached us yesterday, and I only have $13 left at present, which I will send to you with this letter. I may sell the other pig next week and meet the need of what you wanted. I will probably have to wear the old overcoat to meetings again this winter, but that doesnt matter as long as you are getting education(教育).I want you to be well educated so that you can go anywhere and spell the hardest word. I want you to be able to go among the Romans or the Medes and Persians and talk to any of them in their own language. I never had any advantages when I was a boy, but your mother and I decided that we would support(支持) your learning no matter how much it may take though it means cutting down our daily living costs.I hope you will get your education as cheap as you can, for it is a big job for your mother and me to pay the school fees. I knew education comes high but I didnt know the clothes also cost so much. Now look at that basketball suit, and that bathing suit, and that lawn-tennis suit, I dont care about the money, because you say a young man cant really educate himself successfully and completely without them, but I wish youd send home what you get through with this fall, and I will wear them through the winter under my other clothes. We have much colder winters here than we used to, or else I am failing in bodily health. Last winter I tried to go through without underclothes, the way I did when I was a boy, but a Manitoba wave came down our way and picked me out of a crowd.I am not much of a mean man, so you will have to excuse this letter. We are all quite well, except your old grandpa, whose shoulders badly hurt, and hope this will find you enjoying the same great blessing.Your father(1)The son wrote to his parents in order to _. A . ask his parents to wear more clothes in winterB . show his great concern about his grandpas healthC . ask his parents for money to buy some new clothesD . tell his parents about his present performance at school(2)In Paragraph 2, the father is mainly expressing his _. A . prideB . worriesC . amazementD . expectations(3)What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 mean? A . The father suffered from a bad cold.B . The weather changed greatly those days.C . The villagers laughed at the fathers clothes.D . The house was broken because of the cold weather.(4)What do we know about the father from the letter? A . He is actually very mean with his money.B . He is quite worried about the high school fees.C . He likes to do whatever he can to support his son.D . He cares a lot about his sons grades at school.15. (6分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I believe you all have seen Marvel moviesbefore. But do you know who created those superheroes? Its Stan Lee, the father of Marvel. People of all ages love him.Stan Lee was born in America in 1922. His real name is Stanley Lieber but his pen name is much more famous. With the help of his uncle, Lee became an assistant* in Marvel in 1939. During that time, he was paid only 8 dollars a month. In 1941, his first work Captain America came out and later he became the main comic bookwriter and editor. He created more than 80% of Marvels characters, such as Iron Man and Spiderman, so he became as well-known as those characters.Lee carefully designed the Marvel world so that we can see most of the superheroes in it together. And e even became a character in his stories and played a role of his comic book heroes.The following is what he once said, I was embarrassed* before, because I thought I was just a comic book writer while other people were doing great things. But then I began to realize that entertainmentis one of the most important things in peoples lives. I feel that if you are able to entertain, you are doing a good thing. Without it, they might go off the deep end.Lee died in 2018 at the age of 95. Though he has left, his superheroes will keep living on.(1)Stan Lee started to work in Marvel in _. A . 1922B . 1939C . 1941D . 2018(2)Stan Lee became famous because of _. A . his pen nameB . his long lifeC . his first workD . his Marvels characters(3)From Paragragh 4, we can know _. A . Lees job was not helpful or meaningful.B . Lee didnt like being a comic book writerC . entertainment is very important in our livesD . more and more people should do a good thing(4)We may find the passage in a _. A . sports newspaperB . people magazineC . story bookD . guide book16. (6分)阅读理解 One day a king went to a faraway place in his country. When he came back, his feet hurt a lot. There are too many small stones on the roads. They hurt my feet. You should cover every road with leather(皮革), he told his men. Of course, it would cost a lot of money. One of his men was very smart. He told the king, Why not cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet? The king was surprised, and he agreed to the mans idea. He asked his men to make a pair of leather shoes for him.Maybe this is not the beginning of leather shoes. But it teaches us a lesson of life: if you want to make this world a happy place to live in, the best way is to change yourself, not the world.(1)What happened to the king after his trip? A . He lost his feet.B . His feet hurt.C . His shoes were broken.D . Fe lost many stones.(2)What did the king want to do at first? A . Cover all the roads with leather.B . Cover all the roads with stones.C . Make himself a pair of leather shoes.D . Buy himself lots of new shoes.(3)The kings idea was _. A . cheapB . boringC . expensiveD . exciting(4)What did the king do at last? A . Take away all the stones on the roads.B . Kill cows to get enough leather.C . Ask others to make a pair of leather shoes for him.D . Stop travelling around the country.17. (8分)阅读理解 Interesting festivals in the worldThrowing tomatoes-Spain(西班牙)Spain takes tomato fights to a whole new level. But the tomatoes are being thrown, not eaten. The festival takes place on the last Wednesday in August, Trucks(卡车) carry tomatoes into the square. People rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd. Rolling cheese -EnglandThis festival is celebrated in May. It takes place on Coppers Hill. A large wheel of cheese(奶酪) is rolled down Coppers Hill, The festival is actually a race where people run down the hill after the rolling cheese. The first person to cross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese. Burning man -The United StatesThe Burning Man Festival is held annually, spanning from the last Sunday in August to the first Monday in September(Labor Day). The festival takes place in Black Rock Desert. The best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture of a man. Pouring water-ThailandThe Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in Thailand. Rather than a single day, Thailand celebrates the New Year from April 13th to April 15th. Thai people run after each other, pouring water. Songkran is one of the most important reasons why foreigners travel to the beautiful land. (1)Where will you probably go to enjoy one of the festivals above in May? A . Spain.B . England.C . The United States.D . Thailand.(2)Which activity is held in Black Rock Desert? A . Throwing tomatoes.B . Rolling cheese.C . Burning man.D . Pouring water.(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . The tomatoes are thrown into the crowd to eat.B . Not all the festivals above fall on a single day.C . Burning a large real man is the best part of the Burning Man Festival.D . Songkran is the only reason for attracting lots of tourists.四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThere was an old mule(骡子). One day accidentally he fell into the farmers well. The farmer thought for a while and said to himself that neither the well nor the old mule was important to him. So he decided to use soil to bury the old mule in the well.Then the farmer called his neighbours and they started to put the soil into the well together. The old mule was quite afraid in the beginning. But soon one hopeful idea came to his mind - every time when a shovel(铁铲) of soil landed on his back, he would shake it off and step up!He said these words to himself again and again, Shake it off and step up. This way he could fight against the panic (恐慌) and encourage himself. After some time, the mule had stepped over the wells wall. Although terribly tired, he was the winner and he saved his own life. He decided to face his difficulty bravely and not to give up, and finally he won.(1)Why didnt the farmer want to save the mule? A . Because he thought the well should be buried.B . Because his neighbours thought the mule was useless.C . Because both the well and the mule were useless for him.D . Because he didnt have the ability to save the mule.(2)How did the mule feel when people began to put the soil into the well? A . He was happy.B . He was in fear.C . He was excited.D . He was sad.(3)Which of the following is the most useful for the mule to save himself ? A . The soil.B . The shovel.C . The neighbours.D . The farmer.(4)What do you think of the mule?A . Foolish.B . Perfect.C . Helpful.D . Clever.(5)What can we learn from the story? A . Use everything you can when you are in trouble.B . Never give up when you are in trouble.C . Have your own ideas when you are in trouble.D . Always keep careful when you are in trouble.五、 书面表达(10分) (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)英语课堂上老师组织了一次“烦恼向谁倾诉”的话题讨论。请你根据下表内容,写一篇短文,陈述讨论结果。 StudentsOpinionsReasonsmosttalk to friendscan be trusted, share secretssomeask parents for helphave more experience要求:1)短文应包含表中所给信息,并适当增加观点及理由;2)词数:80一100。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总同数。Hello, everyone. We discussed Who should you turn to when you are in trouble? in class and here are the results. Thats all. Thanks.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13-1、三、 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、17-1、17-2、17-3、四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、五、 书面表达(10分) (共1题;共10分)19-1、

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