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上海新世纪版中招第一次模拟考试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)hero in this story is ugly duck. A . A; theB . The; aC . The; anD . A; an2. (2分)July is the _ month of a year.A . fifthB . sixthC . seventhD . ninth3. (2分)After the artist draws a picture, he often puts it _ the newspaper or _ TV.A . on; onB . on; inC . in; onD . in; in4. (2分)Sally knocked on the door but answered. A . somebodyB . nobodyC . Everybody5. (2分)- What do you think of the football match?- Wonderful! The Chinese football team has never played _.A . worseB . worstC . betterD . best6. (2分)- What _ the number of the students in your school?- About two thousand. A number of them _ from the countryside.A . is, areB . is, isC . are, isD . are, are7. (2分)There _ a football game tomorrow evening, and I must stay at home to watch it. A . is going to beB . isC . is going to haveD . has8. (2分)The purple coat looks very nice, may I_?Sure.A . try on itB . try it onC . try them on9. (2分)I _ her the answer if she _ me. A . can tell; will askB . will tell; will askC . will tell; asks10. (2分)Listen! They _ a Christmas song.A . singB . is singingC . singsD . are singing11. (2分)Neither of the young men who had tried to get the job in the company _.A . has been acceptedB . had been acceptedC . was acceptedD . accepted12. (2分) Which of the two magazines will you take? Ill take_ though I find _ of them are very useful to me.A . all; bothB . either; eitherC . either; neitherD . either; both13. (2分)The skirt _ is made of silk is very expensive. I cant afford it.A . whatB . itC . thatD . /14. (2分)Linda, you are good at swimming. Who taught you _? Nobody. I taught _.A . swim; meB . swimming; myselfC . to swim; meD . to swim; myself15. (2分)James has just arrived, but I didnt know he _ until yesterday. A . will comeB . is comingC . was comingD . comes二、 完形填空 (共1题;共12分)16. (12分) There was once a boy whose greatest dream was to have a rocket(火箭), and send it up to the moon. Unluckily, he had little money and couldnt1one. One day, at the side of a path, he found a box for one of his 2kinds of rocket. Opening it, he found there was only one rocket3, made of paper, the result of a factory malfunction(故障). The boy was very disappointed, but at least he now finally had a rocket of sorts. He started 4his plans. For many days he collected paper of all the shapes, sizes and colours; and with all his soul(灵魂)he 5 drawing, cutting, sticking and colouring all the stars and6that would turn his rocket into an outer space in paper form.It wasnt an easy job, but the final result was so excellent. From then on, the boy 7playing with his paper rocket every day. One day, a friend came, and in the boys bedroom he saw that excellent sight. The friend offered to exchange it with the boy, for a real rocket he had at home. The boy 8accepted. Since then, each day, playing with his new rocket, the boy would 9more and more his old paper rocket, with its planets, stars and all the rest.10 he had much preferred playing with that one. He realized that it was more fun playing with toys he had made himself, with great 11and enthusiasm(热情).And so it was, that the boy started12all his toys by himself, and when he grew up he became the greatest toy-maker in the whole world.(1)A . make B . borrow C . afford D . sell (2)A . latest B . favourite C . useful D . best (3)A . above B . beside C . nearby D . inside (4)A . giving up B . talking about C . choosing D . preparing (5)A . set about B . went on C . put off D . worried about (6)A . moon B . planets C . earth D . sun (7)A . stopped B . hated C . continued D . enjoyed (8)A . happily B . sadly C . carefully D . hurriedly (9)A . take B . care C . miss D . add (10)A . Really B . However C . Besides D . Interestingly (11)A . success B . effort C . danger D . difficulty (12)A . selling B . colouring C . building D . collecting 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B 、C和D)中选出最佳选项。AThis is a tale of two friends one is blind, the other has no arms. On their own, the two are disabled. But together, they are a powerful team that has changed part of their village in North Chinas Hebei Province into a rich, green forest. Meet 53-year-old Jia Haixia and Jia Wenqi!Their story began in 2000, when Haixia, who was already blind in his right eye, lost his left one after an illness. Wenqi lost his arms in an accident when he was just three. Neither could find a job, so the two decided to team up. They rented some poor land and began to plant trees. In return, the local officials paid them a small fee. Haixia and Wenqi never imagined that they would end up creating an environmental paradise. Their forest now has over 10,000 trees, hundreds of birds and many other wild animals. In addition, it saves the village from river flooding during the rainy season.When the friends work together, they focus on their strengths not their disabilities. Their day begins at 7 a.m. when the sightless Haixia carries Wenqi across the river to get to their worksite. Since they cannot afford to buy young trees to plant, the two use branches from existing trees. Haixia climbs to the tree-top and with Wenqis direction, selects the perfect branch. He then digs a hole and carefully plants it. Finally Wenqi waters the area. Though hard-working, the men dont make much money. But as Wenqi puts it, We stand on our own feet, so the fruits of our work taste sweeter.Neither Haixia nor Wenqi cares about money. Together, they already have everything they need - a perfect pair of eyes, two strong hands, and the best friendship in the world! (1)Why did Haixia and Wenqi start working together?A . Haixia needed someone to help him.B . They both needed a way to make money.C . They wanted to improve the environment. D . They were required to do so by local offcials.(2)Haixia and Wenqis forest has helped the village by _.A . stopping floods in the rainy seasonB . increasing the number of touristsC . making the villagers richerD . providing more farmland(3)Why do Haixia and Wenqi plant tree branches?A . They are easy to get.B . They do not cost money.C . They can grow very quickly.D . They are preferred by animals.(4)In paragraph 4, when Wenqi says We stand on our own feet, so the fruits of our work taste sweeter, he means that _.A . they hope to make the forest even betterB . the fruits from their trees are very sweetC . they are proud not to depend on othersD . they are able to do any difficult work(5)What can we learn from this story?A . Never give up and you will succeed.B . We should help the disabled to work.C . Try your best when facing difficulties.D . We can achieve more with teamwork.18. (10分)Which animal do you think is the king of the animals, the elephant, the lion or the tiger? They are all large and strong. But I think the tiger is the king of the animals. If you watch carefully, you can find some black lines on the tigers forehead(前额). The lines look like the Chinese word WANG. The word means the king of the world in Chinese.Most of the tigers come from China and India. Tigers are dangerous animals. They look scary(吓人的). They like eating meat. They have yellow fur with black lines. They usually weigh about 200 to 300kg. Tigers can run fast. They run at a speed of 20 meters per second.Some people think they are dangerous. But they dont know tigers are in danger now. There are only 20 to 30 wild South China Tigers in China and less than 300 in the world. Lots of people kill them for their fur. We should take action to protect them.(1)Which animal does the writer think is the king of the animals ?A . The elephant.B . The lion.C . The tiger.D . The lion and the tiger.(2)Some black lines on the tigers forehead look like _.A . 王B . 汪C . 主D . 丰(3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A . Tigers like eating meat.B . All of the tigers come from China.C . Tigers usually weigh about 200 to 300 kg.D . Tigers can run at a speed of 20 meters per second.(4)How many wild South China Tigers are there in China?A . There are less than 20.B . There are only 20 to 30.C . There are less than 200.D . There are less than 300.(5)Why do you think the tigers are in danger?A . Because the tigers couldnt find enough food to eat.B . Because lots of people kill them for their safety.C . Because lots of people think they are dangerous.D . Because lots of people kill them for their fur.19. (8分)阅读下面短文,然后从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。CLearn English speaking FREE with TalkEnglish.com. Our goal is to help you learn English speaking so you can speak English fluently. Improve your spoken English free!Steps to learn English.To become a fluent English speaker, you must study and master reading, listening, and speaking. At TalkEnglish.com, the lessons are structured(打造) to give you practice in all three areas at the same time.Reading Step 1: IdentifySpeaking English Fluency Step 2: UnderstandListening Step 3: IntegrateA complete and effective solution to Learn English speaking.TalkEnglish.com developed the Click, Listen, and Repeat functionality(功能). In most of the lessons, you read the sentence, click on the sentence to listen to the sentence, and then you can practice speaking by repeating after the audio file(音频文件) provided by a native English speaker. This method improves your reading, speaking, and listening all at the same time and makes learning English easy. You will improve your English speaking using this method.(1)Whats the goal of the TalkEnglish.com ?A . To help people learn English speaking.B . To make a lot of money.C . To tell people three steps to learn English.D . To tell people the importance of English.(2)Which three areas are structured to give learners practice at the same time?A . 激动的B . 流利的C . 容易的D . 幽默的(3)Which of the following is NOT true?A . TalkEnglish.com is a website for learning English.B . The audio file can make learning English very easy.C . Anyone can master English on TalkEnglish.com.D . You can click on the sentence to listen to the sentence.(4)The passage may be from a(n) _.A . textB . magazineC . adD . travel guide四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)任务型阅读Dear Linda,_As I told you yesterday, I am in Rome today. Tomorrow we are getting the train down to the south of the country and then a ship across to Greece_We started in England and we spent two days in London and another day in CanterburyWe visited a lot of places and enjoyed its historyAnd the only bad thing was the weather-it rained the whole time we were there. Can you believe it?_Well, I have to say I prefer the American Disneyland. But we met some nice people from Canada and spent two great days with themOne of them,Clive,is going to your university next yearWhat a coincidence!_After that. We went south into Switzerland. It was very expensive and we couldnt stay as long as we wanted, so thats why were in Italy now!_See you soon.Mike根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选择,使文章意思通畅、内容完整。A. OK. Thats enough from me for now. I want to post this letter now so you can get it by the weekend.B. I cant wait to arrive in Athens to see all that history. Let me tell you something about where we have visited so far. I know you want to come here on vacation too one day!C. Clive and his wife left us once we got to Germany by train. They went up into Denmark but we continued to Munich. Wow what a great city! I bought you a surprise gift there. I hope you like it.D. At least when we got to Paris, the sun was shining! We only stayed for one afternoon in the French capital because my friends really wanted to visit Euro Disney which is to the east of Paris.E. How are things with you? It was great talking to you yesterday by phone.五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)Hangzhouhua (杭州话):use it or lose itThere are about 6.000 languages in the world and some experts say that as many as half of these languages will disappear(消失) in the next one hundred years. Will Hangzhouhua be one of _? Its a _ that more people are asking.In China, Putonghua is the official language. That _ its the language of government, business and the media (媒体). And its also the language that is_ in schools.Hangzhou is a special city. It used to be the capital of Wu and Yue States in the 10th century during the Five Dynasties period. Now it is modern, fashionable and also beautiful. And Hangzhouhua shows that by being modern, fashionable and beautiful.Young people still speak Hangzhouhua but not as _ as their parents and grandparents. They are under more and more pressure to speak Putonghua. So the language is being used_ often in everyday life. Some people want to keep the language from disappearing completely _ building museums and having cultural festivals to save it. But a language isnt a painting _a book. Its a living thing and you _ use it or lose it.If people _ using it in their daily lives, a museum or a festival will not help. It will be lost forever, like the Yangtze River dolphin.六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the bus stop, please?B: _You can ask that cleaner over there.A: _B: You are welcome!A: Excuse me. _C: Yes. Walk along this road, and turn left at the first crossing. _A: Thanks a lot.C: _A. Thank you all the same!B. Thats OK.C. Is there a bus stop near here?D. Where is the bus stop?E. Thank you very much.F. Im sorry. I dont know.G. Its about 100 meters along on the left.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假如你是李磊,请根据提示写一篇短文介绍自己。1. 两年前生活习惯不好,常感冒. 总是一个人待在家里。2. 医生建议要有健康的生活方式。3. 我早睡早起,不吃垃圾食品,吃更多蔬菜,喝更多牛奶和水。4. 锻炼身体和好的饮食习惯帮助我取得了好成绩。 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共12分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)22-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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