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人教版七年级下学期英语期中测试C卷一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)What do you think of Tom?He is _ honest boy. He can play _ piano very well.A . a; anB . an; aC . an; theD . a; /2. (2分)A(n) is someone who is good at music and let music be his or her job. A . farmerB . inventorC . musician3. (2分)(2015.上海)The little dancer from Australia looks _ in the long skirt.A . gentlyB . happilyC . beautifullyD . lovely4. (2分) Are those your friends? No, _. They are my cousins.A . he isB . those arentC . he isntD . they arent.5. (2分)- Excuse me, _? - Turn right, and youll see it. Which of the following is NOT right?A . where is the post officeB . which is the way to the post officeC . how can I get to the post officeD . the way to the post office6. (2分)Nancy has a big apartment. She wants to _ it _ others. A . rent; toB . rent; fromC . borrow; toD . borrow; from7. (2分) _ you play soccer? Yes, I can. _ you have a soccer ball? No, I dont.A . Can; DoB . Do; CanC . Can; CanD . Do; Do8. (2分)Listen ! Who _in the room?Lets go and see.A . is cryingB . cryingC . cryD . cries9. (2分) Miss Wangs class is very interesting. _We all like her class very much.A . Thats for sure.B . I dont think so.C . Is that OK?D . Here you are.10. (2分)Our new English teacher is a pretty lady long hair. A . withB . forC . atD . in11. (2分)My mother finds interesting to learn to drive a car.A . itB . thisC . thatD . what12. (2分)_ a kite makes the boy_ very happy A . Flying; feelsB . Flying; feelC . Fly; feelsD . Fly; feel13. (2分) ? I have a cold and headache.A . Do you have a cold?B . How do you do?C . What are you like?D . Whats the matter with you?14. (2分)(2015兰州)What does the sign mean?A . No parking. B . No photos. C . No eating. D . No smoking.15. (2分)Sweet appearances are very important for girls.But I think a beautiful heart is more important.A . Sweet voicesB . Good looksC . High qualities二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。 When I was 13 years old, a boy gave me an important gift. It was a 1. It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school and my old school was far away. 2, no one knew who I was. I was very lonely and afraid to make friends with 3.Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing. I 4my heart break. I couldnt talk to anyone about my problems, and I didnt want my parents to 5 me. Then one day, my classmates talked happily with their friends, but I sat at my desk 6as usual. At that moment, a boy entered the classroom. I didnt know who he was. He passed me and then turned back. He 7me and without a word, smiled.Suddenly I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It 8me feel happily, lively and warm. That smile changed my life. I started to talk with the other students and made friends. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smile 9my best friend now.I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think you are lonely, you might always be alone. So smile at the world and it will 10.(1)A . smile B . magazine C . box D . camera (2)A . As usual B . As a result C . The same as D . Such as (3)A . someone B . everyone C . anyone D . nobody (4)A . tasted B . smelled C . feared D . felt (5)A . hear about B . talk about C . care for D . worry about (6)A . slowly B . politely C . unhappily D . naturally (7)A . listened to B . looked at C . took pride in D . rushed at (8)A . made B . led C . offered D . threw (9)A . has become B . became C . become D . is becoming (10)A . look back B . come back C . turn back D . smile back 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17. (10分)阅读理解(D)Every boy wants to find treasureAnd Tom was no different. One summer day Tom told Huck about his ideaWhere can we look for treasure?asked HuckIts hidden on islands,under dead trees,but mostly under the floors in haunted(闹鬼的) housesSo,one Saturday afternoon Tom and his friend went to look for treasure as the haunted house on Cardiff HillIt was a quiet and lonely which made the boys feel very frightenedThey entered quietly,and explored downstairsEverything was old,broken and dirtyThey threw their tools in a corner and walked upstairs,but there was nothing thereThey were just about to go downstairs and start digging when Tom stoppedWhat is it?whispered Huck,going white with frightKeep quiet! Theres someone downstairsThe boys lay down,looking through the holes in the wooden floorThere were two men downstairsOne was an old Spaniard in a wide sombrero hat and the other was duty and unpleasantlookingTom and Hack shook with fear when they heard the Spaniard speak because they found it was Injun Joe He said,Its time for us to move,partnerWhat will we do with the 650formtherobbery(抢劫)?Letskeep30each and leave the bag hereThe dirty man went to the fireplace and moved a stoneThen he lifted out a bag full of money and look out some coinsThe two boys forgot all their fears when they saw there was real treasure downstairsThen Indian Joe started digging a hole with his knife and the knife hit somethingWhat is it?asked the other manIts a box,said Indian JoeAnd he put in his hand and pulled out a handful of gold coinsThe other man found the boystools,and they soon pulled out the boxWheres thousands of dollars in there,Said Indian JoeThe Murrell Gang used this area one summer,said his partnerThey most have hidden their money hereWhat will we do with this,Joe?Will we bury(埋)it again?No,someone might find it,said Indian JoeLets bury it in the member two den(巢穴)Tom and Huck got up as soon as the two men leftThey decided to watch out for theman in the sombrerowhen he came to town and find out where the member two den was(1)Where did the two boys go to find treasure one Saturday afternoon? A . To a haunted houseB . To a small islandC . To some dead treesD . To a faraway den(2)Who does the underlined wordHerefer to? A . TomB . HunkC . Indian JoeD . The dirty man(3)Where was the bag of money probably from? A . The two men robbed others of itB . Some villagers hid it thereC . The owner of the house left it thereD . Tom and Huck buried it there(4)Which is the right order of what happened in the story? aThe two boys threw their tools in a cornerbThe duty man lifted out a bag full of moneycTom and Huck went to look for treasure one daydIndian Joe found a box full of gold coinseThe Murrell Gang hid their money in the houseA . cabdeB . cdbeaC . ecadbD . ecabd(5)What can we infer(推断) from the passage? A . The real treasure was $650in the bagB . The man in the sombrero was Indian JoeC . Tom would join Indian Joe and be a robberD . Tom and Hack would try to get the treasure18. (8分)根据材料内容的理解,选择正确答案。LostFound1). Found:Is this your computer game?Please call Jim.Phone # 512-8843.2). Lost:A set of keys.My name is Henry Cooper.Please call Henry at 476-35393). Lost: A blue watch.My name is Peter.My phone number is 680-7432.4). Found:Is this your notebook?Please call Sam at 555-0287.(1)Whats Sams telephone number? A . 512-8843B . 467-3539C . 680-7432D . 555-0287(2)_ found the computer game. A . SamB . PeterC . HenryD . Jim(3)_ lost a set of keys. A . JimB . HenryC . PeterD . Sam(4)Sam found a _. A . computer gameB . notebookC . watchD . a set of keys19. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。These days, more and more students in the UK are taking a “gap year”between their graduation from school and their university studies. This means they can take a year off to do something else, before they start their studies.For most students, spending time in foreign countries is the favorite activity and Australia is the favorite place to go.Many parents, teachers and business people agree that travelling can teach important values.“After a year of travelling, I felt Id grown up. I had learnt the importance of relationships with people, on all kinds of levels.”There are many companies around the world that welcome these students on their projectshelping people in poorer countries, or even in your home country. Although you dont get paid for your work, this kind of work can teach important skillsdecision making and finding answers to problems, for examplethat will help many students in a job one day.Finally, getting some knowledge and experience in an area you hope to study or work in one day will always be very useful.If several university graduates are applying(申请) for the same job, gar year work experience allows you to say,“Ive already had some experience of this kind of work.” And that can get your job.(1)More and more students in the UK are taking a “gap year” . A . before they graduate from schoolB . before they graduate from universityC . after they graduate from universityD . Before they go to university after graduating from school(2)_ is their favorite activity for most students in the UK. A . Spending time in AustraliaB . Spending time in the UKC . Spending time with their teachersD . Spending time with their parents(3)What cant students get in gap year work in the writers opinion? A . ValuesB . SkillsC . Knowledge and experienceD . money(4)Chances for the same job will be given to the students . A . who study well in schoolB . who have some experience in this kind of workC . who dont apple for the jobD . who are rich enough(5)The best title(题目) of the passage can be . A . Work for the PoorB . Take a Year offC . Apply for a jobD . Travel四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共14分)20. (5分)根据短文大意选择单词并用其正确形式填入空白处,使补全后的短文意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整.walk way without prevent easyTrees are useful in three important_.The most important way is that they provide man with food , wood and other products. Trees provide food not only for man, but also for animals._trees, many animals could not live on the earth. Its not _for man to live on the earth, either.The second important way is that trees give us shade(树荫). On a hot summer day, people are eager to have a rest under the shade of a tree after_a long way. You can imagine how important the shade of a tree is to man and animals.The third important way is that trees help to_droughts and flood. However, in many parts of the world, man hasnt realized it. He has cut trees down in large numbers. In the end, he finds that he has lost the best friends he had.21. (9分)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式look after, take away, no idea, all the time, in order to(1)Mum entered my room and _my dirty clothes.(2)During the day Mrs Hutt_her children and at night she works in a hotel(3)Is Simon in the match?Sorry._(4)_win the match, Ben trains very hard. (5)Allow your daughter to do something by herself. You cant be with her_五、 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空 (共8题;共22分)22. (1分) Andy, its late. Why not go to bed. Helen hasnt come back yet. I_ (wait )for her.23. (1分)I dont know if the book is worth _ (read).24. (1分)Jacks dad said he _ (mop) the water up at that time.25. (1分)Bob and his _ (old) brother are doing their homework.26. (1分)Each of the boys _ (carry) a bag of books at the moment.27. (1分)Im sorry I _(complete)forgot that it was your birthday yesterday.Never mind.28. (15分)We should practice_(speak) English as much as we can.Its easy for Kitty_(cut) out the eyes ,the nose and the sharp teeth. Wheres Millie?-Oh, she _(wait) for Amy at the school gate.All of us can get lots of presents on_(child) Day.Look at your clothes. How_(colour) you are today!Why not_(take) your dog for a walk after supper?My best friend _(not write) e- mails on Monday .Miss Xi often buys a lot of _(mango) on her way home.I think the new shopping mall is a good place_(meet) friends.Sandy goes to school without _(have) breakfast today.Mum asks me to clean my own bedroom _(two) a week.The new coat makes Simon _(look) cool.Its six oclock now. Millie and Sandy_(not run) in the playground.Do you have enough time_(help) us finish the work?My little sister wants to be a _(dance) when she grows up.29. (1分)The road to _(successful) is never straight.六、 翻译。 (共2题;共7分)30. (2分)你的工作进行得怎么样?_your work_?31. (5分)告诉我这些唱片的数量。 七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共8分)32. (8分)阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Bill is an American boy, but he lives with his parents in Shenzhen now. Today he is very happy, because he is going to a Chinese school for the first time. He gets up at 6: 30 a. m. After having breakfast with his parents, he takes a bus to school. He meets a boy called Wang Ming on the bus. He is happy to learn that they are in the same class. They talk a lot and become good friends.Bill loves his new school, because all his classmates and teachers are friendly to him.(1)Where are Bills parents? A . In the US.B . In the UK.C . In China.D . In Canada.(2)Bill gets up at _ today. A . six oclockB . half past sixC . a quarter past sixD . seven oclock(3)How does Bill go to school today? A . By bus.B . On foot.C . By bike.D . By car.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . Bill feels nervous (紧张的) before going to a new school.B . Bill goes to school with his mum today.C . Bill and his new friend are in different classes.D . Everyone in Bills class is friendly to him.八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)33. (5分)书面表达江苏省教育厅最近公布的学生体质健康调查结果显示,学生近视率仍维持在高位水平,且越来越低龄化。请根据下表所提示的内容,用英语写一篇短文,并发表自己的观点。现状大约70%的学生眼睛近视主要原因睡眠不足。长时间看书,做作业直到夜里11点,连续打几个小时电脑游戏等。预防方法做眼睛保健操,多进行体育活动;养成正确的用眼习惯。你保护视力的方法(至少一条)词数90词左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数;条理清楚、语句连贯。文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名等信息。(参考词汇:近视nearsighted 形成好的习惯 have a good habit of.)The survey shows that many students have become nearsighted at a very age. At present,第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共14分)20-1、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、五、 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空 (共8题;共22分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、六、 翻译。 (共2题;共7分)30-1、31-1、七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共8分)32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)33-1、


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