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Unit6Anoldmantriedtomovethemountains 单元能力提升六 单元能力提升六 Unit6Anoldmantriedtomovethemountains Peopleoncewenthungry Arichmanwhomadebreadandcakessentfortwentyofthe 1 childreninthetown andtoldthemtotakealoaf 条 ofbreadfroma 2 everydaytilltheharddayspassed Thehungrychildrencametogether 3 andarguedforthebread becauseeachwishedtohavethelargestone Finallytheywentawaywithouteventhankingthegoodgentleman 2017 枣庄改编完形填空 单元能力提升六 ButGretchen apoorly dressedlittlegirl didnotargueor 4 withtherest butremained 保持 standingquietlyfarawayfromthem 5 thebad manneredgirlsleft shetookthesmallestbread whichalonewasleftinthebasket kissedthegentleman shand andwenthome Thenextdaythechildrenwereasbad manneredasbefore andpoor shyGretchen 6 aloafhardlythesizeoftheoneshegotthefirstday Whenshecamehome hermothercuttheloafopen Manynewshiningpiecesof 7 felloutofit 单元能力提升六 Hermotherwasverysurprisedandworried andsaid Takethemoneybacktothegoodgentlemanatonce foritmusthavegotintothedough 生面团 8 mistake Bequick Gretchen Bequick Butwhenthelittlegirlgavetherichmanhermother s 9 hesaid No no mychild itwasnomistake Ihadthesilver 银 piecesputintothesmallestloaftogiveyou Alwaysbeassatisfied quiet and 10 asyounoware Gohomenow andtellyourmotherthatthemoneyisyourown 单元能力提升六 2 A bowlB basketC kitchenD fridge 1 A kindestB smartestC poorestD thinnest C 单元能力提升六 解析 由 Peopleoncewenthungry 和后句 tilltheharddayspassed 可知选C 3 A luckilyB proudlyC silentlyD excitedly 4 A fightB playC talkD jump 5 A IfB WhenC BecauseD Unless 6 A broughtB tastedC gotD noticed B 解析 由第三段最后一句 shetookthesmallestbread whichalonewasleftinthebasket 可知 面包放在 篮子里 故选B D A B C 单元能力提升六 7 A silverB breadC goldD glass A 解析 根据最后一段中的 Ihadthesilverpiecesputintothesmallestloaftogiveyou 可知 妈妈切开面包发现的是 银币 8 A inB onC withD by 9 A thanksB messageC walletD praise 10 A thankfulB friendlyC livelyD lovely D B A 根据短文内容及汉语提示完成短文 Therewasawomanwhohadthreesons Whentheygrewup thesonslefthomeanddidtheir1 自己的 business Andyearslater theygot2 一起 anddiscussedthegiftstheywouldbuyfortheirmother Thefirstsaid Iwillbuildabighouseforourmother Thesecondsaid IwillsendheraMercedes3 带有 adriver 单元能力提升六 own together with Thethirdsaid Momenjoys4 读 theBible Andyouknowshehas5 弱的 eyesight Iwillsendheracleverparrotthatcanreadthebookforourmother SoonMom6 送 alettertohereachson Milton shewrotetothefirstson thehouseyoubuiltissolarge Ionlyliveinoneroom butIhavetocleanthe7 整个的 house 单元能力提升六 reading poor sent whole Gerald she8 写 tothesecondson I mtoooldtotravel Ilikestayingathome soI9 从不 usetheMercedes What smore thedriverisvery10 愚蠢的 DearDonald shewrotetoherthirdson YourememberwhatIlike Thebirdwasdelicious Thankyousomuch 单元能力提升六 wrote never silly stupid

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