
上传人:tian****1990 文档编号:8478891 上传时间:2020-03-29 格式:PPT 页数:14 大小:123KB
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Unit1WhoisCousinHarry 重点句型 1 AuntMaggieandUncleDavidarecomingtovisitusnextweek 2 Ihavetwosisters TheyareAuntMaggieandAuntLucy 3 WhoisCousinHarry HeisAuntLucy sson 4 HowdotheycometoChina Byplane 5 Doyouhaveanyauntsoruncles Unit2Weareintheeastofthecity 重点句型 1 I mtakingHarryaroundourcity 2 Weareintheeastofthecity 3 Thereisaschoolbetweentheparkandthelake4 Gosouth Youwillseeafactory Turneast Unit3What sinthesportsshop 重点句型 1 Therearemanykindsoftelephones2 What sinthesportsshop Therearebasketballs footballsandsneakers 3 Wheredoesyourfatherwork Heworksinasmallshop 4 Isitasportsshop Yes itis No itisn t 5 Therearemanytoysintheshop toyanimals toycarsanddolls 6 Hesays Goodmorning toeveryoneandsmilesatallthechildren Unit4It slikeanEnglishsalad重点句型 1 DoyoulikeChinesefoodorWesternfood IlikeWesternfood Ilovehamburgers Frenchfriesandpizzas 2 ThisisaChinesecolddish 3 It slikeanEnglishpancake 4 PizzaisaveryfamousdishfromItaly 5 Hamburgerisdeliciousandpopularallovertheworld Unit5Ihurtmyknee重点句型 1 What swrongwithyou AreyouOk 2 Ihurtmyknee 3 Shehurtherleg hand 4 Let scallafireman Thetelephonenumberis119 5 Youshouldalwaysbecareful 11 Mymotherandmyfatheraremy A cousinsB parentsC grandparents 12 Mygrandmotherandmygrandfatheraremy A cousinsB parentsC Grandparents 13 Myuncleismyfather s A brotherB sisterC aunt 14 arethey TheyareAuntLucyandAuntMaggie A WhoB WhereC How 15 dotheycometoChina Byplane A WhoB WhereC How 16 Wearetheeastofthecity A onB inC At 18 Thereabigparkandasmallhotelbesidethelake A isB areC be 19 Thereisaschoolthebank thebookshop A between andB from toC next to 20 Thebankisapolicestation A nextB betweenC beside 11 A brotherB daughterC familyD cousin12 A southB northC eastD between13 A soupB hamburgerC pizzaD Frenchfries14 A kneeB hurtC elbowD neck healthyA 健康的B 健康C 安全的D 安全familytreeA 炸薯条B 家谱C 受伤的树D 邻近toycarsA 玩具动物B 体育商店C 洋娃娃D 玩具车besideA 在 旁边B 除了C 另外D 在 之间popularA 美味的B 饥饿的C 受欢迎的D 口渴的 当你遇到危险时 应该大声喊 A Hi B Helpme C AreyouOK 你的头受伤了 应该这样跟医生说 A Ihurtmyhand B Ihurtmyhead C Ihurtmyknee 你想表达 紧靠着学校是一家银行 A Nexttotheschoolisabank B Thereisaschoolnexttothebank C Thebankisinthesouthoftheschool 你想告诉Lucy应该小心点 应说 A Youshouldrunwithscissors B Youshouldstudyintherightway C Youshouldalwaysbecareful 如果你是一名服务员 当看到顾客来你会说 A Letmehelpyou B Whoareyou C WhatcanIdoforyou Thebankisintheeastofthecity 就划线部分提问 isthe Ihavetwosisters 改为一般疑问句 twosisters ItislikeanEnglishpancake 同上 IcometoChinabyplane 就划线部分提问

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