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八年级英语期中定时作业一、 单项选择(20分)( )1、There _serious air pollution if people use more cars in the future.A. are B. has C. will be D. will have ( )2、What will the life be like _over 200 year?A. in B. on C. at D. by ( )3、One of the _interested in those Chinese paintings.A. tourist is B. tourists is C. tourist are D. tourists are ( )4、In the final exams, Wang Feng did _in math than in English. A. well B. badly C. worse D. worst( )5、-Im sorry , Miss Green. I _my schoolbag on the school bus . -Youre too careless. Lets go and _.A. forgot; get back it B. forgot ;get it back C. left ; get it back D. left ;get back it ( )6、_is a bad habit to drink a lot of water before _to bed .A. It, go B. That ,going C. It ,going D. That , to go ( )7、-Could you take me to the park this afternoon ,Dad? -_.You know , I have to wash my car.A. Im afraid not B. Have a good time C. Of course D. I think so ( )8、Dont worry .I will finish _my work in two days. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did ( )9、I have _comic books than Anna, but _DVDs than her . A. more ,less B. more ,more C. fewer , fewer D. fewer ,more ( )10、Julias mother _ lots of money on clothes every year.A. takes B. costs C. spends D. pays ( )11、I_ if you _me. A. will come, will invite B. will come, invite C. come, will invite D. come, invite ( )12、The basketball game _in No.1 Middle School once a term . A. has B. takes place C. happens D. holds ( )13、Erin said to Dennis _, “I dont have _to do those boring things!”A. loudly enough , enough time B. enough loudly , enough times C. loudly enough , times enough D. enough loudly , time , enough( )14、-Did you all enjoy _in the World park yesterday ? -Yes, of course .we had a great time there. A. you B. your C. yourself D. yourselves( )15、 Mary is good at _stories and always makes us _. A. tell ,laugh B. telling , laughing C. telling , laugh D. tell , laughing ( )16、Dont you think _to find a job in this big city? A. it easy B. it easily C. is it easy D. easy it ( )17、Mrs. Wang has been alone _her husband died 5 years ago. A. since B. from C. after D. in ( )18、Vera is always the first _to school.A. gets B. getting C. got D. to get ( )19、Kids, could you please _the sitting room _? A. to make, clean B. make, clean C. to make, cleaning D. make, cleaning ( )20、would you mind _a message to Miss Zhang? A. taking B. take C. took D. to take 二、 完形填空(10分) Joe is going to middle school and hes so nervous . His two best friends will go to a different school from his . Hes not _1_if he can make new friends at his new school . We interviewed(采访)Sarah right after she finishes her first year of middle school .She fully understands _2_worry . In fact , at the beginning of this year she didnt _3_anyone there . But now she has a whole new group of friends . Heres what she says: “Well , I was very nervous during my first few weeks at middle school . _4_the first day I even misread(误读)my schedule and took the wrong textbooks !But soon I found that there were many _5_just like me . They were also new to the school and we could help each other. One girl asked me _6_an English word . We started talking and now shes my best friend . There are many places to make new friends at school . I play on the volleyball team and were all like a big _7_!I also made friends _8_I borrowed books in the library. In a word , if youre going into middle school , just understand that its _9_to be scared . I _10_thought Id made so many friends , but I made it . If I can do it , you can, too!”( )1、A. worried B. scared C. sure D. afraid( )2、A. Joes B. her C. our D. their ( )3、A. tell B. talk C. see D. know ( )4、A. Of B. In C. On D. At ( )5、A. other B. the other C. others D. the others ( )6、A. how spell B. how to spell C. what speak D. what to speak ( )7、A. class B. school C. team D. family ( )8、A. when B. if C. until D. while ( )9、A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ( )10、A. always B. never C. often D. usually 三、 阅读理解(40分)A判断正(T)误(F) Johnny is a student at a high school . He shows a great interest in computer . He usually works on his computer late into the night . One day after supper, Johnny joined his computer to the computer in his high school office. The school office computer had the grades of all the students . He found his English grade . Ah , “F” again ! Johnny changed it from F to A. The next day Johnny took his report card to his parents and they were very pleased with the result . “An A in English !” said Johnnys dad . “My son is really a smart boy!” In fact , Johnny is a hacker(黑客). Hackers know how to take information from other computers and put new information in them .They are able to join their computers to other computers secretly . School headmasters and teachers are worried about hackers . So are the police , for some people even take money from bank computer accounts(账户)and put it into their own ones . And they never have to leave their homes to do it!( )1、Johnny is good at computer science as well as English . ( )2、Johnny worked on the school office computer and changed his English grades . ( )3、When Johnnys parents saw the report card , they didnt believe the result . ( )4、School headmasters, teachers and the police are all worried about hackers. ( )5、 Hackers can take money from bank computer accounts without leaving their homes . B Imagine you are sitting higher than a 12-storey building, then going down faster than the wind ! Your heart is in your throat , and your stomach is somewhere else .Thats how a ride on a roller coaster(过山车)feels . The worlds first roller coaster was built in Russia at the beginning of the 15th century(世纪). Roller coasters are designed to make you afraid , but the rides are usually safe . They help you have fun , and forget your worries for a short time . When you get on a roller coaster , it begins to climb . It carries you up and up .As it goes higher , the speed gets slower . Then you have a moment at the top when time seems to stop . Suddenly you go back to the ground at terrifying speed(可怕的速度). Before you know it , the ride is over . Thats the simple but unforgettable experience on a roller coaster . The worlds tallest and faster roller coaster is in America and it was open in 2005. It can reach a speed of 205 kilometers per hour in less than 4 seconds ! Would you like to try it ?( )6、Form the sentence “Your heart is in your throat , and your stomach is somewhere else,” we can know that we will usually feel _ when we ride on a roller coaster.A. afraid B. happy C. tired D. relaxed ( )7、The roller coaster has a history of about _years . A. 200 B.300 C. 400 D.600( )8、When a roller coaster gets to the top , _. A. it runs fastest B. it runs slowest C. the ride is over D. the rides feel most excited ( )9、When you ride on a roller coaster , you _ . A. go up faster than you go down B. go down faster than you go up C. go up and down at the same speed D. go down first , then go up ( )10、The worlds tallest and fastest roller coaster _ . A. is in Asia B. was built in the 20th century C. can run at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour D. can have a ride in less than 4 seconds C Are you a healthy kid ? “Yes, I eat a lot ,” you might say. But sometimes eating a lot doesnt always mean a strong body . On May 19 , 2006, the China Nutrition and Health Association for Children released(发布)a report . It talks about some problems of Chinese kids food and health . The report says that kids in China eat too much fat . In 1992 , kids aged 12-17 ate 38 grams of animal meat each day. Ten years later, it was 102 grams each day . Too much fat makes children unhealthy . The report also says that Chinese kids dont have enough vitamin A and minerals (矿物质)such as zinc(锌),calcium(钙) and iron(铁) . Vitamins and minerals are important to the body . For example , calcium helps build strong bones and teeth vitamin A is good for eyes . Want to have a strong body ? Try some of these foods from now on . Eggs , carrots ,sweet potatoes and spinach (菠菜). They are rich in vitamin A. Milk ,cheese ,yogurt and fish .They are rich in calcium . Animal liver (肝脏) ,beef and spinach. They are rich in iron. Pork , peas and peanuts . They are rich in zinc.( )11、According to the report, animal meat is rich in _.A. minerals B. vitamin A C. calcium D. fat( )12、If we want to have strong teeth, we should eat more _. animal liver milk eggs spinach fish meat peas yogurtA. B. C. D.( )13、Eating carrots and spinach is good for our _.A. eyes B. bones C. teeth D. ears ( )14、Kids in China eat too much fat but they dont have enough vitamin A and minerals . It shows that _. A. meat is more important than vitamin A and minerals for their bodies B. kids bodies are lack of (缺少)vitamin A and minerals C. all the kids prefer meat to vegetables D. kids have an unhealthy eating habit ( )15、The writer gives this passage to _.A. introduce the work of China Nutrition and Health Association for Children B. tell the change of the eating habits of Chinese kids C. suggest a healthier eating habit D. give advice on how to protect (保护)kids eyes DIt was a cold winter night. Coming near the town to look for food , a very hungry wolf (狼)met a dog . The wolf asked , “Cousin dog , do you know where I can find some food ?” “Oh , there is always food in my house ,”said the dog . “My master gives me lots of meat .” “Master ?” said the wolf . “Whats that?” “The man I work for ,” said the dog . “My job is easy . I bark(吠) and keep thieves away from the house . Its a good life . Why dont you try it ?” “Yes,” said the wolf . “Your life sounds much better than mine . Ill come with you and ask your master for work .” As they ran toward the town together , the wolf saw a collar (颈圈) on the dogs neck . “Why do you wear the collar ?” the wolf asked . “Oh,” said the dog , “its nothing .My master chains (用链条拴住) me during the day . He ties the chain to the collar.” “You mean that you have no freedom? You cant go where you want to?” asked the wolf . “Well , my master only does it during the day , because the neighbors are afraid of me,” said the dog , “but at night I can go free. In fact , I sleep during the day , so that I can watch better at night. Its really not bad. And think of all the food I get!. Where are you going?” “Thank you, but I cant go with you,” said the wolf. “To me, freedom is more important than enough food.”( )16、The wolf came to the town to look for _. A. a friend B. his cousin C. food D. the dogs master( )17、The dog _.A. thought he lived a comfortable life B. had nothing to do every day C. enjoyed sleeping day and night D. was afraid of the wolf ( )18、In the passage, the word “master” means _ in Chinese .A. 服务员B.邻居C.佣人 D.主人( )19、According to what the dog said , the collar around his neck was used to _.A. chain him B. make him look cool C. protect his nick D. tell his ID( )20、In the end, the wolf didnt go with the dog because _. A. the wolf couldnt get enough food B. the wolf wanted to have freedom C. the dog was cheating him D. the dog didnt want to give the collar to the wolf 四、 任务型阅读(10分) Deng Xiaoping was born Sichuan Province on August 22,1904. His family was very poor. When he was sixteen, he went to France to study. In 1924, he became a Party member and this gave him a mew start in his life. Later, he became a main head of the Chinese Communist Party. When he became old, he came up with a great idea-Reform(改革)and Open to the World. From then on, our country changed a lot. On how to solve the Hong Kong problem, he gave a good idea-One Country with Two Systems(体制). People all over the world will remember him forever.The main 1、_of the CCPDeng XiaopingHis birth placeSichuan 2、_A new start in his life He 3、_the Party in 1924His great idea Reform and 4、_to the World On solving the HK 5、_One Country with Two Systems五、 短文填词(10分)请根据短文内容及首字母提示补全短文,使短文完整通顺 Beth was a lovely and beautiful girl. She was born with a serious i_1_ .The doctor told her parents that she would not l_2_ to be ten years old. Everyone was sad e_3_ Beth. She said to herself, “Nothing is i_4_ if one puts his or her heart into it. I will never give up.” So she exercised every day, even though the illness made her quite w_5_ . At last, she proved(证明) the doctor wrong and lived a happy life for many years. Beths e_6_lets me know that if youre in trouble, dont be disappointed. Wipe(擦) tears away and try to stand up! Once, I went c_7_ in the early morning. The mountain was so h_8_that I even wanted to give up. But at last , I g_9_ to the top. I saw the sun rise. It was warm and nice . I think no matter what happens, one should n_10_give up. Then he or she will succeed . I can do it, can you?六、 作文: 假如Tom是你的好朋友, 请根据表格内容提示写一篇短文, 介绍Tom发生的变化。内容允许有适当的发挥,70词左右,首句已给出。过去经常迟到;不认真听课;经常不完成作业;学习成绩较差。现在按时到校;认真听课;努力完成作业;学习成绩提高了很多。My friend Tom changes a lot this semester._答 题 卷第I卷(选择题70分)一:单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)题号12345678910选项题号11121314151617181920选项二:完形填空(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)题号12345678910选项三:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)题号12345678910选项题号11121314151617181920选项四:阅读填空(满分10分)1_ 2_3_ 4_ 5_五:短文填空(共10题,每题1分,满分10分)1_ 2_3_ 4_ 5_6_ 7_8_9_10_六:书面表达(满分10分)_


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