外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册Module 7 Great books 单元测试卷D卷.doc

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外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册Module 7 Great books 单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)Youll get better grades _ you follow the teachers advice. A . ifB . untilC . thoughD . while2. (1分)Has the meeting begun yet? Not yet. We have to wait everyone is here.A . andB . untilC . orD . but3. (1分)My mom always asks me not to stay up late _I can keep in good health. A . thoughB . unlessC . so thatD . as long as4. (1分)Are you flying to London tomorrow? A snowstorm is coming Im not sure the flight will be put off.A . howB . whyC . whetherD . that5. (1分)When I arrived home, feeling extremely hungry and tired, my dear mother _ with her friends online. A . is chattingB . chatsC . chattedD . was chatting6. (1分)If you a good idea, you keep it to yourself. A . will have, wontB . are having, willC . have, wont7. (1分)You must advise him _anything out of the window while driving. I will. He has to know its dangerous. A . to throwB . dont throwC . not to throwD . not throw8. (1分)Jimmy _I have a lot of money, I will build an old peoples home in the village. A . ifB . butC . soD . because9. (1分)What will you do if you _ to the old folks home for a visit? A . goesB . goC . are going10. (1分)Ill go to visit my aunt in England _ the summer vacation starts. A . whileB . sinceC . when11. (1分)He_ until the meeting is over. A . leavesB . will leaveC . wont leaveD . didnt leave12. (1分) Mrs. Li, will you be angry your students dont obey the rules in class? A little. But I will stop them in a friendly way.A . ifB . unlessC . though13. (1分)It was a long and tiring trip, _ most of us enjoyed it. A . andB . butC . soD . because14. (1分)Whats the weather like outside? Its raining cats and dogs. Youd better not go out right now.A . hardB . hardlyC . strongly15. (1分)We _ for a picnic if it _ rain this Sunday. A . will go; doesntB . will go; wontC . go; doesntD . go; wont二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)完形填空 Dear Mary,How are you and your father and mother? 1was your last weekend? Did you have a nice time? Now let me2you about my weekend. I didnt have a very3weekend. I got up early in the morning, but the4was very bad. It rained. So I had to stay at5and helped my mother do the housework. Then I went to the Gift Shop and6some gifts. After that, I7a boring book and watched TV. After lunch, my parents wanted to go for a drive, so I went8them. However, that wasnt exciting,9. In the evening, my best friend Laura asked me to go to the movies with her, but I found10wasnt interesting at all.(1)A . Where B . What C . When D . How (2)A . say B . ask C . tell D . speak (3)A . boring B . terrible C . fun D . healthy (4)A . weather B . breakfast C . language D . clothes (5)A . school B . home C . club D . cinema (6)A . took B . bought C . described D . showed (7)A . read B . saw C . looked D . watched (8)A . on B . with C . at D . for (9)A . too B . and C . either D . but (10)A . it B . she C . they D . them 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共15分)17. (5分)阅读理解Belindas little sister, Bernice, was very excited about taking the school bus by herself and entering school next year. Seeing her excitement, Belinda decided to give her little sister a gift to start a new stage in her life. She looked through some books and called her best friend for ideas. But what she did was useless. Finally, she surfed the Internet and found some information about how to make a bag.Belinda couldnt wait to start on the project.(1)Bernice was excited about_. A . being on the school bus with BelindaB . taking the school bus by herselfC . being on the public bus by herselfD . using the bag made by her sister(2)Belinda decided to make a bag when she_. A . read about it in one of her booksB . asked her best friend for ideasC . found some information on the InternetD . heard Bernice talking about going to school(3)What material is needed for Belinda to make the bag? A . A pair of old jeans.B . A sewing machine.C . A pair of scissors.D . A safety pin.(4)How many steps are mentioned in the passage? A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.D . Six.(5)Which picture can show Step 4? A . B . C . D . 18. (5分)阅读理解 If you love reading books, you must know about the book The Little Prince. Its a famous novel written by a French writer. As one of the best-selling books in history, it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects(方言).Now, around seventy years after the birth of the book, an American director has found a way to make it into a 3D animated film(动画片).The book tells the story of a pilot, called The Aviator, who crashes(撞击)into the desert and meets a young prince there. However, in the film, the story starts years after the crash when The Aviator is much older. He has got a new neighbour called The Little Girl, whose mother wants her to get ready to enter the grow-up world. Slowly The Aviator shares his story with The Little Girl by writing it down and sending her a page at a time. The pages are complete with the pictures in the book, speaking about his time in the desert and taking The Little Girl to an amazing world where anything is possible.China is the first country in the world to see the film in two versions-in Chinese and English. The film shows The Little Girls life and tells The Little Princes story at the same time in a beautiful way.Huang Lei, who dubbed the film together with his daughter, says the film is like a childhood dream which is lost by most adults in this stressed-out society.The most touching part is that every one of us was a good-natured kid like the Little Prince, and its a pity that this good characteristic(品质)goes away as time flies, he says.(1)The novel The Little Prince was written in the . A . 1900sB . 1940sC . 1990sD . 2010s(2)The book The Little Prince is one of the best-selling books in history because . A . you must know about it if you love reading booksB . it shows The Little Princes story in a beautiful wayC . it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialectsD . the director has made it into a 3D animated film(3)How does The Little Girl get to know The Little Prince? A . She reads the pages that The Aviator writes and sends to her.B . Her mother wants her to get ready to enter the grown-up world.C . The Aviator takes her to an amazing world.D . She moves home next to The Aviator.(4)What does the underlined word good-natured mean? A . kind.B . friendly.C . helpful.D . A,B&C .19. (5分)阅读理解 I hate myself! I cried to my mother. Im fat, Im ugly, Im stupid, and I feel silly! I was only ten years old and in the fourth grade. This was the first time I could say my worries about my appearance to anyoneThis is what Katherine wrote in the first part of her new book, Rock What Youve Got. Katherine is now a student at the University of Southern California. This is her first book. Like most common girls, Katherine had worries about her size and shape when she was a younger girl. That made her very unhappy. In the book, she says when she grows up, she finds out that what really makes her happy is not how fit she looks, but how much she loves. Katherine also wants to encourage(鼓励)them to love their bodies, love themselves, stay healthy, and most of all, be confident. (1)The view in the first paragraph is . A . Katherines view nowB . what Katherine says nowC . what a 10-year old girl told KatherineD . the description in a book written by Katherine(2)The underlined word appearance means in Chinese. A . 出现B . 外貌C . 表现D . 登台(3)Which of the following is NOT Katherines idea in her book? A . If a girl wants to be happy, keep a good size and shape.B . If you give your love to others, youll feel happy.C . Every girl should love her own body.D . Every girl should be confident.(4)The passage mainly talks about something about . A . what happiness isB . how to be confidentC . how Katherine grew upD . the book Rock What Youve Got四、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 (共4题;共4分)20. (1分)Could you pass me the knife? _ (当然). Here you are.21. (1分)Dont eat too much fast food. Its not h_. 22. (1分)These days, therere many p_in the hospital because of the bad weather. 23. (1分)Can you help me _ (烧开) water? I am too busy now. 五、 完成句子 (共5题;共5分)24. (1分)我想成为你的网友。 I _ _ _ your e-friend.25. (1分)她经常微笑并且从不说别人的坏话。She smiles often and never _others. 26. (1分)你家乡冬天的天气怎么样? _ the weather _ in your home town in winter?27. (1分)年轻人可以通过养狗来学习如何照料别人。 Young people can learn how to _ _ others by keeping dogs.28. (1分)_ (别担心). Ill be better soon. 六、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)29. (1分)补全对话 Millie: Im always feeling tired these days. Theres so much homework and Ive spent all time on it.Sandy: _Amy: I agree. _Sandy: Good idea. But I dont know what films are on now.Millie: I dont want to see any films.Amy: _ My dad tells me that its big and modern. I know where it is, but Im not sure when it close.Millie: It doesnt matter. We can go and make sure it.Sandy: _ Its still early.Millie: OK. But we may get home late. _.Sandy: All right. A. Why dont you go to the museum?B. Shall we go to the cinema?C. Shall we go and see?D. What about going to the new museum?E. Lets tell our parents first.F. Why not do something fun?七、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)30. (1分)经过了一年的初中生活,同学们一定会有很多的收获和体会。在过去的一年里有没有让你特别难忘的一天?也许是你高兴欢呼的一天,也许是你伤心难过的一天,也许是.请同学们以My Day 为话题写一篇作文。 注意:1)词数:80词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数);2)文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,并适当发挥。My DayGrade Seven is coming to the end. I remember 第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共15分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 (共4题;共4分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、五、 完成句子 (共5题;共5分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、六、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)29-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)30-1、


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