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Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade: 三年级 Subject: 语文 Date: 7.25 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容小学语文第一册一类字词复习重点小学语文第一册一类字词检测预习课内容古诗两首、风筝、秋天的雨重点生字词语2口语课内容Topic:What day is today? Words:today今天 day白天night夜晚 tomorrow明天year年month月season季节hour小时Sunday 周日 Monday 周一 Tuesday周二 Wednesday 周三 Thursday 周四 Friday 周五 Saturday 周六 Sentences:How many weeks/seasons are there in a month/year?一年有几个季节/一月有几周Do you have the time? 几点了Can you give me a hand? 能帮个忙吗?3 特色课程DramaThe Enormous Turnip Lesson 7Wordslook for寻找 help帮助 little girl小女孩 fresh新鲜的 Sentences The little boy looks for help. “Hi ,little girl. Come here please. Lets pull up the enormous turnip. ” The little girl pulls the little boy. The little boy pulls the old lady , the old lady pulls the old man , the old man pulls the enormous turnip. They pull up down left right. But they cant pull up the enormous turnip. 4 作业y rn x wn jn xn bn po pn mn fn shu yu lin lin( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )( )( ) fi w du dn xn zho m fn j x yn sh qin h wn hun ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )chu tu sn q d jng sh s lin shun yu pio yn r qn lin( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )li y shn zi b lu xin z sh zi lin shi xin tin q wi ji jn( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade: 三年级 Subject: 语文 Date: 7.26 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容小学语文第二册生字词重点检测预习课内容语文园地三重点我的发现、日积月累2口语课内容Topic:When is your birthday? Words:January (Jan.)一月 February (Feb.)二月 March (Mar.)三月 April (Apr.)四月 May五月 June 六月 July七月 August (Aug.) 八月 September (Sep.)九月 October (Oct.)十月November (Nov.) 十一月 December (Dec.) 十二月 Sentences:Whats your plan for the holiday? 你的假日计划?3 特色课程DramaThe Enormous Turnip Lesson 8Wordsbig dog 大狗 take photo拍照 visit拜访/参观 Go shopping购物Sentences The little girl looks for help. “Hey, big dog. Come here please. Lets pull up the enormous turnip. ” The big dog pulls the little girl. The little girl pulls the little boy. The little boy pulls the old lady, the old lady pulls the old man, the old man pulls the enormous turnip. They pull up down left right. But they cant pull up the enormous turnip. 4 作业一、形近字组词佳( )促( )倍( ) 忆( )异( )趁( )挂( )捉( )培( ) 亿( )导( ) 赶( )粮( )紧( ) 颜( ) 枚( )浪( )紫( )谚( ) 牧( )Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade: 三年级 Subject: 英语 Date: 7.27 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容一年级下册重点单词预习课内容Unit2重点head(头) face( 脸)nose(鼻子)mouth (嘴)eye (眼睛)ear (耳朵)arm (胳膊)finger (手指)leg (腿)foot (脚)body (身体)Good morning/afternoon. Nice to meet you. This is2口语课内容Topic:外教课 Words: Sentences:3 特色课程写作 4 作业给下列单词配对。把汉语前面的序号写在相同意义英语单词前面的括号内。( )hand (1)手臂 ( )finger (2)鼻子( )eye (3)脚 ( )mouth (4)眼睛( )foot (5)手( )head (6)手指 ( )nose (7)嘴( )face (8)头( )arm (9)脸( )body (10)身体Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade: 五年级 Subject: 英语 Date: 7.28 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容单词分类巩固重点食物类预习课内容Unit3 Whats your favourite food?重点pork potato mutton tomato fish eggplant beef green beans chicken cabbage tofu salty sweet sour tasty fresh healthy fruit grapes apple banana orange pear What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. Whats your favorite food? Fish. Whats your favorite fruit? I like apples. Theyre sweet. Theyre sour.2口语课内容Topic:When is the New Year? Words:January (Jan.)一月 February (Feb.)二月 March (Mar.)三月 April (Apr.)四月 May五月 June 六月 July七月 August (Aug.) 八月 September (Sep.)九月 October (Oct.)十月November (Nov.) 十一月 December (Dec.) 十二月 Sentences:What are you going to do on ?你打算去干什么?What happened to her ? 她怎么了?3 特色课程DramaThe Enormous Turnip Lesson9Wordsbig dog fat catSentences The big dog looks for help. “Hi, fat cat. Come here please. Lets pull up the enormous turnip. ” . the old lady pulls the old man, the old man pulls the enormous turnip. They pull up down left right. But they cant pull up the enormous turnip. 4 作业1. 星期一中饭吃什么?_ 2. 我们吃西红柿、豆腐和鱼。_3. 你最喜欢的水果是什么?_4. 我喜欢换苹果,他们是甜的。_5. 我喜欢水果,但我不喜欢葡萄,他们很酸。_Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade: 五年级 Subject: 语文 Date: 7.29 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容小学语文第四册重点生字词语预习课内容回顾拓展二重点日积月累,词语盘点2口语课内容Topic:Review Words: Sentences:3 特色课程DramaHoliday in West Countries 4 作业一、音同字不同,辨别填准确。Sh: 香飘( )里 节衣缩( ) ( )金不昧 远见卓( )Mng: 一( )惊人 颇负盛( ) 光( )磊落 刻骨( )心二、把下面的词语补充完整能( )善变( ) ( )头( )节 ( )负( )名 守( )相( )日( )而( ) 风( )雪( ) ( )天( )地 香( )十里( )Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade: 三年级 Subject: 英语 Date: 8.1 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容二年级上册重点单词预习课内容Unit3重点red (红色的)yellow (黄色的)green (绿色的)blue (蓝色的)purple (紫色的)white (白色的)black (黑色的)orange (橙色的)pink (粉色的)brown (棕色的)How are you? Fine, thank you.2口语课内容Topic:FruitsWords:Grape葡萄 peach桃子 banana香蕉 watermelon西瓜lemon柠檬 pineapple菠萝 plum李子 strawberry草莓 lychee荔枝 longan龙眼 coconut椰子 bayberry杨梅 sweat甜的 sour酸的 salty咸的 fresh新鲜的 Sentences:Do you like ? Whats your favorite?3 特色课程DramaThe Enormous Turnip Lesson10Wordstiny 很小的 mouse老鼠Sentences The cat looks for help. “Hello, tiny mouse. Come here please. Lets pull up the enormous turnip. ” .the old lady pulls the old man, the old man pulls the enormous turnip. They pull up down left right. But they cant pull up the enormous turnip. 4 作业( )brown (1)紫色的 ( )pink (2)蓝色的( )orange (3)绿色的( )yellow (4)黄色的( )red (5)棕色的( )green (6)红色的( )blue (7)黑色的( )purple (8)橙色的( )white (9)粉红色的( )black (10)白色的Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade: 五年级 Subject: 英语 Date: 8.2 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容单词分类巩固重点文具类、动物类预习课内容Recyl1重点复习unit3单词和句型2口语课内容Topic:AnimalsWords:fish鱼 donkey驴 horse马duck鸭子 chicken小鸡hen母鸡 elephant大象 kangaroo袋鼠 panda熊猫 bear熊 monkey猴子 giraffe长颈鹿 goose鹅 frog青蛙Sentences:Where is from ? is from . .来自哪里?.来自.3 特色课程DramaThe Enormous Turnip Lesson11WordsHurry欢呼声 yum 美味的赞叹 tasty好吃美味的Sentences Hurry ! Yum, Yum, what a tasty turnip. 4 作业(中译英,英译中)茄子_鱼_ 青豆_ 豆腐_ 土豆_西红柿_ 葡萄_ 水果_ 中餐_好吃的_ 甜的_ 酸的_ 新鲜的_ 咸的_卷心菜_ 猪肉_ 羊肉_ 健康的_What do you have for lunch on Mondays? _We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. _Whats your favourite fruit? _I like apples. Theyre sweet. _I like fruit. But I dont like grapes. Theyre sour._Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade: 五年级 Subject: 语文 Date: 8.3 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容小学语文第五册重点生字词语预习课内容鲸松鼠新型玻璃假如没有灰尘重点各课生字词语及说明方法2口语课内容Topic:The Walt Disney 迪士尼 外教课Words:Sentences:3 特色课程写作听了Israel 的介绍,你来写写迪士尼乐园 4 作业1、给加点的字选择正确的读音。上腭( ) 哺乳(b p) 过滤(l l) 驯良(xn xn)一匹(p p) 处理(ch c) 即使(j j) 触动(ch ch)2、看拼音写词语。xin y n rn w yng zo yn ti shn( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3、区别字组词。嫌( ) 肺( ) 虑( )捕( )粘( )谦( ) 肚( ) 滤( )哺( 贴( )Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade: 三年级 Subject: 语文 Date: 8.4 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容小学语文第三册生字词重点检测预习课内容花钟蜜蜂玩出了名堂重点各课生字词语及主要内容2口语课内容Topic:vegetablesWords:cabbage白菜 eggplant茄子 tomato番茄 potato土豆 onion洋葱 green beans青豆 corn玉米 bamboo-shoot竹笋 carrot胡萝卜 turnip萝卜Sentences:What would you like to eat for lunch?你中午想吃什么?3 特色课程DramaThe Enormous Turnip Lesson12WordsReview Sentences Review 4 作业zhn q du yn kn chn xi jin kn shu dn sh qn xin x wi( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )li xn yn l s xn un x m qi sh d jio nn sh y zhn sh( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )x yo chun b sh yn l x d zh zh w xu ji fn fn m rn( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )zhn sh fi sn zh di sh yn w ln d i jin sho yo yun( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )tu c bo ku jin ch m sh yn t cho chn z l zhn qu ww( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )bn nn j y l qu qu sh sh j h mn tn ln fi jn pin suy( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade: 五年级 Subject: 语文 Date: 8.5 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容小学语文第六册重点生字词语预习课内容习作三,回顾拓展三重点日积月累,词语盘点2口语课内容Topic:Review Words:Sentences:3 特色课程Salad making动手做沙拉 4 作业一、在括号里填上下列句子用了什么说明方法1、临街的窗子上如果装上这种玻璃,街上的声音为40分贝时,传到房间里就只剩下12分贝了。( ) 2、松鼠通常一胎生三四个。( )3、鲸从鼻孔里喷出来的气形成一股水柱,就像花园里的喷泉一样。( )4、灰尘颗粒的直径一般在百万分之一毫米到几百万分之一毫米之间。( )二、默写四时之风( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade: 三年级 Subject: 语文 Date: 8.8 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容小学语文第四册字词重点检测预习课内容语文园地四重点读读背背,读读认认,我的发现2口语课内容Topic:Clothes Words:hat帽子cap鸭舌帽 glove手套 scarf围巾 belt腰带 tie领带coat外套 jacket夹克衫 sweater毛衣 shirt衬衫 T-shirt T恤 dress连衣裙 vest背心 pants长裤 jeans牛仔裤 shorts短裤 skirt短裙 socks短袜sneakers帆布鞋boots靴子sandals凉鞋slippers拖鞋 Sentences:Its hot today. I can wear my T-shirt. 3 特色课程DramaThe Enormous Turnip Lesson13WordsReview Sentences Review 4 作业形近字组词待( )镜( )访( )适( )娇( )阻( )诗( )境( )仿( )刮( )骄( )祖( )Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade:_ Subject:_ Date: 8.9 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容重点预习课内容重点2口语课内容Topic:In my houseWords:flat公寓bedroom卧室kitchen厨房study room书房bathroom卫生间living room客厅 mirror镜子closet衣橱 table桌子 door门 trash bin垃圾篓 computer电脑 bookshelf书架 sofa沙发 chair椅子 fridge冰箱 lamp台灯 bed床 curtain窗帘 Sentences:Whats your room like ? 3 特色课程DramaThe Enormous Turnip Lesson14WordsReview Sentences Review 4 作业Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade:_ Subject:_ Date: 8.10 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容重点预习课内容重点2口语课内容Topic:外教课Words: Sentences:3 特色课程Writing 4 作业Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade:_ Subject:_ Date: 8.11 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容重点预习课内容重点2口语课内容Topic:Review Words: All Sentences:1 Is this your first time in .? 2 Do you like the city? 3Have you been to.?4 Have you tried? 5 Whats your favorite.? 6 Would you like a cup of ?7 Would you like to buy a ? 8 How much is the.? 9 What day is today ?10 What time is it ? 3 特色课程Drama Review 4 作业Class Information of Qi-Zhi Education启智教育课堂信息 Grade:_ Subject:_ Date: 8.12 Name:_ 1 文化课内容巩固知识内容重点预习课内容重点2口语课内容Topic:Review Words: All Sentences:11 When is your birthday? 12Whats your plan for?13 What happened to her ? 14 Do you like? 15 I need.16Where are you from? 17What would you like to eat for?18 Can I wear my? 19 Whats your room like?3 特色课程Drama Review 4 作业


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