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海淀区九年级第一学期期末复习材料 (一) 20082010 海淀区第一学期期末练习基础知识单项填空、完成句子单项填空: 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。2007年:21. - Bob, where is your father? - _ might be watching TV in his room upstairs. A. I B. He C. She D. They 22. - Would you like something to drink, sir? - Yes. Just _ cup of tea, please. A. a B. an C. the D. / 23. Boys and girls, we _ the streets next Sunday. Please come and join us. A. clean upB. cleaned upC. will clean upD. have cleaned up 24. Mr. Smith came to China _ 1986. He has lived here for 20 years. A. in B. on C. at D. for 25. - What kind of music do you like? - I like music _ I can sing along with. A. whoB. that C. where D. what 26. - Where would you like to visit? - I hope _ somewhere relaxing. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go 27. I like pop music, _ my parents dont like it. A. and B. but C. or D. so 28. - How are you going to the Great Wall? - Im going there by _. A. now B. Julie C. nameD. bus 29. - _ do you like the Cool Kids? - Because I can dance to their music. A. Who B. How C. Why D. What 30. - What can you do for the sick kids in the hospital? - Well, I _ tell funny stories and jokes. A. can B. must C. needD. should 31. - When was the old car invented? - I think the car _ about one hundred years ago. A. invented B. was invented C. invents D. is inventing 32. Yesterday afternoon she _ to help kids with their schoolwork. A. go B. is going C. went D. has gone 33. Mother often tells me _ home before 6: 30 pm. A. come B. came C. coming D. to come 34. Tom often helps his classmates to _their bikes after school. A. fix up B. cheer up C. put up D. call up 35. _ she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. A. Because B. When C. If D. Though 36. - Would you like to visit Shantou City with me this summer vacation?- No. I _ it before. Besides its hot and humid in summer. A. visit B. visited C. will visit D. have visited 37. Well do our best to _ our city cleaner and more beautiful for the 2008 Olympic Games.A. make B. change C. help D. keep 38. - Is _ here, Jim? - No. Lucy is ill. She cant come to school today. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybodyD. nobody 2008年:15. Where are _ keys? I cant find them.A. IB. meC. myD. mine16. In China,Spring Festival always comes _ January or February.A. in B. onC. at D. to17. - _ did you go lat summer vacation ,Katy?- I went to Harbin.A. WhatB. Why C. When D. Where18. Im hungry, mum. Can I have some _?A. booksB. cakes C. drinks D. sports19. Bob,its 7: 30. Hurry up,_ you 1 be late for schoolA. butB. andC. or D. so20. - Have you. Seen Harry Potter V?- Of course,it is one of _ movies this yea.A. popular B. more popularC. most popular D. the most popular21. - How can I get to Peoples Hospital?- Youd better _ a taxi. It is far from here.A. takeB. tookC. taking D. to take22. - Youve told Mary the good news, havent you?- No. Ill tell her as soon as she _back.A. come B. comes C. came D. will come23. - _ you play tennis?- No. But I am good at playing footballA. Can B. May C. Must D. Should24. My teacher asked me _ a speech in front of the whole school the next week.A. giveB. gaveC. to give D. giving25. My twin sister _ to music when I got home.A. listens B. listened C. is listening D. was listening26. My uncle is a computer programmer in IBM. He _ there for 5 years.A. works B. worked C. will work D. has worked27. Yesterday we visited an old church. I _ more than 100 years ago.A. built B. is built C. was built D. has built28. I enjoy my life here. I have _ friends, and we meet quite often.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little29. - What can we do to help the kids in the poor areas?- We could _ sigs asking for old books.A. put up B. put on C. put down D. put of30. Dad, I think you should stop. It s bad for your heath.A. smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. to smoke31. - Im flying to Paris tomorrow. - _!A. Thats al right B. That s a good idea C. Thank you very much D. Have a good trip32. Can you tell me _ tomorrow evening?A. when will the party start B. when the party start willC. when did the party start D. when the party started 2009年:19. The young singer is very popular because she writes _ own songs.A. their B. theirs C. her D. hers20. - What did you do last night? - I _ to a Chinese music concert. I prefer quiet and traditional music.A. went B. goC.have gone D. had gone21. I cant stand hamburgers! They make me feel_.A. nice B. sickC. excited D. hot22. At that time I was waiting for the school bus _ it didnt come.A. so B. butC.then D. or23. Paris, the capital of France, is one of _ cities in Europe.A. lively B. livelier C.the livelier D. the liveliest24. Sometimes my parents _ home late, so I have to have supper myself.A. come B. will come C. comes D. came25. I dont like eating chocolate _ it tastes too sweet.A. afterB. what C.because D. how26. That man reminds me _ my English teacher. They wear the same clothes.A. withB. onC.for D. of27. We are going to Africa on vacation. We hope _ some elephants.A. seeing B. seeC.to see D. to seeing28. - _ kind of music do you like?- Quiet and gentle.A. HowB. What C. Why D. Who29. We are going to set up a food bank _ hung people.A. helped B. helps C.help D. to help30. - Do you know where John is? - He was going to meet me earlier but he didnt _.A. show upB. put up C.stay up D. look up31. Is this the film _ you saw yesterday?A. where B. what C.who D. that32. I want to know _ the day after tomorrow.A. what he did B. what did he do C. what he will do D. what will he do33. By the time I got outside, the bus _already.A. had left B. leftC.have left D. leaves34. - When_ the car _?- In 1885.A. did; invent B. was; inventedC. does; invent D. is; invented35. _ you study harder, youll never pass the final exam.A. If B. AsC.UnlessD. Until36. - Excuse me, Id like to buy a map but I cant find a bookshop.- I know _ nearby. Come on, Ill show you. A. itB. oneC.someD. that2010年:21. Tom is good at football. He often teaches _ to play it. A. IB. me C. my D. mine22. Bell invented the telephone _1876.A. on B. atC. inD. for23. - _ happened to you on April Fools Day? - Well, I overslept and I found.A. WhenB. WhereC. What D. Why24. Most students think Wang Fei is one of _ singers. A. popularB. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular25. Nancy enjoys traveling and she plans to go _ this year. A. somewhere relaxing B. anywhere relaxingC. relaxing somewhere D. relaxing anywhere26. We often help Mr. Li because he _ look after himself. A. cantB. mustnt C. neednt D. dont 27. Nick got up late, _ he had to take a taxi to school this morning.A. andB. but C. so D. or 28. The teacher tells us _ sports to keep healthy.A. do B. doing C. done D. to do29. He looks sad. Lets _ to cheer him up.A. go B. going C. gone D. to go30. There _ many students reading in the library every day. A. isB. areC. has D. have31. I _ for my family if I get home early today. A. cookB. cookedC. will cook D. has cooked32. She took the little boy to his home and _ with a polite good-bye. A. leaveB. left C. will leaveD. has left33. They _ many English songs since they came here. A. learnB. learned C. will learnD. have learned34. A new supermarket _ in our town last year. A. builtB. was built C. builds D. is built 35. Jim, can you tell me _ every week? A. when do you have class meetings B. when you have class meetingsC. when did you have class meetingsD. when you had class meetings完成句子: 根据中文意思完成句子。2008年:1. 现在七点半了,让我们上学去吧。Its 7: 30 am now. _ together.2. 我昨晚工作得很晚,直到九点才回家。I worked late last night. I _ 9 pm. 3. 谢谢你寄给我这张CD,我非常喜欢它。Thanks for _! I love it very much. 4. 约翰无法用计算机工作,因为它出毛病了。John cant work on his computer, because _ it 5. 小明是我的好朋友,他不仅学习好,而且乐于助人。Xiao Ming is my good friend. He _.2009年:1. 汤姆看上去很难过,咱们去让他振奋起来。 Tom looks very sad. Lets _2. 我妈今晚将做北京烤鸭。你想来吃吗? My mother is going to make Beijing Duck tonight. Would you like _ for dinner?3. 他们利用每周六上午的时间在动物园工作 They _ every Saturday morning _ in an animal hospital.4. 他不仅是我们的老师,而且是我们的朋友 He is _ our teacher. _ our good friend5. 虽然茶叶直到1610年才被传到西方,但是这种饮料早在三千多年前就已经被发现了 _ to the Western world until 1610,this beverage was discovered over 3000 years before that.2010年:70. 别总看电视了。为什么不打篮球呢?Dont watch TV all the time. _ play basketball? 71. 因为昨天的大雪,我上学迟到了。I _school because of the heavy snow yesterday. 72. 她对艺术很感兴趣,想尽快参观艺术博物馆。She is so interested in art that she wants to visit the art museum _73. 王奶奶给孙子讲完故事才睡觉。Granny Wang _ she finished telling the story to her grandson. 74. 他不仅考虑毕业后学习另一种语言而且希望成为一名翻译。He _a translator after graduation.接还原句子第3页a well-known concert in Chicago, US. Lang said it was his true love of music and piano that made him keep working.A. However, Lang didnt jump, and pressure (压力) soon changed to power.B. He has performed in almost every city around the world.C. It totally destroyed (毁灭) his piano dream.D. He began to take piano lessons at the age of 3.E. His father even gave up his job ad moved to Beijing with his son.单项填空参考答案:2007:BACAB,DBDCA,BCDAB,DAC2008:CADBC,DABAC,DDCBA,CDB2009:CABBD, ACDCB, DADCA,BCB 2010:BCCDA,ACDAA,CBDBB完成句子参考答案:2008年:1. Lets go to school 2. didnt go home until 3. sending me the CD4. There is something wrong/ Something is wrong with5. not only studies well, but also likes helping others2009年:答案1. cheer him up 2. to come 3. spending ; working4. not only; but also 5. Although tea wasnt brought2010年:答案70. Why not / Why dont you 71. was late for72. as soon as possible 73. didnt go to bed until74. not only considers leaning another language but also hopes to become

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