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四年级英语第八册期末测试卷 南牛学区拐角铺小学一Look at the pictures and write the words.(看图写单词) _ _ _ _ _ _二Write the proper words.(写出单词的适当形式)1.one(序数词)_ 2.near(反义词)_ 3.above(反义词)_4.snow(形容词)_ 5.fast(比较级)_二.Find the different.(找出与其他不同类的单词)( )1.A. map B.north C east D.west( ) 2.A.China B.Chinese. C.Australia D.Canada.( ) 3.A.China B.Chinese C English D.French( ).4A.up B. down C.left D.west( )5.A.Beijing B.London C.Canada D.canberra三、Choose and fill in the blanks(选择填空)( )1.This is _socksA. a B.two C.a pair of( )2.We speak _ in China.A.English B.Chinese C.Frech( )3.There are _months in a year.A. four B. twelve C. seven( )4.-What colour is an aple?-Its _.A. red B.blue C. black( )5.-May I eat in restaurants?-A.Yes,you may B.Yes, you may not C.Yes I can( )6.Hes _yong_go to school.A.to too B.to to C. too to( )7-North is up.Where is west? -_.A.East B.Left C.Right( )8.Canada is _from China.A.near B.far C.live( )9.The Palace Museum is in_.Athe U.S. B. the U.k. C.China( )10.There are _days in a week. A.five B.six Cseven ( )11.Wednesday is the _day of the week. A third B.fourth C.fifth( )12.Are you ready_English class?A.for B.to C.in ( )13.I go to school _7:30.A.at B.in C.on( )14.Im _than youA.tall B.short C.taller15.-May I eat in restaurants? -_.A.Yes, you may B.Yes, you may not CYes, I can.16.-_is the weather today?A.How BHows C.how17._is the capital city of China.A. Beijing B.The Palace Museum C.Tiananmen Square18.Is this a bus_a truck?A.or B. and C. /19.In the afternoon_October fist.A.in B.to C.on20.Lets go _a trip.A.on B. at C.to四情景交际。( )1.你问你的朋友怎么去学校,如何说:_A. How do you go to school?B. How do we go to school?C. How do we go to the school?( )2.你想知道你的同桌家住在哪里,如何问:_A. Where do you live?B. W here are you live?C. I live in a house. ( )3.你想知道Tom有多高,怎么说:_A. How tall are Tom?B. How old Tom?C. How tall is Tom?( )4.李明告诉朋友们他想去旅行,怎么说:_ A.I want to go on trips. B.Lets go on a trip. C.I want to go to Beijing.五Match the questions and answers.(选择正确的答语)( )1.what time is it? A.Im ten years old.( )2.Hows the weather? B.May.( )3.Whats the fifth month? C.I live in an apartment.( )4.Where do you live? D.It is sunny.( )5.How old are you? E.Its seven.( )6.How far is it from Luoyang to Zhengzhou? F.About one hundred kilometers.六Read and choose the correct answers. (阅读并选择正确的答案)Jenny, Danny, LiMing and LiMings mother are going on a trip to Beijing. The train leaves at 11:15. Its 11:00 now.LiMing: Im excited! I like going on a trip!Danny: Me,too! The weather is fine! Trains are so fun! Beijing is so great! Come on!Lets run, jumpAnd sing!Jenny: Look out, Danny! Dont worry(着急).we are early for the train.Mum: Please dont jump!Please dont run!Please dont sing!Danny: Yes, Im sorry.Mum:Thats okay, Danny.Please sit down and wait.( )1.How many people want to go on a trip to Beijing? A. One B.Two C.Four( )2.Where are they? A.At the train station. B.At the market C.At the bus stop( )3.When does the train leave? A. 11:00 B.11:30 C.11:15 ( )4.Hows the weather? A.Sunny B.Windy C.Rainy


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